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7, JULY 2016

Single-Channel EMG Classification With

ICA for Diagnosing Neuromuscular Disorders
Ganesh R. Naik, Senior Member, IEEE, S. Easter Selvan, and Hung T. Nguyen, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—An accurate and computationally efficient quan- thetics. On the other hand, the latter method is employed for
titative analysis of electromyography (EMG) signals plays an diagnosing various neuromuscular disorders of neurogenic
inevitable role in the diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders, pros- and myopathic nature, which implies that nerves activating a
thesis, and several related applications. Since it is often the case
that the measured signals are the mixtures of electric potentials
muscle are affected and merely muscle tissues are damaged,
that emanate from surrounding muscles (sources), many EMG respectively [1]–[4]. Specifically, EMG findings help detect
signal processing approaches rely on linear source separation neuromuscular disorders that can affect motor units (MUs)
techniques such as the independent component analysis (ICA). and identify their origin. In addition, the diagnosis assisted by
Nevertheless, naive implementations of ICA algorithms do not EMG findings obviates the need for muscle biopsies or more
comply with the task of extracting the underlying sources from sophisticated imaging techniques such as the ultrasound or
a single-channel EMG measurement. In this respect, the present
work focuses on a classification method for neuromuscular dis- magnetic resonance imaging [5].
orders that deals with the data recorded using a single-channel EMG signals can be recorded with varied degrees of volun-
EMG sensor. The ensemble empirical mode decomposition algo- tary muscle contraction, also known as the maximal voluntary
rithm decomposes the single-channel EMG signal into a set of contraction (MVC). The increase in MVC leads to additional
noise-canceled intrinsic mode functions, which in turn are sepa- firing of MUs, thereby resulting in a more complex EMG signal.
rated by the FastICA algorithm. A reduced set of five time domain
features extracted from the separated components are classified
As a consequence, identifying individual motor unit action po-
using the linear discriminant analysis, and the classification results tentials (MUAPs) becomes difficult. Furthermore, the type and
are fine-tuned with a majority voting scheme. The performance shape of different MUAPs remain unaltered across discharges in
of the proposed method has been validated with a clinical EMG most of the instances. Therefore, different quantitative analyses
database, which reports a higher classification accuracy (98%). and pattern recognition techniques are resorted to in order to
The outcome of this study encourages possible extension of this identify the MUAPs [6]. Especially the quantitative analysis of
approach to real settings to assist the clinicians in making correct
diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders. EMG signals provides a vital clue for assessing several diseases
that affect the spinal cord and other parts of the body. For this
Index Terms—Ensemble empirical mode decomposition, inde- reason, algorithms within these frameworks are on the rise [6],
pendent component analysis, neuromuscular disorder, surface
electromyography. [7].
Classification of neuromuscular disorder EMG data acquired
by a single-channel needle electrode poses the following chal-
I. INTRODUCTION lenges, and hence remains an active topic of research. Despite
the excitation of a few motor neurons in neurogenic disorders,

E LECTROMYOGRAPHY (EMG) is a technique for

recording and evaluating electrical activities produced
by skeletal muscles. The signals thus recorded known as
the regrouping of muscle fibers will give rise to larger MUs,
which is causative of MUAPs having a larger amplitude and
a longer duration compared to normal ones. On the contrary,
myoelectric or EMG signals are extensively used for clinical in myopathic disorders, due to the loss of individual muscle
diagnosis as well as prosthetic and rehabilitation applications fibers, MUAPs remain smaller in amplitude and persist only
[1]. EMG signals are acquired by means of either surface elec- for a shorter duration [5]. Moreover, during the early stages
trodes or concentric needle electrodes. The former approach and mild occurrences of neurogenic and myopathic disorders,
is noninvasive, which finds applications in the exoskeleton the changes induced in the EMG signals often remain subtle,
and rehabilitation robots, hand gesture recognition, and pros- which would impose difficulties in quantifying such changes
for diagnostic purposes [2], [5]. In the recent past, many pat-
Manuscript received December 02, 2014; revised May 17, 2015; accepted tern recognition methods were deployed to classify several neu-
July 01, 2015. Date of publication July 09, 2015; date of current version July romuscular disorders of both neurogenic and myopathic cate-
14, 2016.
G. R. Naik and H. T. Nguyen are with the Center of Health Technologies,
gories [5], [8], [9]. These methods are mainly based on either
University of Technology Sydney, Sydney 2007, Australia (e-mail: Ganesh. the extraction of MUAPs or the EMG decomposition [10], [11].; In general, the morphological features associated with MUAPs
S. E. Selvan is with the GIPSA-Lab, Université Grenoble Alpes, F-38000
Grenoble, France (e-mail: easter-selvan.suviseshamuthu@gipsa-lab.grenoble-
such as the duration, amplitude, area, number of phases, and number of turns are made use of in the classification of neuro-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TNSRE.2015.2454503 muscular disorder data [11], [12]. For instance in [12], a clas-

