AP03-AA4-EV04 DOC Taller Elaboracion Resumenes

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Name: Cristian Andres De la Ossa Bracamonte

Date: 20/11/2020
Elaboración de resúmenes para la comprensión de textos en inglés

1. Reading for main ideas

Read the text Cloud Computing, available at SENA Library’s databases by following the link
below. To access the library, just login with your ID number.

Dziak, M. (2016). Cloud Computing. Cloud Computing

(ELL), 1.

Name: Cristian Andres De la Ossa Bracamonte
Date: 20/11/2020

Based on the previous reading, write the required information on the chart below.

Topic: Cloud Computing



Application service providers
and programs)

Mobile devices

Name: Cristian Andres De la Ossa Bracamonte
Date: 20/11/2020
2. Writing a summary
Now, use the information related to the main idea you already identified and the supporting
details you extracted from the passage, to write a summary of the text Cloud Computing.
Use the following template to guide your writing process. Remember that supporting
details can be used to make key points in your summary.

⇒ Bibliographic Information

Author(s) of article: __Mark Dziak__

Title of article: Cloud Computing (ELL)
Name of magazine, newspaper, website, etc. containing the article: _Salem Press_

Date article was published and page number: __________2016___________

⇒ Summary Information

Briefly state the main idea or thesis presented in this article:

The article emphasized on concept of cloud computing, when it born, what it means,
how useful it is, and what are the advantages and disadvantages for individuals (single
people) and companies.
Basically cloud computing is a way of sharing information and programs, both people
and companies can benefit from this “modern tool”. But it is important to know what
kind of information we are going to store in public clouds because this can be accessed
by people that can use it for bad purposes.
Summarize the most important information, ideas, facts, etc. presented in this article:
1. Cloud computing is a way of sharing information and programs between computers

2. Until 1990s the concept of cloud computing become a reality when the internet
became popular around the world and this one was fast enough and “cheap”.

3. (ASPs) Application service providers offer people a way of sharing or renting computer
Name: Cristian Andres De la Ossa Bracamonte
Date: 20/11/2020
4. Clouding computing became very popular by 2008, millions of people used it at home,
at work and in school.
5. Cloud computing allow people store information as music, photos and files for school
or work on internet instead of a hard drive, which can break and lose information
6. Nowadays you can access or get the information on the “cloud” using mobiles devices.
7. Cloud computing can be very useful but it may have problem with security or privacy.

⇒ Summary
Write the final version of your summary here.

Cloud computing is a way of sharing information and programs between computers

which are stored on the internet. The idea of clouding computing has been around
for many years but only until 1990s when many people began using the internet,
people could share information and programs quickly and cheaply. But by 2008,
cloud computing became very popular. Millions of people around the world used it
at home, at work and in school.
Nowadays cloud computing allow people store the information as music, photos,
files and more on the “cloud” instead of a hard driver which can break and lose
information. Also, hard drives do not easily share their information.
Companies use cloud computing to try new programs. They pay to use the
programs through the network for a certain amount of time. With this companies
save a lot of money, because they do not have to buy programs or even hire people
to install and fix them.
Cloud computing can be very useful. However, it may have problems as well,
security and privacy are aspects that need to be improved. People and companies
often are worried that other users may steal their information on the cloud. That is
why some companies prefer private clouds instead of public clouds. Private clouds
cannot be used by other people.

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