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J. Visual. Comput. Animat. 2003; 14: 261–268 (DOI: 10.1002/vis.323)

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Adapting an immersive virtual reality

system for rehabilitation
By Rachel Kizony, Noomi Katzand Patrice L. (Tamar) Weiss*
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The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the adaptations that have been done to
VividGroup’s Gesture Xtreme projected VR scenarios in order to facilitate their use in
neurological rehabilitation. First, the scenarios and the adaptation (control of the type,
speed, location and direction of all stimuli) are briefly described. The advantages and
limitations of the adapted VR system as a rehabilitation tool are presented. Next, initial
results and two examples of case studies, one a patient following stroke and one who
requires balance training as a result of complete spinal cord injury, are used to illustrate
applications of this VR system to rehabilitation. Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Received: 1 October 2002; Revised 1 March 2003
KEY WORDS: virtual reality; neurological rehabilitation; presence; immersion

Introduction to the patient’s capabilities are important advantages of

VR, since these features are essential to cognitive and
Injury to or disease of the central or peripheral nervous motor remediation.4 In addition, patients such as those
system typically results in a decreased ability to perform who have used a virtual environment in Rose et al.’s3
activities of daily living due to the resulting cognitive study reported the experience to be very enjoyable; it
and motor deficits. An essential part of the rehabilitation appears that participating in such activities can increase
process is remediation of these deficits in order to motivation for treatment.5
improve the functional ability of the patient, and to Rizzo et al.4 and Schultheis and Rizzo6 have suggested
enable him or her to achieve greater independence. several additional advantages for using VR in cognitive
This is achieved by using tasks of increasing difficulty rehabilitation including control and consistency in the
while the therapist physically or verbally guides the delivery of stimulation, immediate feedback through
patient’s movements or actions. One of the major chal- different senses, ability to intervene during practice in
lenges facing therapists in neurological rehabilitation is order to provide further instruction or guidance, oppor-
identifying intervention tools that are effective, motivat- tunity for self-training and learning in a safe environ-
ing and enable transfer of the skills and abilities ment, documentation of the patient’s performance and
achieved during rehabilitation to function in the ‘real’ the ability to create customized training environments at
world. low cost.
In recent years, virtual reality (VR) technologies have Initial research suggests the usefulness of VR in
begun to be used as an assessment and intervention tool rehabilitation. Christiansen et al.1 found a virtual
in rehabilitation.1–4 Virtual environments provide pa- kitchen to be efficient in assessing the ability of patients
tients with safe access to interactive, true-to-life situa- with traumatic brain injury to perform such an activity
tions that would otherwise be inaccessible to them due on the basis of task performance in the correct sequence.
to motor, cognitive and psychological limitations.3 The Rose et al.3 showed that memory training in virtual
ability to change the virtual environment relatively rooms improved performance on a recognition test of
easily, to grade task difficulty and to adapt it according the spatial arrangement of the rooms in a group of
patients with vascular brain injury. Grealy et al.’s2 find-
*Correspondence to: Patrice L. (Tamar) Weiss, Department of ings suggest that training in a virtual environment
Occupational Therapy, University of Haifa, Mount Carmel, improved cognitive function in brain-injured patients.
Haifa 31905, Israel. E-mail:
Wilson et al.7 found that children with physical disabil-
Contract/grant sponsors: Fondation Ida et Avrohom Baruch; ities were able to transfer spatial information from
Israeli Ministry of Health. virtual to real environments, and Lahav and Mioduser8

