Grammer For Media

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Phrase and clause are the most important elements of English grammar. Phrase and clause cover
everything a sentence has. Clauses are the center of sentences and phrases strengthen the sentences to
become meaningful. If the clauses are the pillars of a building, the phrases are the bricks. A phrase
usually is always present within a clause, but a phrase cannot have a clause in it.Phrases, Clauses and
Sentences are the most important structural units of language. They provide structure and meaning to
almost all the languages. The phrases and clauses provide a sense to a sentence. Here we will discuss
this and learn about the constituents of a sentence structure with the help of interesting example
sentence for each.

The basic difference between a clause and a phrase is that a clause must have a finite verb and a phrase
must not.

A phrase, therefore, is a group of words which has no finite verb in it and acts to complete the sentence
for making it meaningful.

“A phrase is a small group of words that form a meaningful unit within a clause.”

-Oxford Dictionary

“In linguistic analysis, a phrase is a group of words (or possibly a single word) that functions as a
constituent in the syntax of a sentence, a single unit within agrammatical hierarchy.”

- Osborne, Timothy, Michael Putnam, and Thomas Gross (2011)


A clause has both subject and object. It can stand alone as a complete sentence because it gives a
complete meaning. For instance in the above example the clause ‘He is sleeping’ can alone stand as a
sentence as it gives a complete meaning to the reader.

On the hand, a phrase cannot stand alone as a complete sentence because it does not give a complete
meaning. For instance, in the above sentence ‘on the bed’ cannot stand as alone sentence as it does not
give a complete meaning. The each word of phrase has a meaning but the phrase collectively does not
make a complete sense like a sentence. The purpose of phrase is to complement the overall structure of
a sentence.

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Puji syukur diucapkan kehadirat Allah SWT atas segala rahmatNya sehingga makalah ini dapat tersusun
sampai dengan selesai. Tidak lupa kami mengucapkan terimakasih terhadap bantuan dari pihak yang
telah berkontribusi dengan memberikan sumbangan baik pikiran maupun materinya.

Penulis sangat berharap semoga makalah ini dapat menambah pengetahuan dan pengalaman bagi
pembaca. Bahkan kami berharap lebih jauh lagi agar makalah ini bisa pembaca praktekkan dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari.

Bagi kami sebagai penyusun merasa bahwa masih banyak kekurangan dalam penyusunan makalah ini
karena keterbatasan pengetahuan dan pengalaman Kami. Untuk itu kami sangat mengharapkan kritik
dan saran yang membangun dari pembaca demi kesempurnaan makalah ini.

Bandung, 20 November 2017


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