11 - Maths Questions - 100 Advanc - McDonald, Jack Alexander

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Introduc on

This book is in a series of two books both consisting of one hundred 11 plus
maths questions. The first book The Foundation Questions has easier
questions and this the second book The Advanced Questions has the harder
questions. These questions have been handpicked to help pupils pass their
11 plus Maths. These questions have been shown to enable children to
succeed in passing the 11 plus maths exam. They have found them
invaluable and I hope you will to.

From the experience I’ve had, the key to passing this exam, is to Practice,
Practice and Practice!

Good Luck
Ques on 1
In this ques on, we define a new opera on in arithme c, using @@as a

a @@b = ab + a - b

For example, 3@@7 = 21 + 3 - 7 = 17

a. Calculate 5 @@2

b. Calculate 3 @@½

c. Solve the equa on x @@5 = 8

Ques on 2
Look at the number pa ern below:

1² + 3 = 4
2² + 5 = 9
3² + 7 = 16

a. Fill in the next two lines of the pa ern,

__ + __ = ___
__ + __ = ___

b. Complete the following line which comes later in the pa ern.

___ + ___ = 169
Ques on 3
A cube with sides 3 cm is made from smaller cubes of side 1cm.

a. How many small cubes are used in making the bigger cube?

b. If the bigger cube is painted blue all over, how many small cubes
will have three blue faces?

c. If the bigger cube is painted blue all over, how many small cubes
will have at least one face painted?
Ques on 4
There are three islands close together near Brazil: Palm, Coral, and
Tropical. On the three islands live three types of snake: Pythons, Cobras
and Adders.

The following are all true facts.

1. There are no Pythons on Coral Island.

2. All the snakes on Tropical Island are Adders.
3. Pythons and Cobras are the only type of snake on Palm Island.

A shipwrecked woman lands on one of the islands. She sees a snake which
she thinks is an Adder

a. Which island does the woman think she is definitely not on?

Answer: ______

Later on she sees another snake. She is not sure what it is but it is certainly
different from the first kind of snake.

b. Which island is she definitely not on?

Answer: ______

A er looking closely she iden fies the second snake as being without
doubt a Python.

c. What type of snake did she see first of all?

Answer: ______
Ques on 5
When Aunt Janet comes to visit, Mark always goes out to play. Last
Saturday, Aunt Janet came to visit. It was raining. The following sentences
are either TRUE, or FALSE, or NOT CERTAIN.
Ring the one you think applies to each sentence.

a. Mark went out to play. (True / False / Not certain)

b. Aunt Janet and Mark both went out to play. (True / False / Not

c. As it was raining Mark stayed inside last Saturday. (True / False /

Not certain)
Ques on 6
Look at the following calcula ons:

536 x 8 = 4288
21440 + 4288 = 25728

Without doing any more calcula ons give the answers to:
a. 536 x 4 = ________
b. 536 x 40 = ________
c. 536 x 48 = ________
d. 25728 - 21440 = ________
Ques on 7
What number am I? I am between 20 and 50. If you divide me by 6, you get
a remainder of 3, whereas if you divide me by 8, you get a remainder of 7.

Answer: ___________
Ques on 8
When ling the square wall of my kitchen, I use red and blue square les
all of the same size. In the pa ern all the les are red apart from those on
the two diagonals which are blue. If I use 37 blue les, how many red les
are needed?

Answer: ___________
Ques on 9
Ian works near Oxford Street from Monday to Friday. He travels to work
and back by bus. He saves 45p by buying a return cket instead of two
single ckets. The cost of five return ckets is £2.40 more than the cost of
a weekly season cket. A weekly season cket costs £15.35

What is the cost of a single cket?

Answer: £ ___________
Ques on 10
Look at the following pa ern:

1 + 2 = 3 = 2× 2 −1
1 + 2 + 4 = 7 = 2× 4 −1
1 + 2 + 4 + 8 = 15 = 2×8 −1
1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 = 31 = 2×16 −1

a. Complete the next line of this pa ern:

By making use of this pa ern, or otherwise, work out:

b. 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 + 256 + 512 + 1024 + 2048 =

Ques on 11
The number 127 tram goes on a circular route. The cost of travelling
between any two stops is worked out by adding together the fares
between consecu ve stages. For example, if it costs 50p to travel from A to
B, and 38p to travel from B to C, then the cost of a cket from A to C would
be 88p. If it costs 32p to go from C to D, and 86p to go from C to E.

a. What is the fare from D to E?

