A Hierarchic Method For Studying The Distribution of Phenanthrene in Eisenia Fetida

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Pedosphere 24(6): 743–752, 2014

ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P

°c 2014 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press

A Hierarchic Method for Studying the Distribution of

Phenanthrene in Eisenia fetida∗1

SHI Zhi-Ming, XU Li and HU Feng∗2

College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095 (China)
(Received December 12, 2013; revised July 15, 2014)

The distribution of heavy metals in earthworms has been widely studied, highlighting the importance of the fate of these metals.
However, little information is available on the distribution of hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) within earthworms. The aim
of this study was to propose a hierarchic method to study the distribution of phenanthrene (PHE), a typical HOC, in Eisenia fetida
at several levels: sub-organism (pre-clitellum, clitellum and post-clitellum), tissue (body wall, gut and body fluid) and subcellular
(intracellular and extracellular fractions). Earthworms were incubated in the soils amended with low (LC, 10 mg kg−1 ) and high
concentrations (HC, 50 mg kg−1 ) of PHE and sampled at different time intervals. At the sub-organism level, the distribution of PHE
was homogeneous among the sub-organism fractions in the LC treatment but heterogeneous in the HC treatment and gradually reached
the following form of post-clitellum ≈ clitellum > pre-clitellum. The uptake and elimination kinetics of PHE in the sub-organism were
well described by a one-compartment model. At the tissue level, the concentration of PHE followed the order of gut > body fluid >
body wall; while at the subcellular level, the concentration of PHE in the extracellular fraction was 1.23 to 4.68 times higher than
that in the intracellular fraction. Therefore, the simple circulatory system of earthworms may account for the PHE distribution at the
sub-organism level. Partition pathways (passive diffusion) of PHE between the body wall, body fluid and gut as well as the processes
of PHE entrance into the inner cellular compartment via passive diffusion were experimentally supported.
Key Words: earthworm, passive diffusion, subcellular level, sub-organism level, tissue level

Citation: Shi, Z. M., Xu, L. and Hu, F. 2014. A hierarchic method for studying the distribution of phenanthrene in Eisenia fetida.
Pedosphere. 24(6): 743–752.

INTRODUCTION substrate parameters and the concentrations in whole

earthworms, the general toxicity symptoms and spe-
Earthworms are the most important soil fauna, are cific effects, ignoring the behavior of pollutants inside
found in a wide range of soils, and may represent 60%– of earthworms (Felten and Emmerling, 2009; Marques
80% of the total soil biomass (Saint-Denis et al., 1999; et al., 2009; Wu et al., 2011).
Contreras-Ramos et al., 2008). They are also an im- In fact, understanding the inner behavior, such as
portant food source for many animals, such as moles, the internal distribution of pollutants within earth-
badgers and thrushes. Therefore, predators may en- worms, is urgent and important because 1) any com-
counter toxic effects via the food chain (second poi- prehensive pollution bio-monitoring and risk assess-
soning) from the consumption of contaminated worms ment practice should ideally explore the fate and the ef-
(Jager, 1998). Due to their critical role in terrestrial fects of the environmental pollutants at all levels of bi-
ecosystems, earthworms have been considered to be ological organization; 2) the information could furnish
a typical organism for studying the effects of chemi- clues to the pollutant immobilization/detoxification
cals on terrestrial invertebrates by the Organization strategies adopted by the organisms and to the range
for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, of sub-lethal effects to which they may be subjected
1998) and the International Organization for Standar- (Morgan and Morgan, 1990); and 3) important eco-
dization (Zheng et al., 2008). Accordingly, a standard toxicological information can be acquired from the
protocol for earthworms toxicity testing has been de- analysis of specific tissues in a bioaccumulation species
veloped and has been successfully and widely used (Shi rather than the whole organism (Simkiss and Taylor,
et al., 2007; Lee et al., 2008). However, these toxicity 1981; Bengtsson et al., 1983).
tests have mainly focused on the relationship between Currently, the study of pollutant distribution in

∗1 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41101292).