1534-4320 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

sifier with wavelet-based statistical features has been built. In II. PRELIMINARIES OF EEMD-ICA
another study, Subasi et al. proposed an adaptive neuro-fuzzy
inference system for classifying the neuro data collected from The EMD is a nonlinear technique engineered to adaptively
subjects diagnosed with neurogenic and myopathic disorders represent a nonstationary signal as a sum of amplitude and fre-
[9]. In a more recent work, Doulah et al. extracted dominant quency modulated components. It is therefore employed to de-
MUAPs with the help of a wavelet-based statistical method, compose a complicated set of data into a finite number of IMFs
and classified normal, myopathic, and amyotrophic lateral scle- that admit a well-behaved Hilbert transform. In practice, one
rosis (ALS) data using a -nearest neighbor classifier [8]. Nev- IMF can be deduced by the following sifting procedure. Given
ertheless, one must remember that the use of wavelet functions a signal expressed as a function of time , all its extrema are
often warrants the manual intervention as cautioned in [13]. Fur- identified to begin with. Next, an upper envelope is formed
thermore, a wavelet-transform-based approach attempts to clas- by interpolating the local maxima, and a lower envelope
sify neurogenic and myopathic disorders by selecting specific by interpolating the local minima. A mean envelope,
detail coefficients from each level, which may not be feasible , is then calculated. Now after subtracting the
for all MUAPs [8]. Besides, an MUAP-based method treats all mean envelope from the signal, i.e.,
available MUAPs equally, disregarding the existence of non- is verified whether it satisfies the following IMF conditions.
stationary MUAPs, which would result in misleading findings 1) The total number of local extrema and that of the zero
[9]. An increasing trend can be observed in the usage of blind crossings must either be equal or differ at most by one in
source separation (BSS) methods such as the independent com- the entire data.
ponent analysis (ICA) in processing the EMG data—artifact re- 2) At a given time instant, the mean value of must be
moval, e.g., [14] and [15], feature extraction, and signal identi- zero.
fication—and in neuroengineering applications [16]–[18]. The If the IMF conditions hold for , it is deemed an IMF or a
key advantage of the ICA resides in its ability to decompose the detail, i.e., , and hence the sifting is terminated.
EMG signal into the underlying MUAPs [18], [19]. Otherwise, by letting , the sifting continues until an
In order to perform the single-channel EMG source sep- IMF is found. Consequently, we can write
aration, the conventional BSS/ICA algorithms need to be with being the residual, which in turn is regarded as the
appropriately tailored; a few instances of them have been signal in the subsequent iteration. Thus by iteratively decom-
reported in [20], [21], and [22]. Of specific interest here is the posing until the number of extrema falls below two, the
empirical mode decomposition (EMD)-based approach, which desired signal decomposition, , is
is one among the most celebrated techniques to accomplish accomplished. However, as pointed out in Section I, the original
this task [23]. An EMD-based algorithm first decomposes the EMD algorithm suffers due to its sensitivity to noise. A reme-
single channel into a series of data sequences called intrinsic dial measure to circumvent this drawback is the introduction of
mode functions (IMFs). In the subsequent step, a traditional a noise-assisted EMD version, i.e., EEMD. In this case, an en-
ICA algorithm is applied to the IMFs to compute the indepen- semble of trials is performed to compute an IMF set at each trial
dent components (ICs). Despite its usefulness, a few issues
, wherein the signal of interest is added to an independent and
remain unaddressed with the EMD. A major drawback is
identically distributed white noise having the same stan-
termed mode mixing, wherein either a single IMF consists of
dard deviation as that of the signal, given by
signals of widely disparate scales or a signal of a similar scale
. Therefore, the resulting signal ,
resides in different IMF components [24], [25]. Therefore,
can be expressed in terms of the IMFs and the residual corre-
a noise-assisted data analysis method, namely, the ensemble
sponding to the trial as . Finally,
EMD (EEMD) has been introduced, which aims to counteract
this effect by way of considering an IMF component as the the mean of the -th IMFs across trials, , is computed as
mean of an ensemble of trials that consists of the signal and a .
white noise of finite amplitude [26]. Owing to its success, the The ICA on the other hand decomposes a multivariate data
EEMD algorithm received an inordinate amount of attention into additive subcomponents, known as sources, which are as-
from the signal processing community [25], [27], [28]. sumed to be statistically independent from each other and to
The objective of this work is to build an approach with the have non-Gaussian distributions. In principle, any ICA algo-
EEMD-ICA algorithm, linear discriminant analysis (LDA), rithm minimizes a contrast function that measures the mutual
and a majority voting scheme so as to discriminate between the information (MI) among the data either directly or indirectly,
normal, myopathic, and ALS subjects. The data decomposed subject to necessary constraints. While the algorithms built on
by the EEMD-ICA are initially classified using the LDA. In the the MI yield accurate estimation of the sources, they in general
following step, the recognition performance is further enhanced incur computational burden due to the need to estimate density
with a majority voting scheme. The remainder of this article distributions of sources. Alternatively, one can rely on surro-
is organized as follows. The basic concepts of EEMD-ICA gate contrast functions such as the kurtosis and negentropy to
are explained in Section II. The methodology that includes the design a computationally efficient ICA method. Interestingly,
data acquisition, source estimation, feature extraction, feature the surrogate-contrast-based approaches, e.g., FastICA in [29],
reduction, classification, and post-processing is succinctly pre- Infomax in [30], and JADE in [31], gained popularity since
sented in Section III. The results obtained with a clinical EMG they have been extensively applied to practical source separa-
dataset are in order in Section IV. Finally, suitable conclusions tion scenarios. In a noise-free ICA model, , the
are drawn in Section V. sources are assumed to have