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Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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have shown that opportunities to explore a virtual room mountain (Figure 1). Users see themselves on the screen,
enhance the ability of adults who are blind to navigate in the virtual environment, and their movements enti-
within a similar real environment. In addition, Wilson rely direct the progression of the task. The result is a
et al.9, in their review of the literature regarding VR in complete engagement of the user in the simulated task.
rehabilitation, indicated that children and students with A video camera converts the video signal of the user’s
learning disabilities were able to transfer abilities that movements wherein the participant’s image is pro-
were taught in the virtual environment to the real world. cessed on the same plane as screen animation, text,
The purpose of this paper is to describe the use of a graphics and sound, which react accordingly depending
projected, video-based VR system for use in neurologi- on his or her movement. This process is referred to as
cal rehabilitation. Our objective is to present work ‘video gesture’, i.e. the initiation of changes in a virtual
carried out in our laboratory over the past 2 years that reality environment through video contact. The partici-
has resulted in the adaptation of several of the Vivid- pant’s live, on-screen video image responds at exactly
Group’s Gesture Xtreme projected VR scenarios for use the same time to movements, lending an intensified
in rehabilitation of people with neurological deficits. degree of realism to the VR experience. This system pro-
The paper will present initial results of our currently vides both visual and auditory feedback, with the visual
ongoing research programme in which the system is cues being most predominant. The Gesture Xtreme VR
being used in a clinical study with patients following system was originally developed as an entertainment
stroke and people with complete or incomplete spinal system, designed to demonstrate VR in science mu-
cord injuries. These results were first reported at the seums and popular expositions. It is only via adapta-
Fourth International Conference on Disability, Virtual tions complying with principles based on rehabilitation
Reality and Associated Technologies10 and at the intervention principles that permit its use as an effective
First International Workshop on Virtual Reality rehabilitation intervention tool. Applications based on
Rehabilitation.11 projection of the user’s image onto computer-generated
graphics originated with Myron Krueger’s12 Videoplace
scenarios. More recently, commercial products such
VividGroup’s Gesture Xtreme as RealityFusion (
gamecam_reality fusion.htm) have also employed a
VR System similar approach.

We have adapted VividGroup’s Gesture Xtreme VR sys-

tem, which has potentially important applications for
the rehabilitation of children and adults with physical
Gesture XtremeVR Applications
and/or cognitive impairment ( and Adaptations
When using the Gesture Xtreme VR system, users stand
or sit in a demarcated area viewing a large video screen The Gesture Xtreme VR system contains a number of
that displays one of a series of simulated functional virtual environments. In our studies we are initially
tasks, such as catching virtual balls or skiing down a using four of these environments, three of which we
have adapted as an intervention tool.

Birds and Balls

Users see themselves standing in a pastoral setting
(Figure 2). Balls of different colours emerge from differ-
ent locations and fly towards the user. Touching these
balls with any part of the body causes them to turn into
doves (if the touch is ‘gentle’) or to burst (if the touch is
‘abrupt’). Our adaptations include the ability to control
the direction in which they appear on the screen from
one or more of four quadrants, singly or in combination
(i.e. from a single quadrant or from two quadrants
Figure 1. VividGroup’s Gesture Xtreme VR system. representing the right or left or top or bottom halves

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Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 262 J. Visual. Comput. Animat. 2003; 14: 261–268
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remain white while the ones that enter the goal crease
change colour from white to orange. Our adaptations for
grading the level of difficulty include changing the
number of balls that appear simultaneously as well as
their direction and speed. Here too a level mode has
been programmed to enable automatic progression un-
der preset conditions.

Users see a back view of themselves mounted on a
snowboard. As he or she skis downhill, rocks, trees
and other obstacles need to be avoided by leaning
from side to side or moving the whole body. We
adapted the level of difficulty of this environment by
Figure 2. Individual with a spinal cord injury using the changing the speed of skiing.
Birds & Balls environment. For the above three environments a database that
records the participant’s performance was also pro-
of the screen). The colour of the balls may be selected
and stimuli of different shapes (e.g. a star) may be
added as distracters. In addition, a new mode was
programmed wherein the level of the task difficulty
may be increased in accordance with the user’s perfor-
Users see themselves immersed within an ocean sur-
mance and the therapeutic goals. Thus the level of
rounded by fish, eels and sharks. The objective is to
difficulty will increase automatically and successively
swim within the environment and catch floating stars
in preset increments when the patient’s performance
while avoiding the electric eels and sharks.
reaches a predetermined level.

Soccer Suitability of Gesture Xtreme

Users see themselves as the goalkeeper in a soccer game VR for Rehabilitation
(Figure 3). Soccer balls are shot at the goalie from
different locations, and the task is to hit them with To date, this system has been used to provide occupa-
different parts of the body in order to prevent them tional therapy intervention with adult neurological pa-
from entering the goal area. Successfully repelled balls tients,10,11,13,14 graded physiotherapy exercises15 and
for recreational activities for children with cerebral
palsy.16–18 A commercial product, IREX (www.irexonli-, is also now available, which offers exercise-
oriented adaptations that are suitable for use in rehabi-
litation settings. The Gesture Xtreme system appears to
have some advantages and some limitations for applica-
tion to rehabilitation.

