Micro Clinical Questions

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1. Given the isolation of an organism from a clinical specimen with the microscopic and colonial
morphology of Staphylococcus, which diagnostic tests should be used to identify the organism.

2. Given the isolation of an organism from a clinical specimen with the microscopic and colonial
morphology of Streptococcus, which diagnostic tests should be used to identify the organism.

3. List the carbohydrate test results that presumptively identify N. gonorrhoeae, N. memingitidis,
and M. catarrhalis.

4. Name 3 serious infections caused by Haemophilus species.

5. Differentiate Listeria monocytogenes from other gram-positive bacteria that show similar
microscopic or colonial morphology (Corynebacterium spp. Streptococcus agalactiae,
Enterococcus, Erysipelothrix)

6. Briefly discuss the quantity of blood needed and the timing of blood cultures.

7. List 5 factors that may affect the size of the inhibition zone when using a disk diffusion test.

8. List the primary planting media used in the laboratory for the culturing of the following
specimens: cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), throat, sputum, urine, pleural fluid and vaginal wound

9. dentify an isolate from urine that exhibited the following characteristics.

Blood agar: large colonies; opaque; dirty grey; mucoid
MC agar: pink; mucoid
Indole: negative Citrate: positive H2S: negative
Urea: positive PDA: negative LDC: positive
ODC: negative Motility: negative

10. Identify an isolate from urine that exhibited the following characteristics.
Blood agar: large colonies; opaque; dirty grey; spreading
MC agar: colorless
Indole: negative Citrate: negative H2S: positive
Urea: positive PDA: positive LDC: negative
ODC: positive Motility: positive

11. Which media is recommended for the initial isolation of E. coli 0157:H7? How does this media
work and what reactions are possible?

12. Indicate the characteristics and tests needed to confirm a presumptive identification of
Campylobacter jejuni.

13. Indicate the characteristics and tests needed to confirm a presumptive identification of
Helicobacter pylori.

14. A skin culture from a burn patient was received in the lab. The following results were obtained:
Growth on MC agar Oxidase: positive O-F glucose: acid
Arginine dihydrolase: positive Growth on blood agar Corn tortilla odor
Pyocyanin: positive (beta hemolytic;ground-glass appearance)
15. List 3 specimens that should not be cultured for anaerobic bacteria.

16. How can the laboratory diagnosis of Chlamydia infections be accomplished?

17. How can Legionella spp. Be detected in clinical specimens?

18. Explain the safety precautions necessary when working with mycobacteria.

19. Why is it necessary to digest, decontaminate, and concentrate culture specimens for

20. Indicate which of these specimens would require decontamination for mycobacterium testing:
CSF; feces; blood; urine; bronchial washing; lung tissue.

21. List the 2 most common types of media for the recovery of acid-fast bacilli

22. What reaction would M. tuberculosis give for the following tests:
Niacin test
Nitrate reduction
NAP susceptibility
Catalase (68oC)
Urease test

23. What is the purpose of examining freshly passed stool specimens?

24. List some of the substances that interfere with stool examination for parasites.

25. State the most common procedure for stool concentration and outline the procedure.

26. Outline the procedure for the trichrome stain.

27. Provide a brief description and state the fungi supported on the following media:
Sabouraud dextrose agar (SAB) Brain heart infusion agar (BHIA)
Mycosel agar Potato dextrose agar
Cornmeal agar with Tween 80 Germ test tube medium
Inhibitory mold agar BHIA with blood or antibiotics
Urea agar

28. Can lactophenol cotton blue (LPCB) wet mounts be safely observed beneath the light microscope
outside of the safety cabinet? What fungal elements are stained by the LPCB stain?

29. What is the Gram reaction of yeast and hyphae on the Gram stain? How do yeast compare to
cocci and how do hyphae compare to bacilli? Will Cryptococcus neoformans stain with the Gram

30. State the significance of the India Ink stain and the most common type of specimen used.

31. What are the 5 modes of viral transmission?

32. Discuss the types of transport media used with viral cultures.

33. Discuss how cell cultures are used in the identification of viruses.

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