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Mufhidatul Husna Hasibuan : 1914050057
Alwi Yura Effendi : 1914050060
Muji Burahman : 1914050062
Marwah Pohan : 1914050069


Dr. Hj. Elismawati, M.Pd.

Melviola Fitri, M.Pd.


1442 H/2021 M

First of all, thanks to Allah SWT for the help of Allah SWT, the author
completed writing a paper entitled "UNDERSTANDING TEXT BOOKS" in a
timely manner. This paper aims to fulfill the task given by Dr.Hj.Elismawati,
M.Pd. and Melviola Fitri, a supporting lecturer in Curriculum Analysis
and English Textbooks.
In the preparation of this paper, the authors encountered many challenges
and obstacles, but with the help of many authors, they were able to overcome
these obstacles. The author also realizes that there are still many mistakes in the
process of writing this paper. Therefore, the authors expect constructive criticism
and advice. Hopefully this article is useful for readers.

Padang, April 20th, 2021

The writers


Table of Contents............................................................................................ii

CHAPTER I....................................................................................................1

A. Background...........................................................................................1
B. Formulate of the problem.....................................................................1
C. Purpose of the paper.............................................................................1

CHAPTER II...................................................................................................2

A. Definition of Textbook.........................................................................2
B. Text Book Functions.............................................................................3
C. The existence of Textbooks and Curriculum........................................3
D. Textbook Criteria and Characteristics..................................................4
E. Textbook Type......................................................................................6
F. Text Book Material...............................................................................6

CHAPTER III.................................................................................................12

A. Conclution...........................................................................................12
B. Suggestions.........................................................................................12

BIBLIOGRAPHY.......................................................................................... 13

A. Background
Textbooks are objects that are absolutely owned by every school at the
high school level in order to support learning activities that will be carried out
by each student. With the existence of textbooks students can help in learning
and of course in developing themselves. As disclosed (Patombongi et al.,
2008: 7) textbooks is a learning tool commonly used in schools to support a
teaching program. So, textbooks can be considered as an important
component or part of the learning process. As a learning tool, textbooks
should be easy to understand for both teachers and students. For this reason,
textbooks need to present clear and accurate information, namely by
presenting sentences that are not ambiguous and meaningless. The sentence
arrangement is chosen appropriately in accordance with the rules of the
applicable language, so as not to confuse students to get the information they
want to know.
The language used in the textbook is certainly one of the important factors
involved in determining the mission of the textbook as the main supporting
material in the learning program. The use of language in the textbook will
determine whether the textbook is easy to understand or difficult for students
to understand.

B. Formulate of Problems

a. Know the meaning of text books and the function of the textbook

b. Knowing the existence of textbooks and curricula, the function of the

textbook, the type of textbook and the text book material.

C. Purpose Of The Paper

The readers know and understand the contents of the paper regarding the
meaning, function, existence of books and curriculum, criteria and
characteristics, types and materials of textbooks written by the authors.


