Appendix-5.1 Contract Admission July 2020

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Appendix 5.1/Senate Decision (HS) no.

5 from


No. competition badge …………….. from…………………

Concluded between:

1. Transilvania University of Brașov, Faculty of .............................................................., represented by Rector Prof. Dr. Eng. Ioan
Vasile ABRUDAN and respectively Dean .............................................................., referred to in this contract as the UNIVERSITY
2. .............................................................................................................................................., SSN.................................................... as a candidate for
the Faculty of ......................................................................., born on................................, with citizenship ........................................, with
permanent residence: str.…………..…….........................................., no…........, bl......, ap......., locality......................................................,
county............................................, telephone................................, owner of ID card/passport series............., no......................., issued
by.....................on .............., referred to in this contract as the CANDIDATE;


Art. 1. This contract covers the obligations assumed by the parties and the rights conferred to the CANDIDATE, with a view to
carrying out properly the 2020 admission competition, as well as establishing the conditions for the enrolment of the successful
candidates in the JULY 2020 session, both on the places financed from the state budget and on the fee-paying places, in
compliance with the legislation in force.

Art. 2. The CANDIDATE registers for the 2020 admission competition organized at the Faculty of ..............................................................,
(hereinafter referred to as the FACULTY).

Art. 3. If s/he is declared admitted to this competition, according to the lists displayed on the UNIVERSITY’s website, the
CANDIDATE agrees to be enrolled in the academic year 2020-2021, in which sense s/he undertakes, in line with the phases
described below, to accomplish the following:


• if on 20 July 2020 s/he is admitted on the places without a fee (financed from the state budget), the CANDIDATE
undertakes to submit to the FACULTY, until 23 July 2020, at 15:00, the original study documents1. If the candidate
admitted on the place without a fee fails to submit the original study documents, s/he will be declared REJECTED on 24
JULY 2020, and the admission procedure will enter PHASE II.
• if on 20 July 2020 s/he is admitted on the fee-paying places, until 23 July 2020, at 15:00, the CANDIDATE undertakes to
pay the first instalment of the tuition fee and to confirm the occupied place by uploading on admission the platform the proof
of payment of the first instalment of the tuition fee. The conformity of payment will be verified by the University’s Financial-
Accounting Department. If the candidate does not upload the proof of payment by 23 July 2020, at 15:00, s/he will be
declared REJECTED on 24 July 2020, and the admission procedure will enter PHASE II.


On 24 July 2020, the lists of candidates admitted in PHASE II, to the FACULTY, on the places without a fee and on the fee-paying

1 Study documents mean:

A1) Baccalaureate diploma or the equivalent thereof, for the candidates having graduated from the national baccalaureate exam in previous years or
A2) Certificate attesting the passing of the national baccalaureate exam, for the candidates having graduated from the national baccalaureate exam in the
session July 2020;
document to which there are added:
B1) Bachelor’s degree diploma or the equivalent thereof, for the candidates having graduated, in previous years, from a higher education institution,
accompanied by the appendix consisting in the transcript of records or diploma supplement, or
B2) Certificate attesting the Bachelor’s final examination, with the grades obtained at each test and the average grade of the study years, for the
candidates having graduated from the Bachelor’s studies in the session July 2020.

places will be generated and displayed on the UNIVERSITY’s website. For the newly admitted candidates in this phase, the
deadline for submitting to the FACULTY the original documents (for the ones admitted on the places without a fee) or for
uploading on the admission platform

The proof of payment of the tuition fee (for the ones admitted on the fee-paying places) will be 29 July 2020, at 13:00.

the candidates on the waiting lists displayed on 24 July 2020 can be considered, when running the final lists (FINAL PHASE) on 29
July 2020 for a place occupied by admission, only if they tick this option regarding their commitment to become students at the
UNIVERSITY, in the admission application. If they fail to express this option, on 29 July 2020, the University will exclude the
candidate from the waiting list, which will also result in the termination of this contract.


On 29 July 2020, the lists of candidates admitted in the FINAL PHASE will be generated and displayed, and the candidates on the
waiting lists will be declared rejected, the admission procedure coming thus to an end, and this contract ceasing to produce
effects on the rejected candidates.
For the newly admitted candidates, in the FINAL PHASE, the deadline for submitting the original documents to the FACULTY (for
the ones admitted on the places without a fee) or for uploading on the admission platform the proof of payment of the tuition
fee (for the ones admitted on the fee-paying places) will be 31 July 2020, at 13:00.

Art. 4. Failure to confirm the occupied place in any of the phases, within the established deadlines, entails the candidate’s
exclusion from the admission contest.

Art. 5. The CANDIDATE declares to have taken note that, for the situation in which s/he will be declare admitted as a student on
the fee-paying places, s/he will be required to pay the first instalment of the tuition fee (minimum ............................ RON) according
to the terms and conditions of art. 3, art.4 and art.8 of this contract and to upload on the admission platform the proof of payment.
The other instalments of the tuition fee will be paid after enrolment, according to the terms to be established by the
UNIVERSITY’s Executive Board. The tuition fee for the 2020-2021 academic year is ............................ RON.