Answer: ______ p

Michelle, Ester and her friend Davina all get on the bus at E. Michelle buys
a cket from E to G and is charged 88p. Ester kindly buys a cket for both
herself and her friend. Ester is going all the way to G, whereas Davina is
going to F. Ester is charged £1.27.

b. What is the fare from F to G?

Answer: ______ p
Ques on 12
I have a bag containing red, blue and white counters. A counter is chosen
at random from the bag. There are 9 white counters in the bag and the
probability of choosing a white counter is ¼. The bag contains 11 red
counters. How many blue counters are there in the bag?

Answer: ______
Ques on 13
Number A = 7 × Number B and Number B = 3 × Number C

a. What frac on of Number A is Number B?

Answer : ______

b. How many mes bigger than Number C is Number A?

Answer : ______

c) What frac on of Number B is Number C?

Answer : ______
Ques on 14
If there are 5 Mondays, 5 Tuesdays and 5 Wednesdays in January, on what
day of the week will February 1st fall?

Answer: ______
Ques on 15
a. Find two numbers which when mul plied together make a
hundred. Neither of the two numbers must use any 0’s.

b. Find two numbers which when mul plied together make a

thousand. Neither of the two numbers must use any 0’s.

c. Find two numbers which when mul plied together make ten
thousand. Neither of the two numbers must use any 0’s.
Ques on 16
The number machine below changes numbers according to the rule
subtract 3 and then mul ply by 2.

input output
10 14
7 X
Y 34
Z 0

a. What is the value for X?

b. What is the value for Y?
c. What is the value for Z?
d. There is one number where the output is the same as the input.
What is the number?
Ques on 17
At the end of 2014, there were 4536 members at the local gym. During the
year, 234 members had joined the gym and 72 had le .

How many members were there at the start of 2014?

Answer: ______ members

Ques on 18
In a survey of 50 people, 23 were male.
Of the females, 21 were born in the UK.
Altogether, 28 people were born in the UK.

Some of this informa on has been put into the table below.

M F Total
Born in UK 21
Not Born in UK
Total 23 50

Can you answer the following ques ons?

a. How many males were born in the UK?

b. How many males were not born in the UK?
c. How many females were not born in the UK?
Ques on 19
The me in New York is 5 hours behind the me in London. The me in
Nairobi is 2 hours ahead of the me in London.

a. When it is 13.27 in London, what me is it in New York?

Answer: ______

b. When it is 18.46 in New York, what me is it in Nairobi?

Answer: ______
Ques on 20
In the country Opposite, there are two tribes, Truths and Fibbers. Truths
always tell the truth.

Fibbers always lie. The first 2 people you meet are called Michael and
Sarah. Michael says, “We are both Fibbers.”

Work out which tribe each person belongs to.

a. Michael is a ____
b. Sarah is a ______
Ques on 21
I have a bag containing red, blue and white balls. A ball is chosen at
random from the bag. There are 45 white counters in the bag and the
probability of choosing a white counter is ¾. The bag contains 5 red balls.
How many blue ball are there in the bag?

Answer: ______
Ques on 22
In December 2013 Allison is two years older than Michelle who is three
mes Sarah’s age.
In December 2014 Sarah is one third of Allison’s age. Michelle is 14 years
older than Sarah.

a. How old is Allison in December 2014?

b. How old is Michelle in December 2014?
c. How old is Sarah in December 2014?
Ques on 23
The three numbers missing from these boxes are all prime numbers. Write
in the missing numbers.

? × ? × ? = 385

Answer: ______
Ques on 24
Answer the following ques ons.

a. 6/5 x 5/4 x 4/3 x 3/2 x 2 / 1 =

b. 100 / 99 x 99/98 x 98/97 x ....... x 4/3 x 3/2 =

Ques on 25
Aidan divides a line 42 cen metres long into three sec ons. The first
sec on is twice as long as the middle sec on which is twice as long as the
last sec on. How long is the middle sec on?

Answer: ____________ cm
Ques on 26
Liam spent 46 pence on sweets which cost either 5 pence or 7 pence each.
How many sweets did he buy altogether?

Answer: ____________ sweets

Ques on 27
A cuboid is 4 cen metres long, 3 cen metres wide and 3 cen metre high.
What is the total area of all the faces?

