Đề Thi Hsg Anh 2010-2011

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ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC ( 150 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề )
– Đề thi này có 07 trang.
– Học sinh làm bài vào đề thi này.

I. LISTENING (20 points)

Part 1. Listen to a typical day in the life of an American “househusband” and select the word
that accurately describes each of the events.
1.Yesterday the man woke up _____ his wife and son.
A. as soon as B. before C. during D. after
2. The man started cooking breakfast _____ he made his son's lunch.
A. as soon as B. before C. during D. after
3. He threw a basket of laundry into the washing machine _____ his wife and son were eating
A. as soon as B. before C. while D. after
4. The phone rang _____ he entered the house.
A. as soon as B. before C. while D. after
5. He cleaned the house _____ he talked to his mother-in-law.
A. as soon as B. after C. while D. before
6. He went shopping for groceries _____ lunch.
A. at B. before C. during D. after
7. His wife came home _____ he helped his son with his homework.
A. after B. before C. while D. as soon as
8. His wife made dinner _____ he watered the garden.
A. as soon as B. before C. while D. after
9. He washed the dishes _____ his wife put their son to bed.
A. as soon as B. before C. while D. after
10. _____ dinner he collapsed in front of the TV.
A. at B. before C. during D. after

Part 2. Listen to the conversation and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F)
11. Mari is not an American.
Mari understands the ways of American culture.
13. Mari is not used to how Americans interact with each other.
14. People in America behave differently from the way they do in
Mari's home country.
15. Next time someone says, "How are you?" Mari will not take it
so literally.

Part 3. Listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions.
16. What is the relationship between Yolanda and Mari?

- ______________________________________________________________________________
17. What does Nancy say about friendship and friendliness in the United States?
- ______________________________________________________________________________
18. Do Yolanda and Mari go to the movies together often?
- ______________________________________________________________________________
19. According to Nancy, what does “How are you?” mean?
- ______________________________________________________________________________
20. Which sentence below best summarizes the main point of the conversation?
A. It is not difficult to make lasting friendships with Americans because they are very friendly
B. Americans are very friendly, but that should not be confused with friendship. Friendships take
a long time to build with anyone, so you need to be patient.
C. Americans are very fake people. It is very difficult to build friendships with Americans or get
to know them since they often say things that they don't mean.
D. Americans are very busy people and don't seem to have time to build true friendships. Even
though they are friendly, their friendships are superficial.
E. Americans find it very easy to be friendly with people that they don't know very well, but find
it difficult to build real friendships.

II. PHONETICS (20 points)

Part 1. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the
21. A. chore B. liquor C. chord D. chaos
22. A. changeable B. ancient C. random D. danger
23. A. reason B. decision C. pleasant D. season
24. A. followed B. learned C. imagined D. rained
25. A. wool B. broom C. foot D. took
26. A. honor B. exhibit C. Fahrenheit D. Buddhist
27. A. dim B. limb C. climb D. limp
28. A. cough B. thorough C. enough D. rough
29. A. houses B. faces C. horses D. places
30. A. ready B. study C. puppy D. occupy

