Translaminar Screw Fixation in The Subaxial Cervical Spine: Echnique

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SPINE Volume 37, Number 12, pp E745–E751

©2012, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


Translaminar Screw Fixation in the Subaxial

Cervical Spine
Quantitative Laminar Analysis and Feasibility of Unilateral and Bilateral Translaminar Virtual
Screw Placement

Matthew D. Alvin, BS,*† Kalil G. Abdullah, BS,*‡§ Michael P. Steinmetz, MD,†储 Daniel Lubelski, BS,*‡§
Amy S. Nowacki, PhD,‡¶ Edward C. Benzel, MD,*‡§ and Thomas E. Mroz, MD*‡§

volumes (C6–C7) than female patients. Unilaterally, C7 showed 3.5-

Study Design. Morphometric and volumetric analyses and virtual
mm translaminar screw acceptance rates of 100%, C6 showed high
screw placement.
acceptance rates (>64%), and C3–C5 showed lower acceptance rates
Objective. The aim of the study was to (1) define the morphometric
(<52%). C7 accepted bilateral placement at a high rate (96% men,
and volumetric dimensions of the laminae of C3–C7 and (2)
84% women). C3 and C6 accepted bilateral screws at low placement
analyze the feasibility of unilateral and bilateral translaminar screw
rates (8%–24%). C4 and C5 never accepted bilateral translaminar
placement at C3–C7.
screw placement.
Summary of Background Data. Previous studies on translaminar
Conclusion. Subaxial cervical unilateral translaminar screw
screw fixation have primarily focused on upper cervical and
placement is a potentially safe and effective technique to use in
thoracic fixation. Most studies have been conducted on the subaxial
conjunction with preoperative CT scanning for all vertebral levels.
cervical vertebrae in the pediatric population and a few in the adult
The same is true for bilateral placement at C7 but not at C3–C6. A
population. In this study, we used computed tomographic (CT) scans
prospective study to evaluate the long-term outcomes of translaminar
to calculate the spatial anatomical environment for translaminar
fixation at all vertebral levels is currently underway.
screws at C3–C7. We also determined the feasibility of translaminar
Key words: translaminar, cervical fusion, cervical spine, laminar
screw placement at C3–C7 for clinical applicability.
screw. Spine 2012;37:E745–E751
Methods. Morphometric and volumetric analyses were performed
on CT scans of the C3–C7 laminae in 25 male and 25 female

patients. A total of 2000 morphometric and 1000 volumetric ixation of the posterior cervical spine can be achieved
measurements were performed. The feasibility analysis was using a variety of different methods that include lateral
performed using unilateral and bilateral virtual screw placement via mass screws, pedicle screws, and, more recently, trans-
BrainLAB software (BrainLAB AG, Heimstetten, Germany) on the laminar screws.1,2 Translaminar screw placement has been
same CT scans. studied and deemed reliable for C2 and the upper thoracic
Results. Male patients had significantly (P < 0.05) longer translaminar spine3–13 and has been compared with pedicle screw place-
lengths (C5–C7), sagittal-diagonal measurements (C3–C7), and larger ment as a less technically demanding and safer technique.6,7
Decreased risk of vertebral artery injury and direct visualiza-
From the *Cleveland Clinic Center for Spine Health, Cleveland Clinic; †Case tion of the lamina contribute to the theory that translaminar
Western Reserve University School of Medicine; ‡Cleveland Clinic Lerner
College of Medicine; §Department of Neurological Surgery, Cleveland Clinic; fixation may be useful in axial fixation.3,11,13 Recently, there
储MetroHealth Medical Center; and ¶Department of Quantitative Health has been increasing interest in the use of translaminar screws
Sciences, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH. in the subaxial cervical spine, especially among the pediatric
Acknowledgment date: September 30, 2011. First revision date: November population.12,14–17
13, 2011. Acceptance date: November 21, 2011.
To our knowledge, the landmarks and dimensions neces-
The manuscript submitted does not contain information about medical
device(s)/drug(s). sary for effective and safe placement of subaxial (C3–C7)
No funds were received in support of this work. translaminar screws have not been anatomically described in
One or more of the author(s) has/have received or will receive benefits for the adult population. In 1999, Xu et al18 conducted an ana-
personal or professional use from a commercial party related directly or tomical analysis of cadaveric C2–L5 vertebrae and examined
indirectly to the subject of this manuscript: e.g., honoraria, gifts, consultancies, height and laminar thickness, but since then, there has not
royalties, stocks, stock options, decision-making position.
been a more extensive anatomical analysis directly about the
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Thomas E. Mroz, MD,
Neurological Institute, Cleveland Clinic Center for Spine Health, Departments subaxial cervical laminae for surgical analysis. Most anatomic
of Orthopaedic and Neurological Surgery, The Cleveland Clinic, 9500 Euclid studies (e.g., laminar thickness/height/width) conducted since
Ave, S-80, Cleveland, OH 44195; E-mail: then have focused on C2 or the upper thoracic spine and their
DOI: 10.1097/BRS.0b013e31824c70ef feasibility for translaminar screw placement.3,9,10
Spine E745
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TECHNIQUE Subaxial Cervical Translaminar Screw Fixation • Alvin et al