∗2 Corresponding author. E-mail: fenghu@njau.edu.cn.
744 Z. M. SHI et al.

earthworms has focused on heavy metals, and great manually collected and transferred to the laboratory
progress has been made. These studies indicate that after removing the vegetation. The soil was air-dried,
metals are not homogeneously distributed among the ground and passed through a 2-mm sieve. The soil had
major earthworm organs/tissues; on the contrary, they a pH of 6.12, total organic carbon content of 15.3 g
are discretely compartmentalized within certain tissues kg−1 and cation exchange capacity of 20.6 cmol kg−1 ,
and cells, such as chloragogenous tissues (Morgan and with 24.7% clay, 13.4% sand, and 61.9% silt.
Morgan, 1990; Honeycutt et al., 1995; Li et al., 2009). According to the concentration of PHE in real en-
Moreover, at a subcellular level, the total metal bur- vironments, soil samples were artificially spiked with
den in earthworms has been partitioned into different PHE (purity ≥ 97%, FLUKA Co., Germany) by adding
fractions, such as metal-sensitive fractions (MSF), bio- an acetone (analytically pure) solution to produce
logically detoxified metal (BDM) and trophically avai- nominal concentrations of 10 and 50 mg kg−1 PHE
lable metal (TAM), which is related to risk assessment (based on the dry mass of soil) (Hwang and Cutright,
and food chain security (Wallace et al., 2003; Wal- 2002). The samples were stored in open containers in
lace and Luoma, 2003; Vijver et al., 2004). Further- a fume hood until all of the acetone evaporated (which
more, to some extent, these studies also clarify earth- was confirmed by checking for the absence of odor) and
worm detoxification and metal tolerance mechanisms were then aged in sealed glass bottles in the dark at
(Yu and Lanno, 2010). These findings highlight the room temperature (22 ± 1 ◦ C) for 2 weeks.
importance of the distribution behavior of pollutants
within earthworms. However, little is known about the Experimental design
behavior and fate of the distribution of hydrophobic or-
The experiment consisted of two treatments: low
ganic contaminants (HOCs) within earthworms.
(10 mg kg−1 ) and high concentrations (50 mg kg−1 )
Among HOCs, PAHs are an important class. Phe-
of PHE with four replicates. To investigate the PHE
nanthrene (PHE) is a lower molecular weight PAH
distribution at three levels (sub-organism, tissue and
and is one of PAHs with the simplest chemical struc-
subcellular), the experiment was carried out three in-
tures, with 3 fused benzene rings (de Bruyn et al.,
dependent times.
2012). PHE level in contaminated sites is relatively
One hundred grams of PHE-spiked soil were ad-
high and was reported to be 8 mg kg−1 out of to-
justed to a 50% water-holding capacity, placed in a
tal PAHs of 90 mg kg−1 in a sediment (Hwang and
glass beaker (200 mL) with a foil cover and pre-in-
Cutright, 2002). Therefore, PHE is most often selected
cubated for 14 d in the dark at room temperature
as a typical species to study relevant and important is-
(22 ± 1 ◦ C). Adult earthworms (each 550–600 mg, wet
sues (Liste and Alexander, 2000; Cheema et al., 2010;
weight) with well-developed clitellum were chosen ran-
Khan et al., 2012).
domly and placed on a moist filter to depurate their
On the basis of these findings, we used PHE as a
gastrointestinal tract for 24 h (Arnold and Hodson,
typical representative for PAHs and Eisenia fetida as
2007). After rinsing with deionized water, four worms
a typical earthworm to investigate PHE distribution
were placed on the surface of the soil in each beaker. To
patterns inside earthworms at three fractionation le-
prevent the escape of the earthworms, the room was il-
vels: sub-organism, tissue and subcellular. We believe
luminated constantly (Vijver et al., 2007). Preliminary
that the results may offer initial reference materials
studies showed that the photolysis loss of PHE in the
for a detailed understanding of the fate and behavior
soil surface (< 5%) can be ignored. Soil moisture was
of organic pollutants in soil and earthworms.
checked and kept at the initial level. After 1, 3, 5, 7
MATERIALS AND METHODS and 14 d of exposure, the earthworms were recollected
by hand. The earthworms were allowed to void their
Test organisms and soil gut contents on moist filter paper for 24 h and were
then washed and reweighed. Following this, the earth-
Earthworms Eisenia fetida were purchased from a worms were immediately dissected to study tissue level
commercial supplier. Before the experiment, the adult distribution of PHE.
earthworms were cultivated in the mixtures of potting The same experimental design was carried out two
compost soil and cow dung in the dark at 22 ◦ C for 2 more times to study the PHE distribution at the sub-
weeks. organism and subcellular levels. The earthworms were
Yellow-brown soil was sampled from Nanjing City, frozen using liquid nitrogen and were stored in an
Jiangsu Province in China. The top 20-cm layer was ultra-low temperature freezer at −70 ◦ C for the sub-