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the proposed EEMD-ICA-based neuromuscular disorder classifier.

undergone linear mixing to produce the observations This study has been performed with the EMG signals
, and the mixing matrix is denoted as recorded from the brachial biceps muscles as they have often
. In a simple case, the number of sources is consid- been preferred for investigating whether a subject falls under
ered to be equal to that of the observations. An ICA algorithm either the normal, myopathy or ALS category. What follows
aims at estimating the demixing matrix up to per- are the subtleties concerning the recording procedure. The
mutation and scaling of columns, thereby recovering the sources EMG signal acquisition was carried out by inserting a standard
. concentric needle electrode having a leading-off area of 0.07
Since we deal with the single-channel signal, performing mm into the muscle along with a surface ground electrode
EMD would allow the decomposition of the signal into a finite placed on the limb. Possible needle movements were averted
set of IMFs that are monocomponents, zero-mean oscilla- by fastening the cable that connects the needle to the amplifier
tory functions, and orthogonal to each other. Instead, in this with a tape. During the course of recording, the patient was
work the EEMD algorithm is resorted to for decomposing the instructed to apply a slight and constant contraction. The signal
single-channel EMG signal with a desirable consequence of was surveilled both visually as well as audibly with the aid
canceling noisy components. The set of averaged IMFs derived of two computer monitors and a speaker. The amplitude and
from the EEMD is then applied to the FastICA algorithm to duration of an MUAP picked up by the needle electrode were
recover the sources from the mixing matrix estimate. Precisely, measured on an oscilloscope panel that includes a trigger and
we adopt the EEMD-ICA algorithm—meant for estimating a delay line system. The MUAPs that satisfy the trigger crite-
sources using the FastICA algorithm, which regards the ex- rion were in turn frozen on the oscilloscope screen. Besides,
tracted IMFs from the EEMD as mixtures—in the vein of [28]. it was affirmed that a single MU gave rise to an MUAP by
Interested readers may refer to the step-wise implementation of verifying whether the same potential was recorded multiple
EEMD-ICA presented in [28, p. 2190]. times. A maximum of three different MUAPs were in general
recorded at a single insertion site within an epoch of 50 ms.
III. METHODOLOGY Concurrently, the EMG signal for the last half a second duration
was continuously displayed on the other monitor to ascertain
The schematic diagram in Fig. 1 outlines the proposed the suitability of the signal for decomposition. Additionally, a
strategy intended for classifying the EMG data to diagnose characteristic crispy repetitive sound from the speaker cautions
neuromuscular diseases, i.e., myopathic and ALS. Upon being the personnel if the tip of the needle happens to get closer to
supplied with the single-channel EMG signal, the EEMD some muscle fibre. Once the signal was certified to be of usable
decomposes the input into IMFs, which in turn are separated quality—suitable for the evaluation of MUAP parameters
by the FastICA algorithm. The sources thus reconstructed are and neither too complex nor too noisy—it was recorded for a
segmented into 64 frames from which five time domain features duration of 11.2 s. Thus recording everything within an epoch
