Performance Task 3: Module 7 - Eapp

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English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600

Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268
Grade Level/Section:
Email:; Website:

Subject Teacher: Enrica Marie M. Quiambao

Name of Members:
1. ABELLERA, Ryzher Kenri
2. CARINO, Junio Jeankieth
3. CHUA, Mary Ranelei
4. LACUESTA, Ina Isha
5. VIERNES, Fritzie Faye


WORKSHEET (Pre-writing)

The purpose of this worksheet to get you started on writing your literature review. The following steps and
sections below will guide you through writing your literature review.
Here are some important things to remember when writing your literature review:
1. Locate and use only credible sources: 10-12 sources total, including newspaper articles, encyclopedia entries,
journal articles, credible websites, books, etc.
2. Make sure that your three research questions align with your thesis sentence
3. Eliminate bias in your writing and portrayal of the information you gather from the sources. Eliminate use of
personal pronouns, including first, second, and third person, such as “I,” “Me,” “My,” We,” “Our,” “You,” etc.
4. DO NOT make an argument in the literature review. The main purpose is to REVIEW the various perspectives in
the sources you locate and use
5. Make sure you use quotations or paraphrase information from your sources in order to support your claims and to
show various perspectives on your research questions and thesis sentence

OBSERVE these basic criteria:

 Choose one of the following: Times New Roman (12-point font) or Century Gothic (11-point font)
 Double-spaced sentences
 1-inch margins
 At least between 8-10 pages in length
 All references used in the paper must be listed at the end of the paper (APA format)
 Remember to number your pages according to APA format

Visit this website for more specific information on APA:

Below is your guide list:

Cover sheet (APA format)

The literature review (where the sources are synthesized and analyzed and contains these elements below):

Many people aim to be financially stable in life because it is a feeling of being debt-free, free from stress, save more
money and just being confident about one’s financial situation. While there are people who is financially stable, there are
also people who suffer from being financially unstable. A lot of people are facing financial problems either people who
are working or students who are still studying. Financial problem affects different factors in life and one of the major
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268
Grade Level/Section:
Email:; Website:

Subject Teacher: Enrica Marie M. Quiambao

factors it is affecting are the student’s academic performance. Financial problems or financial pressure is a situation where
money worries are causing the people stress and due to these problems, some students are not being able to cope with high
educational standards. Many students mostly college students face hard financial times where they balance work from
school which often leads to a negative impact on their mental health. They do two things at a time for them to pay fees
and access their basic needs. As a result, many are struggling just to cover the cost of study because of their limited
financial resources. While some teachers or professors tries to understand other student’s situation, some may not which
causes the student to drop out or give up.

Research Question 1:
What are the factors that affect a student’s academic performance?

Research Question 2:
How does financial problems affect a student’s academic performance?

Research Question 3:
What is the ratio of failing students because of financial problems?

Thesis statement:
The academic performance of a student is dependent on factors such as financial problems.

Discussion on question 1 (paragraphs with sources, also think of images/pictures you could use):
Education is one of the most important aspects of human resource development, it is a process of learning and gaining
knowledge for students to enhance their skills, habits, and values. It improves an individual to grow and develop who will
become great leaders of the society that is why being able to give a quality education plays an important role for a
student’s performance. Hence, there will always be factors that will affect a student’s performance. A few studies have
been carried out to identify causal factors of poor academic performance in several institutions worldwide. Diaz (2003)
reported that most studies focus on the three elements that intervene, that is, parents (family causal factors), teachers
(academic causal factors), and students (personal causal factors).
Academic causal factors are made up of school variables, principally the student's teacher and his peers. Marchesi and
Martín (2002 propose that the pupil's sociocultural level and his previous aptitudes indirectly influence the results of
learning since they delimit classroom procedures. As for characteristics of the teacher-tutor, this is considered a key
element for the pupil's personal and academic development, the value given from teacher to pupil and vice-versa are
usually reciprocal, highlighting additionally the personal relationship (Marchesi and Martín, 2002). These same authors
find that teacher expectations significantly influence student results. The teachers' assessment is mediated by two
variables: (1) the student's intelligence, that is, the greater the intelligence, the better the academic results and the better
reciprocal appreciation between teacher and student; (2) family support for study also makes the student value his teacher
more highly (Castejón and Pérez, 1998).
Another group of performance-determining factors are the social/family factors. The educational condition attributed to
the family is beyond all doubt or discussion, as there is an ever-increasing awareness of the importance of the parents' role
in the progress and educational development of their children. Schiefelbaum and Simmons (cited by Adell, 2002, p. 91)
consider family background the most important and most weighty factor in determining the academic performance
attained by the student. Wherein financial support from parents to young adults is significantly tied to the financial
resources and other characteristics of the family of origin. Parents’ contribution to their children’s’ education has a
consistent and positive effect on academic achievement and on the self-concept (Chohan & Khan, 2010). Studies believe
that parental financial support have a great influence on students’ motivation in learning. However, students need the
support of their parents because they cannot still provide their own. Most of the students strive hard by themselves due to
the lack of financial support from their parents. It leads to the decrease of motivation towards their studies. Learners get
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268
Grade Level/Section:
Email:; Website:

