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J Oral Maxiliofac Surg

55:811-816, 1997

Occlusal Cant in the Frontal Plane as a

Reflection of Facial Asymmetry

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare subjective evaluation

of occlusal canting in frontal photographs with objective radiographic measure-
ments to determine the threshold at which a cant is recognized as abnormal.
Patients and Methods: Standardized frontal photographs (at rest and smiling)
of two groups of orthognathic surgery patients were evaluated. Group 1 con-
sisted of patients with a documented occlusal cant (n = 21), and group 2
consisted of patients with no cant (n = 22). Four untrained and five trained
observers independently, and blind to the diagnoses, assessed patient photo-
graphs to judge the presence or absence of canting. These subjective results
were compared with objective measurements of the angle of the occlusal plane
to the true horizontal on each patient’s posteroanterior (PA) cephalogram.
Results: The mean occlusal cant was 5.0” f 1.6” for group 1 and 1.4” I 0.9”
for group 2. The difference between groups was statistically significant (P <
.Ol). Cants greater than 4” were detected clinically with greater than 90%
frequency by both untrained and trained observers.
Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that 4” is the threshold for
recognition of an occlusal cant by 90% of observers. This information has
significant implications for three-dimensional planning and outcome assess-
ment in orthognathic and craniofacial surgery.

It has been reported that all patients have some de- vestigators found subclinical, but measurable, cranio-
gree of craniofacial asymmetry, including those who facial asymmetry in all subjects. Furthermore, their
are perceived as normal.’ Shah and Joshi used mea- data suggested that the degree of asymmetry in facial
surements on posteroanterior (PA) cephalograms to structures increased with greater distance from the cra-
show statistically significant levels of asymmetry in nium. Structures of the lower face were more asymmet-
total facial structure and in the maxillary area in “nor- ric than those of the upper face. In another study, Ferra-
mal” patients. Peck et aI3 also used PA cephalograms rio et al4 showed variable degrees of soft tissue facial
to analyze craniofacial asymmetry in a group of sub- asymmetry in healthy Caucasian dental students with
jects who they thought had “esthetically pleasing normal dentitions, bilateral angle Class I first perma-
faces.” The group included professional models, nent molar relationships, and no history of craniofacial
beauty contest winners, and performing stars. The in- trauma, surgery, or previous orthodontic treatment.
Thus, it is widely recognized that asymmetry is often
present in the craniofacial complex.
* Assistant Professor, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Sur-
gery, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Children’s Hospital, Bos-
Despite this fact, asymmetric features are not always
ton, MA. easily detected because soft tissues may compensate
7 Dental Student, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, for underlying skeletal imbalances.355*6 In addition, in-
,’ W. C. Guralnick Professor and Chairman, Department of Oral &
dividuals may mask facial asymmetry by their posture.
Maxillofacial Surgery, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Massa- Tilting of the head slightly may “correct” a canted
chusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA. occlusal plane.5 It is important to remember that an
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr Padwa: Chil- assessment of craniofacial and dental asymmetry
dren’s Hospital, 300 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115.
should be part of the clinical evaluation of patients
0 1997 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons with dentofacial deformity.5
0278-2391/97/5508-0004$3.00/O In this study, an occlusal cant is defined as a diver-


