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Diajukan Guna Memenuhi Tugas Matakuliah English for economic and business

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Pratiwi Dwi Libriana (1910421004)

As a prerequisite to enter into the digital economic system, the government should be able to
guarantee and secure public trust in online transactions and communications. At the same time
the need arise to secure and protect privacy and personal data. The author, utilizing a juridical
normative or dogmatic approach, discusses the issue how the Indonesian government should
provide better and more reliable protection of privacy and personal data. Notwithstanding the
existence of a number of rules from different Acts which provides for such protection, these are
considered not sufficient in providing certainty in the digital era. The authors main argument is
that a legal instrument providing privacy and personal data protection should fulfil three criteria:
(1) possessing international character; (2) protecting privacy and personal data as a positive
right; and (3) function to co-relate individual to the economic community as such.
Privacy Protection; Personal Data Protection; Criteria for Privacy and Personal Data Protection;
Digital Economy, Indonesian Cyber Law

Protection of privacy and personal data greatly affects digital economic development in a
country, without exception Indonesia.This protection is a determining factor for trust online
(online trust), which is important in digital transactions. Privacy and personal data becomes
important because the user is inside the network will not carry out a digital transaction if it feels
security his privacy and personal data are threatened. One privacy protection and the personal
data is related to how the personal data will be processed including sensitive data from users who
if distributed to parties who do not being responsible will potentially cause financial losses, even
threaten the security and safety of their owners. Threats are arises from the weak privacy
protection and personal data it has straight-line correlation with economic growth resulting from
online transactions.

Protection of Privacy and Personal Data in Indonesia
A data is personal data if the data is related to someone, so that it can be used to identify that
person, i.e. data owner. For example, the telephone number on a blank piece of paper is data. It is
different if it is written on a piece of paper a telephone number and the name of the owner of the
telephone number, the data is personal data. The telephone number on a blank piece of paper is
not data private because the data cannot be used to identify the owner, while the telephone
number and name of the owner can be used to identify the owner of the data, it can therefore be
called as personal data. Personal data protection rights developed from the right to respect
personal life or the so-called right to private life.
Convergence of Privacy and Personal Data Protection

All of the above privacy and personal data protection arrangements,especially with regard to
privacy and personal data currently in the middle convergence process. The term convergence is
a term of language English is absorbed into Indonesian. The terminology has been has a place as
standard Indonesian. Based on the Big Dictionary In Indonesian, convergence means: 17
circumstances leading to a meeting point or centered. In this article, the term Convergence of
Privacy and Personal Data Protection is a concept that describes the process or effort combining
privacy and personal data settings scattered in various legal instruments into one separate legal


Indonesia already has rules on protecting privacy and personal data which is spread in various
laws and regulations, for example Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning Health regulates the secret
conditions patient personally, whereas Law Number 10 of 1998 concerning Banking regulates
privacy and personal data regarding depositors and customers the deposit. Apart from that
privacy and privacy protection settings as well contained in Act Number 36 of 1999 concerning
Telecommunications,Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights, Law Number 23 of
2006 concerning Population Administration has been amended with Law No. 24 of 201 and Law
Number 11 Year 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (amended by Law
Number 19 of 2016), as well as various other regulations.

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