are extracted. Subsequently, a reduced set of features are clas- of 11.2 s avoids the probable bias toward an MUAP associated
sified by the LDA. The classification results are then fine-tuned with a predetermined diagnosis. The needle was then inserted
by the majority voting scheme. Each of these modules has been to another location or to another depth. Care was taken to desist
dealt with in detail in the section that follows. from recording more than once from the same MU, and to
ensure the exploration of the whole muscle. In like manner,
A. Data Acquisition
approximately twenty signals were recorded.
The EMG data classifier has been tested with a publicly avail- The EMG signals thus acquired by the needle electrode
able clinical EMG database of 250 recordings, which comprises were amplified 4000 times using a differential amplifier (DISA
data belonging to the following categories: 1) normal (150); 2) 15C01 with 250 M and 0.7 V noise level), and filtered
myopathy (50); and 3) ALS (50) [32]. The database includes with an analog band-pass filter. The lower and upper cut-off
the EMG data from ten normal subjects—six males and four frequencies of the band-pass filter were 2 Hz and 10 kHz,
females—aged between 21 and 37 years, seven cases with my- respectively. In the ensuing step, the amplified signals were
opathy—five males and two females—between the ages 19 and sampled at a rate of 23 438 Hz and digitized with a 16 bit
63, and eight ALS patients—four males and four females—with resolution (using Motorola DSP56ADC16). One may further
ages ranging from 35 to 67 years. refer to [32] for a detailed account on the EMG data acquisition

in amplitude between adjacent time samples is denoted by

WL, expressed as


It is known to effectively capture the information regarding

the amplitude, frequency, and duration of the waveform.
• Zero Crossings. The total number of times a waveform
switches from a positive amplitude to a negative one and
vice versa is given by ZC. Owing to its susceptibility to
noise, unless the amplitude between two consecutive sam-
ples exceeds a threshold value, the zero crossing is not
taken into account. Therefore, a closed-form expression for
ZC that avoids a noise-induced zero crossing is

Fig. 2. Typical EMG data patterns for various categories. (a) Normal. (b) My- (2)
opathy. (c) ALS.

procedure. Typical EMG signal patterns corresponding to a
normal subject, a myopathic case, and an ALS patient are
shown in Fig. 2.
with sgn and being the signum function and a user-de-
B. Source Estimation fined threshold, respectively. This feature measures the fre-
quency with which the waveform undergoes significant
To empirically arrive at an optimal number of IMFs that rea- changes.
sonably reproduce an EMG recording, the latter was decom- • Slope Sign Changes. The number of times the sign of the
posed into nine sets of IMFs, each set containing four to 12 en- slope alters among three consecutive samples in a wave-
tities. The original EMG signal was then reconstructed using form is represented by SSC. In order to preclude fluctu-
every set of IMFs, and the mean square error (MSE) corre- ations due to interferences, a threshold is usually em-
sponding to each reconstruction was plotted against the number ployed to ensure that an amplitude change is significant as
of IMFs. From the knee point detected in the scree plot, we in- follows:
ferred that eight IMFs are sufficient to rebuild an EMG signal
with a reduced MSE in most of the cases. Therefore, throughout (3)
this study, only eight IMFs are deduced from an EMG signal,
which amounts to eight estimated ICA sources.