The Gesture Xtreme system appears to be suited to the
rehabilitation of individuals with motor and cognitive
deficits for two main reasons. First, the user does not
have to use a head-mounted display (HMD) or other
special apparatus in order to feel immersed within the
Figure 3. Individual with a stroke using the Soccer environ- virtual environment. This both reduces the likelihood of
ment. developing side effects and eliminates a source of

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Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 263 J. Visual. Comput. Animat. 2003; 14: 261–268
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encumbrance that would likely hinder the motor re- a key treatment principle in rehabilitation since clinicians
sponse of patients with neurological deficits. Although are obliged to suit the task and exercises to the patients’
the newer HMDs and stereoscopic glasses are consider- abilities. Thus the level mode was added to the Birds and
ably less cumbersome than previous models, little in- Balls and to the Soccer scenarios, thereby enabling pa-
formation is available regarding their use by individuals tients to receive feedback and improve their abilities as an
with cognitive deficits and brain injury. immediate and direct consequence of their performance.
Second, the users view themselves actively participat- Control over stimulus point of onset and direction via
ing within the environment rather than being repre- the ability to discharge the balls from preset quadrants
sented by an avatar. The use of the user’s own image as is extremely useful for cognitive rehabilitation in gen-
an avatar has been suggested to add to the realism of the eral, and for the remediation of attention deficits in
environment and to the sense of presence.19 It may particular. Attention deficits are common after brain
be that the sense of realism will be greater when the damage21 and have severe functional consequences
image is a real-time representation of the user, as in the since the attainment of a sufficient level of attention is
case with the Gesture Xtreme system. a necessary prerequisite for learning, an essential part of
The third feature relates to how the user controls the recovery of function process following brain da-
movement within the virtual environments; rather mage.22 One of the manifestations of attention deficits is
than relying on a pointing device or tracker, navigation unilateral spatial neglect (USN), which is characterized
within the Gesture Xtreme environments is accom- by a reduced ability to respond to stimuli presented to
plished in a completely natural and intuitive manner. the contralesional space.23 Training USN by visual
Not only is the control of movement more natural, it also search tasks has been useful and there is some evidence
involves the use of as many body parts as are deemed to of transfer to functional tasks.22 Thus the ability to train
be suitable to the therapeutic goals. For example, the patients to search different parts of the screen appears to
user may respond to the projected balls via a specific be useful for the treatment of attention deficits. This
body part (e.g. the head or hand) when it is appropriate adaptation may also help during rehabilitation of motor
to have the intervention directed in a more precise deficits. This is important, for example, following stroke
manner, or via any part of the body when intervention since one side of the body is more affected than the other
is more global. Indeed, it is possible to train different and one of the primary goals of treatment is to train the
motor abilities such as the range of motion of different affected side. The ability to change stimulus colour and
limbs and whole-body balance training. to add other objects with different shapes is also im-
Fourth, the system enables great flexibility in the way it portant for the training of attention deficits, especially
can be interfaced with patients and adapted to suit selective attention and the ability to shift between dif-
specific therapeutic goals. The patient can, in accordance ferent tasks. Training specific attention components has
with his or her abilities and type of injury, sit or stand been shown to be useful in rehabilitation.22
while performing within the virtual environments.
Equally important, the therapist can intervene during Limitations
the session in order to enhance motor or cognitive learn-
ing and achieve improvement of the patient’s abilities. The Gesture Xtreme system does have several limita-
Finally, the existing scenarios provide opportunities tions that should be taken into account when consider-
to facilitate a patient’s residual cognitive, motor and ing the use of this system in rehabilitation. The use of a
sensory abilities in functionally meaningful contexts. single camera means that the environments and move-
Since the ultimate goal of rehabilitation is to maximize ment within them essentially take place within a single
a patient’s independence in activities related to daily plane. The existing virtual environments are typically
performance skills, functional relevance and integra- performed within the coronal plane, although it is
tion of performance components are of paramount possible to position a patient during some of the scenar-
importance.20 ios such that he or she may perform in the sagittal plane.
Nevertheless, movement is always two-dimensional.
The Contribution of the Adaptations to This is in contrast to HMD-based VR systems in which
theVR System as a RehabilitationTool the user operates within a fully three-dimensional
world. A second limitation of the Gesture Xtreme sys-
The ability to grade the tasks in terms of speed and tem is that the feedback provided is visual and auditory
number of stimuli in the various virtual environments is with no additional sensory information such as haptics.

