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We currently live in a society that thinks and expresses itself in an old-fashioned way so to
speak; this is due to all the problems we face on a daily basis, such as: discrimination,
gender equality, orientation of the common good, environmental impacts and not asserting
our rights. What can we do to address or avoid this, and why do these issues cause so much
We can start by saying that gender equality and just asserting our rights are issues that
cause a lot of controversy in our society today; because gender and sex are two different
things. Sex is male or female and we are born with it, however, gender is the social and
cultural construction of what each of the two
sexes should be. This means that you can be
born male, but your gender can be that of a
woman, or rather, the image that a society has of
a woman. If in our country there were what we
have been fighting for in recent years, the
powers that be would be fairer when applying
sentences. It would be a much more competitive
society, since no gender would have an
advantage over another. The distribution of
wealth would only be a little wider, since the salary you earn would not depend so much on
your gender, as well as the promotions you receive. Gender equity is a fundamental human
right, and should not even be under discussion.
The environmental impact is due to the same action of man, that is, of ourselves. I wonder
when will the day come when people become aware of the damage we are doing to our
planet and to ourselves?
Pollution is one of the most relevant problems that afflicts us daily
as it is affecting our environment, moreover we contribute to this
pollution, which could lead to the destruction of our planet earth.
We never see reflected advantages that contribute something to our
planet, but at an individual level we see represented the bad
education and laziness of individuals who want to make things easy
and do not mind throwing garbage on the ground for the simple
laziness of going to a trash can.
I believe that the authorities in particular should take more seriously
the terrible consequences for life around the world that is in latent danger for all the causes
that produce this pollution and take charge of giving an immediate solution, the same all of
us contribute to reduce little by little these problems that produce the lack of care for our
I will finish saying and committing myself to say that we are going to raise our voices at
some point and on behalf of all those who are silent about all the problems that the same
society in which we live causes and even we ourselves are responsible, we can change all
this and only we know the solution. So IT IS TIME TO ACT.

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