D - Vehicle Positioning and Navigation System Using GPS and GSM

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Vehicle Positioning and Navigation System Using GPS and GSM

“Vehicle Positioning and Navigation System

Using GPS and GSM”

E mail Vamsis2004@yahoo.co.in


Mr. Vamsi Krishna Vangapalli (04P61A0436)

Mr. Sri Ram Sarma (04P61A0445)

Mr. Lava Kumar .Y (04P61A0405)

Mr. Srihari (04p61a0443)

Under the Guidance of

Mr .V. Ravindra kumar

(SW Specialist HP, California)

Electronics and Communication Engineering

Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology
(Affiliated to JNTU)

April, 2008
Vehicle Positioning and Navigation System Using GPS and GSM


In this Project it is proposed to design an embedded system which is used for tracking and
positioning of any vehicle by using Global Positioning System (GPS) and Global system
for mobile communication (GSM).

In this project 8052 microcontroller is used for interfacing to various hardware

peripherals. The current design is an embedded application, which will continuously
monitor a moving Vehicle and report the status of the Vehicle on demand. For doing so an
8052 microcontroller is interfaced serially to a GSM Modem and GPS Receiver. A GSM
modem is used to send the position (Latitude and Longitude) of the vehicle from a remote
place. The GPS modem will continuously give the data i.e. the latitude and longitude
indicating the position of the vehicle. The GPS modem gives many parameters as the
output, but only the NMEA data coming out is read and displayed on to the LCD. The same
data is sent to the mobile at the other end from where the position of the vehicle is
demanded. An EEPROM is used to store the data received by GPS receiver

The hardware interfaces to microcontroller are LCD display, GSM modem and GPS
Receiver. In order to interface GSM modem and GPS Receiver to the controller, a MUX is
used. The design uses RS-232 protocol for serial communication between the modems and
the microcontroller. A serial driver IC is used for converting TTL voltage levels to RS-232
voltage levels.

When a request by user is sent to the number at the modem, the system automatically
sends a return reply to that particular mobile indicating the position of the vehicle in terms
of latitude and longitude

A Program has been developed which is used to locate the exact position of the
vehicle and also to navigated track of the moving vehicle on Google Map.
Vehicle Positioning and Navigation System Using GPS and GSM

Proposed System
The proposed system is used for positioning and navigating the vehicle with an
accuracy of 10 m.

The Exact location is indicated in the form of latitude and longitude along with the
exact Navigated track on Google map.

The system tracks the location of particular vehicle and sends to users mobile in form
of data and also to microcontroller. The arrived data, in the form of latitude and
longitude is used to locate the Vehicle on the Google maps and also we can see the
output on the LCD.


Hardware Tools

S.NO Hardware
1. GPS
2. GSM
3. EEPROM (256Kb)
4. MAX 232

Table: Hardware descriptions

Software Tools

S.NO Software
1. WAMP Server
2. Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)
3. HyperTerminal
4. Nokia PC Suit
5. Keil Compiler
6. Embedded C
7. Google Maps

Table: Software descriptions

Vehicle Positioning and Navigation System Using GPS and GSM

Block Diagram

Figure: Transmitter Block Diagram


Figure: Receiver Block Diagram

Vehicle Positioning and Navigation System Using GPS and GSM


The project is vehicle positioning and navigation system we can locate the
vehicle around the globe with 8052 micro controller, GPS receiver, GSM modem,
MAX 232, EEPROM, NAND gate and Google maps.

Microcontroller used is AT89C52. The code is written in the internal memory of

Microcontroller i.e. RAM. With help of instruction set it processes the instructions and
it acts as interface between GSM and GPS with help of serial communication and also
a switch connected to port 1 of 8052. With the help of NAND gate microcontroller
switches between GPS and GSM. GPS always transmits the data and GSM transmits
and receive the data.

GPS pin TX is connected to microcontroller via NAND gate. GSM pins TX and RX
are connected to microcontroller via NAND gate.

The project is operated in two modes: Manual and Automated. In the Manual mode,
the microcontroller checks for the “STATUS” and sends the information whenever
user requests for the data. The RI pin of GSM will be HIGH when it gets the SMS
from the owner to send the data .microcontroller detects GSM received a SMS decode
it and sends the data to the owner with the help of AT commands. In the automated
mode, microcontroller sends the information to the owner at regular intervals of time.
The information is latitude and longitude values. Microcontroller does not check for
RI interrupt of GSM, directly sends data to the predefined number with help of AT
command set.

Microcontroller communicates with the help of serial communication. First it takes the
data from the GPS receiver and then sends the information to the owner in the form of
SMS with help of GSM modem.

GPS receiver falcom with 9600 baud rate is used to receive the data from space
Segment (from Satellites), the GPS values of different Satellites are sent to
microcontroller 8052, where these are processed and forwarded to GSM. At the time
of processing GPS receives only $GPRMC values only. From these values
microcontroller takes only latitude and longitude values excluding time, altitude, name
of the satellite, authentication etc. E.g. LAT: 1728:2470 LOG: 7843.3089

GSM modem with a baud rate 9600.GSM is a Global system for mobile
communication in this project it acts as a SMS Receiver and SMS sender. EEPROM is
an Electrically Erasable read only memory which stores information temporally stores
Vehicle Positioning and Navigation System Using GPS and GSM

the GPS latitude and Longitude Values at regular intervals of time .when ever user
request to see the information on the kit we can see the information on the LCD
display by pressing the display button. Pin 7 acts as read/write of AT24C256

Contains two kinds of power supply one is ac mode and another one is Battery mode.