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Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 264 J. Visual. Comput. Animat. 2003; 14: 261–268
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Although the haptic sense is not yet widely used in stroke (two men, aged 72 and 68 years) were able to
rehabilitation there is considerable evidence24 that it can use the system at different levels of task difficulty and
be an effective addition towards the accomplishment of they described the experience as enjoyable and worth-
certain treatment objectives (e.g. increasing joint range while. Their responses to a short presence questionnaire
of motion and force). that included six questions related to presence based on
Witmer and Singer’s26 presence questionnaire, on a
scale of 1–5, indicated that they felt a marked sense of
Gesture XtremeVR and the presence during their VR experiences; both gave high
Sense of Presence scores, ranging between 4 and 5 for all three scenarios
(birds and balls, soccer, and snowboard).
We first designed and carried out a pilot study in order The participants with spinal cord injury (seven men
to characterize the VR system and, specifically, in order and three women, mean age ¼ 27.8 years, SD ¼ 9.7) had
to examine and describe the sense of presence it creates sustained incomplete (one) or complete (nine) low-level
in comparison with a non-immersive VR system, a spinal cord injuries. Their responses to the presence
desktop street-crossing VR scenario.25 We found no questionnaire were similar to the subjects with stroke,
significant differences in the scores of the presence showing a mean (SD) for birds and balls equal to 4.2
questionnaire26 when the combined results for all four (0.51), soccer equal to 3.9 (0.56) and snowboard equal to
Gesture Xtreme scenarios were compared to the street- 4.2 (0.68). Analysis of their performance showed that
crossing scenario, although there appeared to be a trend they made considerably more effort with respect to
in favour of the Gesture Xtreme system.27 When analys- balance training and postural adjustment than during
ing the results of a short presence questionnaire com- conventional therapy.
posed for the purpose of the study, which was filled by
the participants after they experienced each scenario, we
found differences in their responses to individual Ges- Case Examples
ture Xtreme environments and the street-crossing en-
vironment. The soccer scenario created the highest level The following two typical case studies illustrate the
of presence followed by snowboarding, street crossing, usability of the Gesture Xtreme system for people fol-
birds and balls and, finally, sharkbait, which created the lowing spinal cord injury and stroke. ‘M’, aged 22 years,
lowest sense of presence. These findings suggest that the sustained a complete, paraplegic spinal cord injury at
virtual scenarios which are more functionally relevant the level of D9 2 months prior to VR therapy. ‘M’ is
and more similar to realistic, true-to-life activities such shown in Figure 2 while participating in the birds and
as soccer or street crossing create higher levels of pre- balls environment. He requires the use of a wheelchair
sence regardless of the type of the virtual reality system. for all activities involving mobility. One of the primary
Thus it seems that the type of virtual scenario or rehabilitation goals was to improve his sitting balance in
environment and the extent to which it is perceived as order to enable him to perform functional activities such
being functional and realistic plays an important role in as reaching out for a book placed on a shelf. While
creating a sense of presence. Based on these results we interacting within the three Gesture Xtreme scenarios he
decided to carry out our initial intervention studies with had to maintain his sitting balance while using his
the soccer, snowboarding, and birds and balls environ- upper extremities or trunk. Analysis of the videotaped
ments and not to adapt or use the sharkbait application. records of his performance revealed that initially he
used only one hand at a time while interacting (i.e.
touching or repelling the balls); the other hand was
Initial Clinical Results kept on the wheelchair arm rest or on his lap in order
to maintain balance. However, as the session continued,
Usability studies with patients with stroke and with ‘M’ began to use both hands during the VR tasks,
spinal cord injury are currently in progress. Our relying only on his weak trunk muscles to maintain
purpose at this stage is to examine the patients’ re- balance. His ability to do so was striking since at his
sponses to a one-time VR experience. To date, we have level of spinal cord injury the contribution of abdominal
tested two individuals with stroke and 10 who have a muscles, normally essential for maintaining trunk bal-
paraplegic spinal cord injury. None of the participants ance, was moderate. It would appear that the level mode
reported feeling side effects. The participants with motivated him to reach the highest level possible and

