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5/14/2021 chapter 10 Flashcards | Quizlet

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chapter 10 Study

chapter 10
Terms in this set (60)

The process that includes goal performance management

setting, pay for performance,
training and development,
career management, and
disciplinary action is known as
which of the following?

According to the textbook, The quality of the performance appraisal dialogue

which of the following is the between a manager and an employee
key success factor for effective
performance appraisal that will
lead to optimum employee

Which of the following is the performance management

basis for fostering and
managing employee skills and

Effective performance Defining its performance standards

management begins with
defining the job and which of
the following? 1/14
5/14/2021 chapter 10 Flashcards | Quizlet

chapter 10 appraisals can be

Performance true Study

required in courts when

assessing wrongful termination
cases and are considered to
be legal documents in Canada.

Sophie will be meeting with performance management

each of her team members at
the start of the fiscal year. Her
agenda includes discussing
their performance goals, pay,
career aspirations and training
and development needs. This
process is referred to as

. Defining performance expectations and goals

2. Providing ongoing feedback and counseling
The performance management 3. Conducting performance appraisal evaluation
process contains five steps. discussions
Identify and briefly describe 4. Determining performance
each step. rewards/consequences
5. Conducting development and career
opportunities discussions

What is an individual's direct Task performance

contribution to their job-
related processes known as? 2/14
5/14/2021 chapter 10 Flashcards | Quizlet

A manager10
wishes to give a contextual performance Study

new employee a pay increase

sooner than scheduled. The
new employee has a great
positive attitude that has made
other workers more positive
and productive. What is this
employee receiving an earlier
pay increase for?

Culturally specific values, used Confucian values

in parts of Asia, lead to an
emphasis on appraisals that are
based upon personal attitudes
and moral characteristics that
appear to reflect traditional
values, such as hard work,
loyalty, and respect toward
senior staff. What are these
values called?

What does PIP refer to in the Performance improvement plan

performance management

What is the simplest and most Graphic rating scale

popular technique for
appraising employee

Which performance appraisal Graphic rating scale

method lists several traits and a
range of performance values
for each trait? 3/14
5/14/2021 chapter 10 Flashcards | Quizlet

chapter 10
Which performance appraisal Alternation ranking method Study

technique involves listing all

employees to be rated
followed by indicating the
employee who is the highest
on the characteristic being
measured and also the one
who is the lowest?

Peter is appraising his Paired comparison method

employees. For each trait, he
evaluates two employees at a
time in order to determine the
better employee of the two.
Which appraisal technique is
Peter using?

Which performance appraisal Paired comparison method

technique uses a "+" to denote
"better than" and a "-" to
denote "worse than" and then
adds up the number of times
that each employee was rated
as "better than"?

Which performance appraisal Forced distribution method

technique places a
predetermined percentage of
employees being rated in
various performance
categories? 4/14
5/14/2021 chapter 10 Flashcards | Quizlet

chapter 10 her team of ten

Neerja is rating Forced distribution method Study

employees. According to
company policy, one
employee should be "below
expectations" and three
employees should be rated
"exceptional." What
performance appraisal
technique does this company

A manager is considering The majority of the workforce is classified as at or

changing her current below average and this may be demotivating.
performance appraisal
method, the graphic rating
scale, to the forced distribution
method. What criticism of this
new method would you advise
her about?

Which performance appraisal Critical incident method

technique maintains a record
of uncommonly good or
undesirable examples of an
employee's work-related
behaviour, which are reviewed
with the employee at
predetermined times? 5/14
5/14/2021 chapter 10 Flashcards | Quizlet

chapter 10
Which performance appraisal Critical incident method Study

techniques is useful for

identifying specific examples
of good and poor
performance and for planning
how deficiencies can be

Which performance appraisal Behaviourally anchored rating scale

technique quantifies ratings by
anchoring a quantified scale
with specific narrative
examples of good and poor

The performance improvement Narrative forms

plan is most closely associated
with which performance
appraisal technique?

What does a summary problem solving

performance appraisal
discussion focus on?

Which performance appraisal Behaviourally anchored rating scale method

technique combines the
benefits of narrative, critical
incidents, and quantified
ratings by attaching a
quantified scale with specific
narrative examples of good or
poor performance? 6/14
5/14/2021 chapter 10 Flashcards | Quizlet

chapter 10following is an
Which of the It provides specific behaviours for explaining the

advantage of the critical appraisal.

incident method?

Which method for appraising Management by objectives

performance involves setting
specific measurable goals with
each employee and then
periodically reviewing the
progress made?

According to the textbook, Setting unclear, unmeasurable objectives

which of the following is the
main potential problem that
can occur when using
management by objectives?

When using management by collaboratively

objectives, how should the
goals be set?

Belinda manages the data Electronic performance monitoring

entry department of a credit
card company. Employees are
ranked based on the accuracy
and quantity of data they can
input. Belinda is able to
observe and monitor her
employee's work electronically;
what is this performance
appraisal method formally
called? 7/14
5/14/2021 chapter 10 Flashcards | Quizlet

chapter 10 appraisal systems

Performance valid; reliable Study

must be based on
performance criteria that are
________ for the position being
rated and ________ in that their
application must produce
consistent ratings for the same
level of performance.

