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15ARC 5.3 - Building Services II - Electrical Services and Illumination
Week 7 – 11/09/2018 & 12/09/2018

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP


 Solar
 Wind
 Biomass
 Achieving Net Zero Building design through utilization of above natural resources; Energy Conservation techniques
in Electrical systems.

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP


Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP

Renewable energy is an energy source which can be replenished naturally and
indefinitely and thus is not going to run out.
Renewable energy is energy that comes from resources which are continually
replenished such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves and geothermal heat.
About 16% of global final energy consumption comes from renewable resources,
with 10% of all energy from traditional biomass, mainly used for heating, and 3.4%
from hydroelectricity.

Forms of renewable energy:

• Solar Energy
• Wind Energy
• Geothermal Energy
• Bio energy
• Hydropower
• Ocean Energy

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP


Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems

Solar Thermal Solutions

Wind Turbine

Bio-gas for cooking & electricity generation

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP

Why Renewable Energy?

Alternate Source of Energy is the need of the hour and would provide the means to :

• Combat rising energy prices by harnessing Perpetual sources of

Energy - Wind, Solar, Water and Geo-Thermal Energy.

• Virtual ZERO Global Warming.

• Achieve Freedom and Insulation from Crude Oil Price fluctuations.

• Self Reliance, since Renewable Energy Generation can be set up at point

of usage, thereby reducing Transmission Losses and Pilferage.

• Increase bottom lines due to guarantee in meeting production schedules,

minimal loss of productive time and fixed price of energy.

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP


Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP


• Most renewable energy comes either directly or indirectly from the sun.
• Sunlight, or solar energy, can be used directly for heating and lighting homes
and other buildings, for generating electricity, and for hot water heating, solar
cooling, and a variety of commercial and industrial uses.

• Problem: Variable amounts of sunshine.

Major uses of Solar Energy

Heating Water

Space Heating

Generating Electrical Energy

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP

What is Photovoltaics
• In Photovoltaic (solar) systems light energy is converted into

• A Solar Cell is the basic element of each photovoltaic


• Solar cells produce direct current electricity from light, which

can be used to power equipment or to recharge a battery .

• The first practical application of photovoltaics was to power

orbiting satellites and other spacecraft.

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP


• Photovoltaic is a solid-state device that converts

sunlight into electricity.

• Silicon is a material known as a ‘semiconductor’

as it conducts electricity and it is the main material
for photovoltaic cells.


PV Cells



Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP


• Day lighting

• Passive Solar Heating

•Concentrating Solar

•Photovoltaic's (PV)

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP

Power Tower

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP

Typical Off-grid Solar PV Systems

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP



Sustainable (can be used for longer duration)

Free of cost

Provide Electricity to Remote Places


Inefficient – maximum efficiency up to 30%.

Costly equipment.

Part Time.

High maintenance cost.

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP

Photovoltaic Array Fields

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP


Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP
•The wind is used as the prime mover that turns the wind turbines (wind mill)
that is connected to the shaft of the generator producing the mechanical energy that
is later converted to electrical energy.
•Problems: large, remote, windy sites are needed. Winds are variable.

Wind power:
• Airflows can be used to run wind turbines. Modern utility-scale wind turbines
range from around 600 kW to 5 MW of rated power, although turbines with
rated output of 1.5–3 MW have become the most common for commercial
use; the power available from the wind is a function of the cube of the wind
speed, so as wind speed increases, power output increases dramatically up to the
maximum output for the particular turbine.

• Areas where winds are stronger and more constant, such as offshore and
high altitude sites, are preferred locations for wind farms.

• Globally, the long-term technical potential of wind energy is believed to be

five times total current global energy production, or 40 times current
electricity demand. This could require wind turbines to be installed over large
areas, particularly in areas of higher wind resources.

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP

• The Electrical energy that is obtained from harnessing the wind
with wind mills or wind turbines is called Wind Energy.

• Winds are caused by the uneven heating of the atmosphere by

the sun, the irregularities of the earth's surface, and rotation of
the earth.

• Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in the wind into

mechanical power.

• Large wind farms consist of hundreds of individual wind turbines which are
connected to the electric power transmission network.

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP

Winds are caused by the uneven heating of
the atmosphere by the sun, the irregularities of
the earth's surface, and rotation of the earth.

