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The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™

ISSN 2307-8235 (online)

IUCN 2008: T54707A86445591
Scope: Global
Language: English

Duttaphrynus melanostictus, Black-spectacled Toad

Errata version
Assessment by: van Dijk, P.P. et al.

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Short citation: van Dijk, P.P. et al. 2004. Duttaphrynus melanostictus. The IUCN Red List of
Threatened Species 2004: e.T54707A86445591. [see full citation at end]

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The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ is produced and managed by the IUCN Global Species Programme, the IUCN
Species Survival Commission (SSC) and The IUCN Red List Partnership. The IUCN Red List Partners are: Arizona State
University; BirdLife International; Botanic Gardens Conservation International; Conservation International; NatureServe;
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Sapienza University of Rome; Texas A&M University; and Zoological Society of London.

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Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family

Animalia Chordata Amphibia Anura Bufonidae

Taxon Name:  Duttaphrynus melanostictus (Schneider, 1799)

• Ansonia kamblei Ravichandran and Pillai, 1990
• Bufo melanostictus Schneider, 1799
• Bufo tienhoensis Bourret, 1937

Common Name(s):
• English: Asian Common Toad, Asian Toad, Black-spectacled Toad, Common Sunda Toad, Javanese
Taxonomic Source(s):
Frost, D.R. 2013. Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 5.6 (9 January 2013).
Electronic Database. American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA. Available at:

Taxonomic Notes:
This form is probably a complex of more than one species. Duttaphrynus tienhoensis was synonymized
with D. melanostictus by Dubois and Ohler (1999).

Assessment Information
Red List Category & Criteria: Least Concern ver 3.1

Year Published: 2004

Date Assessed: April 30, 2004

Annotations: Needs Updating

Listed as Least Concern in view of its wide distribution, tolerance of a broad range of habitats, presumed
large population, and because it is unlikely to be declining fast enough to qualify for listing in a more
threatened category.

Geographic Range
Range Description:
This species occurs widely from northern Pakistan through Nepal, Bangladesh, India (including the
Andaman and Nicobar Islands), Sri Lanka, southern China (including Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau),
Myanmar, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Viet Nam, Thailand and Cambodia to Malaysia, Singapore,
and Indonesia (Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Anambas Islands and Natuna Islands, introduced to Bali,

© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Duttaphrynus melanostictus – published in 2004. 1
Sulawesi, Ambon and Manokwari, New Guinea (northeastern portion of the Vogelkop Peninsula,
centred on Manokwari). It has been recorded from sea level up to 1,800 m asl.

Country Occurrence:
Native: Bangladesh; Cambodia; China; Hong Kong; India; Indonesia (Bali - Introduced, Jawa, Kalimantan,
Maluku - Introduced, Papua - Introduced, Sulawesi - Introduced, Sumatera); Lao People's Democratic
Republic; Macao; Malaysia; Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan; Singapore; Sri Lanka; Taiwan, Province of China;
Thailand; Viet Nam

Introduced: Papua New Guinea

© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Duttaphrynus melanostictus – published in 2004. 2
Distribution Map
Duttaphrynus melanostictus

© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Duttaphrynus melanostictus – published in 2004. 3
It is an abundant species throughout its range that is probably increasing in many areas.
Current Population Trend:  Increasing

Habitat and Ecology (see Appendix for additional information)

It is mainly a species of disturbed lowland habitats, from upper beaches and riverbanks to human-
dominated agricultural and urban areas. It is uncommon in closed forests. It breeds in still and slow-
flowing rivers and temporary and permanent ponds and pools. Adults are terrestrial and may be found
under ground cover (eg. rocks, leaf-litter, logs), and are also associated with human habitations. The
larvae are found in still and slow-moving waterbodies.

Systems:  Terrestrial, Freshwater

There are no major threats to this very adaptable species. It is sometimes found in the international pet
trade but at levels that do not currently constitute a major threat. It is eaten locally in northern

Conservation Actions (see Appendix for additional information)

None needed, other than further taxonomic study. The range of this species overlaps with many
protected areas across its range. The species should be exterminated from New Guinea as a matter of

Assessor(s): van Dijk, P.P., Iskandar, D., Lau, M.W.N., Huiqing, G., Baorong, G., Kuangyang, L.,
Wenhao, C., Zhigang, Y., Chan, B., Dutta, S., Inger, R.F., Manamendra-Arachchi, K.
& Khan, M.S.

Reviewer(s): Stuart, S.N., Chanson, J.S. & Cox, N.A.

© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Duttaphrynus melanostictus – published in 2004. 4
Ao, J.M., Bordoloi, S. and Ohler, A. 2003. Amphibian fauna of Nagaland with nineteen new records from
the State including five new records for India. ZOO's Print Journal 18(6): 1117-1125.

Asmat, G.S.M., Banu, Md., Q., Islam, Md., A., Ahsan, F. and Chakma, S. 2003. Amphibian fauna from
Chittagong and Chittagong Hill-tracts, Bangladesh. University Journal of Zoology, University of Rajshahi,
Bangladesh 22: 141-143.

Berry, P.Y. 1975. The Amphibian Fauna of Peninsular Malaysia. Tropical Press, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Biju, S.D. 2001. A synopsis to the frog fauna of the Western Ghats, India. Occasional Publication 1. ISCB:

Bordoloi, S., Borah, M.M., Sarmah, P.K. and Sharma, J. 2002. Amphibian and insect fauna of amphibian
habitats of Dehang-Debang Biosphere Reserve, Arunachal Pradesh. Himalayan Biosphere Reserves 4(1-
2): 33-38.

Chanda, S.K. 2002. Handbook - Indian Amphibians. Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata.

Dubois, A. and Ohler, A. 1999. Asian and Oriental toads of the Bufo melanostictus, Bufo scaber and Bufo
stejnegeri groups (Amphibia, Anura): a list of available and valid names and description of some name
bearing types. Journal of South Asian Natural History: 133-180.

Dutta, S.K. 1997. Amphibians of India and Sri Lanka. Odyssey Publishing House, Bhubaneswar.

Fei, L., Ye, C.-Y., Huang, Y.-A. and Liu, M.-Y. 1999. Atlas of Amphibians of China. Henan Science and
Technical Press, Zhengzhou.

Husain, K.Z. and Rahman, M.M. 1978. The Amphibian Fauna of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of
Zoology: 157-158.

Iskandar, D.T. and Setyantyo, D.Y. 1996. The amphibians and reptiles of Anai Valley, West Sumatra.
Annual Report of the Field Biology and Training Project: 74-91.

IUCN. 2004. 2004 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Available at: (Accessed: 23
November 2004).

IUCN. 2016. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2016-1. Available at:
(Accessed: 30 June 2016).

Khan, M.S. 1972. The "commonest toad" of West Pakistan and a note on Bufo melanostictus schneider.
Biologia: 131-133.

Khan, M.S. 1976. An annotated checklist and key to the amphibians of Pakistan. Biologia 22: 201-210.

Khan, M.S. 1979. On a collection of amphibians from northern Punjab and Azad Kashmir, with ecological
notes. Biologia 25: 37-50.

Khan, M.S. 1994. A revised checklist and key to the amphibians of Pakistan. Hamadryad 19: 11-14.

Khan, M.S. 1996. Status of amphibian fauna of Pakistan. Proceedings of the International Conference on
Biology and Conservation of the Amphibians and Reptiles and their habitat in South Asia, Sri Lanka,
August 1-5, 1996.

Khan, M.S. 2001. Notes on cranial-ridged toads of Pakistan and description of a new subspecies
(Amphibia: Bufonidae). Pakistan Journal of Zoology: 293-298.

© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Duttaphrynus melanostictus – published in 2004. 5
Khan, M.S. 2002. A checklist and key to the Amphibia of Pakistan. Bulletin Chicago Herpetological
Society 37(9): 158-163.

Khan, M.S. and Tasnim, R. 1987. A field guide to the identification of herps of Pakistan. Part I: Amphibia.
Monograph No. 14, pp. 1-27. Biological Society of Pakistan, Lahore.

Kirtisinghe, P. 1957. The Amphibia of Ceylon. Published by Author, Colombo.

Leong, T.M., Grismer, L. and Mumpuni. 2002. Preliminary checklists of the herpetofauna of the Anambas
and Natuna Islands (South China Sea). Hamadryad: 165-174.

Manamendra-Arachchi, K. and Pethiyagoda, R. 1998. A synopsis of the Sri Lankan Bufonidae (Amphibia:
Anura), with description of two new species. Journal of South Asian Natural History: 213-246.

Menzies, J.I. and Tapilatu, R. 2000. The introduction of a second species of toad (Amphibia: Bufonidae)
into New Guinea. Science in New Guinea: 70-73.

Taylor, E.H. 1962. The Amphibian Fauna of Thailand. University of Kansas Science Bulletin 43(8): 267-599.

The Comprehensive Scientific Expedition to the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. 1997. Amphibians and Reptiles
of the Hengduan Mountains. Science Press, Beijing.