When a performance appraisal Unclear performance standards

scale is too open to
interpretation of traits and
standards, this rating scale
problem is known as which of
the following?

Although the graphic rating open to interpretation.

scale seems objective, it may
result in unfair appraisals
because the traits and degrees
of merit are

Gary is Mindy's supervisor. He Halo effect

is very impressed with Mindy's
ability to work in a team so he
has rated her as "outstanding"
for this trait. Although she has
missed more deadlines than
her peers over the past
quarter, Gary rated Mindy as
"above average" for the trait of
"personal effectiveness" as
well. Gary's actions indicate
which performance appraisal
problem? 8/14
5/14/2021 chapter 10 Flashcards | Quizlet

chapter 10employees on a
Kai ranks his Central tendency Study

scale from 1 to 5. In general,

most of his employees receive
a rating of around 3 although
his employees differ more on
their actual performance. Kai's
actions seem to indicate which
performance appraisal

When supervisors who are Strictness/leniency

engaged in a performance
appraisal tend to rate all
employees either high or low,
this problem is referred to as
which of the following?

Which performance appraisal Appraisal bias

problem is indicative of when
supervisors allow individual
differences, such as age, race,
and sex to affect the appraisal
ratings that employees

Jordan is a relatively younger Appraisal bias

manager. He rates his older
employees lower than the
younger ones. What
performance appraisal
problem may be occurring? 9/14
5/14/2021 chapter 10 Flashcards | Quizlet

chapter 10
When an employee's most Recency effect Study

recent performance biases the

evaluation of his or her
performance over the entire
appraisal period, which
performance appraisal
problem has occurred?

Janice sees a lot of herself in Similar-to-me bias

her employee Danielle as they
both went to the same school,
earned the same degree, and
enjoy the same types of
hobbies. Danielle often
receives a higher appraisal
from Janice compared with her
fellow workers. What error is
Janice likely making?

According to the textbook, Reducing the influence of outside factors, such as

improving performance union pressure and time constraints
appraisal accuracy calls not
just for training, but also for
which of the following?

A potential problem with peer Logrolling

performance appraisal occurs
when all the peers get
together to rate each other
highly; what is this potential
problem referred to as? 10/14
5/14/2021 chapter 10 Flashcards | Quizlet

According 10
to the textbook, Three or four other supervisors Study

rating committees used to

evaluate employees are usually
composed of the employee's
immediate supervisor and who

Brenda is preparing for rating committee

performance appraisals on her
project management team. She
solicits feedback from three
other managers who have
worked with her team
members. What type of
performance appraisal is she

What is the basic problem Employees usually rate themselves higher than they
associated with employee self- are rated by supervisors or peers
ratings in the performance
appraisal process?

Many firms today let Upward feedback

employees anonymously
evaluate the performance of
their supervisor; what is this
process known as? 11/14
5/14/2021 chapter 10 Flashcards | Quizlet

According 10
to the textbook, Performance and pay Study

360-degree feedback was

originally used only for training
and development purposes,
but it has rapidly spread to
being used in the management
of which of the following?

According to the textbook, the Continuous learning

360-degree appraisal
approach fits closely with the
goals of organizations
committed specifically to
which of the following?

An interview with the Formal appraisal discussion

supervisor and the employee
to review the appraisal and
make plans to remedy
deficiencies and reinforce
strengths is referred to as
which of the following?

According to the textbook, the Satisfactory-promotable

easiest formal appraisal
discussion to conduct is which
of the following?

According to the textbook, Two or three hours

formal appraisal discussions
with management-level
employees often takes how
long to conduct? 12/14
5/14/2021 chapter 10 Flashcards | Quizlet

According 10
to the textbook, denial Study

when a supervisor tells

someone that his or her
performance is poor, the first
reaction is often

According to the textbook, Recognize that defensive behaviour is normal

which of the following is a best
practice to be used when
dealing with defensive

The most popular technique true

for appraising performance is
the graphic rating scale.

When using the paired true

comparison method, every
employee is paired with and
compared with every other

Step 5 of the performance career development discussion step.

management process
presented in the textbook
includes the manager and
employee discussing
opportunities for development
in order to strengthen or
improve the employee's
knowledge, skills, and abilities;
this step is known as the 13/14
5/14/2021 chapter 10 Flashcards | Quizlet

According 10
to the textbook, Ethics Study

what should be the foundation

of performance management?

When peers rate one another's true

performance, one potential
problem is logrolling—peers
rate each other highly.

The following may all be YES: peers on the same team, the employee
appropriate to rate an themselves, manager, subordinates.
employee's performance NO: colleagues who don't work with the employee.

DO THIS: have the performance criteria developed

by a representative group that is familiar with each
When conducting 360-degree job, be clear about who will have access to reports,
feedback, organizations should provide training for all supervisors, raters, and
be advised to do all of the ratees, evaluate the 360-degree feedback system
following except for fine-tuning
NOT THIS: identify to the reader who provided
comments. 14/14

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