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1. The things that a tour guide should carry depends on the following, except:
A. The location they are going. C. The number of tourists.
B. The type of tourists. D. The amount paid by tourists.
2. How can you get rid of verbal fillers?
A. Making eye contact. C. Knowing your tourists.
B. Practicing your commentary. D. Both A & C
3. Before departure, you should contact the tour operator to make sure that you have the following, except:
A. Cash advance or vouchers C. If there are updates on road closure
B. Tour member’s names D. What you must wear
4. Why is speaking loud enough important to tourists?
A. So that they can understand what you are saying. C. So that they can catch up on what you are saying.
B. So that they can hear what you are saying. D. None of the above.
5. As a tour guide, why is it important to always look in the eyes of a tourist?
A. To sound sincere. C. To show you are listening.
B. Message of recognition. D. All of the above
6. To ensure smooth arrival in the hotel, you should:
A. Give front desk you ETD. C. Have the tourists rest while travelling.
B. Let them know you are on the way. D. None of the above
7. When delivering commentary, what body language should you avoid?
A. Using finger to point out a tourist. C. Putting hands on the side.
B. Clasp hand above your private area. D. Both A & B
8. Why is it important to know the activity levels of tourists?
A. To know what type of activities they love.
B. To know if they are fit enough to handle different activities.
C. To help manage risks on the tour like injury, drowning and stroke.
D. To talk things that they love and build rapport.
9. This includes money, health and safety, tipping.
A. Tour information C. Tour requirements
B. Travel tips D. Tour documents
10. What is the standard procedure in handling arrivals?
A. Offer hand for a handshake. C. Welcome them and state your name.
B. Inform where to get their luggage D. Both A & C
11. Which of the following is an example of a tourist that has special needs?
A. A tourist with a baby. C. A tourist who has medicine allergies.
B. A pregnant tourist. D. A family who needs a nanny.
12. Before tour departure, a tour guide should make sure that the following are in the vehicle, except:
A. First aid kit C. Working microphone system
B. Drinks D. None of the above
13. What is a tour guide’s livery?
A. A spiel that they deliver during tour. C. A shirt and khaki shorts.
B. Company’s uniform. D. Documents need to bring.
14. To make sure that the participants knows how to identify you, you should:
A. Get their numbers to contact them. C. Use a welcome signboard.
B. Introduce your name to the group. D. Wait at the arrival area.
15. If the tour groups are from different locations, what is the best way to let them know each other?
A. Do an ice breaker to make them pump-up. C. Let them stay in one room.
B. Let them wear name badge. D. Just let them communicate with each other.
16. To understand who are you working for, why is it important to know where the tour group came from?
A. To understand their culture and traits. C. To know if it is their first time together.
B. To know their tour preferences. D. To understand their basic language.
17. The following are the things you need to do before a tour starts, except:
A. Contact the tour group. C. Update what the itinerary covers.
B. Do a research about the group. D. Pack what you need to take along.
18. Why do you need to arrive 30 minutes before the tour starts?
A. To avoid unanticipated traffics. C. To check the location in advance.
B. To avoid letting the tourists wait. D. All of the answers are correct.
19. What are the extra things that you needed to bring incase the customer needs it?
A. Food translation list C. Toilet paper
B. A band aid D. Both A & B
20. The room keys at the hotel should be given to tourists by:
A. The front desk C. The bellboy
B. The tour guide D. The tour leader
21. As soon as tourists have gone to their rooms, a tour guide should:
A. Call tourists in rooms to check if all is okay.
B. Leave her number to the hotel reception staff.
C. Stay for 30 minutes incase the FD needs help.
D. Prepare for the next tour.

22. How should you make your narrations positive?

A. Create positive commentary about the country. C. Adore or admire the President.
B. Avoid speaking bad words. D. Delivering commentary lightly.
23. What type of tour guide is an on-call basis, for individual or small group, exclusive tour?
A. Private tour C. Walking tour
B. Specialist guide D. Personal guide
24. What scope of a tour guide includes meeting with prospective clients, local & international sales missions?
The Courier
The Escort/Hostess
The Tour Manager
None of the above.
25. Why is maturity an important quality of a tour guide?
To understand the tourists.
To behave correctly.
To make good decisions.
All of the above.
26. Tactfulness.
A guide who is sensitive.
A guide who delivers good commentary.
A guide who doesn’t get offended.
None of the above
27. When providing information to the guest, the following best describes what the tour guide should do, except:
Avoid jargon and highfalutin words.
Protect the reputation of the travel agency.
Explain it fairly, without prejudice.
None of the above
28. To ensure the guest’s safety, the tour guide must do the following, except:
Warn them about harmful animals/plants.
\Advise them the do’s & don’t’s.
Inform them ahead about the destination’s activities.
None of the above
29. Which communication skill should a tour guide possess?
Delivering commentary in a relaxed manner.
Using highfalutin and jargon words.
Using non-verbal communication in a difficult situation.
Both A & B
30. To be an effective professional tour guide to tourists, which of the following personality requirement is needed:
Well-rounded personality
Honest and helpful
Both A & B
31. Which of the following best describes a tour guide with poor communication skills?
Andrei uses tour guide terms to the tourists.
Karen frowns whenever she doesn’t agree with the tourists.
Ana does not know how to joke around with tourists.
None of the above
32. If you want to be a tour guide, you should be:
Do multi-tasking.
Project professionalism on tour.
Know how to connect with the audience.
All of the above
33. When can a tour guide’s organizational skills be applied in a situation?
If there is a conflict between the supplier and the tour company.
If there are changes in the itinerary.
If there is a medical problem.
None of the above.
34. Which of the following best describes seat in coach?
Cassie booked a join-in tour with Klook and was picked up by the tour guide at the train station to the destination.
Ando, together with other tourists, visited the museum where late General Dwight D. Eisenhower’s memorabilia is
Sam, with the guide & other tourists, walked for several minutes from the city to the Rhinoceros preservation site.
Glen, as a businessman, with his wife went on a private educational tour on a cellphone manufacturing business.
35. Which of the following best describes technical tour?
Glen, as a businessman, with his wife went on a private educational tour on a cellphone manufacturing business.
Cassie booked a join-in tour with Klook and was picked up by the tour guide at the train station to the destination.
Ando, together with other tourists, visited the museum where late General Dwight D. Eisenhower’s memorabilia is
Sam, with the guide & other tourists, walked for several minutes from the city to the Rhinoceros preservation site.

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