Airtel Reveals New Global Identity

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Advertising effectiveness can be tested before (Pretest), during or after (Post-
Test) it is placed in the intended media.

Pretests for the Airtel latest campaign

A consumer jury must be used where the consumers should be frequently asked
to analyze the advertisement and rate it accordingly. This method can be
considered appropriate since consumers are assumed to be superior to the
advertising expert as consumers can better judge what influences them.

Involvement of Focus Groups is another pretesting method where a moderator

carries out a loosely structured interview with 5-10 target customers
simultaneously. The actions and reactions of the targret group to the
advertisements are summarized and used to evaluate the effectiveness of the
Airtel should go for Portfolio tests which involves the exposure of people to a
portfolio consisting of both test and control advertisements. Through test
advertising the advertiser can measure the effectiveness whereas control
advertisements are used as basis for the comparison.

Airtel can also go for Readability tests which concentrate on human issue in the
advertisement, popularity of words and length of the sentences. An
advertisement is understood more easily when short sentences are used, words
are popular and concrete, and frequent personal references are made.

Another type of pretesting method is Physiological measures which involve two

main methods: the eye camera and the tachistoscope .The main aim of eye
camera is to track eye movement over an advertisement with the eye camera. A
person’s eye attraction is followed to determine which parts of the ad appear to
capture the attention. Correct measures are then taken in an attempt to make all
parts of the AD attractive.

The Tachistoscope method is a slide projector with attachments that allows the
presentation of stimuli under varying conditions of speed and illumination. This
method has become a useful tool for many advertising researchers, especially in
magazine and outdoor advertising.

Post- tests for the latest airtel campaign

Recognition tests can be employed here where individual respondents are shown
the actual advertisement and asked whether they recognize it. If the respondents
recognize then they are asked how much they know about the ad. If the ad is
more recognizable it will be considered more effective.

Recall test is another type of Post-test method where the respondents are not
shown the actual advertisement but are asked about what they have seen or
heard recently. These types of tests can be done through either aided recall or
unaided recall methods. In aided recall respondents are shown a list of products,
brands or company names to improve their memories and then asked to identify
a particular advertisement or advertisements. In unaided recall methods
respondents are not shown any memory-improving issues and are asked to
identify a particular advertisement or advertisements.

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