NCDSB Skills - Overview

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NCDSB Skills – Scotiabank Centre

Set-up Monday, March 5, 2018 –Time – TBD

Event Day Tuesday, March 6, 2018 – Time- TBD

Awards and Strike Wednesday, March 7, 2018 – Time - TBD

Niagara College Set-up and Activity Centre

 Niagara College will be set up in two locations - #1 – The main area will encompass the back left
corner of the hall, joining with the Culinary area (before the dining area)
 Niagara College will also have a car set up directly across from the Automotive Competition
(activity centre #2). This car will be determined by Wayne Toth – Preference for the convertible
is given by NCDSB.

Activity Centre #1

Activity Centre #2

Lead Collection:
Niagara College will provide up to 15 stand-alone iPad stands with a survey/information gathering
survey on the iPads.

Niagara College and NCDSB will determine the questions to add to the lead gathering.

 It was noted in the initial meeting that the survey should be simple and quick.
 Niagara College will provide NCDSB a registration form for all grade 10’s attending. These will
need to be completed before the day of the event. We still need to decide how this will work
with gathering the NCDSB questions as well.
 Niagara College will have 2 Salesforce leads to keep all of the data collection running smoothly.
They will be responsible for set-up, strike and any other data related issues required.
 Niagara College will share agreed upon information with NCDSB after the event.
Recruitment Staffing
Niagara College Recruitment will provide staffing for all set-up and strike. Recruitment will also staff the
main activity centre and provide a series of workshops on unique careers.

Program Participation
Niagara Recruitment will be looking for participation from the following programs:

 Automotive
 Environmental
 Horticulture

Staffing Required
iPad Leads

 Nadia Barrett & Shienna Seguin – Monday Set-up

Tuesday Event and Strike

Grade 10 Workshop Presentations

 Graeme McMillian & Lindsay Patriquin -Tuesday Event

Event Lead

 Krista Woodhouse Monday Set-up

Tuesday Event and Strike

Activity Centre #1

BRTVF Truck Tours Monday Set-up

Tuesday Event and Strike

Horticulture and Greenhouse Monday Set-up

Tuesday Event and Strike

Staffing Required Continued

Environmental Monday Set-up

Tuesday Event and Strike

Activity Centre #2
Automotive Monday Set-up

Tuesday Event

Wednesday Strike

Recruitment Strike Day

 Lindsay Patriquin Wednesday Strike
 Krista Woodhouse
 Graeme McMillian
 Shienna Seguin

 Organize and plan food with Bench – Sarah
 Create questions for data collection
 Provide timeline and parameters for grade 10 presentations

Budget :
$3000.00 Culinary

$3000.00 Technology

$1000.00 Student Staff

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