Math Week 11

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Outline Linear, First-Order Differential Eq. Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq.

Some Advanced Topics

Mathematics for Economic Dynamics III

Muhammad Ryan Sanjaya

Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada

27 April 2020

Corresponding e-mail:

Mathematics for Economic Dynamics III Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Outline Linear, First-Order Differential Eq. Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq. Some Advanced Topics

Linear, First-Order Differential Eq.

Nonautonomous equations

Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq.

Autonomous and Qualitative Analysis

Some Advanced Topics

Mathematics for Economic Dynamics III Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Outline Linear, First-Order Differential Eq. Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq. Some Advanced Topics

Linear, First-Order Differential Eq.

Nonautonomous equations

Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq.

Autonomous and Qualitative Analysis

Some Advanced Topics

Mathematics for Economic Dynamics III Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Outline Linear, First-Order Differential Eq. Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq. Some Advanced Topics

Nonautonomous equations

Nonautonomous Equations

The general form of a linear, nonautonomous, first-order differential
equation is
ẏ + a(t)y = b(t)
where a(t) and b(t) are known, continuous functions of t.
I This is the last section of our discussion on linear, first-order
differential equations
I We will use a new technique to obtain the solution for a
differential equation where a(t) and b(t) varies over time
I But before that, let’s state the general solution to any linear
first-order differential equation

Mathematics for Economic Dynamics III Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Outline Linear, First-Order Differential Eq. Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq. Some Advanced Topics

Nonautonomous equations

General Solution

The general solution to any linear first-order differential equation is
−A(t) A(t)
y (t) = e e b(t)dt + C

where A(t) = a(t)dt.

Mathematics for Economic Dynamics III Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Outline Linear, First-Order Differential Eq. Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq. Some Advanced Topics

Nonautonomous equations

General Solution
I We will not discuss the derivation of this solution (it’s in Hoy
p. 871), but we’ll see the trick used to get this solution
I This ’trick’ is the introduction of
e A(t)
or the integrating factor (again, A(t) = a(t)dt)
I Why is it a trick? Well, when a(t) ≡ a and b(t) ≡ b (i.e., we
have an autonomous differential equation as in last week’s
lecture), the integrating factor becomes e at and the solution
will be Z 
−at at
y (t) = e e bdt + C

y (t) = Ce −at +
Mathematics for Economic Dynamics III Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Outline Linear, First-Order Differential Eq. Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq. Some Advanced Topics

Nonautonomous equations


Find the solution for this equation

ẏ − 2ty = bt

Mathematics for Economic Dynamics III Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Outline Linear, First-Order Differential Eq. Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq. Some Advanced Topics

Linear, First-Order Differential Eq.

Nonautonomous equations

Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq.

Autonomous and Qualitative Analysis

Some Advanced Topics

Mathematics for Economic Dynamics III Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Outline Linear, First-Order Differential Eq. Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq. Some Advanced Topics

Autonomous and Qualitative Analysis


I We’ll mostly use phase

diagram (although a bit
different from last week)
I Consider this equation

ẏ = y − y 2

ẏ = y (1 − y )
I The system comes at its
steady-state (ẏ = 0)
when y = 0 and y = 1

Mathematics for Economic Dynamics III Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Outline Linear, First-Order Differential Eq. Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq. Some Advanced Topics

Autonomous and Qualitative Analysis

Arrows of Motion

I ẏ > 0 when 0 < y < 1

I ẏ < 0 when y < 0 or
y >1
I The arrows of motion
indicate the tendency for
y to converge to 1 if
y > 0 and to diverge to
−∞ if y < 0

Mathematics for Economic Dynamics III Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Outline Linear, First-Order Differential Eq. Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq. Some Advanced Topics

Autonomous and Qualitative Analysis


A steady-state point is stable if d ẏ /dy < 0 at that point and
unstable if d ẏ /dy > 0 at that point.

Mathematics for Economic Dynamics III Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Outline Linear, First-Order Differential Eq. Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq. Some Advanced Topics

Autonomous and Qualitative Analysis


For ẏ = y − y 2 its steady-state values

I y = 0 is unstable because d ẏ /dy = 1 − 2y = 1 > 0
I y = 1 is stable because d ẏ /dy = −1 < 0
How about ẏ = 3y + y 2 − 4? Sketch the phase diagram!

Mathematics for Economic Dynamics III Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Outline Linear, First-Order Differential Eq. Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq. Some Advanced Topics


Bernoulli’s Equation

The general form of a nonautonomous, first-order differential
equation is
ẏ = f (t, y )

I We’ll study two special cases of a nonautonomous, nonlinear

first-order differential equation
I This differential equation

ẏ + a(t)y = b(t)y n

is a Bernoulli’s equation if n is neither zero nor one.