In this study, we used radiographical imaging to mor-

phologically and volumetrically define the laminae of the
subaxial cervical vertebrae (C3–C7) in order to facilitate a
better anatomical and surgical understanding of the subaxial
cervical spine during translaminar screw fixation. Once we
determined the specific laminar anatomy, we then used Brain-
LAB iCranial imaging software (BrainLAB AG, Heimstetten,
Germany) to determine the feasibility of translaminar screw
placement in the subaxial cervical spine and the specific
dimensions of translaminar screws that can safely be used
for fixation.


Morphometric and volumetric analyses were performed on
the subaxial vertebral laminae in 50 patients who underwent
a cervical spine CT scan at our institution between April and
August 2008. Morphometric analysis was completed using
the Syngo Inspace 3D software package (Siemens Health
Services, Erlangen, Germany).
The measurements (e.g., length, thickness, and height)
were taken in millimeters in axial, coronal, and sagittal planes.
All CT scans had resolutions of less than 2 mm. In the axial
plane, translaminar length measurements were taken from the Figure 1. Axial views of laminae showing translaminar measurement
junction of the lateral mass and lamina to the contralateral (A) and laminar thickness measurement (B), coronal view of laminae
outer cortex of the spinous process (Figure 1A). Thickness showing laminar height measurement (arrows) (C), and sagittal view of
laminae showing sagittal-diagonal measurement (arrows) (D).
was defined as the greatest maximum measurement span-
ning from the ventromedial to the dorsolateral sides of the
central portion of the lamina bilaterally (Figure 1B). In the Virtual screw placement was done using a BrainLAB
coronal plane, laminar height was measured as the maximal iCranial software package (BrainLAB AG). We used 3.5-mm
height found between the spinous process and the base of the diameter screws to assess feasibility for translaminar place-
pedicle (Figure 1C). The sagittal “diagonal” measurement ment. Screws were placed unilaterally at the thickest axial
was defined as the most rostral point of the lamina and termi- slice of the subaxial cervical vertebrae. If vertebrae accepted
nating at the most caudal portion of the lamina of the same a screw in each unilateral direction, we assessed the feasibil-
vertebrae in the sagittal plane (Figure 1D). ity of bilateral translaminar screw placement. For unilateral
Volumetric analysis of the C3–C7 laminae was performed placement, the screw entry point was located at the initiation
with the CT-Volume application of the Syngo Inspace 3D of the lamina from the spinous process at the midpoint of its
software package (Siemens Health Services) and involved the dorsal arch. For placing two 3.5-mm screws in the bilateral
tracing of 1-mm axial slices of the lateral mass from the most design, we assumed a minimum required laminar height of
rostral portion of the lamina to the most caudal portion of the 7 mm and a minimum 1-mm distance between the screws
lamina in the axial plane. Axial slices were used to provide and a minimum 1-mm distance from the ventral, dorsal,
an accurate estimation of complex volume via interpolation cranial, and caudal aspects of each lamina for safe place-
of the region defining the measured laminar dimensions (i.e., ment. The cranial screw entry point was at the cranial edge
length, width, and height). of the lamina, whereas the caudal screw entry point was at

