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Learning Area TVL- Shielded Metal Arc Welding Grade Level 12

W1 Quarter Fourth Date

I. LESSON TITLE Weld Carbon Steel Plates in Vertical Position (3G) Code: TLE_IAAW12GW-IIIa-IVj-3
II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING 3.5 Observe weld capping/ final pass not exceeding allowable tolerances
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) specified by welding codes/ standards
I. Introduction (Time Frame: 20 minutes)
In this lesson, you will discover the knowledge, skills and attitudes in performing Weld Carbon Steel Plates in Vertical Position
(3G). It is important to learn the welding technique procedures, equipment and materials used in welding.

Directions: Identify the following picture. Write your answer on separate sheet of paper.

D. Development (Time Frame: 30 minutes)

A. Answer the following questions. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper

1. What is a welding procedure used for?


2 Do welding procedures expire?


3. Who is responsible for the qualification of welding procedures?


Read welding procedure and process: Then, answer the activity


Direction; To accomplish the task, you need to rearrange the scrambled letters of different welding process and procedure.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
________________1. WASM - this type of welding process relies on a manual technique using a consumable electrode coated
in flux.
________________2. WFAC – it is a similar to MIG welding, flux cored arc welding revolves around a continuous wire feed
________________3. TWAG - this type of welding process, also known as Tungsten Inert Gas or TIG welding, is commonly used to
________________4. MGWA - also known as Metal Inert Gas or MIG welding, this process uses a thin wire as an electrode.
________________5. WPA - is an arc welding process very similar to TIG welding as the arc is formed between a pointed
tungsten electrode and the workpiece.
E. Engagement (Time Frame: 70 minutes)

In the previous lessons we have discussed the uniformity of beads according to the acceptable standards and also, we
learned that one way of checking the sizes of beads is by using fillet gauge. On today we deals not only on how to
performed and develop your skills in welding by performing inspection on the finished weldment based on acceptable

Performing 3G

Materials: Mild Steel plates 6mm x 75 mm x 150 mm (2pcs) Electrode 6011 and 6013

Tools and Equipment: Welding Machine Working table Steel Brush Chipping Hammer Angle Grinder PPE Step-by Step Welding
Procedure For Economical Reason we will be using SCRAP METAL for daily practice, instead of Carbon Plate we will be using 8
mm SQUARE BAR as the same size like the bevel on carbon plate.

1. Preparing materials for the type of weld

A. Determine whether the type of weld requires a beveled edge.
B. Perform the beveling with a grinder. Bevel a 60° angle.
C. Clear dust and dirt from material to be welded. To
remove oily substance, rust and paint. Be sure materials
to be welded are dry before starting.

2. Tack Welding for work Fit up

A. Lay the plate to be weld on the working table. Tack weld plates 10mm up to 12 mm from each end at the middle without
gap between
the plate.
B. Place weld metal at welding positioner, insert the weld spacer to create a root opening the. After you have installed
spacer, tack weld
both end several minutes.
C. Do enough tack welds to hold the weight of the piece together.
D. Avoid overheating the tack points. This causes the weld materials to melt. If you are not satisfied with the welds, or the work
is not
properly fitted, start over. Tack welds are easy to break.

3. Root pass
A. Before starting the root, pass weld be sure to select the right amps set between 70-90amps. Use E6011 for the root pass
Note: Maintain
an arc length of 2mm to 3 mm
B. Observe the depth a weld extends into the root of a joint measured on the centerline of the root cross section referring to
C. Continue the weld, holding the rod at a 90° angle directly above the weld if you are welding at the proper temperature, a
loop will form
where the rod joins the base materials and small beads will form where the rod joins the base materials and the small
beads will form
on either side of the completed weld.

4. Hot pass
A. Before starting the hot pass, weld be sure to select the right amps set between 80-
110amps. Use
E 6013 for the Hot pass.
B. With the steady movement, drag the electrode going to the direction of weld
C. And again continue the weld, holding the rod at a 90° angle directly above the weld if
you are
welding at the proper temperature, a loop will form where the rod joins the base
materials and
small beads will form where the rod joins the base materials and the small beads will
form on
either side of the completed weld.
D. Use steel brush to remove remnant E. Repeat steps under you filled the weld metal up to

Learning Task 2: Using three colored pens, draw in bond paper the prescribed first
pass (Blue), second pass (Green) and third pass (Red). Use the picture beside as
your reference. (15 points)

Learning Task: 3 Search and watch You Tube video about performing welding carbon steel plate in 3G position.