A. Definition Of Textbook
Textbooks are one of the origins of learning and learning materials
that are widely used in learning materials in schools. Textbooks are
learning materials simultaneously the source of standard learning for
students. However, even though they are standardized and have been used
for a very long time and many have conservative opinions, textbooks are
still strong in conveying good participation in learning materials.
Regarding the learning material cannot be taught without giving text
In general, textbooks are published by directors who market to
each educational institution. This allows one agency to apply different
textbooks to the same learning material and class level. The government
also held an Electronic School Book program, which is textbook that is
prepared for free and can be downloaded and distributed without copyright
infringement. Publishers and directors who want to collect profits from
this Electronic School Book are not given a price that exceeds the
maximum price determined by the government.
The following are the opinions of experts regarding the meaning of
textbooks, namely as follows:
 Bacon, a textbook is a book prepared for use in school subject matter,
wisely graded and completed by these directors and equipped with
consistent and balanced educational facilities.
 According to Lange's opinion, a textbook is a general book which can
consist of 2 models, namely a shop book and a multi-book.
 Hall Quest In the opinion of Hall Quest, a textbook is a logical mind-print
prepared for instructional meanings and targets.
 According to Buckingham's opinion, textbooks are one of the learning
media used in schools and at universities to help an educational program.
B. Text Book Functions
Following are the functions of the textbook, which are as follows:
a. A kind of recommendation or resource for students and university
b. Some kind of review material
c. A kind of media to help guide in carrying out the syllabus
d. A kind of assessor for a teaching system or program that will be
used by students and university students
e. A kind of facility for professional development and rank
f. Providing knowledge for students
g. Provide teacher guidelines in choosing a teaching system
h. Helping students in carrying out the syllabus because it is
concurrently according to the applicable syllabus.
i. Make it easier for teachers and lecturers to provide learning
j. Providing facilities for students and students to update new lessons
k. Provide learning materials that are fun for students and students.
C. The existence of Textbooks
The existence of learning texts is so important that it is prioritized
and used as a companion for students in developing their own thinking
power. Without books such as text, students will find it difficult to learn,
both in class and independently. So, the book can be said to be the main
guide for students, both from elementary to tertiary level as well as from
public or private schools.
Not only used by students, text books are also used by educators.
Educators need the book as a syllabus. In addition, the book provides
instructional guides to educators to make it easier for them to teach, if
there is no syllabus. Therefore, this type of book is also very much needed
by educators in Indonesia.
Teachers who are involved in the world of learning every day will
feel right how closely the relationship between curriculum and textbooks
is. So close, it feels that the relationship supports one another. There are
some opinions that say that the curriculum is prior to textbooks. Textbooks
are considered as a means of support for the curriculum. Even so, it does
not rule out that the curriculum was born based on the existence of
relatively good textbooks so that it needs to be structured in a systemized
manner. In essence, the curriculum is a tool to achieve educational goals.
Meanwhile, textbooks are learning tools used in schools to support a
learning program. Thus, the existence of curricula and textbooks is always
close and related. Or, in other words, the curriculum is like a cooking
recipe and textbooks are the ingredients that are used to process these
dishes. In this case the processor or cook is the teacher.
By looking at the important role in general above, we can
understand together that this book is believed to be a medium for carrying
out teaching and learning activities.
D. Criteria and Characteristics of Textbooks
1. The textbook criteria as follows:
a. Must be of interest to children, namely students who use it.
b. Must be able to motivate students who wear it.
c. Must contain illustrations that will attract the hearts of students
who use them
d. Should consider linguistic aspects so that it is in accordance
with the abilities of the students who use them.
e. It must be closely related to other lessons, even better if you
can support it with a plan, so that everything is a complete and
unified whole.
f. Must be able to stimulate or stimulate the personal activities of
students who use it.
g. Must consciously and firmly avoid vague and unusual
concepts, so as not to confuse students who use them.
h. Must have a point of view or point of view that is clear and
firm so that in the end it becomes the point of view of loyal
i. Must be able to provide consolidation, emphasis on the values
of children and adults.
j. Must be able to appreciate the personal differences of students
who wear it.
2. Characteristics of Textbooks
The following are the characteristics of textbooks:
a. Textbooks are textbooks in a particular field of study.
Textbooks only contain material from one particular field of
study. For example, there are textbooks in the field of
Indonesian Language studies, textbooks in the field of
Mathematics studies, textbooks in the field of Islamic Religious
Education, textbooks in the field of Art studies, and others.
b. Text books are standard books. Textbooks contain subject
matter in accordance with the applicable curriculum so that
each student is recommended or given a textbook to support the
learning process.
c. Textbooks are compiled by experts in that field. Textbooks
must be prepared by experts in that field so that they are of
good quality and are effective and efficient in supporting the
achievement of learning objectives. In the field of Indonesian
studies, we know experts such as Henry Guntur Tarigan, Djajo
Tarigan, and others.
d. Textbooks have instructional aims and objectives. Textbooks
are arranged as a reference in the learning process. Textbooks
contain systematic material so that they are ideal for achieving
instructional aims and objectives.
e. Textbooks are equipped with teaching facilities that are
compatible and easily understood by users in schools and
colleges. Textbooks contain systematic material that is adapted