C. Extracted Features

An estimated source from the EEMD-ICA algorithm is seg-

mented into 64 distinct frames, each containing 4096 samples1. • Willison Amplitude. The number of amplitude changes
From a window of a segmented source estimate, which has the exceeding a threshold between two consecutive samples
same width as that of the frame but allows an overlap of 25% in a waveform is specified using WA, which is given by
with an adjacent one, five time domain features are extracted.
Listed below are these features, which in turn are handled by
the subsequent classifier stage. One may also refer to [33, p.
853] for a concise description of the waveform length (WL),
zero crossings (ZC), and slope sign changes (SSC), whereas the where
Willison amplitude (WA) and root mean square (RMS) have
been adopted from the works mentioned in [34] and [35], re-
spectively. For the sake of completeness, we recapitulate them
here. WA is acclaimed to be a powerful feature that precisely ac-
• Waveform Length. Given a waveform or time series counts for the muscle contraction level, provided a robust
with number of time samples, the cumulative change estimate of noise is possible via an empirical study. The
discriminant power of WA is reported to be similar to that
1Note that the 64-th frame contains only 4082 samples. of ZC and SSC.

• Root Mean Square. The RMS is computed by taking the a supervised statistical scheme, LDA, which transforms a set
square root of the arithmetic mean of the squared sample of high-dimensional features derived from the single-channel
amplitudes of a waveform, and is denoted as sEMG data into an optimal (lower-dimensional) discriminant
vector space, while preserving the class structure. The LDA
exploits the class information to enhance the discriminant
ability while performing classification tasks. In other words,
it maximizes the ratio of the between-class variance to the
within-class variance, thereby achieving maximum discrim-
Interestingly, RMS is one of the widely used features to ination. Formally, the within-class scatter matrix and
analyze the surface EMG (sEMG) signals. between-class scatter matrix can be defined as
Note that in the context of sEMG analysis, by the term wave-
form in the aforementioned definitions, we mean the re- (6)
constructed sources from the EEMD-ICA. The motivation for
choosing the time domain features in the present study is the
following. While being deployed to detect various gestures and (7)
movements from EMG signals, the approaches relying on time
domain features have been claimed to achieve higher perfor-
where denotes the -th feature vector that belongs to class
mance than spectral methods based on the Fourier transform and
of cardinality and represent the sample mean of fea-
wavelet transform [36]–[38]. Notice that five features have been
ture vectors bearing class label and the overall sample mean,
extracted from each of the 64 frames pertinent to a set of eight
respectively. Furthermore, the LDA classifier does not require
source estimates recovered from one of the 250 EMG record-
iterative training and it avoids the chances of under- or over-
ings. As a result, it amounts to a total of 640 000 features, i.e.,
training of data, which in turn lead to high classification ac-
no. of features no. of frames no. of sources total record-
curacies [40]. Note that since a good linear approximation of
ings .
a high-dimensional space can be realized by means of feature
D. Feature Reduction reduction, it obviates the need of nonlinear classifiers such as
multi-layer perceptrons.
The EMG data classification task warrants feature reduction In view of classification, the dataset is divided into three
because of the foreseen difficulty, known as curse of dimen- subsets, each comprising the following percentages of the
sionality. To this end, one may apply the principal component total data: 1) training set (50%), 2) validation set (25%), and
analysis (PCA) and a variant of LDA to map the feature vector 3) test set (25%). The LDA classifier has been supplied with
to a lower-dimensional space; consequently, the computational the time domain features to be assigned to any one of the
overhead associated with the subsequent classification proce- three categories—normal, myopathic, and ALS. The overall
dure would be lessened. The PCA is an unsupervised statistical classification accuracy (OCA) is expressed as follows:
approach, which converts the observations of variables that are
likely to be correlated into values of linearly uncorrelated vari- % (8)
ables via an orthogonal transform. Unlike PCA, the objective
of LDA is to find optimal discriminant features under super-
vised conditions by maximizing the ratio of the between-class F. Post-Processing
scatter to the within-class scatter of a given set of observa- The analysis window that collects the EMG data is in gen-
tions. Note, however, that the classical LDA is not suitable for eral much larger than the processing time required to make class
undersampled data, i.e., the dimension of the feature vector decisions. Therefore, with an intent on making the best use of
is larger than the sample size, since it encounters singularity the processor, it has been recommended to slide the analysis
problem while attempting to perform an eigen-decomposi- window at an increment of time that is slightly larger than the
tion on the scatter matrices that are singular. An improved processing time. Consequently, the processor will never remain
version of LDA, namely, uncorrelated LDA (ULDA), intro- idle as it ought to produce class decisions on the data encom-
duces an additional requirement of extracting feature vectors passed by overlapping windows. This in turn will increase the
containing uncorrelated features, thereby minimizing redun- frequency with which the class decisions are taken. A reputed
dancy among selected features. It should be remarked that post-processing technique, which exploits such a high density
the training data has exclusively been applied for training the stream of class decisions, is majority voting; a notable merit of
ULDA. Further enhancement to the ULDA—incorporating this approach is that it enhances the robustness of a classifier
an optimization criterion and the generalized singular value by effectively smoothing out noisy decisions. By contrast, other
decomposition—mitigates the issues related to singularity (see post-processing methods such as Bayesian fusion necessitate the
[39] and [40]), and therefore we adopt this version for reducing use of disjoint windows, and are hence not suitable for us [41].
the dimensionality of the feature vector. Following is a brief account on how the majority voting scheme
is implemented that enables the fine-tuning of the already ob-
E. Classification tained class decisions. Let be the number of class decisions
The choice of the classifier is crucial for the robustness of the to be taken into account to determine the majority vote. In the
proposed neuromuscular disease diagnostic scheme. We rely on schematic in Fig. 3, is chosen to be nine as recommended in