Figure 2. Axial (A) and oblique (B) views

of bilateral translaminar screw placement.
E746 May 2012
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TECHNIQUE Subaxial Cervical Translaminar Screw Fixation • Alvin et al

the caudal edge of the contralateral lamina. For evaluation of JMP 7.0 (2007; SAS Institute, Carey, NC) was used to cal-
feasibility, the cranial screw was sent through the left lamina culate statistics for all measurements in the study. Descriptive
whereas the caudal screw was sent through the right lamina. statistics included mean, standard deviation, range, and con-
Trajectories for both unilateral and bilateral screw place- fidence intervals. Analysis of variance was used to calculate
ment were directed ventrolaterally from the screw entry point the P values for the morphometric comparisons made across
through the contralateral lamina and measured up to the ini- sexes. For pairwise testing for vertebral levels, statistical sig-
tiation of the contralateral lateral mass (Figure 2). A screw nificance was set at less than 0.05 after Bonferrroni adjust-
was considered to be a “failure” if it violated any cranial/cau- ments for multiple comparisons were performed for Pear-
dal or ventral/dorsal cortical aspect of the vertebra. In addi- son χ2 tests. Intraobserver correlations were calculated for
tion, any screw length of less than 7 mm (i.e., not entering the all morphometric measurements on the basis of 3 successive
lamina) was considered to be a “failure.” If the laminar thick- measurements by the same observer (MDA).
ness accepted a translaminar screw successfully, we measured
the maximum screw length defined from the entry point on RESULTS
the dorsal arch of the lamina to the initiation of the contra-
lateral lateral mass. Screw placement was monitored in coro- Patient Demographic Data
nal, sagittal, and axial planes to assess feasibility and avoid Fifty (25 men, 25 women) cervical spine radiographs were
violation of laminar edges. A 3-dimensional rendering of the evaluated in this study. The mean age of male patients was
screws was used to assess for bilateral feasibility (Figure 3). 54 ± 12.1 years (range: 31–75 yr) and the mean age of female

Figure 3. BrainLAB interface showing 3-dimensional rendering of translaminar screw insertion (upper left), as well as axial (upper right), sagittal
(lower left), and coronal (lower right) 2-dimensional placement.
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TECHNIQUE Subaxial Cervical Translaminar Screw Fixation • Alvin et al

patients was 49.2 ± 15.2 years (range: 22–80 yr). Age was Virtual Screw Placement
not significantly different between sexes. Table 3 provides the mean unilateral and bilateral translami-
nar 3.5-mm screw lengths and acceptance rates, along with
Morphometric Analysis the number of accepting patients out of total patients for each
Table 1 provides the mean morphometric (i.e., translami- sex (i.e., 25 patients for each sex), at each vertebral level for
nar length, thickness, height, and sagittal-diagonal) mea- men and women. Notably, there is 0% bilateral acceptance
surements at each vertebral level for men and women. for both men and women at C4 and C5, and 100% unilateral
Translaminar length did not significantly (P < 0.05) differ acceptance for both men and women at C7. In addition, a
between sexes at levels C3 or C4. At C5–C7, however, men very high percentage of bilateral acceptance for both men and
had significantly longer translaminar lengths than women. women at C7 was determined.
The C6 lamina was significantly longer than the laminae of
C3–C5. The C7 lamina was significantly longer than C3, C4, DISCUSSION
and C6. Laminar thickness did not statistically differ between There are several methods that have been developed to pro-
men and women for any of the vertebral levels measured. At vide fixation throughout the subaxial spine, including lat-
all vertebral levels measured, men had significantly greater eral mass screws and pedicle screws and a variety of wire/
laminar sagittal-diagonal measurements than women. No sex cable techniques. A popular technique employed routinely is
differences existed for laminar height. C4, C5, and C6 were the placement of lateral mass screws. However, variations in
significantly smaller than C3, and C7 was significantly larger anatomy and pathoanatomy, and prior surgical procedures,
than C4, C5, and C6. Overall, 2000 discrete morphometric can limit one’s ability to gain adequate fixation or enough
measurements were made. The correlation coefficients of 3 points of fixation of the cervical spine. The purpose of this
successive intraobserver measurements for morphometric study was to determine the suitability of the subaxial spine for
and volumetric measurements for C3, C4, C5, C6, and C7 translaminar screws.
were above 0.72 for all measurements, and generally above In this study, we determined the specific anatomical dimen-
0.80, with an average of 0.83. sions of the adult subaxial cervical vertebral laminae and also
analyzed the feasibility of unilateral and bilateral translami-
Volumetric Analysis nar screw placement using CT radiographic analysis. Much
Table 2 provides the mean volumetric measurements at of the current literature on translaminar fixation in the adult
each vertebral level for men and women. Intraobserver cor- population focuses on the axial and upper thoracic vertebrae.
relations for laminar volume were above 0.8 for all mea- Limited investigation has been done within the adult popu-
surements. Laminar volume in both C6 (P = 0.03) and C7 lation to understand the laminar anatomy and feasibility of
(P = 0.002) were significantly greater in men than in women. translaminar screw placement in the subaxial cervical spine.
Neither C4 nor C5 was significantly different from C3. Feasibility of subaxial (C3–C7) cervical translaminar screw
However, C6 was significantly larger than C3, C4, and C5 placement was studied in a case series of 11 patients by Hong
(P < 0.0001). C7 was significantly larger than C3, C4, C5, et al,16 in which they demonstrated successful application of
and C6 (P < 0.0001). translaminar screw fixation with limited adverse outcomes.