Part 2. Group the following words into columns according to their stress patterns.
Necessary deforestation permission economical inventory
Modernization synonym spectacular industry magazine
st nd rd th
1 syllable 2 syllable 3 syllable 4 syllable
Part 1. Choose the words or phrases which best fit the blanks:
41. The Internet is a very fast and convenient way for people to _____ information.
A. get B. do C. make D. look
42. The name of the book was on the _____ of my tongue, but I just could not think of it.
A. point B. tip C. top D. end
43. The plans for the new hospital _____ yet.
A. isn’t finished B. isn’t finishing C. aren’t finishing D.aren’t finished
44. A lot of people make contributions to the victims of the disasters.
A. take money B. give money C. sell things D. borrow money
45. Not only _____ but she is also very intelligent.
A. beautiful she is B. is she beautiful C. she is beautiful D. beautiful is she
46. Dangerous chemicals can be _____ from burning plastics or hairspray containers.
A. freed B. invented C. released D. escaped
47. A number of sheep _____ eating grass now.
A. are B. is C. was D. were
48. Many factories have to _____ old newspapers by new methods.
A. print B. process C. recycle D. make
49. Would Tim be angry if I _____ his bicycle without asking?
A. had taken B. would take C. took D. take
50. These snakes will not cause you any serious harm even if they bite you. They are _____.
A. poisonous B. cruel C. harmful D. harmless
51. Peter won $20.000, half of _____ he gave to the local orphanage.
A. it B. which C. whom D. that
52. Applicants for government posts are always thoroughly _____ before being admitted.
A. supported B. trained C. investigated D. helped
53. Someone must have taken my bag. I clearly remember _____ it by the window and now it has
A. leaving B. leave C. to have left D. to leave
54. Mr. Brown _____ for 10 years when he finally gave it up.
A. had been smoking B. has been smoking C. had smoked D. has smoked
55. Jane has to search for more information before she writes her graduation thesis.
A. look after B. look up C. look into D. look for
56. _____ they might be hungry, I offered them something to eat.
A. To feel B. Felt C. Feeling D. Having felt
57. The sun is shining and there are very few clouds; _____, I am sure it is going to rain.
A. hence B. nevertheless C. what’s more D. thus
58. My sister’s eyes are red. She _____.
A. cried B. has cried C. has been crying D. had cried
59. Solar energy is considered as one kind of _____ fuels.
A. alternative B. various C. replacing D. changing
60. All passengers have to go through customs and immigration at the airport.
A. checkout counters B. government department C. taxes D. visa office

Part 2. Choose a verb from the list on the left and put it with a particle from the list on the
right to complete the sentences. In some cases, you will need to change the tense or form of
the verb. Use each verb once only. The first one has been done as example.
call carry get go leak run √ off on
look see switch take wake out √ up
Example: We have run out of gasoline. The tank is totally empty.

61. Be careful not to __________ __________ the children!

62. I was on the bus to Caravel Hotel, but it was so crowded that I decided to __________
__________ at Ben Thanh Market and walked the rest of the way.
63. Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt you. Please _________ _________ and finish what you were
64. They _________ __________ their project almost five years ago.
65. If you don’t understand the meaning of a word, __________ it __________ in a dictionary.
66. May I _________ __________ you tomorrow afternoon?
67. She __________ __________ the television and went to bed.
68. Now that Mr. Bill has retired, he is going to have plenty of free time. Maybe he can
__________ _________ a new hobby.
69. Will you come to the airport to __________ me __________, or must I go there alone?
70. The story __________ __________ and appeared in the next day’s newspaper.

Part 3. Put a, an, the or nothing (X) in the blanks to complete the following passage.
Elephants are (71) _____ largest land animals on earth. (72) _____ adult male African
elephant can weigh six tons and be 12 feet tall. (73) _____ newborn elephant, called (74) _____
calf, weighs about 260 pounds and stands about three feet tall. (75) _____ elephant may live 60
years or more. Elephants usually have two tusks. These are (76) _____ long, pointed teeth that
extends from (77) _____ elephant’s mouth. (78) _____ elephant’s tusks grow all through its life.
(79) _____ tusks of an old male may reach nine feet in length. Elephants only use their tusks for
(80) _____ protection.
71. _____ 72. _____ 73. _____ 74. _____ 75. _____
76. _____ 77. _____ 78. _____ 79. _____ 80. _____

Part 4. The passage below contains 10 errors. Identify and correct them. Write your answers
in the space provided in the column on the right. (00) has been done as an example.
Mistakes Correction
GENERAL ECONOMIST CONDITIONS 00 economist 00 economic

After the remarkable return to prosperity who had 81…………… 81……………

been noticeable in 1955, the year 1956 presented a less 82…………… 82……………
brilliant portrait. A brief but intense spell of cold weather
in February caused serious damage to important crops. On 83…………… 83……………
the another hand, the granting of three weeks’ paid 84…………… 84……………
vacation – instead of two, as had being customary
heretofore – to the workers and the recall to the colors of a 85…………… 85……………
large number of youth men for the Algerian war adversely 86…………… 86……………
affected France industrial productivity. At the end of the
year, shortages of essential materials, particularly oil, 87…………… 87……………
resulted from the Suez crisis, further slowed down certain 88…………… 88……………
economic active. Yet, the inflationary trend prevailing
throughout Europe and the great demand for steel produce 89…………… 89……………
acted as stimulants on the French economic and 90…………… 90……………
counteracted to a marked degree the other unfavorable

