Senior 6 Final Paper 4

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Sections 1st 2nd 3rd
2 A
rd B
Ready D

NAME: ____________________________SURNAME: ______________________________

Paper 4
SENIOR SIX FINAL EXAM Time allowed: 2h

SECTION A: Reading Comprehension

Read the text and decide if the sentences are true or false. Circle T (true) or F (false).

The Canterville Ghost

By Oscar Wilde
When Mr Hiram B Otis of America bought Canterville Chase, everyone told him he was doing a very
foolish thing, as there was no doubt at all that the place was haunted. Indeed, Lord Canterville himself
had seen it as his duty to mention the fact to Mr Otis.
“We have not lived in the place ourselves,” said Lord Canterville, “since my great-aunt, the Dowager
Duchess of Bolton, was frightened into an illness from which she never really recovered by two ghostly
hands being placed on her shoulders as she was dressing for dinner, and the ghost has been seen by
several living members of my family, as well as by the priest. After the unfortunate incident with the
Duchess, none of our younger servants would stay with us, and my wife often got very little sleep at
night because of the mysterious noises that came from the corridor and the library.”
“My lord,” answered Mr Otis, “I come from a modern country where we have everything that money can
buy. I reckon that if there were such a thing as a ghost in Europe, we´d have it at home in a very short
time in one of our museums, or on the road as a show”
“I fear that the ghost exists,” said Lord Canterville, smiling, “If you don´t mind the ghost in the house, it
is all right. Only you must remember that I warned you.”
A few weeks after this, the Otis family arrived on a lovely July evening. The air on their journey from
the railway station was delicate with the scent of pinewoods. As they entered the grounds of Canterville
Chase, however, the sky suddenly became overcast, despite a strange stillness in the air. A big group
of black birds passed silently over their heads, and before they reached the house, some large drops
of rain had fallen.
Standing on the steps to receive them was Mrs Umney, the housekeeper. She said, “welcome to
Canterville Chase.” Following her, they passed through the fine hall into the library, a long, low room of
black wood. Mrs Otis caught sight of a dull red stain on the floor just by the fireplace. She said to Mrs
Umney: “I am afraid something has been spilt there.”
“Yes, madam,” replied the old housekeeper in a low voice, “blood has been spilt on that spot.”
“How horrid!” cried Mrs Otis; “It must be removed at once.”
The old woman smiled, and answered in the same low, mysterious voice, “It is the blood of Lady
Eleanore de Canterville, who was murdered on that very spot by her own husband, Sir Simon de
Canterville, in 1575. The blood stain cannot be removed, no matter how hard you try. It has been much
admired by tourists and others.” “Nonsense,” cried Washington Otis, “Pinkerton´s Stain Remover will
clean it up in no time,” and before the terrified housekeeper could interfere, he fell upon his knees and
began to scrub the floor. Then a flash of lightning lit up the sombre room, a terrible roar of thunder
made them all get to their feet, and Mrs Umney fainted. Mrs Umney came round after a few moments,
but she was still extremely upset.
“I have seen things here, sir,” she said, “that would make anyone´s hair stand on end.” Mr Otis,
however, and his wife warmly assured her that they were not afraid of ghosts.
Adapted from: PRIME TIME

1. People reacted to Mr Otis´decision to buy the house advising him against it. T F
2. Lord Canterville believed the Dowager Duchess of Bolton became a ghost. T F
AACI use
3. After the incident with the Duchess all the cleaning people left the mansion. T F only
4. Lord Canterville´s wife used to spend sleepless nights due to strange noises. T F
5. Mr Otis told Lord Canterville that America was an advanced society. T F
6. The weather at Canterville Chase on the family´s arrival was windy . T F
7. Mrs Umney said the stain on the floor was put there for visitors. T F
8. Mrs Umney appeared to be alarmed when she saw Mr Otis cleaning the floor. T F
9. When nature lit up the somber room, everybody was petrified and did not move. T F
10. Mr Otis and his wife were in two minds about buying the house. T F R
SECTION B: Language in Use
I. Read the passage below. Choose the correct option for each gap and write it in the box.
The Commonwealth of Nations, normally known as the Commonwealth, is an organization which
consists (1) ___ fifty-three member states. All of them (2) ___ British colonies and, in fact, the
organization was created in 1949, (3) ___ the colonies started gaining independence from Britain. The
member states don´t have any legal obligation (4) ___. They are, however, united (5) ___ culture,
history and, of course, language, as well as by basic principles and values: democracy, human rights
and the rule of law.
The human symbol of this free association is the Head of the Commonwealth, currently Queen
Elizabeth II, and the 2018 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting appointed Charles, Prince of
Wales, to be her designated successor, (6) ___ the position is not technically hereditary. The Queen is
the head of state of 16 member states, known as the Commonwealth realms, while 32 other members
are republics and five others have different monarchs.
(7) ___ its political involvement in the affairs of the member states, the organisation is also well-
known for the Commonwealth Games, a sporting event held (8) ___ four years. What´s interesting
about the Games is that it is the world's first multi-sport event (9) ___ introduced equal number of
women’s and men’s medal events and was implemented recently in the 2018 Commonwealth Games.
Another interesting thing is that there are very unusual sports (10) ___ there.
Adapted from FOCUS and Wikipedia.

