Activity 9 Mechanics

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GE 20 – Reading Visual Art

Activity 9: Normalizing Vision: The Self-Surveillance

Guidelines and Mechanics

“Then and Now: The New ME in the New Normal”

1. Retrieve a photo of your old self. The image shall be five years back minimum.
2. In an A4-sized paper, paste the retrieved photo on the left side and the current
photo of yourself on the right side.
3. Applying the concept of self-surveillance, briefly tell a fascinating story of what
possible changes (lifestyle, attitude, outlook on life, etc.) you have surprisingly
discovered upon comparing the old and the new YOU.
4. Then, in the second paragraph, briefly share if the new version of yourself has
been “normalized” or accepted by the people around you.
5. Kindly note that the font to be used is Arial with font size 12, single spacing,
indented, and justified.
6. Convert your output from docx to pdf file.
7. Instructions and restrictions on the portal shall be followed to avoid confusion.
8. Read. Comprehend. Follow. Submit!
9. You will be rated with the following components below:

Components Description Points

Work Effort Work effort is visible in the output presented. 25
Depth of Explanation Student thoroughly explains the work to provide 25
understanding for the viewers.
Total 50

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