Fig. 3. An illustration on how the majority voting scheme fine-tunes the al-
ready available class decisions. Among a set of class decisions enclosed by
the interval between the cyan arrows—the present one and the previous
ones—the most frequently occurring decision has been designated as the ma-
jority vote.


this work, marked by the set of intervals with cyan arrows each
one enclosing nine class decisions. For instance, the interval de-
picted at the top in Fig. 3 encompasses the current class decision
(rightmost) denoted by label 1, and the eight former decisions
enlisted as 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3. Therefore, the class decision per-
taining to the present instant is simply the label that occurs the
most among {1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1}, which is 1. Similarly by
considering the current decision and the previous ones, the
most frequently occurring class label among the decisions is
selected by the scheme at all instances as shown at the bottom of
Fig. 3 with downward pink arrows. For an elaborate treatment
on the majority voting, readers may refer to [33] and [42].


Fig. 4. Left: Decomposed IMFs, when the EEMD algorithm is supplied with
In pursuance of assessing the efficacy of the FastICA-based the single-channel EMG data from a typical normal (top), myopathic (middle),
EEMD for the EMG classification task, the performance of pop- and ALS (bottom) subject. Right: Estimated ICs from the respective IMFs using
the FastICA method.
ular ICA approaches, namely, JADE and extended Infomax, in
conjunction with the EEMD algorithm were appraised for the
same task. The outcome of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) Followed by the EEMD decomposition of a single-channel
reported in Table I asserts that the enhanced classification accu- EMG data into IMFs, the MI among the IMFs has been min-
racy attained by the FastICA-based EEMD is statistically dif- imized with the FastICA technique. For the visual apprecia-
ferent from the rest. Notice that all the -values obtained from tion of both the IMFs and the respective sources derived from
the test— for EEMD-FastICA versus EEMD- three representative EMG data from a normal, myopathic, and
JADE, for EEMD-FastICA versus EEMD-In- ALS subject, readers may refer to Fig. 4, wherein the IMFs and
fomax, and for EEMD-FastICA vs. EEMD2—are the source estimates are juxtaposed to enable them to be com-
statistically significant, and thus remain in favor of the method pared. In our experiments, prior to feeding the time domain fea-
advocated in this work. tures to the LDA classifier, the dimensionality of the features
2This means that we preclude the source separation step from the classifier,
has been reduced by dint of the ULDA technique. As is cus-
which has an adverse impact on the performance, and the related discussion is tomary in the evaluation of EEG/EMG machine learning ap-
deferred to the end of this section. proaches (see [43] and [44]), a -fold cross validation strategy



