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Move-Up Day Schedule: Last Day of School – 6/3

8:00 – 8:45 – Student Arrival, Choose Lunch, Get Nametags for Move-Up, etc.
8:45 - Move-Up Time Stagger Starts
Grade-levels are announced to move to the gym at times below:

K enters/leaves gym at 8:45 and goes back to classrooms at 9:10.

1 enters/leaves gym at 8:50 and goes back at to classrooms at 9:15.
2 enters/leaves gym at 8:55 and goes back to classrooms at 9:20.
3 enters/goes to recess at 9:00 and goes back to classrooms at 9:25.

** There will be no announcement to dismiss students back to their classes when Move-Up concludes.

Move-Up Time
- Please prepare student nametags
o Include students’ names and new teacher’s name
o Put nametags on students before going to the gym
- Starting at 8:45, grade-levels will be called to the gym over the loud speaker
o Teachers will be lined up in the gym (with signs) so that students can join their new
o At this time, K/Title/Specials/Special Education teachers will join and stay with the
classes in the gym to help with sorting students
▪ AS teachers will go with their students to the new classrooms/support their
- After 3rd Grade enters the gym, they will go outside to recess with the following teachers:
o McKalips, Andrews, Oliver, Showers, Gipe – Calgaro’s Classroom at Recess Spot
o Aumiller, Hugendubler, Kehler, Siddons – French’s classroom at Recess Spot
o Coldren, Grimes, Aurand, Treaster, Muir – Byler’s Classroom at Recess Spot
o Lorson, Bell, Reigle, Miller, M. Rupert, Yoder – Stout’s Classroom at Recess Spot
o Sackela, Strausburg, Garner, S. O’Donnell, Fuller – Corl’s Classroom at Recess Spot
- K teachers will return to their classrooms at 9:10 to be there to usher students back to the
- Title/Special Ed./Specials will remain at recess with 3rd Grade until 9:25
o Once K students leave, 1st grade will move back to their classrooms at 9:15, 2nd at
9:20, and 3rd enters the building at 9:25 to join their teachers
- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade Teachers – please dismiss students back at the times listed above –
there will be no announcement

Student Lunches
Students will eat bagged lunches on the last day of school. Since the school day is extremely
short, students will eat lunch in their classrooms/outside to keep the schedule flowing. Classroom teachers
will monitor their students while they eat. After the students leave at 12:15, teachers will have 1 hour for
lunch/plan. Please note: there are no Specials occurring on the last day of school.

Lunch Schedule
10:00 – 10:15 – K Lunch Pick-Up @ Cafeteria
10:20 – 10:35 – 1st Grade Lunch Pick-Up @ Cafeteria
10:40 – 10:55 – 2nd Grade Lunch Pick-Up @ Cafeteria
11:00 – 11:15 – 3rd Grade Lunch Pick-Up @ Cafeteria
(Student lunches happen in classrooms or outside – teacher choice – no lunches will be eaten in

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