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Equine vet. Educ. (2017) 29 (7) 385-390

doi: 10.1111/eve.12530

Review Article
Medical management of large colonic impactions
G. D. Hallowell*
School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, University of Nottingham, Sutton Bonington, Leicestershire, UK.
*Corresponding author email:
Keywords: horse; gastrointestinal; pelvic flexure; colic

Summary masses are primarily composed of struvite (ammonium

Large colonic impactions are a common cause of abdominal magnesium phosphate) (Blue and Wittkopp 1981) and start
pain in the horse. This review aims to discuss normal function around some small nidus (stone, hair, small bits of rope). As
of the large colon, risk factors for development of colonic horses have an abundance of calcium in the gastrointestinal
impactions, diagnosis and optimal strategies for management tract, it is surprising that these masses are not composed of
and prevention based on the evidence available. calcium phosphate (Hassel et al. 2001). However, it is
suggested that there is an excessive solute load of
magnesium in the diet, which may be bound by increased
Introduction amounts of intraluminal protein. Thus diets containing large
Large colonic impactions can be either primary or secondary quantities of alfalfa, which has both a high protein and
to other disease processes that have induced hypovolaemia magnesium content, may predispose animals to developing
such as small intestinal strangulating lesions and subacute these stones. Miniature horses and Arabians have been
equine grass sickness. This article will primarily focus upon shown to be more susceptible in one study (Cohen et al.
primary colonic impactions. Primary large colonic impactions 2000). As these stones take some time to develop and cause
are a common cause of mild to moderate abdominal pain in obstruction, they are rarely identified in animals less than
the horse and generally form gradually leading to the 4 years of age. These obstructions are usually associated with
insidious onset and nature of the clinical signs seen. mild to moderate, intermittent pain, which may lead to these
Impactions of the large colon generally occur at sites of animals presenting with chronic or even recurrent abdominal
luminal narrowing, primarily of the pelvic flexure and right pain (Lloyd et al. 1987). Management of these cases is
dorsal colon, but can affect other intestinal sections (White usually surgical, although dietary manipulation is required
and Dabareiner 1997). post operatively and as such will not be discussed any further.
Faecoliths are a rare cause of colonic impaction,
particularly of the transverse and descending colon. They are
Aetiology and risk factors most commonly seen in ponies and foals (McClure et al.
Many risk factors have been proposed, but not proven. A 1992) and in older horses secondary to poor dentition and
sudden reduction in exercise, often secondary to inappropriate mastication of food material. These animals will
musculoskeletal injuries, is often associated with this condition present as with enteroliths, although may also show signs
(Dabareiner and White 1995). Other factors implicated consistent with tenesmus (Gay et al. 1979).
include parasite migration affecting gastrointestinal motility, Other rarer causes of colonic disease resulting in colonic
poor dentition, coarse roughage, especially horses that eat impactions include adhesions from previous colic surgery or
their straw bed, permanent stabling, oral stereotypies, travel peritonitis, foreign bodies, which are usually seen in younger
in the recent past, administration of pharmacological agents animals and those in the developing world and mural masses
that reduce gastrointestinal motility (Freeman and England such as abscesses, tumours, granulomas and haematomas.
2001; Proudman et al. 2006; Williams et al. 2015) and either The cause of the impaction can be due to direct luminal
dehydration or hypovolaemia (Hillyer et al. 2002). obstruction or indirectly secondary to a change in colonic
The prevalence of colonic impactions with sand is motility.
dramatically affected by geography and soil type as well as
how animals are fed. Some animals also develop a particular
Role of the large colon
predilection for eating sand, which in most cases will not be
due to a mineral deficiency (Blikslager 2010). It is reported In order to fully appreciate the management options for
that fine grain sand generally accumulates in the ventral colonic impactions, it is necessary to understand normal
colonic segments and coarser grains in the dorsal sections colonic function, have a basic understanding of the complex
(Specht and Colahan 1988; Ragle et al. 1989). However, mechanisms involved in normal colonic motility and
changes in gastrointestinal motility may also play a role in appreciate the normal composition of colonic contents.
sand accumulation. Clinical signs are generally similar to The large colon of the horse, compared with other
those with colonic impactions and due to colonic distention monogastric species, is extremely well developed and has
with sand, gaseous distention or inflammation of the mucosa. many functions. It mixes, retains and propulses ingesta. Whilst
Enteroliths leading to ingesta accumulation, usually of the the ingesta is within the colon, it undergoes fermentation and
right dorsal and transverse colonic sections (Lloyd et al. 1987), the process is essentially analogous to that which occurs in
are a relatively uncommon cause of obstruction in the UK, the rumen of farm animals. If the horse did not produce large
but are more prevalent in other parts of the world. These quantities of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) from the fibre it ingests,