TABLE 1. Morphometric Analysis of C3–C7 Vertebral Laminae

Length (mm) Thickness (mm) Height (mm) Sagittal-Diagonal (mm)
Vertebra M F M F M F M F
C3 21.0 ± 1.60 20.2 ± 1.60 4.20 ± 0.90 4.10 ± 0.90 9.40 ± 1.80 9.20 ± 1.90 11.8 ± 1.70 10.8 ± 1.40
(17.7–24.3) (16.8–23.1) (2.70–6.0) (2.70–5.60) (5.00–12.5) (5.90–12.5) (7.80–10.8) (8.30–13.6)
C4 21.2 ± 1.60 20.4 ± 1.70 3.80 ± 0.80 3.60 ± 0.80 8.00 ± 1.70 8.10 ± 1.90 12.0 ± 1.60 11.0 ± 1.50
(17.3–24.4) (18.2–23.8) (2.30–5.70) (2.20–5.10) (4.20–11.6) (4.00–12.0) (9.00–15.6) (8.40–14.1)
C5 21.4 ± 1.60 20.5 ± 1.50 3.60 ± 0.70 3.30 ± 0.80 7.40 ± 1.50 7.70 ± 1.90 12.7 ± 1.90 11.4 ± 1.60
(18.1–28.7) (18.2–23.5) (2.40–5.20) (1.80–4.60) (3.80–11.3) (3.60–12.0) (8.30–15.9) (8.70–15.0)
C6 22.3 ± 2.10 21.1 ± 1.90 4.30 ± 0.70 3.90 ± 0.90 8.10 ± 1.80 8.10 ± 2.00 14.5 ± 1.80 12.6 ± 1.60
(18.1–28.7) (18.6–25.5) (3.10–5.60) (2.50–5.80) (5.00–11.6) (4.40–12.2) (10.9–17.6) (9.60–15.4)
C7 25.5 ± 1.70 23.4 ± 2.70 6.30 ± 0.90 5.90 ± 1.40 9.50 ± 1.70 9.20 ± 1.70 17.7 ± 1.40 15.9 ± 2.50
(22.4–29.3) (19.4–29.6) (4.80–8.50) (3.60–8.80) (6.20–13.6) (6.20–14.2) (15.3–20.7) (10.5–20.1)
M indicates male; F, female.

E748 May 2012

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TECHNIQUE Subaxial Cervical Translaminar Screw Fixation • Alvin et al

They concluded that translaminar fixation is a simple tech-

TABLE 2. Volumetric Analysis of C3–C7 nique, not limited by the positioning of vascular structures,
Vertebral Laminae and provides high stability to the subaxial cervical spine.16
Volume (cm3) Xu et al18 made anatomical calculations of the subaxial cervi-
cal spine in a cadaveric study of 37 spines, whereby laminar
Vertebra M F height and thickness of the C2–L5 vertebrae were assessed.
C3 0.53 ± 0.17 0.47 ± 0.12 The authors found that most subaxial laminar measurements
were greater in men than in women, C4 had the smallest
(0.31–1.06) (0.29–0.68) height of all vertebrae, and C5 had the smallest laminar thick-
C4 0.50 ± 0.17 0.47 ± 0.13 ness of all vertebrae.18
Much of the remaining literature on adult translaminar
(0.33–1.13) (0.24–0.73)
anatomy and feasibility focuses on C2 and the upper thoracic
C5 0.56 ± 0.18 0.49 ± 0.15 vertebral levels, with limited mention of the subaxial cervical
spine. Wright2 demonstrated that C2 translaminar fixation
(0.38–1.26) (0.27–0.81)
was a safe and effective method for fixation, and since then
C6 0.71 ± 0.18 0.60 ± 0.19 there have been several studies that have applied the technique
(0.40–1.04) (0.34–1.08) to C2. Many studies have reported the clinical feasibility of
using translaminar screws and have cited direct visualization
C7 1.17 ± 0.20 0.96 ± 0.26 of the laminae and simplicity of the technique as 2 popular
(0.76–1.50) (0.56–1.57) advantages.3,11,13 In addition, translaminar screw placement
can be of considerable benefit when lateral mass screw place-
M indicates male; F, female.
ment causes facet fracture, particularly at the terminal end of

