Imperative Sentences: Name Date

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NAME _______________________________________________________________ DATE _________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

An imperative sentence gives an order, request or advice.
It is used to ask people to do things or to give suggestions.
It is closed with a full stop (.)
Tick ( ) the imperative sentence and cross ( X ) the other.
Please accept my gift. [ ]

I want to give a gift. [ X ]

1. Syam, hand me your spectacles. [ ]

Syam is handing over his spectacles. [ ]

2. Can you give this blue envelope? [ ]

Send her this blue envelope. [ ]

3. Be careful, when you cross the main road. [ ]

The old man safely crossed the road. [ ]

4. Will you clean your room? [ ]

Clean your room immediately. [ ] c 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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