Ye, C.-Y, Fei, L. and Hu, S.Q. 1993. Rare and Economic Amphibians of China. Sichuan Publishing House of
Science and Technology, Chengdu.

van Dijk, P.P., Iskandar, D., Lau, M.W.N., Huiqing, G., Baorong, G., Kuangyang, L., Wenhao, C., Zhigang, Y.,
Chan, B., Dutta, S., Inger, R.F., Manamendra-Arachchi, K. & Khan, M.S. 2004. Duttaphrynus
melanostictus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2004: e.T54707A86445591.

To make use of this information, please check the Terms of Use.

External Resources
For Images and External Links to Additional Information, please see the Red List website.

© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Duttaphrynus melanostictus – published in 2004. 6


Habitat Season Suitability

15. Artificial/Aquatic & Marine -> 15.9. Artificial/Aquatic - Canals and - Suitable -
Drainage Channels, Ditches

15. Artificial/Aquatic & Marine -> 15.8. Artificial/Aquatic - Seasonally - Suitable -

Flooded Agricultural Land

15. Artificial/Aquatic & Marine -> 15.7. Artificial/Aquatic - Irrigated Land - Suitable -
(includes irrigation channels)

15. Artificial/Aquatic & Marine -> 15.6. Artificial/Aquatic - Wastewater - Marginal -

Treatment Areas

15. Artificial/Aquatic & Marine -> 15.5. Artificial/Aquatic - Excavations - Suitable -


15. Artificial/Aquatic & Marine -> 15.3. Artificial/Aquatic - Aquaculture - Marginal -


15. Artificial/Aquatic & Marine -> 15.2. Artificial/Aquatic - Ponds (below - Suitable -

15. Artificial/Aquatic & Marine -> 15.1. Artificial/Aquatic - Water Storage - Suitable -
Areas (over 8ha)

14. Artificial/Terrestrial -> 14.6. Artificial/Terrestrial - Subtropical/Tropical - Suitable -

Heavily Degraded Former Forest

14. Artificial/Terrestrial -> 14.5. Artificial/Terrestrial - Urban Areas - Suitable -

14. Artificial/Terrestrial -> 14.4. Artificial/Terrestrial - Rural Gardens - Suitable -

14. Artificial/Terrestrial -> 14.3. Artificial/Terrestrial - Plantations - Suitable -

14. Artificial/Terrestrial -> 14.2. Artificial/Terrestrial - Pastureland - Suitable -

14. Artificial/Terrestrial -> 14.1. Artificial/Terrestrial - Arable Land - Suitable -

5. Wetlands (inland) -> 5.8. Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent - Suitable -

Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)

5. Wetlands (inland) -> 5.7. Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater - Suitable -

Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)

5. Wetlands (inland) -> 5.5. Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater - Marginal -

Lakes (over 8ha)

5. Wetlands (inland) -> 5.1. Wetlands (inland) - Permanent - Suitable -

Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)

4. Grassland -> 4.6. Grassland - Subtropical/Tropical Seasonally - Suitable -


© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Duttaphrynus melanostictus – published in 2004. 7
Habitat Season Suitability

4. Grassland -> 4.5. Grassland - Subtropical/Tropical Dry - Suitable -

3. Shrubland -> 3.6. Shrubland - Subtropical/Tropical Moist - Marginal -

3. Shrubland -> 3.5. Shrubland - Subtropical/Tropical Dry - Marginal -

3. Shrubland -> 3.4. Shrubland - Temperate - Marginal -

1. Forest -> 1.9. Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane - Marginal -

1. Forest -> 1.7. Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Mangrove Vegetation Above - Marginal -

High Tide Level

1. Forest -> 1.6. Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland - Marginal -

1. Forest -> 1.5. Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Dry - Marginal -

1. Forest -> 1.4. Forest - Temperate - Marginal -

Conservation Actions in Place


Conservation Actions in Place

In-Place Land/Water Protection and Management

Conservation sites identified: Yes, over entire range

Occur in at least one PA: Yes

Research Needed

Research Needed
1. Research -> 1.1. Taxonomy

Additional Data Fields

Population severely fragmented: No

© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Duttaphrynus melanostictus – published in 2004. 8
Errata reason: Reformatted names of assessor(s), reviewer(s), contributor(s), facilitator(s) and/or

© The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Duttaphrynus melanostictus – published in 2004. 9
The IUCN Red List Partnership

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ is produced and managed by the IUCN Global Species
Programme, the IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) and The IUCN Red List Partnership.

The IUCN Red List Partners are: Arizona State University; BirdLife International; Botanic Gardens
Conservation International; Conservation International; NatureServe; Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew;
Sapienza University of Rome; Texas A&M University; and Zoological Society of London.


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