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Study Tips for Learning Online


When you discuss course material with other students and instructors, you often learn more than if you
were to rely on the provided study materials alone. Furthermore, you’ll gain a sense of community and
camaraderie that can make online learning more enjoyable.
Learn to communicate effectively
People can’t assess your body language or tone of voice when you’re communicating via email or
instant messenger. Learn to communicate effectively online.
Respond to others’ contributions
It’s easy to think about online learning as a one-sided affair. After all, you’re by yourself in front of a
device, learning from someone else who’s sitting behind another device. However, if you think only of
yourself, you’ll miss out on some of the fringe benefits of online learning.
If someone else asks a question and you have the answer, offer it. When you help other people and
respond to their frustrations, you create trust and loyalty, and those people will be more likely to
respond when you have questions of your own.

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