Make a short Self-made Video (maximum of 5 minutes)

Perform weld carbon plate in Vertical position (3G) by following the step-by-step procedure in welding. Always consider
observing weld capping/ final pass not exceeding allowable tolerances specified by welding codes/ standards on
concavity, convexity, and height of reinforcement.

A. Assimilation (Time Frame: 1 hour)

When welding using the vertical-up movement, think of it as building a brick wall where you start by building a strong base
and then gradually move upwards. In this technique, you begin by welding from the bottom and slowly move upwards,
creating strong support for your joint. It is a slow process and requires patience. The welder moves one step at a time as th ey
are simultaneously combating gravity. Each section acts as the base for the next and is known as the shelf.

When you place two pieces together in a way that one end faces downwards toward the ground, while the other points
skywards, it is known as the vertical or upright welding position. Welding in such positions requires skills and experience.

Use a zigzag or a weaving technique when making your way up the workpiece. Focus on the sides of the joint as it gives the
weld puddle the required buffer time to allow it to cool enough to ensure there is no burn through. It also ensures that the
molten metal does not fall onto the welder’s feet.

Vertical-down is essentially the same movement – just from top to bottom. Here, you have to keep a few things in mind. You
are fighting against gravity, which brings the molten puddle into your work zone. You will have to stay ahead of the slag at all
times. The method requires constant monitoring, and you need to set the amp carefully to avoid the risk of a burn-through.
Learning Task 3: Answer the following questions using your idea base on the information given. In each question your answer
must be at least 50 words or more. For this activity use another sheet of paper then write your name, week number and the
Learning Task number.

1. Explain why we need to use two kind of electrode in root pass (E6011) and hot pass (E6013)?
2. Why do we need to follow root pass, hot pass, filling and capping procedures in SMAW?
CRITERIA 5 points 3 points 1 point Score
The answer given is 100% The answer given is partly The answer given is incorrect.
ACCURACY accurate. correct.
Statements are 100% 1-2 sentences are 3 or more sentences are
GRAMMATICALLY grammatically correct. grammatically incorrect. grammatically incorrect
Total score
V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: 40 minutes)
(Learning Activity Sheets for Enrichment, Remediation, or Assessment to be given on Weeks 3 and 6)

Multiple Choice: Read each question carefully and choose the best answer. Write your answer in separate sheet of paper.

1. What is the metal strip or bar inserted in the root of a joint prepared for a groove weld to serve as a backing and to
maintain the root opening during welding?
a. Slag Incision b. Spatter c. Spacer Strip d. None of the Above
2. What is metal particles expelled during arc and gas welding which do not form a part of the weld?
a. Slag Incision b. Spatter c. Spacer Strip d. None of the Above
3. Which of the following is a Non-metallic solid material entrapped in the weld metal or between the weld metal and the
base metal?
a. Slag Incision b. Spatter c. Spacer Strip d. None of the Above
4. What is the points, as shown in cross section, at which the bottom of the weld intersects the base metal surfaces?
a. Root face b. Root gap c. Root pass d. Root of weld
5. What is the depth a groove weld extends into the root of a joint measured on the centerline of the root cross section.
a. Root face b. Root gap c. Root pass d. Root penetration
Directions: Rearrange the following steps/procedures in tacking metal vertical position in proper order or sequence. Write
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
Sequence Procedures in preparing metal for tacking T-joint
Set the welding machine range 85-110 ampere.
Assemble the plate to make a Butt-joint. And put the made Butt-joint on the top of the welding table.
Deposit weld bead by manipulating the electrode following the desired pattern or motion.
Use appropriate safety welding apparel.
Strike an arc to one side of the corner at the bottom of the joint.
Remove slag and continue depositing bead for second pass.
Observe safety precaution.
VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: 20 minutes)
• Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance
Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the column
for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below:
 - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/ lesson.
✓ - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.
? – I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to do/perform this
Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP
Number 1 Number 3 Number 5 Number 7
Number 2 Number 4 Number 6 Number 8
Prepared by: NICODEMO C. BRON Checked by: FLORINDA C. GAGASA

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