gence of the occlusal plane from the transverse (hori- did not assess whether these levels of cant were clini-
zontal) axis. On physical examination it becomes most cally noticeable. In 1968, Heimansohn’ proposed a the-
apparent when the patient smiles. At rest, however, the ory that in all healthy patients there is a normal func-
presence of an elevated labial commissure or alar base tional tilt of the transverse occlusal plane so that it is
on one side is often an indication of vertical skeletal not parallel to the horizontal skull axis.’ He measured
asymmetry. This should be documented during routine his own cant at 4”, despite having a normal appearance.
evaluation of patients for orthodontic or orthognathic He recommended that occlusal canting should be re-
surgical treatment. corded before major restorative treatment to preserve
To measure occlusal canting, a wooden tongue de- the patient’s natural occlusal tilt and to prevent postop-
pressor can be placed across the right and left posterior erative dysfunction. Thus, the evaluation of occlusal
teeth, and the parallelism or the angle of the tongue canting may be important not only in patients with
depressor to the interpupillary plane can be docu- obvious craniofacial asymmetry, but also in normal
mented. Alternatively, the vertical distance between patients who require extensive dental treatment.
the maxillary canines and the medial canthi of the eyes To our knowledge, there have been no studies to
can be measured.’ These methods require assessment quantify the minimal degree of occlusal canting that
of the patient’s eyes to ensure that discrepancies be- is clinically detectable. We hypothesized that there is
tween right and left sides are not related to asymmetry a threshold angle of the occlusal plane to the horizontal
of the orbits or globes. above which a cant will be predictably noticed on phys-
Analysis of the PA cephalogram also can be used ical examination. The purpose of this study is to deter-
to determine occlusal cant. A line is drawn connecting mine this threshold for trained and untrained observers
the occlusal surfaces of the left and right maxillary by comparing subjective evaluation of standardized
first molars. The angle of this plane relative to the photographs with measurements on a PA cephalogram.
transverse axis of the skull, that is, the angle of occlusal
cant, is measured. This documents the skeletal asym- Patients and Methods
metry without the influence of the overlying soft tissue.
Standardized PA cephalometric analyses do not in- The subjects for this study were obtained from a
clude evaluation of the relationship of the occlusal group of 188 patients evaluated for orthognathic sur-
plane to the horizontal. This is an important deficiency, gery at Massachusetts General, Children’s, and Brig-
because leveling the occlusal plane, when necessary, ham & Women’s Hospitals between January 1985 and
should be a goal of surgical and orthodontic therapy. February 1996. To be included in the study, a patient’s
It has been suggested that a level occlusal plane is chart had to contain a resting and smiling frontal facial
a prerequisite for success in all orthognathic surgical photograph in natural head position (in slide format),
procedures and that failure to level it during surgery to and a corresponding PA cephalogram in occlusion. The
correct dentofacial deformities may have a detrimental PA cephalogram was taken in natural head position
effect on masticatory function.7 In addition, the pres- with a standard head holder on the same day as the
ence of an occlusal cant may be unmasked in some photographs or within 6 months provided that no sur-
patients by correction of more severe deformities in gery or orthodontic treatment was performed on the
the mandible. For this reason, bimaxillary surgery may patient during that period. Patients who met the inclu-
be required to achieve a satisfactory result even when sion criteria, but whose smiling photographs did not
other maxillary parameters are within normal limits. show their teeth adequately, were excluded.
Patients with hemifacial microsomia (HFM) typi- As part of the routine orthognathic workup, each
cally exhibit significant occlusal canting. The hypo- patient was examined by an attending oral and maxillo-
plastic mandible impedes normal vertical growth of facial surgeon who documented occlusal canting with
the maxilla and midface, and progressive asymmetric a wooden tongue depressor placed across both the ante-
growth leads to increased distortion of the mandible rior (canine region) and posterior (premolar/molar)
and the midface.’ The maxilla is shortened, with the dentition. In this way, any discrepancy between these
occlusal plane canting upward on the affected side as regions, indicating a step or irregularity in the dental
much as 10” or more in many patients. arch, was demonstrated. Only patients who had a corre-
It has been shown that normal subjects with healthy sponding cant in the canine and molar regions were
dentitions have varying degrees of dentoalveolar asym- used in this study. The sample of 43 suitable patients
metry. Ferrario et al5 used digitized photographic anal- was divided into two groups. Group 1 (Fig 1) were
ysis to determine angulation of the occlusal plane in patients who were found to have an occlusal cant dur-
healthy Italian dental students of both sexes. They ing their evaluation (n = 21) and group 2 (Fig 2) were
found mean angulations between 2.15” and 2.90” in patients with no occlusal cant (n = 22). Each patient’s
these normal patients, with no statistically significant date of birth, sex, and date of frontal photographs and
differences between males and females. However, they PA cephalogram were recorded.

FIGURE 1. Frontal photographs of a group 1 patient in natural head position: A, resting and B, smiling.

