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SE LAB-502


Submitted by

Arvind Singh Bisht

(ENROLLMENT NO :- 2018-301- 019)

In partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of



Under the supervision of

Aqeel Khalique

School of Engineering Science and Technology

(Deemed to be University)

New Delhi-110062
4. Perform Requirement Gathering, Requirement Analysis,
Feasibility Study and prepare SRS for prime number
determination application.
5. Draw DFD and use case diagram for the determining
prime number problem. Also generate efficient algorithm
and convert it into code. Compile the program and build it
using IDE. You are free to code in any language. After build,
run the program and show test output cases. Snapshot of
output, build and other things should come into your report.
Requirement (gathering/analysis)

Requirements for prime number checking software.

1. the software should be able to assess numbers of at least 7
digits or more.
2. After every check the software should ask the user weather to
continue or not and respond accordingly
3. the software should tell the user when they enter a number
that is not a natural number.
4. the software should work on all windows operating systems
5. the software should load under 2 sec.

Project Title: Prime checking software

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose:
The purpose of this document is to specify detailed requirements
for "Prime checking software". This document could be used as
cross reference to verify the end product.
The aim of this project is to design and develop a “Prime
checking software” on which a user can check a number for its

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions:

The intended readers of this document are the project developer,
project panel and system owners. this document can help
everyone to understand what functionalities this Prime checking
software will have and what not.

1.4 Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations:

SRS – Software Requirements Specification
Software – Software is a set of instructions that cause a
computer to perform one or more tasks. The set of instructions
is often called a program or, if the set is particularly large and
complex, a system.
User – Someone who will interact with the software.
Primality – The property of being a prime number.

1.5 Overview:
The remaining sections of this document provide a general
description, including characteristics of the users of this project,
the product's hardware, and the functional and data
requirements of the product.
2. Overall Description

2.1 Project Perspective:

The Prime Check Software (PCS) is an independent stand-alone
system. It is totally self-contained

2.2 Project Functions:

-PCS will take a number from user and check if it’s prime or not.
-If the number is not prime, PCS will also tell two factors of the
number (other than 1 and the number itself).

2.3 User classes and characteristics:

PCS is a general-purpose software, thus it’s users will be among
the general public with continuously changing frequency of use.

2.4 Operating Environment:

PCS will work on windows 7 and above operating systems. As
it’s a stand-alone software, it will not conflict with any other
background processes.
3. Software Requirements

3.1 Functional Requirements:

-PCS will check if a number is prime or not and tell the user.
-PCS will tell the user when a non-natural number is entered.
-PCS will load under 5 sec.
3.2 Non-Functional Requirements:
-PCS will check a number within 5 sec.
-PCS will ask the user to try again on entering wrong choice.
-PCS will operate on English.
4. Software Information:

4.1 Building Model: Build and fix (your choice)

4.2 Software tools:

4.2.1 Development Tools: turbo C++(or whatever u
4.2.2 Programming Language: C++

4.3 Operating Environment: (use your sys properties)

Operating System: windows 7 or above
System Type: 64 bits
Processor: 2.30GHz
RAM: 4GB (used while developing)
Hard Disk space: <5MB

▪ Input N and M
▪ While N is smaller than M
▪ Initialize I to 2
▪ While I is smaller than N
▪ If N is divisible by I
▪ skip loop
▪ Increment I
▪ If N is equal to I
▪ Print N
▪ Increment N


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