Part 5. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a
word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (00).
Modern advertisements contain (00) __________ HIDE 00. hidden
messages, IMPLICATE 91…………
(91) _____ in the advertisement showing the pretty girl in SMILE
the new car or the (92) _____ children round the packet of 92…………
washing powder is the message that if we buy the product, SUCCEED
we also achieve (93) _____ and happiness. It is a subtle EXPLOITATION 93....………
approach since it seeks to (94) _____ our secret dreams,
and it is inescapable since advertising is ubiquitous. They BELIEF 94…………
brainwash us into (95) _____ that we can realize our
ambitions quickly and easily. On the other hand, defenders BENEFIT 95…………
of advertising say that it is (96) _____. Advertising is PRODUCTIVITY
informative. Advertisements tell us about useful new (97) BRIGHT 96…………
_____. They (98) _____ our lives with color and music.
Whether for or against advertising, most people would GOVERN 97…………
agree that some kind of watch-dog body, appointed by the
(99) _____ or by the advertising industry itself, is HONEST 98…………
necessary to maintain the standards of (100) _____ and to
discourage the more blatant types of misleading 99…………


Part 1. Read the passage and then choose the best answers.
In many ways, the increasingly rapid pace of climate change is a direct result of the growth
of the human population. In the last 100 years, the world population has more than tippled.
Obviously, this has meant that the world has needed to produce three times as much food, energy,
and other natural resources.
In addition, the average person uses more energy and natural resources than the average
person one hundred years ago, meaning that the rates of consumption are actually much higher
than just the increase in population would imply.
All of these activities: food production, energy usage, and the use of natural resources, contribute
to climate change in some way. The greater amounts of oil and other fuels burned to create energy
release chemicals which add to global warming. In order to produce more food, farmers cut down
trees to gain more land for their fields. In addition, we cut down trees to build the houses needed
for a larger population. Those trees are an essential part of controlling global warming.
In addition to a growing population, the world also has a population that desires a higher
standard of living than in the past, and a higher standard of living requires the use of even more
natural resources. For example, China is the world’s most populous nation, with 1.3 billion people.
Currently, the standard of living for most of those people is far below that of people in first world
nations. Therefore, the average Chinese citizen uses far fewer natural resources and less energy
than the average citizen of the US or Japan. If every Chinese person attains a first world lifestyle,
the amount of energy and natural resources needed in the world will double, even if the standard of
living in every other nation on Earth remains the same as it is today.

101. The word “pace” in the passage is closest in meaning to _____.

A. growth B. speed C. problem D. pollution
102. The word “consumption” in the passage is closest in meaning to _____.
A. development B. usage C. population D. increase
103. According to the passage, how does food production contribute to global warming?
A. Producing more food leads to growth in the world population.
B. Food production uses many chemicals which add to global warming.
C. Food production requires that the forests be cleared to create farmland.
D. Food production decreases the ability of the air to release heat..
104. According to the passage, how does the standard of living affect global warming?
A. Higher standards of living are better for the environment.
B. First world nations create less population than developing nations.
C. The use of natural resources is directly related to the standard of living.
D. High standards of living lead to increases in world population.
105. Why does the author discuss China, Japan and the United States?
A. To compare the standards of their citizens.
B. To explain why China will not be able to become a first world nation.
C. To better illustrate the effects of an increase in standards of living.
D. To explain why the world’s use of energy will need to double soon.