The terms "wind energy" or "wind power"

describe the process by which the wind is
used to generate mechanical power or

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP

Common Wind Turbine Construction


• Blades are connected to a hub, which is connected to a shaft

• Rotational speed will depend on blade geometry, number of blades, and wind speed (40 to 400
revolutions per minute typical speed range)
• Gear box needed to increase speed to 1200-1800 RPM for generator

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP

Location of wind farms

o Mountains or hilly areas

o It can be build even on

sea sides or oceans

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP

Sizes and Applications

Small ( 10 kW)
• Homes Intermediate
• Farms (10-250 kW)
• Remote Application • Village Power
• Hybrid Systems
• Distributed Power

Large (660 kW - 2+MW)

• Central Station Wind Farms
• Distributed Power
• Community Wind

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP

1. No by-product is produced
2. Although wind turbines can be very tall each takes up only a small plot of
3. Remote areas that are not connected to the electricity power grid can use
wind turbines to produce their own supply.
4. Wind turbines are available in a range of sizes which means a vast
range of people and businesses can use them.


1. Not uniform
2. Wind turbines are noisy. (About 70 mph).
3. Capacity of wind turbines is less.
4. Less efficiency (About 30%)

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP


Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP

• Bio energy is the energy from organic matter. Bio energy is energy derived from the
conversion of biomass where biomass may be used directly as fuel, or processed into
liquids and gases.
Biomass is fuel that is developed from organic materials, a renewable and sustainable
source of energy used to create electricity or other forms of power.

Biomass (plant material) is a renewable energy source because the energy it

contains comes from the sun. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants capture
the sun's energy. When the plants are burnt, they release the sun's energy they
• In this way, biomass functions as a sort of natural battery for storing solar
energy. As long as biomass is produced sustainably, with only as much used as is grown,
the battery will last indefinitely.
• In general there are two main approaches to using plants for energy production:
growing plants specifically for energy use (known as first and third-generation
biomass), and using the residues (known as second-generation biomass) from plants
that are used for other things.
• The best approaches vary from region to region according to climate, soils and
• Biomass is expected to be about twice as expensive as natural gas, slightly more
expensive than nuclear power, and much less expensive than solar panels.

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP

1. Carbon Dioxide, rain and solar energy

4. Wood pellets are burnt, releasing C02 2. Converted into plant

back into the atmosphere material through photosynthesis
and releasing heat as a by-product


3. Plant material is turned

into Biomass wood pellets

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP


• Biomass is a renewable energy source that is derived from living or recently

living organisms.
• Biomass includes biological material, not organic material like coal. Energy
• derived from biomass is mostly used to generate electricity or to produce heat.
Thermal energy is extracted by means of combustion and gasification.
• Biomass can be chemically and biochemically treated to convert it to a
energy-rich fuel.

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP

Burning is only one way to release the energy in biomass. Biomass can be converted to
other useable forms of energy such as methane gas or transportation fuels such as ethanol
and biodiesel.

Methane gas is a component of landfill gas or biogas that forms when garbage, agricultural
waste, and human waste decompose in landfills or in special containers called digesters.

Crops such as corn and sugar cane are fermented to produce fuel ethanol for use in
vehicles. Biodiesel, another transportation fuel, is produced from vegetable oils and animal fats.

• Biofuels include a wide range of fuels which are derived from biomass. The term
covers solid biomass, liquid fuels and various biogases. Liquid biofuels include
bioalcohols, such as Bioethanol, and oils, such as biodiesel. Gaseous biofuels include
biogas, landfill gas and synthetic gas.

• Bioethanol is an alcohol made by fermenting the sugar components of plant

materials and it is made mostly from sugar and starch crops. With advanced technology
being developed, cellulosic biomass, such as trees and grasses, are also used as feed
stocks for ethanol production
• Ethanol can be used as a fuel for vehicles in its pure form, but it is usually used as a
gasoline additive to increase octane and improve vehicle emissions. Bioethanol is
widely used in the USA and in Brazil. However, according to the European Environment
Agency, biofuels do not address global warming concerns.

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP
T pes of Biomass

Landfill Gas Alcohol Fuels


Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP


Carbon neutral
CO2 ultimately released in energy generation is freshly captured and so
ideally does not change total atmospheric levels
Carbon leaks can result in a net increase in CO2 levels
Sequestration in soil can result in a net decrease in CO2 levels

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP


• Bio energy plays a role in all three main energy-use sectors: heat (and
cooling), electricity and transport.
• The contribution of bio energy to final energy demand for heat (traditional and
modern) far outweighs its use in either electricity or transport.

