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How to Choose Olive Oil 1 of 2


Olive oil is the most praised ingredient in the Mediterranean diet and has been for thousands of years. It is
recognized for its distinctive flavor and health benefits.

Quality olive oil is just like quality wine, as much depends on the harvest crop, terroir, and how it’s made. The best
olive oils are made, much like wines, by harvesting olives at their peak, crushing them, then pressing the mash.
The oil is separated from the run-off, filtered or unfiltered, then bottled – all done on the estate where the olives
came from. This artisanal approach produces authentic, first- or cold-pressed, extra-virgin olive oil of the highest
quality. It is also quite expensive.

To get more out of the first-pressed, leftover mash, machines are used along with solvents and heat to extract
more oil and then expelled with a centrifuge. This refined product becomes a compromised version of the real
deal. Its only advantage is its higher smoking point, and relatively cheaper price. However, these oils are bottled
and often sold with deceiving labels, with words such as “Pure”, and even “Extra-Virgin”.

Buying Olive Oil

When buying olive oil, look for one that comes in a dark bottle or tin, as both light and heat can destroy it. As a
result, olive oil should always be stored in a cool, dark place.

Both green and golden-colored olive oils are equally good. The color difference is simply due to the natural
pigment in the olives. Also, depending on the place of origin, an olive oil will have a distinct color and flavor
associated with that region, just like wine. In general, a darker-green olive oil tends to be more fruity and grassy;
whereas, a yellow-colored olive oil, when unrefined, tends to have spicier, biting notes.

Once cooked, olive oil loses its flavor and many of its valuable health benefits. It’s best to use high-quality olive oil
in its raw state to finish a dish. If you want to use a high-quality olive oil for cooking (to add flavor), but are
concerned about the cost, try blending it with a less expensive neutral oil, such as grapeseed or safflower (1 part
olive oil to 3 parts neutral oil). High-quality olive oil that is properly stored has a shelf life of well over a year.

These are the indicators to look for on the label. The more indicators listed on the bottle, the higher the quality,
nutritional value and flavor of the olive oil. Cold/First-Pressed, Extra-Virgin (estate made) is the most expensive of
olive oils
How to Choose Olive Oil 2 of 2


Label Indicator Explanation

Indicates 100% of the oil has been extracted without steam or chemical
First or Cold Pressed treatment. Without this label, any percentage of the oil can be extra-virgin
mixed with oil that has been treated.

It must indicate first run-off or cold pressed, which means it is 100%
Extra-Virgin Olive Oil extra-virgin. Without this indicator, it generally means that it is cut with
another lesser quality oil, which is sometimes not even olive oil.

Like wines, estate-made can mean that artisanal care and attention went
Estate-Made into the making of the olive oil. This also infers that the olives came from
and were processed at a single estate.

Estate-made olive oils are usually sold unfiltered to capture all of the oil’s
Unfiltered complexity. Olive oil connoisseurs, like wine enthusiasts, do not mind a bit
of sediment.

Meaning the olives and trees themselves comply with organic certification
Certified Organic
standards. They also tend to be unfiltered.

Ideally, an acidity of less than 1% is desirable. Higher acidity levels mean a

lesser crop of olives was harvested. This compromises the oil’s flavor and
Acidity <1%
shelf life. If labels do not include acidity levels, it generally means they are
higher than 1%.

Olive oils from Italy which are marked D.O.P. mean they come from a
D.O.P. particular region. This ‘denomination of origin’ label is a guarantee that that
the oil has been produced to meet the standards of the local government.

If the label is marked only with the following, it generally indicates a lower-quality olive oil

Pure Olive Oil This is an undetermined blend of pomace and extra-virgin olive oil.

Pomace is the oil extracted from the remaining mash from the first
pressing of the crushed olives.
Pomace Olive Oil This oil is 100% refined and treated and is usually the cheapest olive oil
with little flavor. It is best used for frying.
Note: When buying olive oil, these are some of the indicators to look for on the label. Cold/First-Pressed, Extra-Virgin and
Estate-Made oils tend to be among the finest and most expensive market options.

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