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386 Management of large colonic impactions

it would not survive. These VFAs are absorbed through the The microbiota
caecal and colonic epithelium and are then distributed for
use throughout the body as an energy source. One There is currently a lot of interest in the gastrointestinal
significant difference from ruminants is that the large quantity microbiota, its specific composition and potential
of microbial protein generated in the equine large colon is consequences of change regarding gastrointestinal disease
wasted because there is no opportunity for significant (Schoster et al. 2014). The colon contains bacteria, protozoa
absorption of amino acids. In addition to the generation of and fungi. Changes in composition will affect the efficiency
energy, water absorption in the normal horse primarily occurs of fibre fermentation and locally production of certain
in the large colon. Water in the large intestine acts as a byproducts such as lactic acid and local changes in pH can
reserve in times of need. In an adult horse a volume of up to affect local motility as is well documented in the rumen of
100 l of fluid and associated secretions is absorbed during the farm animals (Enemark 2008). Low faecal pH has been
course of the day (Argenzio et al. 1974, 1975; Argenzio and identified in horses on a high carbohydrate diet (Sykes et al.
Clarke 1989). 2013) and thus may play a role in motility disorders in the
horse and warrants further evaluation.

Large colonic motility

Motility of the large colon is essential for mixing, retainment,
propulsion and retropulsion of ingesta. It depends upon a For the majority of colonic obstructions, the mainstay for
complex interaction between neural, hormonal, vascular and diagnosis will be based on history, signs of abdominal
neuromuscular pathways and any disruption to this fine pain, reduced faecal output and presence of a smooth
balance can lead to reduced motility or gastrointestinal distended viscus running laterally in front of, and ventral to
stasis. Regulation of motility requires central, autonomic the pelvis in the case of pelvic flexure impactions and
innervation and the enteric nervous system (myenteric and potentially in other anatomical locations for other areas of
submucosal plexi) (Koenig and Cote 2006). However, control obstruction. Diagnosis of other forms of obstruction,
of intestinal contractility by the enteric nervous system is particularly with sand, will also be aided with history and
independent of the central nervous system (Koenig and Cote geographical location. Other diagnostic aids for sand
2006). Acetylcholine is the main excitatory neurotransmitter impactions include auscultation, where some clinicians
causing smooth muscle contraction through M-2 type advocate being able to ‘hear’ the sand, which sounds
receptors. Sympathetic stimulation inhibits acetylcholine like the sea crashing on the beach, faecal sedimentation
release via activation of alpha-2 receptors (Lester et al. and radiographic assessment (Ragle et al. 1989). There is
1998). There has been a focus on the pelvic flexure regarding controversy regarding the value of ultrasonography; some
large colonic motility and it has long been accepted that an have found that it aids in identification, whereas others
electrical pacemaker exists at the pelvic flexure where the have not and have reported that it does not provide
strong rhythmic contractions of the large intestine begin information regarding the amount of sand present
(Sellers and Lowe 1986). The pacemaker cells of the (Korolainen and Ruohoniemi 2002; Hotwagner and Iben
gastrointestinal tract, the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) 2008). In animals that live in areas where sand ingestion is
(Hudson et al. 1999), are responsible for initiating coordinated likely, there appear to be poor ‘cut-offs’ between normal
gastrointestinal motility (Bortoff 1965; Ward et al. 1997; and likely affected animals. Enteroliths and faecoliths may
Sanders et al. 1999). Reduced myenteric neuron densities in be detectable on rectal examination, but abdominal
the large intestine have been identified in horses with radiography may be beneficial to identify these
gastrointestinal obstructive disorders, including impactions, obstructions, especially in smaller cases.
when compared with normal horses (Schusser and White
1997; Schusser et al. 2000) as have ICC density (Fintl et al.
Assessment of hydration status
One of the key assessments undertaken in the horse with
abdominal pain is of hydration status and this is going to
Large intestinal contents have a significant impact on the most appropriate
The large intestinal contents contain fibrous material management of horses with colonic obstruction. The majority
suspended in water. The size of the fibrous material depends of horses that present with colonic impaction are neither
upon the type of fibre ingested and degree of mastication. hypovolaemic nor dehydrated. Hypovolaemia is defined as a
One experimental study found that high grain diets led to loss of circulating volume, resulting from both water and salt
dehydrated contents of the right dorsal colon when loss. Clinical signs of hypovolaemia include tachycardia,
compared with fibre-based diets (Lopes et al. 2004a), which increased capillary refill time, haemoconcentration
may be due to promotion of water absorption from colonic (increased packed cell volume and total solids), increased
contents secondary to activation of the renin-angiotensin- lactate concentrations, reduced urine output and
aldosterone system post prandially (Clarke et al. 1990), concentrated urine (USG >1.040). Dehydration is defined as a
coupling of absorption of VFA with sodium and water loss of total body water and is much more challenging to
(Argenzio et al. 1977) or fibre holding water within the quantify. Clinical signs of dehydration include decreased
gastrointestinal tract (Warren et al. 1999). The amount of bodyweight (not helpful clinically, but used experimentally),
water that the fibre is contained within is dependent upon sunken eyes, increased skin tent over the upper eyelid and
fluid intake, but also upon how much of that water is tacky mucous membranes. Dehydrated animals are always
absorbed to maintain normal systemic hydration. hypernatraemic.