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Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 265 J. Visual. Comput. Animat. 2003; 14: 261–268
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added a sense of competition to the experience. His participants were able to interact within the various
performance results showed a high rate of success, 75% virtual environments and achieve different levels of
in soccer, 81% in birds and balls and 100% in snow- performance without feeling side effects. Furthermore,
board. In addition, while analysing the videos it was they enjoyed the activities, acknowledged their rele-
evident how enjoyable the experience was to him and he vance to their rehabilitation process and stated that
said that he wanted to repeat the experience. Finally, his they wanted to repeat the experience if possible. A
responses to the presence questionnaire of each scenario number of clinical intervention studies with these and
showed a high level of presence (ranging between 3.8 other populations (e.g. patients following orthopaedic
and 4.5 out of 5 for the different scenarios), especially in injuries) are currently in progress. During the planning
soccer, which attained a presence score of 4.5. of the VR system adaptations we consulted with experts
‘K’ is a 72-year-old man who had a right hemisphere in rehabilitation, including occupational and physical
stroke 6 months prior to his experience in the virtual therapists and physicians, in order to ensure their
environments. ‘K’ is shown in Figure 3 while participat- relevance to therapy and to formulate clinically mean-
ing in the soccer environment. At the time of this ingful assessment and treatment protocols. Our future
experience he was ambulating with a cane owing to plans include the testing of other clinical populations
poor control of his foot and poor standing balance. He such as patients with multiple sclerosis and traumatic
had functional movement in his upper extremity and he brain injury, as well as the development of scenarios of
suffered from a mild attention deficit. In addition, ‘K’ functional environments such as a shopping centre.
needed some help in dressing of the lower extremity
only (his score of the motor part of the Functional
Independent Measure (FIM)28 was 78/91). Analysis of
the videotaped record of his performance during VR
Financial support from Fondation Ida et Avrohom Baruch and
showed that at the beginning of the session he per-
the Israeli Ministry of Health is gratefully acknowledged.
formed while sitting; movement was restricted almost
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Authors’ biographies:

Rachel Kizony is a doctoral candidate at the Hebrew Patrice L. (Tamar) Weiss is an Associate Professor of
University in Jerusalem, Israel. She received a BOT occupational therapy at the University of Haifa’s
degree from the Tel Aviv University in 1992 and a Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Studies. She re-
MSc degree in medical sciences from the Hebrew Uni- ceived a BSc in occupational therapy from the Univer-
versity in 1999. She also works as an occupational sity of Western Ontario in 1977, an MSc in 1979 in
therapist at the Chaim Sheba Medical Center located kinesiology from Waterloo University and a PhD in
at Tel Hashomer, Israel. Her interests include applica- 1985 in biomedical engineering and physiology from
tions of virtual reality to rehabilitation, cognitive reha- McGill University. She is currently Head of Laboratory
bilitation and physical and geriatric interventions. for Innovations in Rehabilitation Technology at the
University of Haifa. Her research interests include vir-
tual reality, assistive technology, online learning, ergo-
nomics and biomechanics.

Noomi Katz is a Professor of occupational therapy at

the Hebrew University’s Faculty of Medicine. She re-
ceived a diploma in occupatonal therapy in 1963 from
Hadassah-Hebrew University, and an MA in 1979 in
occupational therapy and a PhD in 1981 in Health
Profession Education, both from the University of
Southern California Los Angeles. She is currently
Head of the Graduate Program at the School of Occupa-
tional Therapy at the Hebrew University. Her research
interests include cognitive rehabilitation, stroke impact,
unilateral spatial neglect, unawareness, cognition and
occupation, and neuronal brain recovery.

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Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 268 J. Visual. Comput. Animat. 2003; 14: 261–268

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