GSA Teacher Resource 1 An Overview of Global Education and The Role of Study

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The Role of Study Abroad in Global Education

In order to give our children the best Economic Competitiveness and Jobs
opportunity to succeed in this increasingly The structural evolution of the global economy and
interconnected world, we need to provide them its effects on the U.S. economy mean that
with opportunities to learn about and interact tomorrow’s college graduates are just as likely to
with the world beyond their borders. Educators work with people from as far away as Beijing and
are on the front line here and play a significant Bangalore as they are with those from Boston or
role in bringing the world into classrooms, Boise. The ability to work across cultures is no
often as early as pre-school. Teachers are longer a nice-to-have skill set for elite executives or
critical channels to mindset, and they are diplomats; every year it becomes more essential to
powerful motivators when it comes to inspiring finding any job at all. Employers across all sectors
students to pursue any and all types of global increasingly seek workers who have both cross-
study be it through a classroom project in cultural skills and cutting-edge technical skills.
second grade or a study abroad program Globalization brings with it the demand for a U.S.
in college. workforce that both possesses knowledge of other
countries and cultures and is competent in
We need teachers to inspire and prepare more languages other than English.
students to study abroad while in college. Now,
more than ever, international experience is one of National Security and Diplomacy
the most important components of a 21st century In order to build inclusive and prosperous
education. The reasons for that are clear: communities, the next generation must possess
knowledge, skills and cultural understanding that
A Better Education can transcend the borders of our interconnected
Global education supports critical thinking, world. Learning another language and culture and
especially in terms of considering multiple having people-to-people interactions with those
perspectives, strengthening analytical skills, and outside the United States reminds us that we are
assisting with open-ended, creative problem- not alone. We share the world and its problems,
solving and reflection. With respect to foreign and we cannot solve them on our own. Global
language education, decades of research have problems require the global exchange of
amply demonstrated the benefits, such as knowledge to forge solutions through international
academic progress in all subjects, advancing dialogue and collaboration.
abstract and creative thinking, enriching cognitive
development, promoting cultural awareness and In addition, global awareness also makes better
competency, and enhancing career opportunities. citizens and participants in our own democratic
Moreover, foreign language skills are essential for process, as well as helps us understand and get
national defense, intelligence, homeland security along with people from diverse backgrounds
and global economic opportunities. across the United States.

In November 2012, the U.S. Department of The Value of Study Abroad

Education set out its international strategy for Studying abroad is one of the best ways to expand
2012-16, Succeeding Globally Through a student’s immediate personal horizons and open
International Education and Engagement, which is up a wealth of long-term professional opportunities.
its first-ever fully articulated international strategy Study abroad enables today’s students from all
designed to improve the global competency of all backgrounds in all sectors to gain access to
American students, adapt educational best practice international experiences that enable them to put
from other countries, and be more active in their global learning into practice. Learning how to
“educational diplomacy” in order to “prepare interact with people from other countries and
today’s youth, and our country more broadly, for a cultures will be essential for all careers, be they in
globalized world, and to engage with the business, manufacturing, engineering,
international community to improve education.”
The Role of Study Abroad in Global Education

government, academia or not-for-profit. Study number of research universities, community

abroad is basic training for the 21st Century. colleges and minority-serving institutions have
introduced innovative ways for their students to
The study abroad experience can: study abroad. But many students in these
institutions are still missing out, and the study
• Play a critical role in developing the global abroad population does not reflect the diversity of
mindset needed to balance local and U.S. higher education as a whole.
international challenges;
• Provide an opportunity to appreciate different In order to increase the number of students
cultures and solve problems while operating studying abroad, preparation for it must begin
in a different environment; long before college, and at the very least in
• Open students’ eyes to other perspectives secondary school. Studying abroad is not a one-
and ways of thinking about the world; off adventure or trip, but a milestone along the
• Enhance proficiency in and practical way to developing the all-important global mindset
application of a second language; necessary to thrive in today’s global world.
• Strengthen adaptability, communication and
team-building skills; and enhance career Building the Pipeline
opportunities. Generation Study Abroad is a five year initiative
launched in March 2014 to double the number of
Study abroad is one of the best – and often the U.S. college students studying abroad by the end
only – ways students can acquire these global of the decade. Generation Study Abroad
skills. In addition, study abroad has been shown represents a major paradigm shift, one intended
to improve college graduate and retention rates. to bring employers, governments, associations,
Studies show that students who study abroad educators, and others into the discussion and to
have better grades and graduate from college at both build on these best practices and find new
higher rates than students who do not study ways to extend international opportunities to those
abroad. who are not currently taking part. Generation
Study Abroad is setting a target of identifying at
At the Institute of International Education, we least 1,000 high school teachers who pledge to
believe that study abroad should be an essential make their students aware of study abroad
component of a college degree. According to the opportunities in college. The efforts of teachers
Open Doors Report on International and are essential to building a pipeline of students
Educational Exchange released by the Institute of who will go to college with the expectation of
International Education (IIE) in November 2014 making study abroad a productive part of their
with support from the U.S. Department of State’s college experience.
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs,
289,000 American college students studied About the Institute of International Education
abroad in 2012/13 either for academic credit or in The Institute of International Education is a world
non-credit educational programs. That is less than leader in the international exchange of people and
10% of the 2.6 million students who graduated ideas. An independent non-for-profit organization
with associate or baccalaureate degrees last year. founded in 1919, IIE designs and implements
program of study and training for students,
Some U.S. institutions, particularly liberal arts educators, young professionals and trainees from
colleges, have been tremendously successful in all sectors with funding from government
making study abroad a part of the academic agencies, foundations, and corporations. IIE also
experience, with 36 colleges achieving conducts policy research and program
participation rates of 70% or more. But with 4,000 evaluations, and provides advising and
institutions across the United States, these are counseling on international education and
the exception not the rule. In recent years, a opportunities abroad.

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