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Name : Shumaila Azam

Reg no: 70098213

Subject:Opthalmic Nursing

Mam: Maimoona Rehmat

Topic:Steps of Opthalmic Assessment

Steps of Opthalmic Assessment :-

 Extra ocular motlltt And alllgnment .Have the patent look ln

the cardlnal poslton of patent .

 Intraocular pressure

 Confrontaton vlsual fields

 Sllt lamp examlnaton

 Extra Examlnaton

 Fundoscoplc Examlnaton

 Puplls, look for anlsocorla

 Vlsual acultt ln the cllnlc,vlsual acultt ls ttplcallt measured at

dlstance .

History Taking :-

 The hlstort taklng wlll enable the cllnlclan to organlse the

patent's stort, filter the lnformaton whlch llnks to common

musculoskeletal dlsorders bt means of cllnlcal reasonlng, to

fullt understand the patent's present health status and to form

a provlslonal dlagnosls.

 The hlstort taklng wlll enable the cllnlclan to organlse the patent's

stort, filter the lnformaton whlch llnks to common musculoskeletal

dlsorders bt means of cllnlcal reasonlng, to fullt understand the

patent's present health status and to form a provlslonal dlagnosls

.Explaln thelr reasonlng and suggest

tests that thet would undertake.Presentatons are lnclude but are

not Llmlted to.

 Sudden vlslon loss

 Headache

 Reduced vlslon

 Blurred vlslon

 Dlplopla

 Ststemlc dlsease wlth ocular manlfestatons

 Red Ete

Visual Acuity :-

 Vlsual acultt refers to tour abllltt to dlscern the shapes and detalls

of the thlngs tou see. It's just one factor ln tour overall vlslon.

Others lnclude color vlslon, perlpheral vlslon, and depth

percepton. There are several dlferent ttpes of vlsual acultt tests,

most of whlch are vert slmple.

 Vlsual acultt ls expressed as a fracton, such as 20/20. Havlng

20/20 vlslon means that tour vlsual acultt at 20 feet awat from an

object ls normal. If tou have 20/40 vlslon, for example, that means

tou need to be 20 feet awat to see an object that people can

normallt see from 40 feet awat.

 Durlng an ete exam tour opthalmologlst wlll ask tou to read a set

of letters set ln multple llnes from blggest to smallest .

Refraction :-

 Refraction is the bending of light (it also happens with

sound, water and other waves) as it passes from one

transparent substance into another. This bending by

refraction makes it possible for us to have lenses,

magnifying glasses, prisms and rainbows. Even our

eyes depend upon this bending of light.

 Most vlslon error occurs because of an error of how our etes

refract to llght .


aocular Movements :-

There are seven extra - ocular movements .

 Levator palpebral superiors

 Superior rectus inferior Rectus

 Medial Rectus
 Lateral rectus

 Inferior Oblique

 Superior oblique

Functionally therly can be divided into two groups

,responsible for eye movement ,recti and oblique

muscles .
Confrontaton Test:-

Confrontation visual feld testing involves having the

patient looking directly at your eye or nose and testing

each quadrant in the patient's visual feld by having them

count the number of fngers that you are showing. This is a

test of one eye at a time.

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