Fig. 5. 3-D bar plot representing the mean confusion matrix for the results of
LDA classifier. Note that the diagonal/off-diagonal elements denote the classi- Fig. 6. 3-D bar plot to depict the mean confusion matrix corresponding to the
fication accuracy/misclassification in percentage. LDA classifier results, which are smoothed by the majority voting scheme. The
-axis denotes the classification performance in percentage.

has been adhered to, with being three, to evaluate the classi-
fication task. We ensured that all the features were included for
both the training and validation, whereas each feature was al-
lowed only once for the validation. In the sequel, the classifier
outcome under each category is the set of mean classification
accuracies resulted from each fold. The classification results of
the LDA that categorize the normal, myopathic, and ALS sub-
jects, in terms of the mean confusion matrix3, are portrayed in
Table II and Fig. 5. As can be noticed from the mean confu-
sion matrix, none of the healthy subjects was misclassified by
the LDA as the one suffering from either myopathy or ALS. To
summarize, our classification scheme intended for segregating
the three classes—normal, myopathic, and ALS—yielded an ac-
curacy of 96.4%.
In order to further improve the classification accuracy, the
Fig. 7. 3-D bar plot illustrating the mean confusion matrix built from the LDA
majority voting method has been adopted. Recall that this post- classifier results, which underlines the critical role played by the source sep-
processing method considers the current classification result in aration stage on the enhancement of classifier performance. Note that there is
conjunction with the previous eight results, and on the basis of an appreciable increase in the values of the off-diagonal elements that express
misclassification percentages along the -axis, as a consequence of ignoring the
the class that appears the most among them, a classification de- ICA estimation step.
cision is taken as shown in Fig. 3. This results in a “smooth
operation” that avoids spurious misclassification, which is ev-
idenced from the classification accuracy of 98% as shown in
technique being proposed. A straightforward expedient to study
Table III and Fig. 6. Altogether, in five cases the proposed clas-
this effect is by precluding the ICA decomposition module from
sifier failed to correctly predict the categories.
the experimental setting displayed in Fig. 1; this means that the
It is also worthwhile to investigate the influence of the source
IMFs from the EEMD algorithm are directly segmented into
separation technique on the classification performance of the
the specified number of frames for further processing. What is
3The mean confusion matrix summarizes the mean and standard deviation of interest is the inference that the computational efforts due
of the classification accuracies resulted from the three-fold cross validation. to the minimization of MI among the IMFs via the FastICA


