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CS (NMain} Exam, 2020 feeitea DETACHABLE uaeitfa faena sit seria aera) POLITICAL SCIENCE AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (Paper 1) ratte war : at We IEA Sie : 250 Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 250 Wea arareht fase arqaet Bra weit gee BA ee Preafafera weer arate wearer aE | ‘eet atte wer EST avst H favnfira E cer Feet Sk site Sai Hw E | where at gat wie weit h ga BE I wer dom 1 stk 5 strat & cer arch #8 whe wos 8 a-O-a Ue eT Baa fleet ate eit & oer dif | wea me / TTB sis eR aA fe TEE | weit & eK vel wre # fra or aafee, fran sete ange wee-aa H fear wer @, oft sa We a ee seta we-ae-SeR (At..) gear qayS we fee ea ae fen oT af, 1 afeerftrer arene & sifeftes ore feat avery H fea ae sae ae AE sias TET AeA weit H aq dion, siet fattece @, ar seqeer fara ore afer | 3 wedi & sat A awe serge A oreGh | ae arer ARE a, Ft wer BH gee A aA A oe TR ae San sire: fea wat St | we -TE-SeR Bera Hare Sgt GMT Ys A Tas ster SY ee |T a arer aT Thee | QUESTION PAPER SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS. Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions. There are EIGHT questions divided in TWO SECTIONS and printed both in HINDI and in ENGLISH. Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all. Question Nos. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, any THREE are to be attempted choosing at least ONE question from each Section. ‘The number of marks carried by a question/part is indicated against it. Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be stated clearly on the. cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given for answers written in a medium other than the authorized one. Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to. Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential order. Unless struck off, attempt of.a question. shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off. 1 URC-U-POLI 1.() 1.0) 1.0) 1.@) 1.(¢) 2.(a) 2.(b) 2.0) 3.(a) 3.(0) 3.0) GS ‘A’ SECTION ‘A’ ‘frraferfina 4 & mete oe cers 150 eect F fect ferfae : Comment on the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 Wea ar a wahiaeard fala Post colonial theory of the state 10 Saree Al ATTA Equality of opportunity 10 um wifterdt far & eo F sara Liberalism as a revolutionary idea 10 afrurrarg 1K siteax % fra Ambedkar’s ideas on constitutionalism 10 Afeanfach ar enifacterar Machiavelli’s secularism 10 ae eet fRBhemr Bs ere eae At raft arereor aer_ errs areve =H Make a comparative assessment of Greek perspective of Justice with the Rawlsian concept of Justice. 20 afefifer cteda ....... a sftiora @ fis we fara & eo Fatt at acardt aie Ft ara fear at Patra ae Haare St arte | (Sa. fire) | ferro Aha | Representative democracy ....... means the people as a body must be able to control the general direction of government policy. (J.S. Mill). Comment, 15 ‘comics fergie % daft & sft % wee a sre FE | Assess the significance of right to property in political theory. 15 ities & Gare west an faxavr at | Explicate the ideological components of Gandhism. 20 aftn i weft stk ort Ft ata at 1 Examine the nature and meaning of power. 15 ante ada crite fora & atat At caren Fifire | Explain the sources of ancient Indian political thought. 15 URC-U-POLI 2 4.(a) 4.(b) 4.(c) 5.(a) 5.(b) 5.(c) 5.) 5.(e) 6.(a) 6.(b) 6.(c) wre & area ara ae creme cori fae. & sears waft ar oeitar wt Trace the evolution of Western Political Thought ‘from ancient to contemporary period. 20 corifte fagia & fay us Pec (normative) Beam % Het I Fat HE | Discuss the significance of a normative approach to Political theory. 15 caret are A ‘ant At sae” ar ath aE | Discuss Karl Marx’s concept of class. 15 ars ‘B’ SECTION ‘B’ freafatten # A wats aT ATT 150 weet H sa Aire : ‘Answer the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 areca asda sidters % aarrarfeat At after Role of socialists in Indian National Movement 10 annie sera oe oredr dfrere fratersit Ft feat Indian constitution makers’ concems on social inequality 10 una & date oTaRt & sft Right to constitutional remedies in India 10 ‘aa # wanftre: afer (overreach) Judicial overreach in India 10 star usa Pearat at Fisert & fore da Mechanism for settling inter-state disputes 10 fama a euat H sree ara oar, afk Pras ea aertar soem At afro word at wert aE | Examine the role and functioning of the Election Commission of India and the Comptroller and Auditor General in the last two decades. 20 sredta cea sida Hi award atte sifteeret sigtett At fran at sitar ae | - Trace the role of militant and revolutionary movements in Indian national movement. 15 rca aera & 73.4 atk 74% eae A fa eg ae after aafteren aT aga fear %? To what extent has 73rd and 74th amendments of the Indian Constitution enhanced women’s empowerment ? 15 3 URC-U-POLI 7a) 7.(b) 7.0) 8.(a) 8.(b) 8.(c) war ane # dene, sa aid worth H carers Ue} wr Hi dia Gare? Does the functioning of the federalism in India tend to make it appear as a unitary state in practice ? 20 ar arena sree cori A ae ar qa ardent At ace agi 2? amy we Has the thrust of government tilted towards executive in contemporary Indian Politics ? Give your arguments. 15 “area arferaeen ar serdar vate anfties genet & ara wet gor 2” | feet wt 1 ‘Liberalisation of Indian Economy has not been accompanied with adequate reforms’. Comment. 15 orate siesta ateia A anda cteda amp amt at fee ee ae mwa fart? To what extent has the inadequate intra-party democracy affected the functioning of Indian Democracy ? 20 arent arr Hosta gar corhfe ent At fre A os az | Examine the role of religion in Indian Electoral Politics in the contemporary times. 15 are % arate: exiner stictert At weft ar eter ae | Examine the nature of the civil liberty movement in India. 15 URC-U-POLI 4

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