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Preliminary study of nuclear safety system analysis and

simulation for molten salt reactor

Muhammad Ilham, Cici Wulandari, Sidik Permana

Nuclear Physics and Biophysics Research Division, Physics Department, 
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Bandung Institute of Technology
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, INDONESIA

Abstract. The development of technology and Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) research in the world has
increased in the 2000s. For safety factor, MSR operates at low pressure which reducing the risk of pipe
rupture or leak when an accident occurs. If the temperature increase over the design limit due to accident,
there is an emergency cooling dump underneath the core as a safety where all the melting fuel will fall
into the dump. MSR has large negative feedback reactivity when there is an expansion in fuel volume due
to the temperature exceeding the design limits. In this study, point kinetic modeling is performed using
reactor transient conditions where the fuel salt is circulating in core and loop. An analysis was conducted
on the FUJI-12 type when there was a positive reactivity added in to evaluate the safety system. The
calculation is verified and give a similar trend result with the previous study. The results obtained will
serve as the minimum limits as the benchmark to design the MSR safety system.

Keywords: MSR, Point kinetic, safety system, simulation

- Simulations of unprotected loss of heat sink and combination of events accidents for molten salt
reactor. Zhangpeng Guo et al..
- Reactivity-Initiated-Accident Analysis whitout Scram of a Molten Salt Reactor. N. Suzuki et al..
- Nuclear Safety Analyis of a Molten Salt Breeder Reactor. Y. Shimazu.

1. The maximum inlet and outlet temperature of fuel at full power condition with one rod were 1020
and 1155. For two rod case, The maximum inlet and outlet temperature were 1020 and 1240.
2. The maximum inlet and outlet temperature of fuel at zero power condition with one rod were 965
and 1105. For two rod case, The maximum inlet and outlet temperature were 1065 and 1210.

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