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Der Stürmer

Die erste Wahl des deutschen Volkes

Gott mit uns

Group Member Names Oktober 8, 1943

Die Brutalität der Nachruf auf den 7. Oktober 1943

untermenschlichen Russen, by: Name

by: Joseph Gobbels, Minister for Propaganda Civilians
The great and mighty forces of the Reich (list is limited due to lack of complete identification of
have discovered something horrifying and bodies, will be updated in tomorrow’s issue)
disgusting. According to various sources Huberman, Hans- Molching
from our frontline soldiers, a whole
syndicate of camps, used by hypocrite Huberman, Rosa- Molching
Stalin of the Untermensch Bolsheviks, has Muller, Tommy- Molching
been unearthed. This has led to outrage The ruins of Molching, caused by
the demonic terror of the American
within our men on the front, as we have bombs Holtzapfel, Maria- Molching
great concern that hypocrite Stalin ordered Diller, Hanna- Molching
his runts to kidnap Aryan soldiers, who
were fighting to liberate the Russian people
Molching ohne Vorwarnung Steiner, Barbra- Molching
from the grips of the Bolsheviks, and vernichtet,Bynur ein Überlebender Steiner- Kurt- Molching
Erik von Glucksberg
depriving them of the essential rights of
The satanic, Untermencsh and Aryan- Steiner, Bettina- Molching
food, water and freedom.
slaying Americans and Englishmen have Steiner, Rudy- Molching
once again demonstrated to the world, that
Pffikus, Johan- Molching
Pending further investigation by the they will do whatever it takes to make you,
German forces into crimes committed by the Aryan master race, pay for their sins of Schmeikl, Ludwig- Molching
the Bolsheviks, this is just another nail in stubbornness, impurity, manipulation and Chemmel, Viktor- Molching
the coffin against the rule of Bolshevik Jew-love! Last night, our beautiful, pure
brainwashing and domination in Europe! and hardworking Molching was stamped Members of the Wehrmacht
The Aryan master race is coming to free on by a brutal wave of American and Huberman, Pvt. Hans Jr.- Russia (date of
the enslaved and misguided races under British bombers, who committed this exact death unknown, only reported now)
Stalin’s tyrrany, and banish all forms of treacherous act to force the strong German
Von Mueller, Cpl, Fritz- Italy
Untermensch ideology from the grip of the people to cave into surrender. However,
world! you, the Aryan people, must not let these Scheinder, 2nd. Lt Thomas- Atlantic Ocean
actions from the devil himself extinguish
Maier, Alois- Russia
your will to survive and fight for our great
Joseph Gobbels, Minister for Propaganda, Fuher! Franke, Heinz- Russia
NSDAP. Despite our grief and prayers, it is
tantamount that the German people listen Gott Mit uns.
to the story of a sole survivor, who despite
losing all her family and friends in the
bombing, emerged from the rubble
embodying the German spirit of survival
and courage. 14-Year-old Liesel Meminger
was pulled out unharmed from the rubble
of Molching, untouched by the curse of the
American bombs, and held out despite her
grief and sadness. Telling her rescuers “As
I dazed out to sleep, I could hear an old
voice rushing above the sky,
Our great Aryan soldiers liberating
Soviet soldiers from the great Continued on page 2
hypocrisy of the Bolshevik Stalin.
Rest assured; the Soviets captured
are being treated in accordance to
their rights as people.

Our Dear Fuher, Adolf Hitler prays

for the safety and livelihood of every
Aryan in the service of the Great

Molching ohne Vorwarnung whispering the names of my father, my mother, my best friend and all the names of the people I
vernichtet, nur ein Überlebender have known through my life here. It wasn’t a voice of hate or poison, more like a voice of calm
By Erik von Glucksberg and comfort.” Out of luck, young Liesel was found unharmed in her parent’s basement, with a
copy of the Fuher’s Mein Kampf found near her. Was it the consumption of the Fuher’s great
story and morals that protected this young and loyal Aryan from Death itself? This should be a
sign for all young Germans to read the great morals in the Fuher’s book, so that one day they will
grow up to be model and pure Aryan citizens like Liesel.

As a sign of appreciation for her survival, Liesel has been taken into the care of Bürgermeister
Heinz Hermann’s household, under the close care of his wife, Ilsa. Speaking to us “I pay my
condolences to Liesel’s family, all who died during the bombings. I felt it was my duty to give care
and safety to this wonderful girl, as she has a long and bright life ahead of her that cannot end on
the streets of rubble. Liesel is a very talented reader and writer, showing her curiosity by reading
books from our library every time she visited for her work. I pray that no more young German
children like her lose their parents to the nightmare of war. Ever.”

Erik von Glucksberg, Munich.

Sole survivor Liesel Meminger being pulled out of the

rubble by a soldier- a proud image of Aryan survival and
persistence against the weak attempts by the Americans
to stamp out German pride

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