Subject Teacher: Enrica Marie M. Quiambao

motivated when their parents who appreciate and proud on their achievements and performance (Ghazi, Ali, Shahzad,
Khan, & Hukamdad, 2010).
Among personal variables most studied are motivation and self-concept. Motivation is considered to be the element that
initiates the subject's own involvement in learning: when a student is strongly motivated, all his effort and personality are
directed toward the achievement of a specific goal, thus bringing to bear all his or her resources. Students’ motivation in
learning is very important because it will help them learn effectively and to become a functional individual. If students
are motivated, they will retain information easily and not disrupt on the things they do. Motivation has a great impact on
students’ success (Ozen, 2017). Students who were goal-oriented, give importance their learning and trust their
capabilities in handling challenges in academic demands will have a prosperous achievement (Radovan, 2011).
On the contradictory, many students feel pressured with these factors. One is the lack of financial support parents can give
their children that cause others to work part time to support their parents and continue their studies. Financial stress is one
of the negative impacts that can affect a student’s academic performance. Financial difficulties are often cited among
college students as sources of stress (Northern, O’Brien, & Goetz, 2010) can also include psychological or emotional
effects (Northern et al., 2010). Research has documented the following negative outcomes of financial stress: (a)
depression (Andrews & Wilding, 2004; Clark-Lempers, Lempers, & Netusil, 1990), (b) anxiety (Andrews & Wilding,
2004), (c) poor academic performance (Andrews & Wilding, 2004; Harding, 2011), (d) poor health (Northern et al.,
2010), and (e) difficulty persisting towards degree completion (Letkiewicz, in press; Joo, Durband, & Grable, 2008; Robb,
Moody, & Abdel-Ghany, 2011).

Discussion on question 2 (paragraphs with sources, also think of images/pictures you could use):
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268
Grade Level/Section:
Email:; Website:

Subject Teacher: Enrica Marie M. Quiambao

Discussion on question 3 (paragraphs with sources, also think of images/pictures you could use):
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268
Grade Level/Section:
Email:; Website:

Subject Teacher: Enrica Marie M. Quiambao


Discussion (over primary research findings):

English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268
Grade Level/Section:
Email:; Website:

Subject Teacher: Enrica Marie M. Quiambao


English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268
Grade Level/Section:
Email:; Website:

Subject Teacher: Enrica Marie M. Quiambao

References (APA examples):
For more examples, please visit this website:
For online citation engines, please see below:
The Bedford Bibliographer:
Son of Citation Machine:

Author’s Last name, Author’s First Initial. (Year Published). Title of Book in Italics. City, State:
Author’s Last name, Author’s First Initial. (Year Published, Month and Day). Title of Article. Title of
Magazine in Italics, Number of Journal(Issue Number), Page Numbers.
Author’s Last name, Author’s First Initial. (Year Published, Month and Day). Title of Article. Title of
Newspaper in Italics, page Number (i.e. B4).
Author’s Last name, Author’s First Initial. (Year Published). Title of Article. Title of Journal in Italics,
Number of Journal(Issue Number), Page Numbers.
Title of Website. (Year). Specific Title of Webpage that you Pulled the Information from in Italics.
Retrieved from actual website: Give URL address
Online Video (i.e. YouTube):
Username. (Year, Month and Day). Title of Video [Video File]. Retrieved from URL address
Blog Post:
Title of Blog. (Year, Month and Day). Title of Blog Posting [Web log message]. Retrieved from actual
website: Give URL
Television Show:
Producer’s Last Name, Producer’s First Initial (Producer). (Year Aired). Title of Episode [Television
series episode]. In Title of Television Show, Country: Name of Television Network Station.
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268
Grade Level/Section:
Email:; Website:

Subject Teacher: Enrica Marie M. Quiambao

Producer’s Last Name, Producer’s First Initial (Producer) & Director’s Last Name, Director’s First Initial
(Director). (Year Made). Title of Movie [Motion picture]. Country: Name of Film Company who Made the Movie.
Name of Band/Artist. (Year of Song). Title of Song. Title of Album in Italics [i.e. Record, CD, other].
City Recorded, State Recorded: Title of Company that Recorded it.

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