Answer: ____________ cm²

Ques on 28
Adding the digits of the year 1999 together we have: 1 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 28.

In which year will the digits next add up to 28 ?

Answer: ____________
Ques on 29
Find two whole numbers which add up to 43 and have a difference of 7.

Answer: ____ and ____

Ques on 30
A sweet costs 5p. How many sweets can I buy if I have the following coins
in my pocket: two 50p, three 20p, two 10p, seven 2p and six 1p coins?

Answer: _____ sweets

Ques on 31
If you adds up all of the even numbers between 0 and 1000 (including the
number 1000), then you add up all of the odd numbers between 0 and
1000, and finally you calculate the difference between the two totals. What
answer would you get?

Answer: ____________
Ques on 32
David’s mum has a quick way of working out 17.5% of £800. She works it
out as follows:

10% of 800 is £80 (because 10% is one-tenth)

so 5% of £800 is £40 (because 5% is half of 10%)

so 2.5% of £800 is £25 (because 2.5% is half of 5%)

making a total of £145.

By using David’s mum’s method, or using any method of your own, work
out 17.5% of £1080.

Answer: £ ____________
Ques on 33
Mary, Susan and Karen share a bag of sweets. Mary gets 5 more sweets
than Susan and Karen gets twice as many sweets as Mary.
Karen gets 22 sweets. How many sweets are there in the bag?

Answer: ____________ sweets

Ques on 34
The floor or a room is 4 metres wide and 6 metres long. I am going to le
the floor with les that are 25 cen metres wide and 50 cen metres long.
How many les do I need to buy?

Answer: ____________ les

Ques on 35
Mul ply out and simplify the following

7(z + 4) - 3(2z - 1)

Answer: ____________
Ques on 36
In this ques on, a = -4, b = 3 and c = 1

Calculate the value of each of the following:

a. a³
b. 2ab
c. (3c - 2a)²
Ques on 37
In this ques on, take pi = 3.14

The school grounds man uses a roller to maintain a level playing field. The
roller has a cylinder of diameter 80cm. The grounds man pushes the roller
forward 125.6 m. Calculate how many turns the cylinder goes round.

Answer: _____ turns

Ques on 38
Mar n eats 3/5 of a cake and his friend, Mike, eats 1/3 of the cake

a. what frac on of the cake is le ?

b. Given that Mar n’s piece of cake weighed 75 grams, what was the
weight of the whole cake?

Answer: _________ g
Ques on 39
Three bus services stop at my bus stop. Service A departs every 3 minutes,
service B every 5 minutes and service C every 8 minutes. If all three
services leave my stop at 9.00 a.m., at what me will they next leave my
stop together? (Assume that all three services always run on me).

Answer: _________
Ques on 40
Two numbers are ‘mashed’ by mul plying them together and then wri ng
the answer backwards.
For example, 4 and 8 are ‘mashed’ to give 23 because 4 × 8 = 32 and 32
wri en backwards is 23.

a) What is the result of ‘mashing’ 7 and 9?

b) With which number must 4 be ‘mashed’ with to give 42?

c) Find two whole numbers greater than one which ‘mash’ to give 51.
Ques on 41
A rectangular wall has a door and window in it. The overall size of the wall
is 5m by 3m. The size of the window is 1.75 m by 1.5m and the size of the
door is 2m by 1m. Tiles measure 25 cm by 25 cm.

How many les are needed to cover the wall?

Answer: __________ les

Ques on 42
How many seconds are there in the month of May?

Answer: ____________ seconds

Ques on 43
A room is 9 metres long, 7 metres wide and 4 metres high.

a. Work out the area of the floor in square metres.

b. Work out the cost of carpe ng the floor if the carpet costs £12 per
c. Work out the total area of the 4 walls and the ceiling
d. Work out the cost of pain ng the walls and the ceiling if paint
costs £0.75 per m²
Ques on 44
Mary has a bag of 20 sweets. 10 of the sweets are red. 3 of the sweets are
black. The rest of the sweets are white. Mary chooses one sweet at

a. What is the probability that Mary will choose a red sweet?

b. What is the probability that Mary will choose a white sweet?
Ques on 45
When two numbers are added together the total is 32. When the same
two numbers are mul plied the result is 240.

Find the two numbers.

