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o has many tube-like inward folds called transverse

1. Body movement B. MUSCLE FIBERS
2. Maintenance of posture o a single cylindrical cell with several nuclei located at
3. Respiration its periphery
4. Production of body heat C. MYOFIBRIL
5. Communication o threadlike structure approximately 1-3 micrometer in
6. Constriction of organs and vessels diameter
7. Heartbeat o extends from one end of the muscle fiber to the other
o composed of myofilaments
o approximately 8 nm in diameter and 1000nm in
1. Contractility length
2. Extensibility o composed of 2 strands of fibrous actin (F actin), a
3. Excitability series of tropomyosin molecules and a series of
4. Elasticity troponin molecules
TYPES OF MUSCLE TISSUES o F actin – coiled to form a double helix; polymer of
approximately 200 small, globular units called
i. Skeletal globular actin (G actin) monomers
ii. Smooth/Visceral o Tropomyosin – protein that winds along the groove of
iii. Cardiac the F actin double helix; long, cover 7 G actin active
o Troponin – composed of 3 subunits: one that binds to
CONNECTIVE TISSUE COVERINGS OF THE MUSCLE actin, a second that binds to tropomyosin, and a third
that has a binding site for Ca 2; spaced between the
o Epimysium - aka muscular fascia; a connective tissue
ends of the tropomyosin molecules in the groove
sheath that surrounds each skeletal muscle
between the F actin strands
o Perimysium - loose connective tissue that separates
muscle fascicles from each other
o approximately 12nm in diameter and 1800nm in
o Endomysium – loose connective tissue that surrounds
each muscle fiber
o composed of many elongated myosin molecules
shaped like a golf club
o consists of about 300 myosin molecules arranged so
that about 150 of them have their heads projecting
toward each end
o centers of the myosin myofilaments consist of only the
roof portions of the myosin molecules
o Myosin molecule – consists of 2 heavy myosin molecules
and 2 heads that extend laterally
1) The heads can bind to active sites on the actin
molecules to form cross-bridges
2) The heads are attached to the rod portion by a
hinge region that can bend and straighten during
3) The heads have ATPase activity, the enzymatic
activity that breaks down adenosine
triphosphate, releasing energy
o the basic structural and functional unit of a skeletal
muscle because it is the smallest portion of a skeletal
muscle capable of contracting
o extends from 1 Z disk to an adjacent Z disk
o Z disk – a filamentous network of protein forming a
disk-like structure for the attachment of actin
A. SARCOLEMMA o made up of areolar and adipose tissue
o cell membrane of the muscle fiber H. DEEP FASCIA
o covers whole muscles, individual muscles, and muscle
groups; divided into 3: epimysium, perimysium, and


o composed of skeletal muscle fibers (smaller amounts of
connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves)
a) MUSCLE FIBER – single, long, cylindrical cell containing
several nuclei located around the periphery of the fiber
near the plasma membrane; develop from myoblasts;
number remain relatively constant; alternating light and
dark bands (striations); 1mm to about 4cm in length and
from 10micrometer to 100 micrometers
b) MOTOR NEURONS – specialized nerve cells that stimulate
muscles to contract
o An artery and either 1 or 2 veins extend together with a
nerve through the connective tissue layers of the muscles
c) MOTOR UNIT – composed of a single motor neuron and all
skeletal muscles it innervates
e) NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION – formed by a cluster of
enlarged axon terminals resting in indentations of the
muscle fiber’s membrane
❖ Presynaptic Terminal – enlarged axon terminal;
contains many synaptic vesicles (contain acetylcholine,
❖ Synaptic Cleft – space between the presynaptic
terminal and the muscle fiber membrane
❖ Postsynaptic Terminal – muscle fiber membrane
❖ Acetylcholinesterase – enzyme that breaks down