organism and subcellular distribution studies. were weighed, crushed and ground using a pestle and
mortar and were mixed with 3 times their weight of an-
Sub-organism, tissues and subcellular fractionation
hydrous sodium sulfate to form a fine powder. The con-
Sub-organism fractionation. On the basis of centrations of PHE in the solid fractions were analyzed
their external morphology, the earthworms were gro- using a modified ultrasonic extraction method. The po-
uped into three fractions (from the anterior to poste- wder was transferred into a 40-mL brown glass flask
rior): the pre-clitellum, clitellum, and post-clitellum (Aglient, USA) to which 20 mL of dichloromethane was
(Tewatia, 2007). Briefly, the earthworms were first added. The flasks were placed in an ultrasonic bath
scarified in liquid nitrogen and were then rapidly cut with ice water for 30 min, mechanically shaken on a
with a blade into the three parts before they thawed: vortex for 60 s, and sonicated again for 30 min. The
the portion anterior to the clitellum is the pre-clitellum extracts were separated from the power by centrifuga-
(segments 1–25), the middle section is the clitellum tion at 3 500 × g for 15 min. The process was repe-
(segments 26–31), and the rest of the worm is the post- ated twice. The extracts were combined and cleaned
clitellum region. The body segments were stored at up on a 3-g of silica gel column and eluted with 11
−70 ◦ C until analysis. mL of acetone and hexane acetone (1:1, v/v). The
Tissue fractionation. The earthworm tissues eluted solvents were then evaporated, dissolved in 2
were classified into three categories (from the exterior mL of methanol and passed through a 0.22-µm Teflon
to interior): body wall, gut and body fluid (coelomic or filter to be analyzed on a high-performance liquid chro-
extracellular fluid) (Honeycutt et al., 1995). Briefly, the matography (HPLC) system (Contreras-Ramos et al.,
earthworms were placed into vials containing 3 mL of 2006; Contreras-Ramos et al., 2008). For quality con-
50% ethanol to extrude their body fluids and sacrifice trol, unspiked earthworm fractions were analyzed using
the animals. The dead earthworms were then placed the same procedures.
in a waxen dish and fixed with dissecting pins, and The body fluid was diluted with 50% ethanol to 20
the gut was carefully removed from the body wall u- mL, passed through a 0.22-µm Teflon filter to remove
sing a blade before they softened. The body fluid, gut the particulate matter, and then analyzed on an HPLC
and body wall fractions were weighed and stored in system with no further treatments.
an ultra-low temperature freezer at −70 ◦ C for further Treated earthworm fraction extracts were deter-
analysis. mined for PHE using a reverse-phase HPLC (Shi-
Subcellular fractionation. Earthworms used to madzu LC-20AT, Japan; C18 column, 4.6 mm × 250
investigate subcellular distribution were divided into mm) with an ultraviolet detector (Shimadzu SPD-20A,
two groups: a 10 000 × g pellet, mainly consisting of Japan). The mobile phase was methanol with a flow
the outer cell fractions (granules, tissue fragment, cell rate of 1 mL min−1 , and chromatography was per-
membrane), and a 10 000 × g supernatant, consisting formed at 30 ◦ C. PHE were detected at 254 nm, and
of the inner cell fractions (cytosol and microsomal, the injection volume of the sample was 20 µL. The
e.g., organelles) after centrifuging at 10 000 × g for 30 PHE retention time under the liquid chromatography
min at 4 ◦ C using a Sigma 3K 30 preparative ultra- condition was approximately 4.600 min. The detection
centrifuge (Sigma, German) (Vijver et al., 2004). Brie- limit was 6.4 ng g−1 . PHE was quantified to external
fly, the earthworms were thawed, placed in a 10 mL standards for PHE. Average recoveries of PHE based
glass tube, and homogenized by a tissue homogenizer on the spiked earthworm fraction samples were 94.1%–
(DY89-2, Ningbo Scientz Biotechnology, Ltd., China) 103.7% for sub-organism fractions (n = 7), 91.2%–
in 5 mL of ice-cold Tris-HCl buffer (0.01 mol L−1 , pH 102.7% (n = 6) for tissue fractions, and 96.3%–108.4%
7.0) for 5 min at 1 500 r min−1 (Li et al., 2009). The (n = 6) for subcellular fractions. All relative standard
homogenates were then centrifuged at 10 000 × g for deviations (RSD) were below 5%.
30 min at 4 ◦ C. Subsequently, the supernatant was
Statistical analysis and modeling
poured into another tube. The pellet and supernatant
fractions were freeze-dried using ALPHA 1-2 LD plus All data were processed using OriginPro 8.0 and
(Sigma, German) and then stored in the ultra-low tem- Microsoft Excel software packages. Data were tested
perature freezer at −70 ◦ C for further analysis. for normality and homogeneity of variances by using
Kolmogorov-Smirnoff and Levene’s tests, respectively.
PHE extraction and determination
When necessary, the variables were logarithmic-trans-
After pre-treatment, the solid fractions (sub-orga- formed to achieve equality of variances. The PHE con-
nism, subcellular, and gut and body wall fractions) centration in earthworms was assessed using a two-
746 Z. M. SHI et al.

