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 who has filmed ted?

Ted Williams was filmed by a local cameraman.

 How many views has the video had?

The video has had millions of hits on YouTube.

 What has ted received?

He has received numerous job offers.

 What have you fought for the last few years?

Williams has struggled with drug and alcohol addiction for years.

 how has ted acted during his years on the street?

Williams acted as a pimp during his years on the streets.


1. why has ted been viral on the internet?

2. What has Ted put on the poster?
3. What history has lifted the spirits of a nation?
4. From which companies have you received job offers?
5. where has Ted Williams lived?
6. Has ted had an addiction?
7. What profession has Willians had before living on the streets?
8. What accusations have come from Ted Williams?

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