Part 2. Read the passage and then decide which answer A, B, C, or D best fits each space.
Greetings in all languages have the same (106) _____ : to establish contact with another
person, to recognize his (107) _____ her existence and to show friendliness. The formulas (108)
_____ greeting are very specific and usually do carry any literal meaning. People (109) _____
“Good morning” even if it is a miserable day and may reply to “How are you?” with “Fine,
thanks”, even if they aren’t feeling (110) _____ people who are together every day greet one
another the first time they (111) _____ each day. They do not shake hands.
When people have not seen each other (112) _____ a long time, the greeting is often
enthusiastic and is usually (113) _____ by shaking hands among men, (114) _____ among both
men and women, and sometimes a kiss on the cheek (115) _____ women.

106. A. point B. finish C. purpose D. end

107. A. as B. so C. but D. or
108. A. for B. of C. in D. about
109. A. shout B. talk C. say D. speak
110. A. badly B. well C. beautifully D. nicely
111. A. meet B. meets C. met D. meeting
112. A. far B. for C. on D. in
113. A. associated B. followed C. connected D. accompanied
114. A. hugging B. shaking C. holding D. containing
115. A. at B. on C. among D. in

Part 3. Fill in each space with ONE suitable word.

The proverb just (116) _____ that we shall know who our real friends are and when we are in
(117) _____. Those who desert us when we are in difficulties are just unfaithful (118) _____. A
true friend would remain (119) _____ us whether we are rich (120) _____ poor. Some people
befriend the rich, simply for the sake of getting benefits (121) _____ them. A true friend will (122)
_____ by us in our trials and tribulations. She will be the greatest source of consolation and
comfort in our adversities. So we must be (123) _____ in choosing our friends. It is (124) _____ to
choose a sincere friend overnight as it (125) _____ years for us to find a sincere friend.

V. WRITING (50 points)

Part 1. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as
the sentence printed before it
126. Scientists say forests are being destroyed by air pollution.
- Scientists blame ................................................................................................................................
127. The idea no longer interests her.
- She has gone ...................................................................................................................................
128. The film star wore dark glasses so that no one could recognize her.
- The film star avoided ......................................................................................................................
129. Keeping calm is the secret of passing your driving test.
- As long as .......................................................................................................................................
130. He had no idea how difficult the task would be until he was half way through it.
- Only when .......................................................................................................................................
131. You’re asking these questions because you didn’t listen to what I told you earlier.
- If ......................................................................................................................................................
132. It’s more than a fortnight since anyone saw Julian.
- Julian was ........................................................................................................................................
133. You must concentrate on your work more.
- You must apply ...............................................................................................................................
134. It’s believed that a general election will be held in Germany.
- A general election ...........................................................................................................................
135. Although he was very tired, he agreed to play tennis.
- Tired ...............................................................................................................................................

Part 2. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets. Do not alter the words
136. The young man was very embarrassed when his proposal was turned down. (REJECTION)

137. Our parents usually watched romantic, musical and western films in their youth.

138. Mr. Lee managed to repair the garage roof only because his neighbor helped him.

139. The last Olympics Games were held in Seoul. (TOOK)

140. I wish I knew what to do about the problem. (SOLUTION)

141. Would you like to go for a coffee in 10 minutes or so? (ABOUT)

142. The garden is too small for us to build a swimming pool. (ROOM)

143. The two young men introduced a virus into the computer system. (ALLEGED)

144. Vicky’s name was missed off the list, so she wasn’t very pleased. (WHOSE)

145. I hope to receive your confirmation soon. (LOOK)

Part 3. With the cues given, write complete sentences.
146. The driver flash/ his car lights several times/ indicate he wished/ overtake.

147. They expected/ ship/ arrive/ the harbor/ five o’clock.

148. The hens lay/ five eggs this morning/ we had/ breakfast.

149. Mark Twain, one/ the greatest authors, told/ interesting tale/ a boy’s adventures/ his book
“The Adventures/ Tom Sawyer”.