way analysis of variance (exposure time and concen- results were stable with a small relative standard de-
tration levels) followed by Tukey’s post hoc compari- viation, indicating that these fractionation strategies
sons for testing the difference between the treatments were valid.
at P < 0.05.
To acquire the toxicokinetic constants, a first-order
one-compartment model (Eq. 1) was applied at the Mass distribution of earthworms at different fractionation levels
sub-organism level. In this study, each sub-organism
Fractionation level Fraction Proportiona)
fraction was considered to be a compartment, an as-
sumption also made in other similar studies (Li et al.,
Sub-organism Pre-clitellum 25.11±0.33b)
2009; Spurgeon et al., 2011). Clitellum 15.69±0.43
Post-clitellum 59.20±0.57
k1 Cs
Cw (t) = (1 − e−k2 t ) (1) Tissue Body wall 49.85±0.33
k2 Gut 30.11±0.33
Coelomic fluid 20.04±0.05
where Cw (t) is the internal concentration of PHE in Subcellular 10 000 × g pellet 23.86±1.13
the sub-organism fractions at exposure time t (d), k1 10 000 × g supernatant 76.14±1.13
is the uptake rate constant (g soil g−1 worm d−1 ), k2 a) Based on wet weight for sub-organism level and on dry weight
is the elimination rate constant (d−1 ), and Cs is the for tissue and subcellular levels.
exposure concentration of PHE in soil (mg kg−1 ). b) Means±standard deviations (n = 54, 125 and 80, respectively,

for sub-organism, tissue and subcellular levels).

Concentration and distribution of PHE in sub-orga-
Mass distribution of earthworms at different fraction- nism fractions of earthworms
ation levels
The concentrations of PHE in the sub-organism
The mass distribution proportion of each fraction fractions of earthworm increased with exposure time
was analyzed, and the results are shown in Table I. The (Fig. 1). At the low concentration (Fig. 1a), the PHE

Fig. 1 Concentrations and distribution proportions of phenanthrene (PHE) in the sub-organism fractions of earthworms grown in
the soil spiked with low (a and c) and high (b and d) concentrations of PHE. Vertical bars indicate standard deviations of the means
(n = 4). Bars with the same letter are not significantly different for each sampling time using the analysis of variance at P < 0.05.