TABLE 3. BrainLAB Virtual Translaminar Screw Placement

Vertebra Screw Length (mm) Acceptance Screw Length (mm) Acceptance
Unilateral L 20.6 ± 2.73 52% (13/25) 19.5 ± 2.20 44% (11/25)
Unilateral R 19.6 ± 3.08 48% (12/25) 19.5 ± 2.72 52% (13/25)
Bilateral 20.9 ± 1.95 20% (5/25) 20.6 ± 0.23 8% (2/25)
Unilateral L 18.2 ± 2.63 20% (5/25) 19.4 ± 2.57 20% (5/25)
Unilateral R 21.0 ± 1.45 24% (6/25) 20.3 ± 2.70 32% (8/25)
Bilateral NA 0% (0/25) NA 0% (0/25)
Unilateral L 20.2 ± 2.45 12% (3/25) 19.1 ± 4.01 28% (7/25)
Unilateral R 18.1 ± 5.00 24% (6/25) 18.6 ± 4.12 32% (8/25)
Bilateral NA 0% (0/25) NA 0% (0/25)
Unilateral L 20.7 ± 4.10 76% (19/25) 20.3 ± 3.42 64% (16/25)
Unilateral R 20.8 ± 3.60 84% (21/25) 19.7 ± 4.85 72% (18/25)
Bilateral 23.6 ± 3.48 20% (5/25) 21.1 ± 1.99 24% (6/25)
Unilateral L 26.0 ± 1.70 100% (25/25) 23.5 ± 2.78 100% (25/25)
Unilateral R 25.1 ± 1.93 100% (25/25) 22.9 ± 2.92 100% (25/25)
Bilateral 25.5 ± 1.85 96% (24/25) 23.8 ± 2.64 84% (21/25)
M indicates male; F, female.

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TECHNIQUE Subaxial Cervical Translaminar Screw Fixation • Alvin et al