Frontal resting and smiling photographs of the 43 with orbital dystopia, the horizontal line was drawn
study patients were projected on a dual-projection tangent to the normal supraorbital rim. The occlusal
screen in random order. The slides were evaluated in- plane was drawn asa tangent to the cuspsof the maxil-
dependently by four medical residents (untrained ob- lary first molars. The angle of the maxillary occlusal
servers) and five oral and maxillofacial surgeons (4 plane was measuredin relation to the horizontal line
attending surgeons and one resident). The observers (Fig 3). When maxillary first molars were not present
were instructed to examine each pair of slides while or not in occlusion, the best available pair of posterior
answering a questionnaire. The questions included: 1) maxillary teeth in occlusion was used. All PA cephalo-
Do you notice anything abnormal about this patient’s grams were traced and measuredby two authors (B.P.
face (Yes/No)? 2) Do you notice any of the following M.K.). The occlusal cant measurementswere then cor-
(Yes/No): facial asymmetry, crooked smile, tilting of related with the subjective photographic evaluations.
the base of the nose (one side higher than the other), Statistical analysis of the data was performed using
tilting of the corners of the mouth, tilting of the plane an unpaired Student’s t-test for values in which a mean
of the teeth, deviation of the chin point? could be determined. Subjective data and other values
The occlusal cant was measured on each patient’s where no mean could be obtained were analyzed using
PA cephalogram (natural head position) using the fol- P values basedon the chi-squared test of independence.
lowing method: The orbital rims, crista galli, nasal P values less than .05 were considered statistically
septum, piriform apertures, mandibular angles, and significant.
maxillary molars in occlusion were traced. A vertical
reference line was constructed from the top of the crista Results
galli through a point on the superior nasal septum at the
level of the equator of the globe and ethmoid sinuses.A There were 13 female (62%) and 8 male (38%) pa-
horizontal line was drawn perpendicular to the vertical tients who had an occlusal cant recognized on physical
line and tangent to the supraorbital rims. In patients examination (group 1). The mean age of the group was

FIGURE 2. Frontal photographs of a group 2 patient in natural head position: A, resting and B, smiling.

18.1 +- 10.3 years, with a range of 6.1 to 36.8 years. observations (P = NS). Untrained observers noted
There were 11 female (50%) and 11 male patients canting in 82% of observations in group 1 patients,
(50%) without a cant (group 2). The mean age in group and 30% of observations in group 2 patients. Trained
2 was 29.1 k 7.3 years (range, 17.2 to 44.6 years). observers noted a cant in 90% of observations in group
The mean cant measured on the PA cephalogram for 1 and 27% in group 2. The detection of occlusal cant-
the total patient sample was 3.1” t 2.2” (range, 0” to ing in group 1 patients was significantly greater than
8.0”). The average occlusal cant measured on the PA in group 2 patients for both trained and untrained ob-
cephalogram for group 1 was 5.0” 1. 1.6” (range, 3.0 servers (P < .05).
to 8.0”) and for group 2 was 1.4” 5 0.9” (range, 0” to The average cant detected by all untrained observers
2.5”). The difference between the groups was statisti- in the total patient sample was 4.1”, whereas the aver-
cally significant (P < .Ol). age cant detected by all trained observers was 4.2”.
The frequency of detection of an occlusal cant (un- The difference between untrained and trained observ-
trained and trained observers) is presented in Figure ers was not statistically significant.
4. Detection rates were calculated by dividing the num- The threshold for clinical appreciation of an occlusal
ber of positive responses (positive response = ob- cant was estimated by plotting the detection rates for
served cant) for untrained or trained observers by the each degree of occlusal cant (Fig 5). The detection
total number of possible answers for the respective rates were calculated for two cant categories: 0” to <4”
observer group. Untrained observers detected canting (n = 29) and 4” and above (n = 14) (Fig 6). Untrained
in 55% of observations in the total patient sample, observers noticed occlusal cants greater than 4” with
whereas trained observers detected canting in 58% of a 90% frequency, and trained observers detected these

Group 1 Group 2 All


FIGURE 4. Frequency of detection of an occlusal cant for patients

in groups 1 and 2 for untrained and trained observers. *:k = signifi-
cant difference between group 1 and 2 patients (P < .05).