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G. D. Hallowell 387

Overall aims of treatment of colonic impactions results in significant haemodynamic changes (Lopes et al.
2002). A more recent study supported previous findings in that
The overall aims of treatment are to provide analgesia, i.v. fluids administered at 3 times maintenance requirements
correct any fluid deficits present, resolve the impaction and were no more efficacious and might be associated with
then identify any potential risk factors to prevent these from adverse physiological findings after withdrawal, whilst boluses
developing again. of water administered nasogastrically can be used to restore
intestinal water with minimal adverse effects (Lester et al.
General management of colonic impactions 2013). Another experimental study proposed that the main
effect of a selection of oral fluids that were compared was
Although withholding food is likely to reduce gastrointestinal activation of the gastrocolic reflex following filling of the
motility (Jones et al. 1991), in the short-term it prevents the stomach (Freeman et al. 1992).
impaction from growing any larger and also provides In clinical cases with colonic impactions, resolution rates
the opportunity for enterally-administered products to reach were fastest in those that received 5 doses of isotonic
the impacted colon. Food should be withheld until there is electrolyte solutions every 30 min or hourly when compared
evidence that the impaction has resolved. As discussed with those that received fluids every 2 h or i.v. Complication
above, these animals are variably painful, but are likely to rates were similar between groups, but severity of abdominal
require some parenteral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pain was greatest in those treated every 30 min (Hallowell
agents, which will have direct benefits for managing pain 2008). A similar clinical study demonstrated that 99% of large
and indirect benefits in that a less painful animal will have colon impactions (n = 78) were effectively treated with
reduced activation of the sympathetic nervous system, which enteral fluids with a resolution time of under 24 h (Monreal
itself is likely contributing to gastrointestinal stasis (Koenig and et al. 2010), which is similar to the previous clinical study
Cote 2006). Alpha-2 agonists are known to reduce described above (Hallowell 2008), with no difference in
gastrointestinal motility in normal horses, but will provide resolution time when i.v. fluids were administered concurrently
analgesia for the duration of their sedative actions (Valverde (Monreal et al. 2010).
2010). In the author’s opinion, products containing
N-butylscolopamine are not warranted for the treatment of
colonic impactions as they have a short duration of action, Enteral fluid administration
reduce gastrointestinal motility and on their own have no Enteral fluids can be delivered in the form of water from a
intrinsic analgesic activity. Other analgesic agents have bucket, via an indwelling narrow nasogastric tube to allow for
variable effects on gastrointestinal motility in normal animals, continuous administration of enteral fluids or a conventional
but no studies have been undertaken to address the effects nasogastric tube providing intermittent fluid administration.
of these drugs on motility in experimentally or clinically Fluids provided in the stable can be simply water alone or
affected animals with intestinal obstruction. Turning horses out combined with a second bucket containing either
into small paddocks in order that they gently ambulate may electrolytes or sweetening agents such as fruit juice or
be appropriate and beneficial in some cases (Williams et al. molasses to encourage increased water intake. Some horses
2015), but these animals should not be lunged or ridden. For will select oral fluids containing electrolytes when they have
further information on analgesics for horses with abdominal specific derangements, whereas others will not. Fluids with
pain, see Michou and Leese 2012. electrolyte supplementation should be isotonic (i.e. 9 g NaCl/l
of water or equivalent), or they will not be consumed.
Intermittent fluid administration via nasogastric tube allows
Fluid therapy – intravenous, enteral or both?
the clinician to have complete control over the amount and
If the horse has clinical signs consistent with hypovolaemia, timing of fluids administrated. The stomach tube can be left
which is rare, then the animal needs intravenous (i.v.) fluid in and capped to prevent air entering the stomach or
therapy to restore circulating volume (Corley 2008). In the removed after each fluid administration. This approach can
hypovolaemic horse, in order to protect the vital organs, lead to worsening of signs of abdominal pain due to gastric
blood flow is diverted from the gastrointestinal tract. Once and small intestinal distention and as such should be
blood flow is reduced, so too is gastrointestinal motility and monitored for signs of abdominal pain.
absorption. In addition, hypovolaemia manifests as variable Continuous enteral fluid therapy prevents the abdominal
obtundation, which ultimately results in a reduced thirst drive discomfort seen with intermittent fluid administration. This is
(Corley 2008). It is for this reason that using oral fluid therapy relatively easily undertaken either using commercially
in hypovolaemic animals is unsuccessful at best and available enteral fluid therapy kits or equine nasogastric
detrimental in certain scenarios. If the horse has no fluid feeding tubes. As these tubes are thin, it is prudent to ensure
deficits, or shows signs only of dehydration, then it will be they are positioned in the oesophagus, which may require
more clinically and cost effective to manage the horse with endoscopy or radiography. They need to be appropriately
enteral fluids (Hallowell 2008). Absolute contraindications secured and a muzzle will help to prevent horses rubbing
would include ileus and subsequent excessive nasogastric them out. Clean, but nonsterile, coiled fluid administration
reflux. sets and i.v. fluid bags can be used to hold the water or
Experimental (Lopes et al. 2002; Lester et al. 2013) and electrolyte solutions.
clinical studies (Hallowell 2008; Monreal et al. 2010) have A maximum intermittent rate of enteral fluids would be
shown that correction of large colonic impactions is more 6–8 l for a 500 kg horse (approximately 1.5 l/100 kg) at no less
effective using enteral than parenteral fluids unless significant than 30 min intervals. Checking for nasogastric reflux prior to
haemodilution occurs. The reported parenteral fluid rates the next dose is essential. The maximum rate usually possible
required to hydrate impactions is not only expensive but for continuous administration would be 5 l/500 kg/h (1 l/