1. An action potential (orange arrow) arrives at the presynaptic

terminal and causes voltage gated Ca2+ channels in the
presynaptic membrane to open.
2. Calcium ions enter the presynaptic terminal and initiate the
release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) from
synaptic vesicles.
3. ACh is released into the synaptic cleft by exocytosis.
4. ACh diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to ligand-
gated Na+ channels on the postsynaptic membrane.
5. Ligand-gated Na+ channels open and Na+ enters the
postsynaptic cell, causing the postsynaptic membrane to
depolarize. If depolarization passes threshold, an action
potential is generated along the postsynaptic membrane.
6. ACh unbinds from the ligand-gated Na+ channels, which then
7. The enzyme acetylcholinesterase, which is attached to the
postsynaptic membrane, removes acetylcholine from the
synaptic cleft by breaking it down into acetic acid and choline.
8. Choline is symported with Na+ into the presynaptic terminal,
where it can be recycled to make ACh. Acetic acid diffuses away
from the synaptic cleft.
9. ACh is reformed within the presynaptic terminal using acetic
acid generated from metabolism and from choline recycled from
the synaptic cleft. ACh is then taken up by synaptic vesicles
o mechanism by which an action produced causes contraction
of a muscle fiber
o involves the sarcolemma, T tubules, sarcoplasmic reticulum,
Ca 2, and troponin

o contraction of muscle fiber in response to a
o Involves all the muscle fibers in a motor unit
1. LAG PHASE – latent phase, the time between
application of the stimulus to the motor neuron and the
beginning of contraction; action potentials are
produced in one or more motor neurons
2. CONTRACTION PHASE – time during which the muscle
contracts; results from cross bridge movement and
3. RELAXATION PHASE – time during which the muscle o A muscle produces increasing tension as it remains at a
relaxes; Ca2+ is returned back to the sarcoplasmic constant length
reticulum o This type of contraction is characteristic of postural muscles
that maintain a constant tension without changing their
o increasing the force of contraction of individual muscle o A muscle produces a constant tension during contraction
fibers within a muscle by stimulation o A muscle shortens during contraction
o Tetanus – sustained contraction that occurs when the o This type of contraction is characteristic of finger and hand
frequency of stimulation is so rapid without relaxation movements
o A muscle produces increasing tension as it shortens
o increasing the number of muscle fibers contracting by 8) ECCENTRIC CONTRACTIONS
increasing the number of motor units stimulated o A muscle produces increasing tension as it lengthens


o Constant tension produced by muscles for long periods of
o contraction of a skeletal muscle occurs as actin and myosin time
myofilaments slide past one another causing the sarcomeres
o Responsible for keeping the back and lower limbs straight,
to shorten
o during muscle relaxation, the sarcomeres lengthen; an the head upright, and the abdomen flat
external force must be applied to a muscle to cause METABOLIC NEEDS FOR MUSCULAR CONTRACTION:
sarcomeres to lengthen
1) Stimulus – facilitated by acetylcholine
TYPES OF MUSCLE CONTRACTIONS 2) Energy – ATP is the immediate source of energy for muscle
contractions; creatine phosphate; aerobic respiration;
anaerobic respiration
o each motor units responds in an all-or-none function;
o a whole muscle can produce an increasing amount of tension
as the number of motor units with stimulated increases CREATINE PHOSPHATE
2) MULTIPLE-WAVE SUMMATION o Synthesized form aerobic respiration
o Summation results when many action potentials are o Accumulates in muscle cells and functions to store energy,
produced in a muscle fiber which can be used to synthesize ATP
o Contraction occurs in response to the first action potential,
but there is not enough time for relaxation to occur between
action potentials o Quickly exhausted in intense muscular contractions
o Because each action potential causes the release of Ca2+ o Sustain maximum contractions for about 8-10 seconds
from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, the ion levels remain o Creatine kinase – ADP + Creatine phosphate
elevated in the sarcoplasm to produce a tetanic contraction Creatine + ATP
o The tension produced as a result of a multiple-wave
summation is greater than the tension produced by a single ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION
muscle twitch o Does not require oxygen and results in the breakdown of
o The increase tension results from the greater concentration glucose to yield ATP and lactic acid
of Ca2+ in the sarcoplasm and the stretch of the elastic o Net production of 2 ATP molecules and 2 molecules of lactic
components of the muscle early in contraction acid
3) TETANUS OF MUSCLE o Less efficient than aerobic respiration, but much faster
o results from multiple-wave summation o Support intense muscle contraction for up to 3 minutes
o incomplete tetanus occurs when the action potential together with creatine phosphate
frequency is low enough to allow partial relaxation of the o Cytoplasm
muscle fibers
o complete tetanus occurs when the action potential is high
enough that no relaxation of the muscle fibers occurs AEROBIC RESPIRATION
4) TREPPE o Requires oxygen and breaks down glucose to produce
o Tension produced increases for the first few contractions in ATP, carbon dioxide, and water
response to a maximal stimulus at a low frequency in a o Much more efficient
muscle that has been at rest for some time o Uses a greater variety of molecules as energy sources such
o Increased tension may result from the accumulation of small as fatty acids and amino acids
amounts of Ca+ in the sarcoplasm for the first few o Produce up to 38 ATP molecules for each glucose molecule
contractions or from an increasing rate of enzyme activity o Mitochondria
incapable of either contracting or relaxing; caused by
a lack of ATP within the muscle fibers
5) RIGOR MORTIS – development of rigid muscles several
hours after death; ATP production stops