Art. 6. The registration fee paid for the CANDIDATE’s participation in the 2020 admission contest is not refunded to the
CANDIDATE after uploading the file on the admission platform.

Art. 7. (1) If the number of candidates admitted to a study programme is lower than 25 for the programmes in the form of full-time
education, respectively 30 for the programmes in the form of distance learning or part-time education, except for the field of
MUSIC, where the lowest limit is 5, the UNIVERSITY reserves the right to decide to suspend the respective programme, which
means that, based on the CANDIDATE’s options expressed in the REGISTRATION FORM, it may be decided to redistribute the
admitted candidates to other study programs, with the approval of the Executive Board.
(2) The order of the options expressed by the CANDIDATE in the registration form for the modern language that will be studied in
the first two years of study is not final, but depending on the organization of groups at the university level, the preference
expressed and, if necessary, the possibility to change the option will be taken into account.

Art. 8. At the time of uploading in the online admission application the university study contract signed by the candidate, s/he
becomes eligible for enrolment starting with the first day of the academic year. THE CANDIDATE declared admitted according to
the 2020 admission lists and enrolled starting with the first day of the academic year undertakes to submit to the FACULTY at the
latest in the first week of the academic year the academic study contract signed in handwriting. Otherwise, s/he will be expelled
according to the legal provisions in force and the internal regulations of the university.

Art. 9. If a candidate admitted on the fee-paying places requests in writing the withdrawal of the file after the display of the lists
following the FINAL PHASE, respectively after 29 July, 2020, s/he loses the right to be refunded the first instalment of the tuition
fee paid for the place occupied by admission.

Art. 10. Based on the recognition of studies carried out abroad, as mentioned in the letter of acceptance, following the internal
evaluation of the UNIVERSITY, the CANDIDATE will be enrolled in compliance with the above obligations, under the conditions
mentioned by the Internal Commission for verification and equivalence of diplomas.

Art. 11. The CANDIDATE with study documents obtained abroad who submitted a file for the recognition of studies according to
Appendix no. 1 to the Admission Methodology will be declared REJECTED in case of non-recognition of the diploma by CNRED
(National Centre for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas).

Art. 12. THE CANDIDATE who, as a result of completing the phases described in art.3, art.4 and art.8 contract occupies a place
financed from the state budget by promotion from a fee-paying place and signed the academic study contract for the program
where s/he occupied the budgeted place, is entitled to be refunded the tuition fee paid according to this contract, if s/he requests
in writing the fee refund until 13 November 2020.

Art. 13. (1) The candidate declared admitted and enrolled as a fee-paying student in one year of studies undertakes to pay the
tuition fee for the year of study, in the instalments and within the deadlines established by the University’s Executive Board,
otherwise s/he will be expelled.
(2) The instalments and deadlines for the payment of the tuition fee will be made known by posting on the FACULTY and UNIVERSITY

Art. 14. The requests for reimbursement of the tuition fees, under the conditions of art. 12 hereof are registered at the
secretariats of the faculties and are subject to the approval of the UNIVERSITY’s Executive Board.

Art. 15. In the case of requests for withdrawal from fee-paying places made and registered at the FACULTY until 29 July 2020, the
endorsement on the fee refund is given by the Dean of the Faculty.

Art.16. The CANDIDATE acknowledges and confirms by signing this contract that s/he has the obligation to follow the admission
procedure on the UNIVERSITY’s website in order to fulfil the contractual obligations related to each stage, as well as that s/he will
receive notifications on the signing of the academic study contract, in the e-mail account from which s/he made his/her online

Art. 17. By signing this contract, considering the completion of the online registration procedure and acquiring the UNIVERSITY’s
information on the processing of personal data, by his/her express consent when accessing the registration platform, the
CANDIDATE agrees for Transilvania University of Brasov, as an authorized data operator for higher education and education, to
process his/her personal data within the admission and enrolment procedure, and the relationship established by this contract, in
accordance with the UNIVERSITY’s activity and in compliance with the legislation in force. Moreover, the CANDIDATE who will
acquire the STUDENT status agrees for Transilvania University of Brașov, as an authorized data operator for higher education and
education, to process his/her personal data within the tuition relationship throughout the tuition period, in accordance with the
UNIVERSITY’s activity and in compliance with the legislation in force.

Art. 18. This contract has been concluded in two copies, one for each contracting party.


Prof. Dr. Eng. Ioan Vasile ABRUDAN


.............................................................. Jr. Laura MANEA

Transilvania University Brașov, as an operator of personal data for higher education, for the registration of candidates in
admission competitions and for the registration of enrolled undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students, ensures the
compliance with the legal provisions and technical conditions regarding the processing of personal data.

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