Answer ___ and ___

Ques on 46
Find the next two numbers in each of the following sequences

a. 96, 48, 24, 12, 6, ____, ____

b. 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29, ____, ____

Ques on 47
A rule for a number sequence is ‘mul ply by 2 and subtract 7’.
a. Write down the next number in the sequence
8→ 9→ 11→ 15 __________

b. Here is part of another number sequence with the same rule.

Write down the first number which is missing.
______ → 17 → 27 → 47 → 87
Ques on 48
Simon is making vegetable soup. 1/ 3 of the soup is made from tomato, 1 /
2 is made from leeks and 1 / 12 is made from onions

The rest is made from carrots.

If he makes 840g of soup in total,

a. How much tomato does he need?

Answer: _____________ g

b. How much carrot does he need?

Answer: _____________ g
Ques on 49
3 a’s weighs the same as 10 b’s. If one a weighs 1.5g.

How much does one b weigh?

Answer: _______________ g
Ques on 50
Look at the following calcula ons:

376 x 4 = 1 A B 4
376 x 30 = 1 C D 8 0
1CD80 + 1AB4 = 1EFG4

What are the values of the le ers to make this mul plica on correct.

a. A=
b. B=
c. C=
d. D=
e. E=
f. F=
g. G=
Ques on 51
A cket at the cinema cost £8. I pay for my cket in 20p coins.

My friend only has 50p and 10p coins, but he realises that he can pay for
his £8 cket with exactly the same number of coins as I have just paid.

Work out how he can do this.

a. Number of 50p coins =

b. Number of 10p coins =

Ques on 52
On a Monday morning, a teacher asked a class of 30 boys whether they
had taken a bath or a shower during the weekend. Twenty-two boys had a
shower, 12 had a bath and 4 had neither.

How many boys had taken both a bath and a shower?

Answer: ___________ boys

Ques on 53
A photograph of The Queen hangs on my si ng room wall. I decided to
have the picture enlarged so that on the enlargement all of the lengths are
three mes those of the original.
If the original has a width of 15.8 cm

a. What is the width of the enlargement in cm?

If the enlargement has a length of 68.4 cm.

b. What is the length of the original?

c. What number do you mul ply the area of the original by to get
the area of the enlargement?
Ques on 54
I roll a pair of dice and add the number of dots on the top two faces to find
the total score. Which of the scores 2, 4, 7, 11 and 12, am I most likely to

Answer: ___________
Ques on 55
A tree, which is 300 cen metres tall, is planted on 1st January 2013.
During 2013 its height increases by 10%. The trees height increases by 20%
during 2014.

How tall is the tree on 31st December 2014?

Answer: ___________ cm
Ques on 56
At 9.00 am, two cars are 140 miles apart on a motorway, and are moving
towards each other at a constant speed. At what me will they pass each
other if:

a. both cars are moving at 70 mph?

b. one car is moving at 65 mph and the other at 75 mph?
c. one car is moving at 47 mph and the other at 53 mph?
Ques on 57
What is the (smallest) angle between the hands of a clock when the me is
twelve minutes past five?

Answer: ___________
Ques on 58
There is a number, x. When I subtract 3 from x then mul ply the answer by
9, the overall result is the same as just mul plying x by 6. What is x?

Answer : ______
Ques on 59
If a fair die is rolled and a coin tossed, which of the following outcomes is
least likely? Select the le er.

A A 1 on the die and heads on the coin.

B An even number on the die and heads on the coin.
C An odd number on the die and heads or tails on the coin.
D A score of 1 or 2 on the die and tails on the coin.

Answer: ___________
Ques on 60
James counts down in 9’s star ng from 345 un l he passes zero. Which will
be the last posi ve number which he counts?

Answer: _________________
Ques on 61
Look at the following long mul plica on.
x 36
Without doing any more calcula ons give the answers to:
a. 468 x 6 =
b. 468 x 3 =
c. 16848 ÷ 468 =
d. 16848 - 14040 =
Ques on 62
When my age is divided by 2, 3, 4 or 6 there is always a remainder of 1. But
when divided by 7 there is no remainder.
How old am I?

Answer: ______
Ques on 63
In a fast food restaurant you can buy burgers and fries. Assume there are
no special offers

1 burger and 2 por on of fries cost £2.80

2 burgers and 5 por on of fries costs £6.10
Find the cost of

a. 1 por on of fries

Answer: £ ______

b. 1 burger

Answer: £ ______
Ques on 64
Steven has 70 iden cal cube bricks. He uses some of his bricks to make a
cuboid. Which has 3 width, has 4 length and is 2 layers thick

From his remaining bricks, he uses some to make the largest cube that he

How many bricks does he use to make the cube?