concentrations in the different sub-organism fractions in the whole body. This implies that uptake from the
showed no significant difference. This may due to the soil by earthworms is an equilibrium partition process
following reasons. First, the contact of the fractions driven by fugacity. No significant differences were ob-
with soil is even, and each fraction has the same access served in the uptake and elimination fluxes between
to PHE. According to the models developed by Bel- different fractions within an exposure level, but cor-
froid et al. (1995) and Jager et al. (1998), the domi- responding parameter values increased with elevated
nant uptake for PHE is passive diffusion through body exposure level. In principle, k1 and k2 are constants
wall. Second, earthworms have a very simple circula- (Nahmani et al., 2009). One explanation for the k1 vari-
tory system with two blood vessels (ventral and dorsal ation is that the nominal exposure concentration did
blood vessels), which run the length of the body (Tewa- not reflect the real bio-available fractions for contami-
tia, 2007), and pollutants that enter into earthworms nants in the soil, especially for HOCs for the aging
can be transported and distributed quickly and evenly effect. The reason for the variation in k2 is that k2 is a
throughout the whole body by the circulatory system property of the organism and earthworms have a capa-
(Lee et al., 2008). Third, the body fluid fills the space city to accumulate PHE. Only when the body burden
between the earthworm body wall and gut; therefore, exceeds their capacity, earthworms quickly eliminate
body fluid containing PHE may provide another expla- excess PHE.
nation for this homogeneous distribution.
However, with the increased body burden of PHE
in earthworms approaching the steady state, at the Uptake and elimination kinetics parametersa) estimated from
first-order one-compartment for phenanthrene (PHE) at sub-
high concentration (Fig. 1b), the PHE concentrations
organism level of earthworm
were significantly different among the sub-organism
fractions in the following order of post-clitellum > cli- PHE Sub-organism k1 k2 R2b)
level level
tellum > pre-clitellum (at 5 d of exposure). The PHE
concentrations finally reached a distribution of the fo- mg kg−1 g soil g−1 worm d−1 d−1
10 Anterior 0.35 0.03 0.89
llowing form of post-clitellum ≈ clitellum > pre-clite- Clitellum 0.34 0.01 0.93
llum (at 7 and 14 d exposure), which may be due to Posterior 0.40 0.04 0.94
approaching the steady state. The activity of earth- 50 Anterior 1.32 0.59 0.78
worms was reduced and constrained within a small Clitellum 1.31 0.40 0.91
Posterior 1.40 0.43 0.85
space, resulting in less PHE intake. Moreover, the cli-
a) k is the uptake rate constant based on PHE concentration in
tellum and posterior fractions contain the chlorago- 1
dry soil and k2 is the elimination rate constant.
genous tissue, a liver-type tissue surrounding the ali- b) Coefficient of determination.
mentary canal, which may be related to toxin accumu-
lation and excretion (Franchini and Marchetti, 2006; Concentration and distribution of PHE in tissue frac-
Arnold et al., 2008). tions of earthworms
The distribution proportions of PHE in the sub-
organism fractions (Fig. 1c and d) were relatively stable The concentration of PHE in earthworm tissue
and were ordered over the entire course of the expe- fractions may reflect the extent of organic entrance
riment as follows: post-clitellum (58%–72%) > pre- into the different body parts from the soil (Ma et al.,
clitellum (18%–24%) > clitellum (12%–19%). This or- 2012). As shown in Fig. 2, the overall concentrations
der was positively related to the mass distribution of of PHE in the gut were higher than those in the body
earthworms (Table I). wall and body fluid over the whole course of the expe-
The uptake and elimination rate constant of the riment and at the two exposure levels of the pollutant.
sub-organism fractions were also estimated and are This result was consistent with a previous study by our
given in Table II. The first-order uptake kinetic model group (Ma et al., 2012). However, the concentrations
fit well (R2 = 0.78–0.94). Although there were only in the body wall and body fluid showed different pat-
two exposure levels in the study, body burdens and terns. At the low concentration (Fig. 2a), the 5- and 7-d
PHE concentrations in different fractions correlated PHE concentrations in the body wall were significantly
positively with the PHE concentration in the soil. This lower than those in the body fluid; at the high concen-
is consistent with the results reported by Jager et al. tration (Fig. 2b), 7- and 14-d PHE concentrations in
(2000), who found that the residues of pyrene, another the body wall also significantly lower than those in the
PAH species, increased with concentration exposure body fluid.
748 Z. M. SHI et al.

Fig. 2 Concentrations and distribution proportions of phenanthrene (PHE) in the tissue fractions of earthworms grown in the soil
spiked with low (a and c) and high (b and d) concentrations of PHE. Vertical bars indicate standard deviations of the means (n =
4). Bars with the same letter are not significantly different for each sampling time using the analysis of variance at P < 0.05.