PA cephalograms have been used extensively in

studies of craniofacial asymmetry to show mild de-
grees of asymmetry in normal, healthy subjects.2-4~‘0-12
Asymmetric features are easily noticed in patients with
certain craniofacial deformities, such as hemifacial mi-
crosomia but may be undetectable by gross observation
FIGURE 3. Tracing of a PA cephalogram in natural head position in other subjects.’
for a patient in group 1. The following landmarks were identified The maxilla, mandible, and dentoalveolar processes
and traced: supraorbital rims (ST), crista galli (cg), nasal septum
have been shown to exhibit a greater degree of asym-
(IX), piriform apertures (pa), mandibular angles (ma), and maxillary
molars (mm). A vertical reference line was drawn from the top of metry than other facial regions.3.5 Asymmetric growth
cg through a point on the superior ns at the level of the equator of may result in occlusal canting in the frontal or coronal
the globe and ethmoid sinuses (dotted line). A horizontal line was plane. Occlusal canting has been observed in healthy
drawn perpendicular to the vertical and tangent to sr. The occlusal subjects with normal masticatory function.‘,” Some
plane was drawn as a tangent to mm cusps. Occlusal cant was
determined by measuring the angle of the maxillary plane in relation
to the horizontal line. This patient had an occlusal cant of 0”.

cants with a frequency of 98%. The difference in detec-

tion rates between untrained and trained observers for
each category were not statistically significant. How-
ever, the differences in detection rates between the two
categories of cant were statistically significant for both
observer groups (P < .Ol).


Cephalometric radiography and facial photographs

are well-established clinical and research tools for as- ol 1 I I 1

sessment of craniofacial morphology and deformities.’ 0” I” 2” 3” 4” 5’ 6’ 7’ 8”

They provide points and landmarks for measurement
and complete analytical evaluation.’ They are both
convenient and inexpensive when compared with other FIGURE 5. Frequency of detection by degree of cant for untrained
state-of-the-art methods for three-dimensional evalua- and trained observers. Each point in the plot represents the detection
tion such as computed tomography (CT) scanning. rate for each degree of cant.

occlusal cants are detected with greater than 90% fre-

100 quency and 3” is the threshold for greater than 50%
90 frequency.
The preceding findings have significant implications
80 for three-dimensional planning and outcome assess-
70 ment in orthognathic and craniofacial surgery. For ex-
60 ample, in a patient with significant craniofacial defor-
mity, an occlusal cant that is not recognized
50 q Untrained
preoperatively may become apparent after ortho-
40 II Trained
gnathic surgery, when the more obvious abnormalities
30 have been corrected. Preoperative measurement of the
cant in all such patients will ensure that corrective
20 surgery is properly planned.
10 Occlusal cants within the 0” to 3” range have been
0 observed in normal, healthy patients5 Thus, normal
< 4 Degrees > 4 Degrees
masticatory function is possible within this range. The
Degree of Occlusal Cant cant will not be noticeable, and occlusal canting of this
magnitude probably does not have detrimental effects
FIGURE 6. Frequency of detection for occlusal cants less than 4”
and for those greater than 4”. ** = significant difference between on postoperative outcome. Heimansohn’ suggested that
group 1 and 2 patients (P < .Ol). normal individuals have a natural tilt to the occlusal
plane, and that alteration of this tilt through restoration
of the dentition and placement of prostheses may con-
tribute to the development of temporomandibular joint
individuals have clinically discernible levels of occlu-
dysfunction.” Therefore, awareness of the presence
sal cant, but most normal patients have cants that are of even mild levels of occlusal cant is important in
too small to detect by simple clinical observation. In restorative dentistry as well as in orthodontics and sur-
this study, the mean occlusal cant measured radio-
graphically for those patients judged to be symmetric
by clinical examination (group 2) was 1.4” -t 0.9”. This
is consistent with data in the literature suggesting that References
mild degrees of occlusal canting exist in clinically
symmetrical patients.5’10
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