o Only in the heart
o Striated, each cell usually contains one nucleus located
near the center
o Store less Ca2+ but have bigger mitochondria
o Larger T-tubules
o With intercalated disks
o Self-excitable and authorhythmic cells
o Distributed widely throughout the body
o More variable in function than other muscle types
o Smaller than skeletal muscle cells
o 15 to 500 μm in length and from 5 to 10 μm in diameter
o Are spindle-shaped, with a single nucleus located in the
middle of the cell
o Does not have a striated appearance

o Decreased capacity to do work and the reduced
efficiency of performance that normally follows a period
of activity
1) PSYCHOLOGIC – most common type; involves the CNS;
muscles are capable of functioning, but the individual TYPES OF SMOOTH MUSCLE
“perceives” that additional muscular work is not 1) VISCERAL OR UNITARY SMOOTH MUSCLE
possible o More common
2) MUSCULAR – 2nd most common; occurs in the muscle o Occurs in sheets
fiber; results from ATP depletion; muscle tension o Includes smooth muscle in internal organs
declines; fatigue in the lower limbs of marathon runners o Smooth muscle has numerous gap junctions
or in the upper and lower limbs of the swimmers o Often autorhythmic
3) SYNAPTIC – least common; occurs in the neuromuscular o Responsible for peristalsis
junction; increased action potential frequency =
release of acetylcholine from the presynaptic terminals 2) MULTIUNIT SMOOTH MUSCLE
> rate of acetylcholine synthesis; synaptic vessels o Occurs as sheets (walls of blood vessels)
become depleted, and insufficient acetylcholine is o As small bundles (arrector pili muscles and the iris of the
released to stimulate the muscle fibers eye)
o As single cells (capsule of the spleen)
o Has fewer gap junctions than visceral smooth muscle o Biceps brachii (elbow flexion)
o Act as independent units. Antagonist
o Normally contracts only when stimulated by nerves or o muscle acting in opposition to an agonist
hormones o triceps brachii – extends the elbow
o Members of a group of muscles working together to
produce a movement
o Ex. biceps brachii and brachialis are synergists in elbow
Prime mover
o muscle plays the major role in accomplishing the desired
o brachialis is the prime mover in flexing the elbow
o muscles that hold one bone in place relative to the body
while a usually more distal bone is moved
o muscles of the scapula act as fixators to hold the scapula
in place while other muscles contract to move the humerus

a. Origin - fixed end or the head; usually the most stationary,
usually proximal end of the muscle
b. Insertion - mobile end; the distal end of the muscle attached
to the bone undergoing the greatest movement

o part of the muscle between the origin and the insertion
o muscle that accomplishes a certain movement, such as
MOVEMENTS ACCOMPLISHED BY MUSCLES a) The atlanto-occipital joint is the fulcrum, the posterior neck
muscles provide the pull depressing the back of the head,
When muscles contract, the pull (P), or force, of and the face, which is elevated, is the weight.
muscle contraction is applied to levers, such as bones,
resulting in movement of the levers. b) In the body, an example of a class II lever is depression of
Lever the mandible
o Rigid shaft capable of turning about a hinge, or pivot
point called fulcrum c) In the body, the action of the biceps brachii muscle (force)
o Bones pulling on the radius (lever) to flex the elbow (fulcrum) and
elevate the hand (weight) is an example of a class III lever
o Hinge or pivot point (joints)

o Resistance, placed at another point along the lever

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