Tapescripts: Test 1 - Listening Test 4 - Listening

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Test 1 - Listening Test 4 - Listening

Stacey: What do you usually do at the weekends, Allan? People around the world have different ideas about th
Allan: Well, I always do my homework on Friday so I can things that bring good or bad luck to someone. Th:
play football with my friends all, day Saturday Chinese, for example, never do any housework on New
and Sunday! What do you do? Year's Day because they believe that their good luck for the
Stacey: Nothing special. I never get up early, though. I like ~hole year goes away together with the dust and dirt of
to sleep until late. Every day I get up at 7:00 or the house. The English beli~ve that black cats bring good
7:30, but I often get up at 10 o'clock on Saturdays luck, but in the USA mar\y people think that black cats
and Sundays. bring bad lack. The French think that black cats are lucky
only if you find a white hair on them! Finally, in many
Joan: What time do you go to school, Shawn? countries around the world many people believe that
Shawn: School starts at 9:00, but I leave my house at , Friday the 13th is an unlucky day, but the Greeks believe
8:00 because I take a bus and it takes time. And that Tuesday the 13th is an unlucky day.
Joan: I'm lucky because I don't walk to school. My mum
drives me there, so I leave my house at 8:30. Test 5 - [istening

We are inviting everyone to be part of a very special event

Test 2 - Listening on Sunday. This special day is 'Plant-A-Tree Day!' We ask
that everyone in the community come to Evergreen Park
48 Carnival is a very big celebration in Brazil. It begins and plant a tree. It is important that we try and plant as
forty days before Easter and' lasts four days and four
., many trees as we can. Trees are very important to our
nights, from Saturday to Tuesday. People dress· up and environment. If we plant trees, we will reduce carbon

parade on the streets. · dioxide in the atmosphere. Tree-planting will begin at ten

o'clock in th morning. All you need to bring is a pair of

49 Every 13th December in Sweden, people celebrate the work gloves. For more information, contact Jenny on 212
festival of Santa Lucia. Girls wear white dresses with 444 8502. See you,there!
red belts and a crown of candles, while the bqys wear
special white clothes and cone hats with · stars.
Children leave school early and everyone takes to the Test 6 - Listening·
streets and sings the Santa Lucia song.
e.g. Woman 1: Hi, Betty! You look really nice today.
50 In Japan, people eat Tekgut on 1st January to show , Woman 2: Really? Thanks. I didn't want to wear
that they are a year older. Tekgut is a rice cake that jeans again.
people put in beef soup. People prepare it the day Woman 1: Well, t~at skirt looks great on you.
before the celebration so it can dry. Then they cut the Woman 2: I have a jacket which is the same colour
Tekgut and serve it. Some people also add dumplings, but it's too warm to wear a jacket today.
to make it taste better. Woman 1: Never mind. You can wear it another day.

46 Man: I'm trying to book tickets for my holiday

Test 3 - Listening in Italy.
Woman: Didn't you go to Italy last year?
Anne: Hi James! Man: No, I was in England last summer.
James: Hi Anne! How was your weekend? Woman: Why don't you go to France? 1hear it's
Anne: Quiet. I wanted to eat out with Sarah but she went got some great beaches.
to the cinema with her brother. Man: Hmm. Maybe next summer.
James: So, what did you do?
Anne: Nothing much. I stayed home and watched a film 47 Man: So, what did you see while you were on
on DVD. And you? holiday?
James: Well, on Saturday I met my friends and on Sunday I Woman: Well, my friend wanted to go to the top
went to see Paul play football. of a very tall skyscraper and I wanted to
Anne: Did John come with you? visit the royal palace.
James: No, he had to help his mother with the housework. Man: Arid what did you choose?
Woman: Not one or the other! We visited an old
castle instead!

48 Man 1: How was your holiday? 49 Man: Hello. Can I help you?
Man 2:Fantastic! We went by train and it was Woman: I'd like to try these boots in a size 6,
slow but very relaxing. please.
Man 1:Why didn't you go by plane? Man: Take a seat and I'll get them for you.
Man 2:Because my wife's afraid of flying and it Woman: Thank you.
was too far to go there by car.
50 Waiter: Hello. What would you like?
Man: I'll have two burgers, please.
Test 7 - Listening Waiter: OK, would you like something to drink?
Man: A Coke, please.
I've played football since I was six years old and now I want
to do something different. My brother thinks I should join Test 9 - Listening
his basketball team, but I want a sport which is more
challenging, so I've decided to try cricket. It's not as Tom: Hi Ben! It's Tom. I was wondering if you would
exciting as kayaking, or as challenging as speed skating, like to come over and see Doctor Who with
but I'm sure it'll be fun! me.
Ben: Doctor Who? That's my favourite show!
Lisa Sure! When?
When I was young I loved gymnastics. Even when I had a lot Tom: Well, it's on at 7:00, tomorrow night.
of homework for school, I still found time for my favourite Ben: Tomorrow? Hmm, that's Saturday. Let me think
sport. I remember that when I was 12 I pulled a muscle in if I've got to do anything ... nope! Nothing!
one of my training sessions but that didn't stop me. Four Ok! I'll be there! Should I bring anything?
years later though, I fell off my bike and broke my leg. I had Tom: You can bring some popcorn, if you like.
to stop gymnastics for five months, until I was OK again. Ben: OK! Sure. See you then!

I think that rock climbing is a thrilling but difficult sport. I Test 10 - Listening
need to be very careful and make sure I wear my helmet,
knee pads and gloves when I go rock climbing. Last week, _ e.g. Girl: MTV is my favourite channel because I can listen
as I was climbing in the Lake District, I lost one of my knee " to all the new songs and enjoy performances by my
pads and I cut my leg on the rocks. Luckily for me, it didn't favourite singers and bands.
bleed very much.
47 Woman: I don't have much time to watch lV. The
Bobby only thing I like watching are shows where I can learn
I love sports! I've tried rugby, judo, snowboarding and rock about wildlife and the world of animals. And I never
climbing. I like all of them even though in the last few miss Jack Hanna's show!
years I've broken my arm, bruised both eyes, sprained my
ankle and cut my leg. Sports are still my passion and next 48 Man: I always want to know what's going on in the
week I'm starting tennis lessons. Who knows? Maybe I'll try world, so I always watch the six o'clock news. I also
kayaking after that, but I'm not sure. find out about the weather and learn the latest sports

Test 8 - Listening 49 Boy: I never miss my favourite Bugs Bunny and

Pokemon shows at the weekend. I sometimes watch
47 Salesperson: Hello. How can I help you? The Simpsons and Dragonba/1 Z, but not too often.
Mike: I need a bat and some baseball shoes.
Sa_lesperson: Certainly. How about these shoes?
50 ~oy: I play_ football, basketball and rugby, so every
Mrke: They look fine, thank you.
time there 1s a programme about my favourite sports
48 Sofia: on lV I watch it. I don't like watching the news or
Excuse me, can you please tell me
documentaries, though. I think they're boring!
where the flour and sugar are?
Lady: They're just over here. Follow me.
Sofia: Thank you.

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