TABLE V Of relevance here is to recall the EMG classification results

yielded by algorithms akin to ours that have already been
reported in the literature to learn how the method presented
herein compares with the rest. Toward this, the OCAs in
percentage from the support vector machine (SVM) in [45],
ensemble SVM in [46], particle swarm optimization (PSO)
SVM in [47], a combination of the discrete wavelet transform
(DWT) and random forest (RF) in [48], and the EEMD-Fas-
tICA-LDA classifier described in Section III are collocated in
Table VI. Aside from the comparison of performance measure,
Table VI contains the total number of subjects and classes under
study. Observe that 25 subjects—ten normal, eight neuropathy,
and seven myopathy—have been classified using the SVM in
[45] and the DWT-RF in [48]. On the other hand, the ensemble
SVM in [46] and PSO SVM in [47] have solely dealt with
two classes, namely, neuropathy and myopathy, involving 27
subjects—seven cases each under the normal as well as the
myopathy categories and 13 neuropathy patients. Moreover,
the methodologies in [46] and [47] have been derived from the
evolutionary algorithm and PSO, wherein the computational
bottleneck and lack of theoretical guarantees are inherent
limitations. In spite of its accuracy and efficiency, the RF
classifier requires a large memory, slows down in case of large
number of trees during real-time predictions, lacks the capacity
for extrapolation, and tends to overfit while classifying the
noisy data. Recollect that the downside of DWT is the human
intervention and the impracticability in the choice of detail
coefficients for the MUAPs.
Recall that the etiology of neuromuscular disorders varies
widely, i.e., the muscle fibers, tissues, and nerves from where the
disease stems from cannot be trivially tracked from the symp-
toms. Therefore, an accurate classification of the subjects suf-
fering due to these ailments holds paramount importance in
administering an effective treatment [2], [5]. Note that classi-
fying the MUAPs, which have been decomposed from a single-
channel EMG signal, is deemed a typical supervised learning
pattern classification problem due to the fact that the number
of MUAPs that constitute an EMG signal and the number of
have indeed paid off, which can be endorsed from Table IV and MUAPs per class are unknown. The outcome of the investiga-
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tutorial and review,” J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol., vol. 20, no. 3, pp. Dr. Naik serves as an Associate Editor for IEEE ACCESS. He is a recipient of
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[37] A. H. Al-Timemy, G. Bugmann, J. Escudero, and N. Outram, “Clas- Stuttgart, Germany (2006–2007). In 2010, he was awarded an ISSI overseas
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[39] J. Ye, R. Janardan, Q. Li, and H. Park, “Feature reduction via gener- Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli,
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toolbox,” in Proc. 30th Conf. Can. Med. Biol. Eng. Soc., 2010, vol. 1, image analysis from the Laboratoire des Sciences
pp. M0100–1. de l'Information et des Systèmes, Université de la
[41] R. N. Khushaba, S. Kodagoda, M. Takruri, and G. Dissanayake, “To- Méditerranée, Marseille, France, in 2007.
ward improved control of prosthetic fingers using surface electromyo- He was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Bioimaging
gram (EMG) signals,” Expert Syst. Appl., vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 10 731–10 and Biostructure Institute, Italian National Research
738, 2012. Council, Naples, Italy, from 2008 to 2010, and was a Post-Doctoral Fellow
[42] T. R. Farrell, “Determining delay created by multifunctional prosthesis at the Department of Mathematical Engineering, Université catholique de
controllers,” J. Rehabil. Res. Develop., vol. 48, no. 6, pp. xxi–xxxvii, Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, from 2010 to 2014. Since 2014, he has
2011. been a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the GIPSA-Lab, Université Joseph Fourier,
[43] D. J. McFarland and D. J. Krusienski, “BCI signal processing: Feature Grenoble, France. His research focus encompasses statistical signal processing,
translation,” in Brain-Computer Interfaces: Principles and Practice, J. blind source separation, medical image analysis, optimization on matrix
Wolpaw and E. W. Wolpaw, Eds. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford Univ. Press, manifolds, machine learning, and bio-inspired computing.
2012, pp. 147–163.
[44] M. Billinger, I. Daly, V. Kaiser, J. Jin, B. Z. Allison, G. R. Müller-
Putz, and C. Brunner, “Is it significant? Guidelines for reporting BCI
performance,” in Towards Practical Brain-Computer Interfaces, B. Z.
Allison, S. Dunne, R. Leeb, J. D. R. Millán, and A. Nijholt, Eds. Hung T. Nguyen (SM’99) received the B.E. degree
Berlin Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 2013, pp. 333–354. (with First Class and University Medal) and the Ph.D.
[45] E. Gokgoz and A. Subasi, “Effect of multiscale PCA de-noising on degree from the University of Newcastle, Newcastle,
EMG signal classification for diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders,” Australia, in 1976 and 1980, respectively.
J. Med. Syst., vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 1–10, 2014. He is a Professor of electrical engineering at the
[46] A. Subasi, “A decision support system for diagnosis of neuromuscular University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Ultimo,
disorders using evolutionary support vector machines,” Signal, Image Australia. He is Assistant Deputy Vice Chancellor
Video Process., vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 399–408, 2015. (Innovation) and Director of the Centre for Health
[47] A. Subasi, “Classification of EMG signals using PSO optimized SVM Technologies at the UTS. He has been involved with
for diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders,” Comput. Biol. Med., vol. research in the areas of biomedical engineering,
43, no. 5, pp. 576–586, 2013. advanced control, and artificial intelligence for more
[48] E. Gokgoz and A. Subasi, “Comparison of decision tree algorithms than 20 years. He has developed several biomedical devices and systems for
for EMG signal classification using DWT,” Biomed. Signal Process. diabetes, disability, cardiovascular diseases, and breast cancer. He was an
Control, vol. 18, pp. 138–144, 2015. Engineering Manager of Power Electronics Pty. Ltd., from 1988 to 1998, the
Founding and Executive Director of AIMedics Pty. Ltd., from 2001 to 2006,
and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, from
2009 to 2014.
Prof. Nguyen is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, and the
British Computer Society.

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