ESM Principles HSE Management System: Leadership and Commitment

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ID 19
Issue 2
Lufkin Middle East Lufkin middle East management review Date 31/12/2008
Prepared by Talaat Elkader
Approved by Craig Guillory


Lufkin Middle East HSE Management System is a reflection of the objectives set by the company’s
top management and the manner in which these objectives are to be met as laid down by its senior
management. Achievement of the hazard management objectives will be realized through the setting
up of an organization in which responsibility is assigned and to which resources are provided.
The standards and procedures through which the objectives will be met are defined by those with the
necessary expertise. The implementation of standards is monitored through performance indicators and
assured through periodic audits. Such audits are reviewed by management who may initiate system
changes to facilitate improvement. The system is additionally made live through loops which feedback
improvements and corrections at all stages.

The system incorporates the eleven elements of enhanced safety management (ESM) and increases
their effectiveness through the structured improvement process. The safety management structure and
the ESM relationship are illustrated in the next figure.

In Lufkin Middle East, a policy and strategy have been implemented, the organization and
responsibilities had been defined, and hazard identification and effects had been achieved in addition
to the frequent and planned audit. Management review is a process through which the company’s top
management will review the OH&S management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy
and effectiveness

ESM Principles HSE Management System

Visible senior management commitment Leadership and Commitment

Sound HSE policy Policy and Strategic Objectives

Line responsibility for HSE

Competent HSE Advisers Organisation, Responsibilities
High, well understood HSE standards Resources, Standards & Doc.
Effective HSE training

Hazards and Effects

Realistic HSE targets and objectives Planning & Procedures Action

Effective motivation and communication

Techniques for measuring HSE performance Implementation Monitoring
Thorough incident investigation and follow up

Audit of HSE standards and practices Audit Corrective Action &


Review Corrective Action &


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Doc.ID 19
Issue 2
Lufkin Middle East Lufkin middle East management review Date 31/12/2008
Prepared by Talaat Elkader
Approved by Craig Guillory


In Lufkin Middle East the management review is agreed to be conducted on the annual basis. The
management review shall address the possible needs for changes to policy, objectives and other
elements of OH& S management system, in the light of OH& S management system audit results,
changing circumstances and the commitment of continual improvement.

Process procedures

In the first three months of every year. Management review meeting will be held – in the light of
management audit – to perform the following activities:

1. All managerial staff in the office should attend the management review and it should be headed
by the General Manager of the company.
2. A full statistical report about the performance of the system in all sites will be provided by the
HSE manager. it will contain all of the following items:
• System performance in all sections and department of the company that relates to the
• All the results of work –related injuries, ill health, diseases and incident investigations;
performance monitoring and measurements; the audit activities.
• Additional internal and external changes that could affect OH&S system.
• The situation of required corrective actions.
• Adequacy of current hazard identification and risk assessment.
• Adequacy of resources.
• The effectiveness occupational health and safety inspection and auditing process.
• The effectiveness of hazard reporting process.
• Data related to accidents and incidents that have occurred.
• The relation with customers and their evaluation of Lufkin HSE system.
• The effectiveness of training program carried out along the past period.
• Expected training plan to be executed the coming period of time.
• How can the effective HSE system support both sales and operation process and
achieve customer satisfaction.
3. Evaluate the overall strategy of occupational health and safety system to determine whether it
meets planned performance objectives.
4. Setting or updating OH& S objectives for continual improvement for the next year.
5. Evaluate HSE management system’s ability to meet the overall needs of the company’s
customers, workers and the regulatory authorities.
6. Evaluate the need for changes to the occupational health& safety system including OH &S
policy and objectives.
7. Identifying what actions is necessary to remedy any deficiencies in a timely manner, including
adaptations of other aspects of the organization’s management structures and performance

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Doc.ID 19
Issue 2
Lufkin Middle East Lufkin middle East management review Date 31/12/2008
Prepared by Talaat Elkader
Approved by Craig Guillory

8. Provide the feedback direction, including the determination of priorities, for meaningful
planning and continual improvement.
9. Evaluate progress towards the organization’s OH & S and corrective action activities.
10. take the steps to formally publish our system to our customer and be approved by the
management of the company.

Management review inputs

Management review will consider and review the following items:

1. accidents statistics in all sites

2. Results of all internal audits and management system audits.
3. Corrective actions carried to the system and its contribution to continuous improvement of the
4. Report from the HSE manager on the overall performance of the system.
5. Reports from site supervisor on the effectiveness of the system in their side.
6. Reports of hazard identification and risk assessments and risk control that hazard been
performed the year in all site including the free zone area.
7. Output of any investigations into accidents and incidents.
8. An assessment of the effects of foreseeable changes to legislation or technology.

Management review outputs:

1. Minutes of the meeting

2. Revision of OH &S policy and objectives.
3. Corrective action plan.
4. Training plan.
5. Specific improvement actions, with assigned responsibilities and target dates for completion.
6. Arrangements should be established and maintained for preventive and corrective action
resulting from the management audit and management review system.
7. the safety and health process and performance of Lufkin Middle East should be compared with
Lufkin corporate and others outside to improve the system

1. All documents relating to management re3view should be documented and maintained.
2. All next year OH &S plan should be carried out according to Management review outcomes.

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