Future Tenses

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In order to talk about future events:

1. Future simple tense: possibilities- probabilities- uncertain plans.

-I will finish the class at 7: 30pm

- My family and me will travel in December

GRAMMAR: Affirmative: Subject+ Aux verb (WILL)+ verb (simple form)+

I. Will finish the class…
My family and me. Will travel in December
Andrew. Will call later

Negative sentences:
Subject + will not (won’t) +verb(simple form)+ complement

I won’t finish the class at 8

We wont travel in December
Andrew. Won’t. call tomorrow

Interrogative sentences:

Will (aux. verb)+ subject+ verb (simple form)+ complement?

Will you finish the class at 7?

Will they travel in December?

Will He call later?

-Yes, I will /No, I won’t (will not)

- Yes, they will / No, they won’t
- Yes, he will / No, he won’t

I’ll – You’ll- he’ll- She’ll- it’ll -we’ll- they’ll

Wh- questions…..
Wh/ word + will + subject + verb + complement?
What will you do tonight? I’ll watch TV
Where will they go in December? They’ll go to Tunja
Why will he call. You? Because, he’ll give me some
How much. Will. The ticket Cost? The ticket will cost $4000
How much will the laptop cost? It will cost 3 millions


The day after tomorrow
Later on
Next------- week, year- month- Saturday…..
In --- In January, 2050, two weeks, twenty days…
On---- days of the week (On Monday/ tuesday/ Wednesday….)

We will return to face to face classes on Friday

We will return to face to face classes IN JUNE

2. Continuos future tense: certain events. Close actions in the future

We are going to leave this class soon
I am going to teach English tomorrow

Affirmative: subject+ be going to+ verb + complement
We are going to leave This class soon
I am going to teach English tomorrow
He is going to exercise in the morning

Negative: Subject + be not going to + verb + complement

We aren’t going to leave this class at 9
I am not going to teach French tomorrow
He isn’t going to exercise tonight

Questions: Be + subject+ going to+ verb + complement?

Are. You going to. Leave this class at 8?
Are. You going to teach. French tomorrow?
Is he going to exercise in the morning?
- Yes, we are / No, we aren’t
- Yes, I am/ No, I’m not
- Yes, he is/ No, he isn’t



What are You going to do tonight? I’ m going to be at home
Where is he going to live there? He’s going to live
in an apartment

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