• Renewable resource
• Dependency on Fossil Fuels is Reduced
•Carbon Neutral
•Widely Available
• Reduces landfills
• Protects clean water supplies
•Reduces acid rain and smog
• Reduces greenhouse gases – Carbon dioxide – Methane
• Not totally clean when burned
• Can lead to deforestation
•Biodiesel product are inefficient as compared to gasoline.
•Requires lot of space
•Expensive process

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP


Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP


• This employs the use of a generator that uses falling water as the prime
mover to turn the generator shaft that provides the mechanical energy
which later is converted to electrical energy.

•Problems: Expensive to build. Few areas of the world are suitable.

• This form of energy uses the steam from underground springs or steams that
are produced from water that is pumped down to hot rocks deep underground as
a prime mover that turns a steam turbine connected to the shaft of a Generator.

• Problems: drilling is expensive and difficult.

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP


Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP

An increasingly popular goal for green building is achieving Net Zero Energy -
when your building is energy efficient and generates enough energy on-site to
equal its annual energy needs.

Net zero energy buildings are highly energy-efficient and will use, over the
course of a year, renewable technology to produce as much energy as they consume
from the grid.

Designing Net Zero Energy Buildings

The key to designing net zero energy buildings is first reducing energy demand
as much as possible, and then choosing good energy sources. Here’s a simple
“order of operations”...
1. Reduce energy loads
2. Optimize design for passive strategies
3. Optimize design of active systems
4. Recover energy
5. Generate energy on-site
6. Buy energy/carbon offsets

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP

Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB) Certification is awarded by the International
Living Future Institute and is based around one central requirement:
100 percent of the project’s energy needs must be supplied by on-site renewable
energy on a net annual basis, without the use of on-site combustion.

Buildings must also meet an additional list of rigorous performance standards

over a minimum of 12 months of continuous occupancy. Net zero buildings
consequently contribute less greenhouse gas to the atmosphere than non-NZE

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP

Features of a net-zero home

Photovoltaic Panels
-----1 1
Sized to meet buid n9•s
energy demand
Effi cient Lighting
lEOs 111 CFLs for low ene<gy,
Low-Flow Water Fixtures
high quaity n.,,tilg To redU<:e use of hot wate<

l l
Doub e Insu ation
High Performance
Reduces heatilg and
Windows and Doors
coollrl9 demand
Reduces heat loss.
l increases
daylighting and passive solar
heat119 l
Optimizes ene<9yuse
throughout the home
Exceptiona Air Sealing
Oramatkally reduces largest
source of heat oss
Eff~ient e ectric I--~
heating and cooling

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP

Renewable energy scenario in India
Government created the Department of Non-conventional Energy Sources
(DNES) in 1982. In 1992 a full fledged Ministry of Non-conventional Energy
Sources was established under the overall charge of the Prime Minister.
The range of its activities cover

1. Promotion of renewable energy technologies,

2. Create an environment conducive to promote renewable energy technologies,
3.Create an environment conducive for their commercialization,
4.Renewable energy resource assessment,
5.Research and development,
7.Production of biogas units, solar thermal devices, solar photovoltaics,
cookstoves, wind energy and small hydropower units.

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP


i. It is sustainable and so will never run out.

ii. Renewable energy facilities generally require less

maintenance than traditional generators.

iii. Renewable energy technologies are clean sources of

energy that have a much lower environmental impact
than conventional energy technologies .

iv. Produces little or no waste products such as carbon

dioxide or other chemical pollutants.

v. Cost effective.

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP

I. Difficult to generate the quantities of electricity that are as large as those
produced by traditional fossil fuel generators.

II. Renewable energy often relies on the weather for its source of power.


1- Net-zero is very difficult for buildings of more than four stories.

2- PV system is too expensive especially in undeveloped countries.
3- Best orientation can save up to 50% of heating and cooling energy.

Net-zero energy is an ambitious goal for any building—one that can’t be

achieved without thorough attention to every aspect of a building’s design,
construction, and operation. Like the related goal of creating a carbon-
neutral building, any net-zero building has to first achieve significant load
reductions and system efficiencies, and then meet the remaining loads with
onsite energy generation.

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP


It is extremely important to understand that NO single

Renewable Source of Energy can fulfil the complete annual
requirements of an end user
It is essential to study the customer's requirement, the
availability of renewable resources in the specific location

Requirement of customized solutions based on specific


The key to making Renewable Energy Solutions effective, is

in providing Integration of the various Renewable Energy

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP

Prepared by - Ar. Sharath H Aithal, Asst Prof, BGSSAP

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