Industrial Project, Fall 2020 SEMESTER: Group Members

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The University of Lahore

Lahore School of Professional Studies

Industrial Project, Fall 2020 SEMESTER

(Project Management /Engineering Management) Students (3 Credits)

Instructor: Madam; Ayesha Ahmad Noon

Project Title: RF (radio frequency) based SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition) system for Plant Production

Sponsor Client: Naveena Exports

Company: Pakistan Spring and Engineering Company.

Group Members:

Name of participant Roll Number

Jamshaid Amin MSPM02193048

Salah Hayat MSPM02193049
Inteezar Ahmad MSPM02193029
Abrar Arshad MSPM02193031
1 Abstract

Pakistan is facing acute energy crises since last few years. Due to shortage of fuel oil and its
sky touching prices, it seems very uneconomical to generate electricity from fuel oil. In order
to generate cheap electricity we have to rely on renewable energy resources. To address these
challenges, wind power generation is among the popular options in the world which is now
being considered in Pakistan as well. However unremitting change in wind speed from calm
to stormy introduces real challenges. Storing wind energy in batteries during the periods of
low demand seems an expensive option, especially when dealing with large scale power
generation. Due to incessantly varying nature of wind speed, it is not feasible to rely only on
wind power for cheap power production. Also, it is not thriftily possible to construct separate
transmission line. However if we integrate wind power with hydro power, we can utilize the
maximum possible transmission capacity. Existing hydro power station operating in that area
or pumped storage scheme can be used. This paper is an attempt to analyze coordination of
wind generation with hydro power in those areas of Pakistan where both wind and hydro
power sources exist. In this paper, different issues have been analyzed taking case study of
Dargai. This paper is first attempt in Pakistan about integration of wind and hydro power to
draw some general conclusions and to point out some areas in which further research can be
1 Abstract..............................................................................................................................2

3 Introduction:.......................................................................................................................4

3.1 Administration Department.........................................................................................5

3.2 Human Resource Department......................................................................................5

3.3 Accounts and Finance Department..............................................................................5

3.4 Supply Chain Management Department......................................................................6

3.5 Production Department................................................................................................6

3.6 Quality Control Department........................................................................................6

3.7 Health and Safety Department.....................................................................................7

3.8 Maintenance Department.............................................................................................7

3.9 Research and Development Department.....................................................................7

3.10 5S and Improvement Department............................................................................7

3.11 QMS and IMS Audit Department............................................................................8

2 Introduction

Pakistan Spring and Engineering Company is an automobile parts manufacturing company

serving Pakistan for more than 50 years. Pakistan Spring and Engineering Company is
specialized in sheet metal parts manufacturing, Computerized Numerical Control Machines
manufacturing, Spring manufacturing, heat treatment and gas carburizing. Major customers
of Pakistan Spring and Engineering Company are Honda Cars, Atlas Honda Limited, Millat
tractors, Al-Ghazi Tractors, Al-Badar Engineering Company, Yamaha Motors and other local
manufacturing firms. Pakistan Spring and Engineering Company is a large scale company
having more than 2500 employees including 50 plus engineers, 5 accountants and finance
specialists, 3 human resource specialists, more than 10 supply chain experts. Pakistan Spring
and Engineering Company is functional organization and all the employees are made stick
with their functions but this mechanism is only applicable on third level of management. The
upper management and middle management is not limited to their functions but they also
have to participate in major decision making of the organization. For example, shortlisting of
customers and suppliers in not limited to the sales, marketing and supply chain department
respectively but the top management of production department, quality control department,
also participate in such type of decisions. There are more than 1500 different processes to for
manufacturing of more than 250 parts. There is concept of internal and external customer
which also followed to streamline the manufacturing. There are more than 10 departments
which are following

1. Administration Department
2. Human Resource Department
3. Accounts and Finance Department
4. Supply Chain Management Department
5. Production Department
6. Quality Control Department
7. Health and Safety Department
8. Maintenance Department
9. Research and Development Department
10. 5S and Improvement Department
11. QMS and IMS Audit Department
12. Cleaning and Housekeeping Department
2.1 Administration Department
The administration department of Pakistan Spring and Engineering Company is responsible
for providing administrative aid in five areas of a business: information management systems,
human resources, payroll, acquisition and communication. The goal of the administration
department is to keep all departments within a business operating at maximum capacity. The
daily functions of operating a business requires time, precision and expertise. The
administrative department of Pakistan Spring and Engineering Company is able to provide
systematic support in every area of a business without any interruption in services.