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388 Management of large colonic impactions

100 kg/h) and maximum rates should be 10 l/500 kg/h (2 l/ a)

100 kg/h) (Corley 2008).

Fluids used enterally

A variety of enteral fluids are administered to manage
colonic impactions. These include water, hypotonic or
isotonic fluids supplemented with electrolytes (e.g. sodium
chloride and potassium chloride) and also hypertonic
magnesium sulphate. Hypotonic fluids given enterally are
absorbed from the proximal gastrointestinal tract, whereas
isotonic fluids are more likely to remain within the
gastrointestinal lumen and thus hydrate the colonic contents
(Lopes et al. 2004a,b). b)
Magnesium sulphate is used enterally as a cathartic
agent as an initial treatment for large colonic impactions.
Initial use of 0.5 g/kg bwt is recommended diluted in water.
Doses up to 1 g/kg bwt can be used, but can result in
hypermagnesaemia and repeated administration of this
product is not recommended as it can lead to signs
associated with magnesium toxicity. These include
tachycardia, increased respiratory rate, sweating,
hyperexcitability, muscle tremors, flaccid paralysis and
recumbency. Magnesium sulphate is not as effective
experimentally at increasing colon water content when
Fig 1: Two photographs of some hard faecal balls immersed in
compared with a balanced electrolyte solution, but does water (a) and liquid paraffin (b) for 24 h. The faeces in the water
increase the water content of faeces in the small colon (a) has dissipated into the solution, whereas the faecal balls in
(Lopes et al. 2004b), so may be of value for primary small liquid paraffin (b) are still hard and solid and remained this way
colon impactions. for a further 6 days (images courtesy of Dr M. Bowen).
Balanced electrolyte solutions can be made from sodium
chloride and combined sodium and potassium chloride
(LoSalt) with approximately 5 g of each per 1 l of water and
the author has found these to be effective, even in Oral glucose in fluids does not provide sufficient nutrition
longstanding, severe large colonic impactions. Other to be valuable in horses and glucose and glycine containing
formulations have been shown to be effective that also add fluids in an experimental diarrhoea model resulted in
sodium bicarbonate, but these are less easy to remember incomplete fluid absorption (Ecke et al. 1998).
and formulate in general equine practice. If only using In summary, enteral fluids can be beneficial for treatment
sodium chloride, add a maximum of 9 g/1 l of water. of large colonic impactions and electrolyte supplementation,
but are not appropriate for hypovolaemic animals or those
with gastrointestinal ileus.
Products not recommended for enteral
Management of horses following colonic
Mineral oil can be used as a marker of gastrointestinal transit impactions
(18 h to anus if transit time is normal). For impactions, it works
its way around as well as hindering water penetration (Fig 1). For some horses the cause of a colonic impaction is clear.
Based on no benefit of using this product in the scientific The horse has been stabled following a musculoskeletal injury,
literature, increased cost over water and the likely fatality if has competed on a warm day and/or been travelled, or for
this product is inadvertently administered into the horse’s some other reason diet or water intake has been modified
lungs (Metcalfe et al. 2010) means that it is not (Hillyer et al. 2002), but for others it may be necessary to