Answer: ______ cubes

Ques on 65
In a race, the 4 fastest women were Davina, Carol, Alison and Sharon.
Use the following informa on to work out the order in which they finished:

• Davina was faster than Alison.

• Carol was faster than Sharon.
• Alison finished 2 places a er Carol.
• Sharon was not in 3rd place.

a. 1st place ______

b. 2nd place ______

c. 3rd place ______

d. 4th place ______

Ques on 66
Number A = 9 × Number B and Number B = 2 × Number C
a. What frac on of Number A is Number B?

Answer: ______

b. How many mes bigger than Number C is Number A?

Answer: ______

c. What frac on of Number B is Number C?

Answer: ______
Ques on 67
Joshua starts with 1000 and subtracts 11 each me. The first 4 numbers in
his sequence are:

1000 , 989 , 978 , 967

If he con nues in this way, what will be the first nega ve number in his

Answer: _____
Ques on 68
In a triangle, two of the angles are equal and the third is twice as big as
each of the other two. What is the largest angle?

Answer: ____________
Ques on 69
The average temperature in Manchester last week over the five days from
Monday to Friday was 14 C. On Monday the temperature was 18C and on
Tuesday it was 16C. What was the average temperature on the other three

Answer: ____________ C
Ques on 70
If 18th June is a Tuesday, what day is 18th July?

Answer: ____________
Ques on 71
The economy cycle of my dishwasher takes 148 minutes. If I set it off at a
quarter to eleven in the morning, at what me will it finish? Give your
answer using both the 12 hour clock (using am or pm) and the 24 hour

a. (12 hour) ______

b. (24 hour) ______
Ques on 72
A melon costs five mes as much as a banana. I pay £1.74 for one melon
and one banana. Find the cost of a banana.

Answer: ____________ p
Ques on 73
Delicio chocolate biscuits are sold in four different sized boxes; small,
regular, large
and extra large.

A small box contains 10 biscuits and costs 90p

A regular box contains 20 biscuits and costs £1.60
A large box contains 25 biscuits and costs £2.10
An extra large box contains 40 biscuits and costs £3.10

Which size gives the best value for money?

Answer: ____________
Ques on 74
Robbers leave a bank at 3.00 am in their get-away car travelling at 90 miles
per hour. Ten minutes later the police leave the shop in hot pursuit,
travelling at 120 miles per hour.

a. How far have the robbers gone at the moment the police begin
their chase?
b. At what me will the robbers get caught?
Ques on 75
The cost in pounds, C, of going to the cinema can be worked out using the
C =10A + 3K
In this formula A stands for the number of adults and K stands for the
number of children.
a. What is the cost if four adults and two children go to the cinema?

The total cost for the Smith family is £32. How many adults and how many
children are in the family?

b. ____________ adults
c. ____________ children
Ques on 76
Write 300 as a mul plica on of prime numbers.

Answer: ____________
Ques on 77
a. Express 6¼ as a top heavy frac on

b. Hence find the square root of 6¼

Ques on 78
Write the following events in order, with the most probable (i.e. most
likely) first and the least probable (i.e. least likely) last. Give your answer as
a sequence of le ers, e.g. CEDBA.

A: Obtaining a head when a fair coin is tossed;

B: Your birthday is on a Monday this year;
C: You are hit by a meteorite walking to school tomorrow;
D: Obtaining an even number when two odd numbers are mul plied
E: Rolling a 4 with a fair die;

Answer: __________________
Ques on 79

Ways of ge ng 192 Ways of ge ng 272

24 x 16 = 192 17 x 16 = 272
24 x 8 = 192 34 x C = 272
48 x 4 = 192 68 x D = 272
96 x 2 = 192 E x F = 272

a. What is the value of C?

b. What is the value of D?
c. What is the value of E?
d. What is the value of F?
Ques on 80
Davina is prac sing for her piano exam.
Below is the number of minutes which she spent prac sing her piano on 5
days last week.

Day Minutes

Monday 15
Tuesday 25
Wednesday 10
Thursday 10
Friday 15

a. Work out her mean (average) prac ce me for these 5 days.