2.2 Human Resource Department

A human resource department is the division of a company that is responsible for effectively
managing a company's human resources, which are its employees. The mission of human
resource department of Pakistan Spring and Engineering Company is to make sure the
company's employees are adequately managed, appropriately compensated, and effectively
trained. The department is also responsible for recruiting, hiring, firing, and administering
benefits. Locating and recruiting promising candidates is one objective of human resource
department of Pakistan Spring and Engineering Company, which uses the company's business
goals to guide the recruiting process. The human resource department extends offers to
qualified candidates and negotiates pay and benefits. Making the right hire is a crucial
responsibility of the human resource department because of how important a company's
employees are to its success.

2.3 Accounts and Finance Department

The accounts and finance department of Pakistan Spring and Engineering Company is
responsible for keeping all the day books and accounts that deal with the financial affairs of
the business or organization. All businesses pay taxes to the government, and the accounting
department of Pakistan Spring and Engineering Company is responsible for preparing and
paying taxes to the government. The department prepares accounts and financial reports
which it forwards to the company’s Board of Directors. The Board of Directors also forwards
these financial reports to the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting. The department is
also responsible for the preparation of payment vouchers in order for workers to be paid. The
accounting department is in charge of the bank account and cash accounts of the company
and prepares invoices for debtors and it also receives invoices from creditors. All payments
made to creditors are done by the accounting/finance department.

2.4 Supply Chain Management Department

The supply chain is a sequence of processes that must be completed to produce and distribute
a product or commodity. This commodity may be goods or services, but either way, there
needs to be a clear manufacturing path for the goods or services to be produced.

The strategic vision of Supply Chain Management Department of Pakistan Spring and
engineering Company is to seen as efficient, cost-effective, innovative, and will produce the
highest quality products when measured by anyone against organizations performing similar
functions in a like environment.

2.5 Production Department

A production department is a group of functions within a business that is responsible for the
manufacture of goods. This can include just a few specialized functions with all other work
outsourced, or a fully functioning department that converts raw materials, assembles
components into finished goods, and packages them. The production department of Pakistan
Spring and Engineering Company is responsible for converting raw materials and other inputs
into finished goods or services.

In between the processes of production, the department works to improve the efficiency of
the production or assembly line so that it can meet the output targets set by company
management and ensure finished products offer consumers the best value and quality.

2.6 Quality Control Department

The main goal for the quality department of Pakistan Spring and Engineering Company is the
quality management. Following are the some roles and responsibilities of QC

 Carry out quality assessment measures of all the products ready to be shipped and
incoming raw materials
 Take a thorough look at the plans, specifications, and blueprints to understand the
product requirements
 Reject all the incoming raw materials fail to meet quality expectations and report the
issue to the concerned department at the earliest
 Resolving quality-related issues adhering to deadlines
 Providing training to the quality assurance team
 Design an efficient design protocol which can be used across all domain
 Prepare documentation of the inspection process, which includes detailed reports and
performance records
2.7 Health and Safety Department
The main aim of health and safety department of Pakistan Spring and Engineering Company
is to prevent accidents, injuries and work-related illnesses in the workplace. Their role is to
create and implement health and safety policies in accordance with the latest legislation and
to ensure that these policies are implemented by management and employees.