The distribution proportions of PHE in each tissue the proportions of PHE in the body wall and gut also
fraction of earthworm were calculated and are shown approached equilibrium (38%–43% and 34%–47%, re-
in Fig. 2c and d. The distribution proportions of PHE spectively).
in the body fluid were relatively stable (15%–22%) and Earthworms may take up organic chemicals thr-
were lower than those in both the body wall and gut ough two pathways: passive epidermal uptake, in which
over the entire course of the experiment and at the only compounds dissolved in pore water or weakly as-
two exposure levels of the pollutant. Moreover, the sociated with the surfaces of particulate matter are
proportions in the body wall and gut showed an in- available, and dietary uptake. However, the contribu-
verse relationship. Within the tested concentrations of tions of the two routes are different; for hydrophobic
the pollutant (10 and 50 mg kg−1 ), the proportions in chemicals that have a logKow < 5 (Kow is the octanol-
the body wall were higher (47.5% at 10 mg kg−1 and water partition coefficient), epidermal uptake is the
45.2% at 50 mg kg−1 ) than those in the gut (36.3% dominant route (Belfroid et al., 1995; Jager, 2004). Ad-
and 36.7%, respectively) at 1 d. This may be because ditionally, some researchers believe that earthworms
the earthworms needed to adapt to the spiked soil with take up organic chemicals mainly through sequential
restrained bioactivity; therefore the partition between partition processes between soil solution-earthworm
body wall and gut was small. When adaptation was tissue-gut contents (Jager, 1998, 2004; Jager et al.,
finished, the partitioning ability was enhanced, resul- 2003). These authors clarified how and how much or-
ting in more PHE in the body wall entering into the ganic pollutants entered into the earthworms but did
gut fraction. At a low concentration (Fig. 2c), the pro- not illustrate what happened to the pollutants inside
portion in the body wall (22%–47%) was lower than the earthworms. As PHE (logKow = 4.46) has a mode-
that in the gut (35%–54%). This is because the uptake rate hydrophobicity, the dietary uptake route is mini-
of PHE by earthworms has not reached a steady state, mal; PHE should, therefore, mainly accumulate in the
whereas the partition between the soil and body wall body wall. However, our study showed that PHE not
is smaller than that between the body wall and gut. only accumulated in the body wall but also in the
With the uptake approaching steady state (Fig. 2d), gut and body fluid. Moreover, the concentrations of

PHE in the gut and body fluid were even higher than Concentration and distribution of PHE in subcellular
those in the body wall at some time points, implying fractions of earthworms
that the PHE in the body wall was translocated into
the body fluid and gut. Furthermore, because PHE is In Fig. 3, the uptake of PHE from spiked soil by the
a hydrophobic organic pollutant and the body fluid earthworm subcellular fractions is shown as a function
links the body wall and gut, it is reasonable to con- of exposure time. The concentrations of PHE in diffe-
clude that the PHE distribution within earthworms is rent subcellular fractions increased with exposure time.
similar to PHE entrance into earthworms, which occurs At the low concentration (Fig. 3a), the PHE concentra-
through a series of passive diffusion and partition pro- tion in the pellet gradually increased from 92.4 to 371.8
cesses. The factor determining the PHE concentration mg kg−1 (on a dry weight basis) at 7 d and then slightly
in these fractions may be the chemical composition of decreased to 352.1 mg kg−1 at 14 d, while it increased
earthworms, such as their lipid content. The total lipid from 19.8 to 108.7 mg kg−1 in the supernatant during
content was determined gravimetrically from aliquots the whole exposure time. PHE underwent a similar up-
of hexane extracts after evaporation to dryness (Ma et take pattern at the high concentration (Fig. 3b): the
al., 1995; Ma et al., 1998). The average lipid content PHE in the pellet rose from 436.7 to 888.6 mg kg−1
in the body wall and gut were 5 and 13 g kg−1 on a and then slightly dropped to 790.3 mg kg−1 , while it
fresh weight basis, respectively. rose from 155.9 to 639.7 mg kg−1 in the supernatant.
On the basis of the results mentioned above, we During the entire course of the experiment, the
believe that at the tissue level, the entire pathway of PHE concentrations in the pellet were higher than
PHE entrance and partitioning within earthworms un- those in the supernatant, mostly because the pellet
derwent the following processes: PHE in the soil pore fraction had a relatively high lipid content that easily
water passively diffused into the body wall, the water captured hydrophobic chemicals. PHE is a hydropho-
was further partitioned into the body fluid, and the wa- bic organic chemical with a low solubility (1 mg L−1 )
ter finally entered into the gut, sequentially, resulting that is readily partitioned into the solid phase (pellet)
in an equilibrium state between these phases. in a solid-solution system (pellet-supernatant system),

Fig. 3 Concentrations and distribution proportions of phenanthrene (PHE) in the subcellular fractions of earthworms grown in the
soil spiked with low (a and c) and high (b and d) concentrations of PHE. Vertical bars indicate standard deviations of the means
n = 4). Bars with the same letter are not significantly different for each sampling time using the analysis of variance at P < 0.05.
750 Z. M. SHI et al.