1 ___ A. on B. of C. in D. to
AACI use
2 ___ A. are used to being B. used to be C. used D. are accostumed to only

3 ___ A. which B. why C. what D. when 1st

4 ___ A. between B. among C. to each other D. each

5 ___ A. from B. by C. -- D. need
6 ___ A. although B. in addition to C. in spite of D. however 3rd
7 ___ A. Consequently B. Surprisingly C. Apart from D. Even
8 ___ A. in B. every C. on D. at R

9 ___ A. which B. why C. what D. when

10 ___ A. play B. played C. is playing D. would have played

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.


Imagine you were taking an important exam on Monday, what (1)________________ (you do) the
weekend before? You wouldn´t certainly do what two Chemistry students (2)________________ (do)
in Kansas, Missouri. They went to a different city and partied all weekend. They had a great time, but
they knew that unless they (3)________________ (get) back in time for the exam, they wouldn´t be
able to take it. So they drove through the night and got back to college in the early hours of Monday
AACI use
morning. As soon as they arrived, one of them asked half asleep: “(4)____________________ (you only

set) the alarm clock for 7 am?” but his classmate (5)________________ (already fall) asleep and as a 1st

result they overslept and missed the exam.

When they found their professor afterwards, they decided to invent a story. They told him that they
(6)________________ (be) on time if they had not had a flat tyre. The professor thought about this for 3rd
a moment and then agreed that they could take the exam the next day.
“Morning gentlemen,” the professor said, “I (7)________________ (give) you the exams in a minute.
Let me remind you the exam (8)________________ (take) two hours. The time is now 8 a.m. so by 10
a.m. you (9)________________ (finish).” The professor placed the students in separate rooms and
gave them the exam papers. The first question was simple and worth 5 points. But they
(10)________________ (not prepare) for the question on the next page:

Question 2 (95 points): Which tyre?

III. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word in brackets. You mustn’t change the word given.
1. Jake has been forbidden from using his dad´s computer. ALLOWED

Jake _____________________________________________________________________ his dad´s computer.

2. The critics said this is the best book ever written. SUPPOSED

This _____________________________________________ the best book ever written according to the critics.

3. He’s feeling ill because he ate three bars of chocolate last night. NOT

If he ___________________________________________________________________________________ ill.

4. You shouldn’t listen to Tom’s speech. WHOSE AACI use

Tom is the speaker ___________________________________________________________________listen to.
5. You should put an extra sweater on so that you don’t get cold. ORDER

You should put an extra sweater on ________________________________________________________ cold 2nd

6. It is possible that she didn’t hear you. MAY


She __________________________________________________________________________________you.
7. “There will be very few people at the party,” she told Peter. NOT

She told Peter there _________________________________________________________ people at the party.

8. My friends said I shouldn´t pay more than £20 for a ticket. ADVISED

My friends ___________________________________________________________ more than £20 for a ticket.

9. The plants will probably be dead when we eventually get home. HAVE

The plants _______________________________________________________________ the time we get home.

10. I still find it strange to wear a uniform. USED

I still haven’t _______________________________________________________________________ a uniform.

SECTION C: Writing
Choose ONE of the following options. You must write between 180 and 230 words.

Option A: You have decided to enter a short story competition. The rules say that the narrative must
begin or end with the following words:
Jenny looked in her bag to find her wallet, but it wasn´t there.
Write your narrative.

Option B: Your teacher has asked you to write an essay giving your opinion on the following statement:
Computer games can assist in teaching children.
Write your essay.

Option C: You have received this email from your English-speaking friend, Tom.

After going to Paul Mc Cartney´s and BTS´ concerts last year, I was wondering if you have ever been
to a great concert yourself. If so, whose concert? When? Who did you go with? Did you have a good
time? Did you do anything with your friends before going to the theatre/stadium? Would you
recommend it? Why?
Thanks, Tom

Write your email.































AACI use
_________________________________________________________________________________ only

_________________________________________________________________________________ 1st

_________________________________________________________________________________ 2nd


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