150. Neither/ there excitement/ entertainment/ this small, old town.

------------ THE END ----------
I. LISTENING (20 points)
Part 1. CD 2 – Track 32 (5 points)
1. B
2. D
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. D
7. A
8. C
9. C
10. D
Part 2. CD 3 – Track 44 (5 points)
11. T
12. F
13. T
14. T
15. T
Part 3. CD 3 – Track 44 (10 points)
16. They are friends.
17. She says that friendliness and friendship are not the same thing in the US.
18. No, they don’t.
19. According to her, “How are you?” isn’t a real question. It’s more like a greeting , a way of
saying hello.
20. B
II. PHONETICS (20 points)
Part 1. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the
others. (10 points)
21. A
22. C
23. B
24. B
25. B
26. C
27. C
28. B
29. A
30. D
Part 2. Group the following words into columns according to their stress patterns. (10 points)
1st syllable 2nd syllable 3rd syllable 4th syllable
31. necessary
32. deforestation
33. permission
34. economical
35. inventory
36. modernization
37. synonym
38. spectacular
39. industry
40. magazine


Part 1. Choose the words or phrases which best fit the blanks. (20 points)
41. A
42. B
43. D
44. B
45. B
46. C
47. A
48. C
49. C
50. D
51. B
52. C
53. A
54. A
55. D
56. C
57. B
58. C
59. A
60. B
Part 2. (10 points)
61. wake up
62. get off
63. go on
64. carried out
65. look – up
66. call on
67. switched off
68. take up
69. see – off
70. leaked out
Part 3. Put a, an, the or nothing (X) in the blanks to complete the following passage. (10
71. the
72. an
73. a
74. a
75. an
76. x
77. the
78. the
79. the
80. x
Part 4. The passage below contains 10 errors. Identify and correct them. (10 points)
81. who – which
82. portrait – picture
83. another – other
84. being – been
85. youth – young
86. France – French
87. resulted – resulting
88. active – activities
89. produce – products
90. economic – economy

Part 5. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a
word that fits in the space in the same line. (10 points)
91. implicit
92. smiling
93. success
94. exploit
95. believing
96. beneficial
97. product
98. brighten
99. government
100. honesty
Part 1. Read the passage and then choose the best answers. (20 points)
101. B
102. B
103. C
104. C
105. C
Part 2. Read the passage and then decide which answer A, B, C, or D best fits each space. (20
106. C
107. D
108. A
109. C
110. B
111. A
112. B
113. D
114. A
115. C
Part 3. Fill in each space with ONE suitable word. (10 points)
116. means
117. deed
118. friends
119. with
120. or
121. from
122. stand
123. careful
124. difficult
125. takes
IV. WRITING (50 points)
Part 1. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as
the sentence printed before it. (20 points)
126. air pollution for destroying forests.
127. off the idea.
128. being recognized by wearing dark glasses.
129. you keep/ can keep calm, you will/can pass the driving test.
130. he was half way through the task did he realize how difficult it was.
131. you had listened/ been listening to what I told you earlier, you wouldn’t be asking these
132. last seen (more than) a fortnight/ 2 weeks ago.
133. yourself to your work more/ yourself more to your work.
134. is believed to be held in Germany.
135. though/as he was, he agreed to play tennis.
Part 2. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets. Do not alter the words
given. (20 points)
136. The rejection of his proposal greatly embarrassed the young man.
137. Our parents were accustomed to seeing/ watching romantic, musical and western films in
their youth.
138. Without the help of his neighbor, Mr. Watson could not/ never have managed to repair/
have succeeded in repairing the garage roof.
139. The last Olympic Games took place in Seoul.
140. I wish I had solution to this problem.
141. How about going for a coffee in 10 minutes or so?
142. There is no room in the garden for a swimming pool to be built.
143. Only when you become a parent will you understand what true responsibility is.
144. Vicky, whose name was missed off the list, wasn’t very pleased.
145. I look forward to your confirmation soon.
Part 2. With the cues given, write complete sentences. (10 points)
146. The driver flashed his car lights several times to indicate he wished to overtake.
147. They expected the ship to arrive at the harbor at five o’clock.
148. The hens laid five eggs this morning which we had for breakfast.
149. Mark Twain, one of the greatest authors, told an interesting tale of a boy’s adventures in
his book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”
150. Neither is there excitement nor entertainment in this small old town.

----- THE END-----

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