a construct. In these cases, translaminar screws can be placed using BrainLAB iCranial imaging software. It is important to
to provide additional fixation points to provide added biome- note that the BrainLAB iCranial software package has been
chanical stability and decrease the possibility of construct fail- used successfully and reliably in multiple studies.20–23 Unilat-
ure. Furthermore, there exist situations in which placement of eral placement acceptance was seen in all subaxial vertebral
pedicle screws may not be possible or unfavorable because of levels (C3–C7). Unilaterally, C7 showed acceptance rates of
abnormal pedicle anatomy or for concern of entering into the 100%, C6 showed acceptance rates of more than 64%, and
transverse foramen. C5, C4, and C3 showed acceptance rates between 12% and
Translaminar fixation within the thoracic spine has also 52%. This complements our anatomical analysis data, which
been extensively evaluated in both cadaveric and adult showed decreasing morphometric and volumetric parameters
patients. Kretzer et al5 first evaluated the safe placement of from C3 to C5 and increasing parameters from C5 to C7.
translaminar screws in T1–T2 in 7 patients and then in a sub- The results for the feasibility component of our study showed
sequent article they conducted a cadaveric comparison study that only C7 accepted bilateral placement at a high rate (96%
of translaminar screws with pedicle screws at the T1–T2 men, 84% women). Although C3 and C6 did accept bilateral
level6 and a similar CT-based morphometric analysis to deter- placement, this was seen at a lower rate (C3: 20% men, 8%
mine the critical proportions of the upper thoracic laminae in women; C6: 20% men, 24% women; see Table 3). C4 and
adults. C5 never accepted bilateral translaminar placement (0% men,
However, most literature examining the feasibility of subax- 0% women). Men achieved higher rates of bilateral screw
ial translaminar fixation,12,14,16,17 as well as laminar CT-based purchase in C3 and C7, whereas women had better purchase
anatomical dimensions, are based on pediatric populations.15 rates in C6.
Chamoun et al14 described a case series of 7 pediatric patients The morphometric variability of the subaxial cervical lami-
who all achieved solid fusion in subaxial translaminar fixa- nae and between the various patients suggests the importance
tion. Two other case series also reported subaxial fixation at of preoperative CT scanning. The spine surgeon can use the
the C3 level as an alternative when the C2 lamina is atrophic CT scan to analyze the safety and feasibility of a particular tra-
or as a better alternative to lateral mass screws when the lat- jectory in the placement of translaminar screws in the subax-
eral mass is too small.12,17 Recently, Chern et al15 conducted ial vertebrae. It is particularly important for screw placement
a CT-based morphometric analysis of the C2–C7 vertebrae in the C4 and C5 vertebrae, which showed as little as 12%
in patients younger than 16 years to measure laminar height unilateral acceptance in men and 20% unilateral acceptance
and thickness. They concluded that translaminar screws are a in women. Those C4–C5 levels that did accept had laminar
safe option for the majority of the pediatric population. The thickness that was greater than 4.0 mm. In most patients, uni-
authors found no significant sex-related differences but did lateral C6 and C7 translaminar screw placement was found to
find significant age-related differences among all vertebrae.15 be achievable. Bilaterally, C7 showed excellent translaminar
Although extensive work has been done within the pediat- screw acceptance and, as such, may be added to the spine
ric population and for other regions of the spine in the adult surgeon’s repertoire. Those C7 levels that did accept bilateral
population, few studies have investigated translaminar screw screw placement had heights generally greater than 8.0 mm.
placement in the adult subaxial cervical spine. The present For trajectory, we analyzed feasibility based on ideal con-
study provides information on both the anatomical dimen- ditions, whereby the translaminar screw passed through the
sions and the feasibility of placing translaminar screws in the middle part of the lamina where it was thickest. The mini-
adult subaxial spine. mum thickness needed for successful and safe translaminar
In this study, we began the laminar anatomical analy- screw fixation has been reported as 4.0 mm or more in the
sis by taking 2000 morphometric measurements and 1000 axis.3,9,14Our anatomical and feasibility results indicate that
volumetric measurements, producing 200 complex volumes. within the subaxial cervical spine, translaminar screws of 3.5-
Men were found to have significantly larger measurements mm diameter achieve sufficient purchase rates in laminae that
than women in translaminar length for C5, C6, and C7 in have thickness of 4.0 mm or greater.
sagittal-diagonal measurements at all vertebral levels and in Although there have been anatomical analyses both of
volumes for C6 and C7, which parallels the results of the cadaveric subaxial cervical laminae18 and of CT-based pedi-
1999 study by Xu et al18 on cadaveric vertebrae. Our findings atric subaxial cervical laminae,15 to our knowledge, no study
agreed with those of Xu et al in that the C5 vertebra has the has yet defined using radiographical imaging the anatomi-
smallest laminar thickness, whereas they differed in that we cal dimensions of adult subaxial laminae. In addition, there
found C5 to have the smallest height (rather than C4).18 We has not been a study to date that used the subaxial laminar
found that mean laminar thickness decreased from C3 to C5 dimensions to analyze fixation feasibility and calculate accu-
and then increased from C5 to C7. C7 also had the greatest rate screw lengths for surgical applicability. Our study popu-
laminar height of all the subaxial cervical vertebrae. Similar lation was composed of 50 patients and may not have been
anatomical findings for the lateral masses of C7 versus C5 sufficiently large to be generalizable to the greater population.
and C6 have recently been reported.19 Despite this limitation, the study accurately reports the lami-
After obtaining the anatomical dimensions of the sub- nar anatomy of the subaxial cervical spine and its morpho-
axial cervical laminae, we analyzed the feasibility of plac- metric and volumetric variations among the subaxial cervi-
ing 3.5-mm translaminar screws unilaterally and bilaterally, cal vertebrae. In addition, we have provided optimal screw
E750 May 2012
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BRS204953.indd E750 25/04/12 12:02 PM

TECHNIQUE Subaxial Cervical Translaminar Screw Fixation • Alvin et al

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