Answer: ______ minutes

Davina also prac sed on Saturday.

Her mean prac ce me for all 6 days was 20 minutes.

b. Work out for how many minutes Davina prac sed on Saturday.

Answer: ______ min

Ques on 81
When Melinda hangs out her washing on the line, she always uses 3 pegs
for a shirt and 2 pegs for a jumper.

a. On Saturday, Melinda hangs 5 shirts and some jumpers on the

line. She uses 21 pegs altogether.

How many jumpers does Melinda hang on the line?

Answer: ______

b. On Sunday, Helen uses 65 pegs. She hangs an equal number of

shirts and jumpers on the line.

How many shirts does she hang on the washing line on Sunday?

Answer: ______
Ques on 82
In the calcula ons below, each le er represents a different number.


Work out the value of each symbol.

a. A =
b. B.. =
c. C..=
d. D..=
e. E..=
Ques on 83
Solve X

X / 3 + X = 28 − X

Answer: X = ____________
Ques on 84
The temperature at the foot of Mt. Everest on 1st March was 30C. As you
climb the mountain the temperature is reduced by 0.8 ºC for every 150m
of height you gain. To get to the top of Mt Everest you climb a total of
8850m. What was the temperature at the top of the mountain on that

Answer: _____________ C
Ques on 85
The average of four numbers is 7. If three of the numbers are 5, 6 and 9,
what is the fourth number?

Answer: _____________
Ques on 86
Belinda and Brenda weigh a total of 160 kg. Belinda weighs 14 kg more
than Brenda.

a. How much does Belinda weigh?

b. How much does Brenda weigh?
Ques on 87
In a lucky dip there are 10 envelopes. 6 envelopes contain a note saying
“Be er luck next me!”
The other 4 envelopes contain prizes: One contains £1, One contains £2,
One contains £5, One contains £10.

a. Nina pulls one envelope from the lucky dip. What is the
probability that she has won a prize?

b. Find the mean average of £1, £2, £5 and £10.

Ques on 88
Jack has thought of two numbers. When he mul plies them together he
gets 96. When he takes one number away from the other, he gets 4. What
are the two numbers?

Answer: _____________
Ques on 89
Ma ’s pocket there are 8 watermelon jellybeans, 4 vanilla jellybeans and 4
strawberry, jellybeans. What is the smallest number of jellybeans that he
must take out of his pocket to be certain that he takes at least one of each

Answer: ____________
Ques on 90
A large garden pond. It is 8 metres long and 7 metres wide with a 2 metre
border of grass all the way around it.

a. Find the perimeter of the pond in metres.

b. Find the area of the pond in m².
c. Find the area of the grass border in m²
Ques on 91
Use the fact that 63 ×89 = 5607 to calculate the value of:

a. 6.3 × 89 =
b. 630 × 8900 =
c. 5607 ÷ 89 =
d. 56070 ÷ 0.63 =
Ques on 92
Jack, Harry and Charlo e are given a bag of sweets. Harry has first pick
and eats two-thirds of them. He hands the bag to Charlo e who eats
three-quarters of the remaining sweets. There are just 8 sweets le for
Jack. How many sweets did the bag contain to begin with?

Answer: ___________ sweets

Ques on 93
David’s parents gives him some money for his birthday each year, which he
decides to save. On his first birthday they give him £1. On his second
birthday they give him £2, on his third birthday they give him £4 and so on,
doubling the amount each year. On which birthday will the total amount
saved reach £16 383?

Answer: ___________
Ques on 94
Sarah writes a list of all the whole numbers from 1 to 19 inclusive. She
realises that, since the numbers from 10 to 19 have 2 digits each, she has
wri en down 29 digits in total. Sarah con nues her list un l she has
wri en down all of the whole numbers from 1 to 99 inclusive.

a. How many digits has she wri en down in total?

Answer: ______

b. How many mes has she wri en down the digit 9?

Answer: ______

c. If she adds up all of the digits which she has wri en down, what is
the total?

Answer: ______
Ques on 95
2 apples and 3 pears cost 64 pence. 3 apples and 4 pears cost 89
pence. What is the cost of an apple?

Answer: ____________ p
Ques on 96
Short crust pastry is made using flour and fat in the ra o 2:1. How many
grams of flour are needed to make 600 grams of short crust pastry?