which has a higher content of lipid than that of super- concentration (Fig. 3d), the PHE proportion in pellets
natant (Gao et al., 2011). decreased faster than that at the low concentration at
However, the concentration pattern was different at the same periods, and reached distribution equilibrium
different time points and concentration exposures. We at 14 d of exposure. Although the PHE concentration
further calculated the subcellular concentration factor in the pellet was higher than that in the supernatant,
(SCF, dimensionless) of PHE (Table III). We defined the proportion of PHE in the pellet was lower than that
SCF = Cpel. /Csup. , where Cpel. and Csup. are the PHE in the supernatant, which is due to the relatively larger
concentrations (on a dry weight basis) in the pellet supernatant fraction accumulating greater amounts of
and supernatant, respectively. Because SCF is inde- PHE (Table I). These results indicate that the parti-
pendent of the PHE concentration in soil and the pel- tion between subcellular fractions is a dynamic process,
lets mainly consist of outer cell fractions (granules, and the final distribution pattern may be determined
tissue fragment, cell membrane), whereas the super- by the whole body burden of PHE.
natant consists of inner cell fractions (cytosol, micro- On the basis of these results, we conclude that the
somal organelles), the SCF may reflect the process of entrance of PHE into the inner cell may follow the fol-
PHE entrance into cells. The SCF of PHE decreased lowing pathway: PHE in the extra-cellular fraction was
with prolonged exposure time, except at 7 d of ex- dissolved in the cell membrane lipid fraction and then
posure; the SCF went from 4.68 to 3.34 at the low partitioned into the cell solution through passive dif-
concentration and from 2.80 to 1.23 at the high con- fusion. These results are new, as the subcellular PHE
centration. This clearly indicates that PHE was gra- distribution in earthworms had not previously been re-
dually partitioned into the inner cell (10 000 × g su- ported.
pernatant) from the outer cell (10 000 × g pellet) and
finally reached a partitioning equilibrium. Moreover, CONCLUSIONS
the partition ability originates from the PHE concen-
To the best of our knowledge, little information
tration gradient, which is consistent with passive diffu-
on the internal distribution of HOCs in earthworms is
sion (Lodish et al., 2008). Although some researchers
available. In the present study, it is explorative to take
have argued that hydrophobic organic pollutants often
PHE as a representative HOC to study the distribution
accumulate largely via passive transport and diffusion
of organic pollutants in earthworms at different frac-
across membrane barriers (McCarty et al., 2011), as far
tionation levels. The analysis of PHE in earthworms
as we know, no direct evidence supports these opin-
at different fractionation levels yielded valuable data
ions. Our study may therefore constitute direct evi-
that differed from the results of traditional earthworm
dence supporting these models.
bioaccumulation tests, which only focused on the con-
TABLE III centrations in the whole earthworm. This study pro-
vided a hierarchic method (from sub-organism to the
Subcellular concentration factors (dimensionless) of phenan-
threne (PHE) in earthworms grown in the soil spiked with low subcellular level) for understanding the behavior and
(LC) and high concentrations (HC) of PHE fate of organic pollutants in earthworms.
Exposure time LC HC
The distribution pattern of PHE in earthworms
varied with the exposure time and exposure levels of
PHE, indicating that the distribution of PHE in earth-
1 4.68±0.75a) 2.80±0.37
3 4.24±0.55 2.29±0.22 worms is dynamic and heterogeneous. Overall, at diffe-
5 3.67±0.72 1.64±0.24 rent fractionation levels, the distribution of PHE ex-
7 4.58±0.65 1.57±0.13 hibits orderliness in the different fractions.
14 3.23±0.32 1.23±0.15
The earthworm circulatory system might be re-
a) Means±standard deviations (n = 4). sponsible for the distribution of PHE in the sub-or-
ganism, the transportation of PHE through the body
The distribution proportion of PHE in each earth- wall-body fluid-gut and the transportation of PHE
worm subcellular fraction was calculated and is shown from the outer cell to inner cell via passive diffusion,
in Fig. 3. At the low concentration, the proportions which further contributes to our knowledge of the fate
of PHE in the pellet at 7 d of exposure slowly de- and behavior of PAHs in earthworms.
creased from 60.9% to 51.9% (Fig. 3c). The propor-
tion of PHE in the pellet was higher than that in the
supernatant because PHE uptake did not reach equi- REFERENCES
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