recommended for treatment of large colonic impactions. further evaluate management practices in order to prevent
Dioctyl sodium sulphosuccinate is a detergent that recurrence in the future.
should penetrate impacted faecal material by affecting Horses that have had one or multiple colonic impactions
surface tension, thus allowing water to enter the faeces. should have their anthelmintic regime evaluated. This
Care should be taken as a three-fold overdose is fatal includes considering the pharmacological agents
(Moffat et al. 1975) and also increases absorption of mineral administered and at what frequency, methods used to
oil so should not be administered concurrently. There is no reduce pasture contamination and faecal worm egg counts.
benefit of this over water based on an experimental study Faecal worm egg counts have to be interpreted with caution
comparing faecal output and composition (Freeman et al. as many of the clinical signs associated with endoparasitic
1992). disease are seen in the prepatent period and worm egg
Sodium sulphate is an even more potent cathartic than counts do not always correlate with worm burden. In
magnesium sulphate, but consistently causes hypernatraemia addition, the current recommendations (Nielsen et al. 2013)
and hypocalcaemia and is therefore not recommended are to perform modified faecal worm egg counts (Proudman
(Lopes et al. 2004b). and Edwards 1992), which have a high specificity.

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A dental examination should be performed in horses Argenzio, R.A., Southworth, M., Lowe, J.E. and Stevens, C.E. (1977)
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examination have smooth dental arcades from overzealous
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The majority of horses are fed a balanced diet, but in the to circular intestinal muscle. Am. J. Physiol. 209, 1254-1260.
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manage these horses in an optimal environment, taking into Fintl, C., Hudson, N.P., Mayhew, I.G., Edwards, G.B., Proudman, C.J.
consideration group dynamics when at pasture, amount of and Pearson, G.T. (2004) Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) in equine
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Conclusions Equine Vet. J. 33, 570-576.
Freeman, D.E., Ferrante, P.L. and Palmer, J.E. (1992) Comparison of the
In conclusion, large colonic impactions are a common cause effects of intragastric infusions of equal volumes of water, dioctyl
of abdominal pain in the horse. Many of the risk factors have sodium sulfosuccinate, and magnesium sulfate on fecal
been identified, but further evaluation of the effects of composition and output in clinically normal horses. Am. J. Vet. Res.
53, 1347-1353.
intestinal pH and changes in the microbiota are warranted.
As well as correction of impactions with isotonic enteral Gay, C.C., Speirs, V.C., Christie, B.A., Smyth, B. and Parry, B. (1979)
Foreign body obstruction of the small colon in six horses. Equine
electrolyte solutions, consideration of management practices Vet. J. 11, 60-63.
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Ethical animal research simple colonic obstruction and distension colic in horses. Equine
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Ethical review not applicable for this review article.
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Hudson, N.P., Pearson, G.T., Kitamura, N. and Mayhew, I.G. (1999) An
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