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Populism and Nationalism

MLA: De Cleen, Benjamin. "Populism and nationalism." The Oxford handbook of

populism (2017): 342-362.

a political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are
disregarded by established elite groups.

a political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are
disregarded by established elite groups.

Empirical Analysis
Empirical analysis is an evidence-based approach to the study and interpretation of information.
The empirical approach relies on real-world data, metrics and results rather than theories and
concepts. Empiricism is the idea that knowledge is primarily received through experience and
attained through the five senses.

the formation of clear and distinct sounds in speech.

denoting a point in a network or diagram at which lines or pathways intersect or branch.

The right of making decision independently without having outside interfere

eSports – Competitive sports or recreational activity?

There are 5 main characteristics of any kind of existing sport kind: physical activity, recreation,
competitive elements, organizational structures, acceptance

Because the eSport is lack of the element of physical activity, it is still not widely accept as a kind
of sports. However, other key elements are met. Most importantly, the element of competitive.

Recreational purpose: Recreational sports are those activities where the primary purpose of the
activity is participation, with the related goals of improved physical fitness, fun, and social
involvement often prominent.
Sport and Official Nationalism in Modern Russia

The article is written in western context therefore some view to Russia and Soviet Union would
probably be biased; however, the part of explaining why the sport is related to nationalism is
definitely useful: 1) Promoting sports could be a compensation of having low living standard 2)
Promoting the national identity by connecting sport and nationalism

This could explain why the nation would like to relate nationalism to sports

Sports and Nationalism in a Globalized World

National identity is a result of self-categorization: identifying the difference between “us” and

“We are a football country, we play football in our special way, and we have our team and

Creating or activate the national sentiments and feelings

The national identity could be expressed by sports only if it is competitive (win or lose)

The psychology of esports: A systematic literature review

Non-Empirical Research: Non-Empirical articles focus more on theories, methods and their
implications for education research. Non-Empirical Research can include comprehensive reviews
and articles that focus on methodology. It should rely on empirical research literature as well but
does not need to be essentially data-driven.

Empirical Research: Empirical Research articles answer questions based on data that can be
analyzed quantitatively or qualitatively. Articles that fall under this category should also be based
on theories and literature but are genuinely data-driven in nature.

Three stages of becoming a eSport athlete: 1) viewing games as casual leisure activities 2)
specializing skills and knowledge about games and mechanics 3) acquire a new eSport identity
Virtual worlds in competitive contexts: Analyzing eSports

consumer needs

According to a survey with sample size of 360, the researchers find that the three main
motivations of people playing video games are competition, challenge, and escapism. However,
the individual written argument I am going to write is mainly focused on the competition happen
between different countries; therefore, the population they are researching on is different from

e-Sports: Playing just for fun or playing to satisfy life goals?

The diversion and affiliation between e-Sports players and casual players are different

According to the research made by Pöhlmann and Brunstein, there were six main life goals. The
researchers made the questionnaire the similar way, discovering that e-sports gamer scored
much more higher than the casual gamers in the categories of diversion and affiliation. Diversion
mainly means the need of getting new experience in the life, and affiliation means the need of
communicating with other people intensively.

Also, one of the important points that the authors made in this paper is that the most attractive
thing for e-sports players is actually the multiplayer nature of playing and social interactions
between the players in real or virtual environment.

Assessing objective achievement motivation in elite athletes: A

comparison according to gender, sport type, and competitive


In this paper, the author decided to construct a game to measure both the explicit and
implicit motivation of athletes, which could not measured by traditional method of using
questionnaire. The result indicated that males have higher motivation through competition than
females; team sport athletes have higher motivation through competition than individual sport
athletes; and athletes of higher competitive level were found to have greater task-related
motivation than athletes of lower competitive level.

Nationalism in a Virtual World: A League of Legends Case Study

The whole article could be divided into 3 different parts, the origination of nationalism and
special official nationalism in China, the economic impact that the
The author used 6 different method to interview people whether they admit the nationalism in
esports. Even though the online questionnaire had some technical issue, the author still have the
solid evidence the nationalism in online world.

Athlete leadership: a review of the theoretical, measurement

and empirical literature

The article summarize the definition, theories and measurements. In this article the author
reviewed some academic research that points out the importance of a leading position in the
team is.

Esports Research: A Literature Review

This article mainly reviewed some famous article about esports. From it we could see that,
the main focus of all the paper about esports is about media study, and secondary the
informatics. The main focus of media study was about the on relationships between esports,
sports, and media; the definition and delimitation of esports; the methodologies used to study
esports; and the practice of live streaming gameplay

eSports Venues: A New Sport Business Opportunity

This article also pointed out that the esports is a new emerged business opportunity
because of the development of internet. The article argued upon the region of United State,
Europe and Asia, and pointed out the business environment is fresh and young. This article also
provided the evidence that esports is necessary and cannot be eliminated.
Nationalism, Patriotism, and Support for the European Union

The presence of a neo-nationalist political party enhanced the effects of nationalism on

opposition to the EU, underscoring the importance of political rhetoric in shaping nationalistic EU
opposition. In further support of the rhetoric hypothesis, the most-educated nationalists are
most likely to oppose the EU in countries with a neo-nationalist political party and vote for such
parties when present. The article pointed out that nationalism is still a existing problem.

Modelling the economic impact of sports events: The case of the

Beijing Olympics

The author used the model of CGE to evaluate the economic effect that Beijing Olympics
were estimated in this paper to have brought $119 million and $59 million of welfare gains from
Olympic international and national visitors in 2008 respectively. The result could support the
lemma that international competitive game is important for a country and cannot be eliminated.

Selling the game: Estimating the economic impact of

professional sports through taxable sales

[BOOK] The economics of sports

Leeds, Michael A., and Peter Von Allmen. The economics of sports. Routledge, 2016.

The Contested terrain of sport nationalism in Taiwan

In this article, the author argued that the name of Taiwan in Olympics game represents the
sovereignty of a nation. The author summarize the history of Taiwan and its government. In the
end concluded that the name of Taiwan itself developed a new meaning and can represent the
nation more holistically. Some of the evidence and argument in this article is not extremely solid;
however, this article is enough to indicate that in a international sports game even a name of a
team is nationalistic.

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