to the learning situation and conditions so that it is easy to use
by educators and easily understood by students.
f. Textbooks can support a teaching program.
g. The preparation of textbooks is expected to support the
teaching program. There is a direct measurement of student
responses. So the student's answer, wrong or right, can be seen
from the answer key.
E. Textbook Type
1) In terms of how the textbook is written, it is divided into three,
 Single text book A single textbook is a textbook that only
consists of one book, for example: Tarigan, Henry Guntur.
1985. Teaching Indonesian Spelling. Bandung: Publisher
 Bound textbook Bound textbooks are textbooks for a certain
class or for a particular school level, for example:
Depdikbud.1981. Indonesian I, II, and III. Jakarata: Project for
procurement of textbooks, libraries and SLU skills.
 Textbook series Text books in series are textbooks in volumes
covering several levels of school, for example from elementary,
junior high, high school, for example: Tarigan, Henry Guntur
and Djago Tarigan. 1985. Skilled in Indonesian (for SD - 9
volumes). Bandung: Angkasa Publisher.
2) Based on the number of authors, textbooks are divided into single
author and group author textbooks:
 Sole author Single author is an author who prepares a
particular textbook by himself (single textbook). Single
textbooks are usually worked on by individual authors.
 Group writer Group writers are writers consisting of several
people to prepare certain textbooks. Bounded and serialized
textbooks are usually produced by team writers.
F. Textbook Servers
Chapters in textbooks contain elements such as content that is free of
plagiarism, paragraphs, and sentences that must match.
1. Introduction. In popular scientific or scientific books, the
introduction includes the contents of the book or constitutes
chapter 1 (first); The title of the chapter does not have to be an
introduction but the content is more or less the same, which
 Understanding the complete title
 Development / background of the title
 Scope of discussion and description of the explanation
 Upcoming challenges.
2. Writing Chapters. Each chapter contains three components: the
opening paragraph, the main paragraph, and the closing paragraph
(Burton & Steane, 2004: 180) and decorations. Opening paragraphs
to direct, focus thoughts or attract readers to the substance to be
3. Opening Paragraphs. Paragraphs provide a background (overview)
and a brief description of the chapter titles. Structurally, the
opening paragraph mentions a number of sub-chapters that will be
discussed. In more detail, the contents of the opening paragraph
according to Leo (2007: 29) are as follows:
 Provide the reader with brief background information about
the chapter title
 stimulate the reader's interest to continue reading the next
 shows the arrangement or organization of the chapter
 notify the main sections of the chapter (sub-chapter titles).
 state the objectives of each chapter / lesson to be achieved.
4. Main Paragraph. The main paragraph covers all the sub-headings
(sections) mentioned in the opening paragraph. The sections of the
main paragraph follow a logical flow and their coherent connection
supports and develops the main idea (Burton & Steane, 2004: 180).
The main idea is usually a phrase and appears in the main sentence
which is generally the first sentence in each paragraph. However,
skilled writers include the main idea not in the first sentence of the
paragraph but in the middle or end of the paragraph.
5. Closing Paragraph.The closing paragraph usually contains a
summary, restatement or conclusion completed with the author's
comments or hopes for the readers to think about or address them.
Often also found exercises, questions, questions, cases, or
problems related to chapter titles to find out understanding and
train readers' skills.
6. Decoration. Decorations need to be made to eliminate reader
boredom, attract readers' attention, make it easier for readers to
understand the content, and to decorate the display. Chapter
decorations are usually in the form of pictures, phrases (quotes),
diagrams, tables, photos, illustrations and some that are related to
the chapter discussion.
7. Language. The language used is clear, smooth and attractive,
efficient and consistent in following the standard rules of writing in
Indonesian that are good and correct. Paragraphs, sentences and
words do not contain serious errors. Jargon (a foreign term in a
certain field) may be used preferentially if there is no proper
synonym for the jargon. Slang (slang, slang, pun) is not used in
scientific books and ambiguous words and taboos should be
8. Numbering. Textbooks nowadays generally use almost no numbers
or if you want to use a maximum of two digits. If more than two
digits, the book will look like a pure scientific book (thesis, thesis,
dissertation or journal article) and not a text book or popular
science. Numbering 1.1, 1.2, etc. Usually for pictures, illustrations
or diagrams in the chapter. To reduce numbers, pointers, lists, and
so on, we use paragraphs to describe each number or pointers. We
make sure that the textbook provides complete information on
every aspect discussed in narrative form, not just the points.
9. Closing Part. The closing section of the book contains a list of
references, attachments and Biodata / CV of the author.


A. Conclusion
Learning material is a knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students
must learn in the competency standards and basic competencies that have
been established in the curriculum. The learning material must be taught by
the teacher and vice versa, the learning material must also be studied by
students. The coverage of the material contained in the textbook is
necessary be considered and considered, both in terms of accuracy and
content. The subject matter is too broad or even too narrow. This should not
be underestimated by educators, because after all books are a medium of
learning that is widely used by teachers.
Evaluation in learning is equally important. Evaluation serves as a
measure of the success or failure of learning activities. Assessment of
learning outcomes by teachers is carried out continuously, to monitor the
learning process to improve learning outcomes. Assessment or evaluation in
the textbook is expected to be a medium for educators to be able to assess
the learning activities that are taking place. So that it can be used as a
benchmark, whether the learning process is successful or not.
B. Suggestion
Thus we submit this paper, hopefully it can broaden the readers'
insight, especially for us as prospective teachers so that we can make a
learning syllabus appropriately.

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