Mathematics for Economic Dynamics III Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Outline Linear, First-Order Differential Eq. Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq. Some Advanced Topics


Example: Fishery model 1/3

A fishery model: quantity of fish caught is a fraction (α) of fish
population, assume α to be exogenous.
The population of fish grows following this equation when there is
no fishing
g (y ) = y − y 2 , y (0) = y0 ≥ 0
If fishermen harvest the fish at rate

h = αy

the dynamics of fish population is now given by

ẏ = y − y 2 − αy

ẏ − y (1 − α) = −y 2
Mathematics for Economic Dynamics III Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Outline Linear, First-Order Differential Eq. Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq. Some Advanced Topics


Example: Fishery model 2/3

Multiply both sides by y −2
y −2 ẏ − y −1 (1 − α) = −1 (1)
If we define x = y −1 , then
dy 1
ẋ =
dt y
Substitute to equation (1) and multiply by 1
ẋ + x(1 − α) = 1 (2)
This equation is a first-order, autonomous, linear differential
equation with the homogeneous solution (see week 9 page 19)
given by
xh = Ce −(1−α)t
Mathematics for Economic Dynamics III Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Outline Linear, First-Order Differential Eq. Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq. Some Advanced Topics


Example: Fishery model 3/3

The particular and general solutions are
xp = x̄ =
x(t) = Ce −(1−α)t +
If x(0) = x0 = C + 1/(1 − α), then
1 1
x(t) = x0 − e −(1−α)t +
1−α 1−α
Now plug back y −1 for x to get the final solution
y0 (1 − α)
y (t) = (3)
y0 + (1 − α − y0 )e −(1−α)t

Mathematics for Economic Dynamics III Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Outline Linear, First-Order Differential Eq. Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq. Some Advanced Topics


Separable Equations

We can rewrite the general equation of a nonautonomous,

first-order differential equation as a ratio between M(t, y ) and
−N(t, y )
A nonlinear, first-order differential equation is separable if
M(t, y ) = A(t) and N(t, y ) = B(y )

A(t) + B(y )ẏ = 0 (4)

Mathematics for Economic Dynamics III Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Outline Linear, First-Order Differential Eq. Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq. Some Advanced Topics


Separable Equations

Equation (4) can also be written as

A(t)dt + B(y )dy = 0

Such separable equation can be solved directly using integration

A(t)dt + B(y )dy = C

Mathematics for Economic Dynamics III Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Outline Linear, First-Order Differential Eq. Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq. Some Advanced Topics



(See Hoy’s textbook p. 892-893) Equation

k̇ = se at k 1/2 , a>0

can be separated into

−se at + k −1/2 k̇ = 0

−se at dt + k −1/2 dk = 0
−se dt + k −1/2 dk = 0

Mathematics for Economic Dynamics III Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Outline Linear, First-Order Differential Eq. Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq. Some Advanced Topics


−se dt + k −1/2 dk = 0
− e at + 2k 1/2 = C
This yields the solution
s at C
k(t) = e +
2a 2

and if we know the initial value k(0) = k0 , the definite solution is

 p 2
k(t) = e − 1 + k0

Mathematics for Economic Dynamics III Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Outline Linear, First-Order Differential Eq. Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq. Some Advanced Topics

Linear, First-Order Differential Eq.

Nonautonomous equations

Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq.

Autonomous and Qualitative Analysis

Some Advanced Topics

Mathematics for Economic Dynamics III Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Outline Linear, First-Order Differential Eq. Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq. Some Advanced Topics

Some Advanced Topics

I Due to limited time we were not able to cover all topics from
our textbook
I I suggest you to learn independently as this is your last chance
of learning mathematics at undergraduate level
I Topics not discussed (but should have been)
I Second- and nth order difference equation
I Second- and nth order differential equation
I System of differential equations
I Optimal Control Theory
I Compact sets
I And many more

Mathematics for Economic Dynamics III Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Outline Linear, First-Order Differential Eq. Nonlinear, First-Order Differential Eq. Some Advanced Topics

What’s in the Exam?

I Everything from the first week to the last

I Think before you answer, do not just plug numbers to an
I You’ll have four hours to answer all of the questions before
submitting it to me by email
I If the files exceed 15MB please consider using cloud storage
(Google Drive, Dropbox, Simpan UGM, One Drive, etc.) and
share the URL of the folder to me
I You may submit up to twice and, if you do this, I will only
grade your second submission. Third or more submissions will
not be graded.
I Late submission will reduce the score by 10 points every
15 minutes. I will be using the timestamp from your email (or
’date modified’ of the files you put in the cloud).

Mathematics for Economic Dynamics III Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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