In the battery mode, power is supplied to components like GSM, GPS and Micro
control circuitry using a12/3.2A battery .GPS requires 12v ,GSM and microcontroller
requires 5.3v .with the help of regulators we regulate the power between three
components .In the AC mode, a Step-down transformer is used to convert 230v AC to
12v, 1Amp Dc and then goes to Bridge circuitry to control ripples in DC signal. The
signal is again passed through filter to get pure DC signal and then goes to regulators
and to the circuitry.

WAMPs are packages of independently-created programs installed on computers that

use a Microsoft Windows operating system. The interaction of these programs
enables dynamic web pages to be served over a computer network, such as the
internet or a private network. "WAMP" is an acronym formed from the initials of the
operating system (Windows) and the package's principal components: Apache,
MySQL and PHP (or Perl or Python). Apache is a web server, which allows people
with web browsers like Internet Explorer or Firefox to connect to a computer and see
information there as web pages. MySQL is a database manager (that is, it keeps track
of data in a highly organized way). PHP is a scripting language which can manipulate
information held in a database and generate web pages afresh each time an element of
content is requested from a browser.

Copying the messages to the path /messages then the program will take those
messages and then decode them from loran values to lat and long values and gives
those values to Google server and displays on the Google maps based on the request,
either for single or multiple request. On the map we can see the position of the
vehicle and navigated track of the vehicle.
Vehicle Positioning and Navigation System Using GPS and GSM

Vehicle Position and Navigation System contains two kinds of Results:

1) Hardware output
2) Software output

Hardware Output

Displays latitude and longitude values on the LCD when ever requested

Software Output

We can see the output of vehicle position and navigation contains three kinds of outputs

1) Positioning
2) Navigation

Figure: screen contains List messages decoded into decimal latitude and longitude values
,contains “Map it” for Positionning and Navigate for navigation
Vehicle Positioning and Navigation System Using GPS and GSM

Figure: (positioning) (map) locating paradise with the help of small balloon,
with single lat and long

Figure: (positioning) (Satellite) locating paradise with the help of small balloon,
with single lat and long
Vehicle Positioning and Navigation System Using GPS and GSM


Navigating the vehicle from

 Paradise to VBIT college

Paradise to VBIT

In this, SMS are being sent at regular interval of time by the system. With the help of Google
maps we have seen that it has passed through Paradise, Tarnaka uppal crossroad, uppal, uppal
bus depot, Jeedimetla, Singapore city, VBIT Aushapur.

Figure: (Navigation) (Satellite) Total Navigating from Paradise to VBIT with the help of
small balloons, with multi lat and long values along with pop up which Lat and log
Vehicle Positioning and Navigation System Using GPS and GSM


The Project titled “Vehicle Positioning and Navigating using GPS and GSM” is a
model for Vehicle Tracking unit with the help of Google maps and also with the help
of GPS receivers and GSM modem.

The system is used for positioning and navigating the vehicle with an accuracy of 10 m.

The positioning is done in the form of latitude and longitude along with the exact
location of the place, by making use of Google maps.

The system tracks the location of particular vehicle and sends to users mobile in form
of SMS and also to EEPROM. The arrived data, is in the form of latitude and
longitude is used to locate the Vehicle on the Google maps and also we can see the
output on the LCD. To see on the Google map we need to decode the received SMS.
We have completed the project as per the requirements of our project.

Finally the aim of the project i.e. to Position and navigate the vehicle with an accuracy
of 10m, has been achieved successfully by using vehicle Vehicle Positioning and
Navigating system.


 We can use the EEPROM to store the previous Navigating positions up to 256 locations
and we can navigate up to N number of locations by increasing its memory.

 We can reduce the size of the kit by using GPS+GSM on the same module.

 We can increase the accuracy up to 3m by increasing the cost of the GPS receivers.

 We can use our kit for detection of bomb by connecting to the bomb detector.

 With the help of high sensitivity vibration sensors we can detect the accident. when ever
vehicle unexpectedly had an accident on the road with help of vibration sensor we can
detect the accident and we can send the location to the owner, hospital and police.

 We can use our kit to assist the traffic. By keeping the kits in the entire vehicles and by
knowing the locations of all the vehicles.

 If anybody steals our car we can easily find our car around the globe. By keeping
vehicle positioning vehicle on the vehicle.
Vehicle Positioning and Navigation System Using GPS and GSM

1) www.analogicgroup.com

2) www.falcomusa.com

3) http://www.keil.com/support/man/docs/uv3/uv3_overview.htm

4) http://google.about.com/od/mapsanddirections/fr/mapsrev.htm

5) Google MAPS API- http://code.google.com/apis/maps/

6) Loren values - Latitude and Longitude conversion -


7) WAMP http://www.wampserver.com/en/

8) PHP http://www.php.net

9) HTML, JavaScript http://www.w3schools.com

10) Microcontroller: www.8052.com

11) Michael j. point “EMBEDDED C” Pearson education limited 2002

Vehicle Positioning and Navigation System Using GPS and GSM

Vehicle positioning and navigation using GPS and GSM

A Kit in the car Antennas

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