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"I can't do it anymore. I am a failure. I am a loser. I'm
always failing. Maybe it's better to die than to live with
this kind of life."
No, stop thinking like that. If you think that way, you
will totally become loser or failure. Never lost hope.
There's hope in our life. There's hope in every seconds
of our life. Just believe and find that hope.
In Jeremiah 29:11, says, "For I know the plans I have for
you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to
harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." God
Himself says that He doesn't want us to be fail or harm,
but to be prosper or to be successful in life. But how
can we do that if we already lost hope?
Hope is a powerful thing. It inspires us to do the
impossible and helps us carry on during difficult times.
I know that we are still suffering from this pandemic
and afraid to be infected by the deadly virus, but we
are still working and fighting for our family. And that's
great thing that we can do.
If we want to achieve success in our life, we need to
work hard. We need to live with determination. We
need to have patience. And even after following all of
these, we still have to face challenges in our life, we
fail, and become hopeless. Hopelessness is the biggest
enemy of success. If you become hopeless, you will
loose everything. Whenever you feel hopeless, just
remember mother giraffe. When mother giraffe gives
birth to a baby, mother giraffe is very tall and the baby
giraffe falls on the ground with a force. And as it tries
to understand where it has fallen, mother giraffe
stands over it and kicks it really hard. The baby giraffe
falls at a distance and tries to gather its senses, again
the mother giraffe comes and stands over it and again
gives it another hard kick. The baby giraffe
understands,'If I don't act now, I will keep getting
kicks.'It starts trying to get up on its wobbly legs. Then,
again the mother kicks the baby and again the baby
falls and understand,'If I don't stand and run, I will be
kicked again and again.'Now, the baby giraffe starts
running and at the moment, the mother comes and
starts kissing and embracing the baby. The mother
giraffe is aware that there are ferocious animals in the
forest tiger, wolf etc. who loves soft flesh of newborn
animals. And the mother giraffe can't stay with the
baby all the time. So if it goes away, who will protect
the baby? That is why, as soon as the baby is born the
mother kicks the baby so that it learns how to stand,
she kicks again so that the baby remembers how to
stand. Again she kicks the child so that the baby no just
stands up, but starts running,In life, challenges will
come, and we will fall, we will fail. but remember the
mother giraffe and it's baby at that time. whenever
challenges come your way, no matter how many times
you fall, learn to get up, learn from the baby giraffe to
get up and stand, get up and start running. If you learn
to get up, stand up and start running, then you will
reach the highest peak of success.

Hope is important because it gives people the will

power to accomplish their goals no matter what life
throws at them. It allows people to approach problems
with a positive mindset. Hope can bring joy and
happiness in a bad situation, and provide confidence
when you are in doubt. I’m not scared or worried
because I believe God is watching over all of us and
protecting us. If he wasn’t protecting us the virus could
have been worse than it already is. Also, I know that
God won’t let anything horrible happen to us under his
watch. Perhaps, this whole thing is a blessing in
disguise from God. I believe God is showing us how
fragile and unpredictable life is and that we should be
grateful for what we have. God wants us to know that
we should live our lives differently and not be so
reckless with them or waste them.


During these times, it’s easy to forget that God is with

us, he made us, and he has even given up his own Son
for our salvation. He will also always listen to our
prayers. It’s important to stay hopeful during these
times and try not to be pessimistic or negative. This
whole pandemic has caused a lot of anxiety and worry
but it’s important to remember God’s promise to be
with us. There is so much good that has come out of
this pandemic. There is less air pollution because less
people are driving and flying in airplanes. People who
are normally busy, have more time to spend with their
family since they’re staying home during this time.
These are moments to be cherished. The virus has
brought us together and most importantly shown us
how we need hope. "Never lose hope. Storms make
people stronger and never last forever.” Thank you and
God bless.

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