Answer: ________ grams

Ques on 97
When Uncle Colin comes to visit, Mark always goes out to play. Last
Sunday, Uncle Colin came to visit. It was raining.
The following sentences are either TRUE, or FALSE, or NOT CERTAIN. Select
the one you think applies to each sentence.

a. Mark went out to play.

b. Uncle Colin and Mark both went out to play.

c. As it was raining Mark stayed inside last Sunday.

Ques on 98
Work out the value of

7 × 9 − 56 ÷ (11− 3)

Answer: ______________
Ques on 99
If April 6th was a Thursday, on what day was March 18th?

Answer: ___________
Ques on 100
Ian and James’s ages add up to 10. In ten years me Ian will be one and a
half mes as old as James. How old is James now?

Answer: _________ years

1 a. 13
b. 4
c. x = 13 / 6

2a. 4² + 9 = 25
5² + 11 = 36
b. 12² + 25 = 169

3 a. 27
b. 8
c. 26

4 a. Palm Island
b. Tropical Island
c. Cobra

5 a. True
b. Not certain
c. False

6 a. 2144
b. 21440
c. 25728
d. 4288

7. 39

8. 324
9. £2.00

10a. 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 = 63 = 2 x 32 – 1

b. 2048 x 2 – 1 = 4095

11a. 54p
b. 49p

12. 16 blue counters

13a. 1/7
b. 21 mes
c. 1/3

14. Thursday

15 a. 25 and 4
b. 125 and 8
c. 625 and 16

16 a. 8
b. 20
c. 3
d. 6.

17. 4374 members

18 a. 7 males
b. 16 males
c. 6 females
19 a. 8.27 a.m.
b. 1.46 a.m.

20 a. Fibbers
b. Truths

21. 10

22 a. 24 years
b. 22 years
c. 8 years

23. 5, 7 and 11

24 a. 6
b. 50

25. 12 cm

26. 8 sweets

27. 66 cm²

28. 2899

29. 18 and 25

30. 40 sweets

31. 500

32. £189

33. 39 sweets

34. 192 les

35. z + 31

36 a. -64
b. -24
c. 121

37. 50

38 a. 1 / 15
b. 125 g

39. 11.00 a.m.

40 a. 36
b. 6
c. 3 and 5

41. 166 les

42. 2,678,400 seconds

43 a. 63 m²
b. £756
c. 191 m²
d. £143.25

44 a. 1 / 2 or 50%
b. 7 / 20 or 35%

45. 12 and 20

46 a. 3, 1.5
b. 47, 76

47 a. 23
b. 12

48 a. 280g
b. 70g

49. 0.45g

50 a. 5
b. 0
c. 1
d. 2
e. 2
f. 7
g. 8

51 a. 10
b. 30

52. 8 boys

53 a. 47.4 cm
b. 22.8 cm
c. 9

54. 7

55. 396 cm
56 a. 10.00 a.m.
b. 10.00 a.m.
c. 10.24 a.m.

57. 84 °

58. 9

59. A

60. 3

61 a. 2808
b. 1404
c. 36
d. 2808

62. 49

63 a. £0.50
b. £1.80

64. 27 cubes

65 a. Carol
b. Davina
c. Alison
d. Sharon

66 a. 1/9
b. 18
c. 1/2

67. -1

68. 90 °

69. 12 C

70. Thursday

71 a. 1.13 p.m.
b. 13.13

72. 29 p

73. An extra large box

74 a. 15 miles
b. 3.40 a.m.

75 a. £46
b. 2 adults
c. 4 children

76. 2x2x5x5x3

77 a. 25 / 4
b. 5/2


79 a. 8
b. 4
c. 136
d. 2

80 a. 15 minutes
b. 45 minutes

81 a. 3 jumpers
b. 13 shirts

82 a. 2
b. 4
c. 0
d. 6
e. 3

83. x = 12

84. -17.2 C

85. 8

86 a. 87 kg
b. 73 kg

87 a. 4 / 10 or 40 %
b. £4.50

88. 8 and 12

89. 9

90 a. 30 m
b. 56 m²
c. 76 m²

91 a. 560.7
b. 5,607,000
c. 63
d. 89,000

92. 96 sweets

93. 14th birthday

94 a. 189
b. 20
c. 4,950

95. 11 p

96. 400g

97 a. True
b. Not Certain
c. False

98. 56

99. Saturday

100. 2 years

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