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My Study Habits



1. describe the importance of developing study habits;

2. justify the value of study habits designed as a tool in achieving optimum learning in school;

3. realize your effective and ineffective study habits.

Suggested Activity:

There are ups and downs in a student’s life. There are times that you get your

desired grades and there are times that you feel you’re not making it.

1.     In the past years of schooling, try to reflect and write your personal study habits.

2.     Classify them as effective and ineffective based on your experiences.

3.     Make two columns on your piece of paper for your answers like the one shown below.

Me and my Study Habits

Effective study habits Ineffective study habits
Review notes after class  Rush before deadline 
Scheduled study time   Media interrupting (youtube, FB,
twitter etc.)
Outline and rewrite notes Laziness
Advance reading of related topics Underestimating distractions
Organize activities and Postponing doing school activities
Ask for help Studying at the wrong place
Pray for God’s help Studying with the wrong people

Processing Questions:
1. What were your considerations in classifying your study habits?

My considerations in classifying my study habits includes time and dedication to enable me to

improve my skills in organizing my thoughts, identify of distractions, setting an effective
schedule, reading strategies, and effective style of studying. Giving importance of my prior
knowledge helps me to establish good study habits.

2. Do you still have those ineffective study habits with you today?

Some of those ineffective study habits are still with me today because there were times that I
can’t control myself in doing those habits.

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