H R M Mbae: Assignment 2: Research & Exploration On Current Affairs

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Assignment 2: Research & exploration on current affairs

(Trio Research & Presentation) (20%)

Date of Assignment Announcement: May 20, 2021

This assignment carries 20% weightage (10% for report % 10 for presentation) and needs to be completed by
students in the Trio groups (and few pair groups). Students are required/allowed to form their own group and
deliver the assignment in the following manner:
• Submit Trio Group Names and Research Topic in the *FORMAT provided below by May 26, 202.
(Class Coordinator can keep the *FORMAT given below in google drive and all groups can update their
information there).
• This assignment requires you to choose a research topic as per your area of interest.
o You should link such research with course content, current affairs-based issues, scope, applicability and
significance in work place, bring examples and recommend possible solutions).
o Students are encouraged to use online tools for gathering information, refer books/course contents,
interact (virtually) with relevant people as applicable and relate with expereince based examples.
• Submit a report on June 4, 2021 (soft copy via google drive folder created by Class Coordinator) in the
following manner:
o Short Report Style: Try to finish within 5,000 words i.e. about 10 Pages/with single spacing, with
font size 12). However, ensure sufficient/important and valid information are included.
o Cover Page:
§ The report should have a cover page, be properly formatted and structured
o Introduction:
§ Explain the background of research topic, Rationale for selecting the topic, other relevant
supporting information.
o Findings & Analysis:
§ Clarify and provide more detailed information on research topic based contents, subcontents,
along with analysis, Relate/explain its signficance (where and how this topic is applied/applicable,
include ample examples)
§ Relate and explain impact of COVID 19 to organizations and work situation in contrast to selected
topic. (Try to bring real examples on how organizations are working based on online information
and your own experience)
o Recommendations:
§ Based on analysis of findings, what can you recommend to apply/as a better approach.
o Annexure:
§ In the annexure mention references/source of information and include group member profiles
(name, address, work expereince and photo)
§ Other supporting information (if any)
• Submit powerpoint files on June 6, 2021 (soft copy via google drive folder created by Class Coordinator).
• Deliver a power point presentation in class (all groups must be ready to present by June 9 even tough
about 3 groups will present every session from June 9 to 23)
• Time allowed presentation is Maximum 12 minutes per group + 3 min for Question Answer session.
*FORMAT (the Trio Groups are required to use the following format and submit to class coordinator/google drive):
Sub Contents
Group Trio Group Member Name Research Topic
(contents to expolore under Research Topic)

Human Resource Management Instructor: Riswo R. Gorkhali

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