2.8 Maintenance Department

Following are the some duties of maintenance department in Pakistan Spring and Engineering

 Inspection is concerned with the routine schedule checks of the plant facilities to
examine their condition and to check for needed repairs.
 Inspections ensure the safe and efficient operation of equipment and machinery.
 Frequency of inspections depends upon the intensity of the use of the equipment. For
example, belts in a machine may be checked every week; furnace equipment every
month; an over-head bridge crane every four months and so on.
 Inspection section makes certain that every working equipment receives proper

2.9 Research and Development Department

R&D department of Pakistan Spring and Engineering Company is responsible for research,
planning, and implementing new programs and protocols into the company and overseeing
the development of new products. Meeting with business management, marketing, and the

R&D team to discuss product ideas. Conducting market research and evaluating similar
products and their functions. Collaborating with the engineering and marketing department on
product feasibility. Redesigning existing products to enhance functionality or reduce costs.
Creating design projects and specification sheets.

2.10 5S and Improvement Department

The goal of the 5S department is to formulate a master implementation/action plan to ensure a
successful introduction of 5S to the members of the Pakistan Spring and Engineering
Company. This is key, as we know now 5S or any lean method for that matter does not work
without full participation from its members.

2.11 QMS and IMS Audit Department

Quality Management System (QMS) and Integrated Management System (IMS) department
of Pakistan Spring and Engineering Company responsible for finding the root cause of quality
issues, working on product quality improvements through preventive and corrective actions,
being the main quality point of contact for outsourced products, providing an expert voice in
new product development teams, working with customers for quality-related tasks, audits and
incidents and acting as customer advocate for internal manufacturing sites regarding change
management, discrepant material and product qualifications.

3 Products of Pakistan Spring and Engineering Company

Pakistan Spring and Engineering Company has more than 500 products of different vendors.
There are four categories of products which includes

 Springs
 Sheet Metal Products
 Machining Products
 Heat Treatment and Gas Carburizing Products

3.1 Springs
Pakistan Spring and Engineering Company is pioneer company of state which manufactures
all type of springs. It manufactures as small springs are of ball point and as large as of train
springs and springs of tanks. The springs of Al-Khalid and Al-Zrar tank are also
manufactured here. Some of the springs are following

 Front Shock Springs of Honda CD-70, CG-125, CD-100 and CD-150 Bike
 Rear Cushion Springs of Honda CD-70, CG-125, CD-100 and CD-150 Bike
 Brake Pedal Springs of Honda CD-70, CG-125, CD-100 and CD-150 Bike
 Head Light and Seat Springs of CD-70, CG-125, CD-100 and CD-150 Bike
 Spring Kick Starter of CD-70, CG-125, CD-100 and CD-150 Bike
 Spring Clutch Lever of CD-70, CG-125, CD-100 and CD-150 Bike

3.2 Sheet Metal Products

Pakistan Spring and Engineering Company has strength to produce sheet metal parts and the
major names of automobiles of Pakistan brands are getting benefit from it. Honda Cars,
Suzuki Cars, Millat Tractors and many other automobile uses sheet metal parts of Pakistan
Spring and Engineering Company. Some of the parts are following

 Muffler of Honda CD-70, CG-125, CD-100 and CD-150 Bike

 Muffler of Honda City 2015 Model and Honda Civic 2019 Model
 Back door of Honda City 2015 Model and Honda Civic 2019 Model\
 Front door of Suzuki Swift 2017 Model, Suzuki Cultus 2017 Model and Alto 2019
 Rear Mudguards of MF-240, MF-360

3.3 Machining Products

Pakistan Spring and Engineering Company is specialized in manufacturing of machining
parts of automobiles. Some parts are following

 Spindle Kick Starter of Honda CD-70 and CG-125 Bike

 Clutch Lever Assembly of Honda CD-70 and CG-125 Bike
 Gear Shaft of Honda CD-70 and CG-125 Bike
 CAM Chain Sprocket of Honda CD-70 and CG-125 Bike
 Pin Millat Tractors

3.4 Heat Treatment and Gas Carburizing

Pakistan Spring and Engineering Company has state-of-the-art plant for heat treatment and
gas carburizing. All the machining parts has to be heat treated after machining because these
parts are soft and cannot be used for operation without heat treatment. Many of the sheet
metal parts require gas carburizing because these parts require nickel or zinc plating due to
which they are gas carburized before plating. Otherwise these parts got rust.

4 Tooling

Every product has many different processes with specific machines and tools.

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