Theory of Evolution: Philosophical Perspectives and Its Contradictions

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Theory of Evolution: Philosophical Perspectives and Its

By: Mega Karunia Putri and M. Yamany MZ

A. Introduction
Evolution is the study of the process of changing living beings from simple to more
complex. Discussing evolution, the readers' views will be led to discuss the origin of living
beings. The views of the pros and cons follow the course of its evolution and development.
Although Darwin's position has been considered to be instrumental in the development of
science regarding the origin of life on earth, however, denials and the search for scientific
evidences will emerge from various parts of the world. In addition, there are many scientists
support and teach the truth of Darwin's theory. However, the theory of evolution has been
refined or modified until now. Likewise, Darwin's theory of evolution has become the
modern theory of synthetic evolution. Until now, this theory has become one of the most
popular among people (Sutrisno, 2015).

B. Discussion
1. The Contradictions in Theory of Evolution
There are many people who do not believe in the theory of evolution not only
Indonesian but also many foreign scientists who do not believe or disagree with Charles
Darwin's theory.

There are two arguments that explain the reason why many people doubt
Darwin’s theory.

a. The First Argument: Religion Is the Sources of All Truth

This is a classic argument held by many religious people who are taught to
pass from one person to another. Even though this argument is ancient, it does not
mean it is wrong.

The majority of Indonesians are Muslims where since we were very young to
high school, even to college, we have always been taught Islamic religion lessons and
one of the lessons that must be taught is the story of Adam and Eve.

It is reported that Allah took a handful of land then with his command Adam
formed from the land. Allah says in the Qur’an, "we created man from sounding clay,
from mud moulded into shape..." (Qur’an, 15:26). And, "He began the creation of
man from clay, and made his progeny from a quintessence of fluid" (Qur’an, 32:7-8).
Adam lived in His great kingdom called heaven, but because Adam felt lonely Adam
asked for a friend then Eve appeared. Until one day, they disobeyed Allah's orders
and had to be sent down to Earth and that's when they started breeding and
became the first humans on Earth.

As Muslims, we have to believe this because this is what has been preached
in the Qur'an, a sacred book, that contains message from Allah. So whatever is
contained in, it is true and anything that does not correspond to it is wrong

Meanwhile, the theory of evolution is completely different from what

Religion has taught us because the theory of evolution teaches us that there is no
creator. We are the only species of ape that survived the various tests from nature.
Thus, anyone who believes in the theory of evolution automatically denies that the
first man was Adam, and the denial of a teaching from his religion has consequences
in the form of his departure from that religion.

Therefore, Indonesian society, which is predominantly religious, does not

believe in the theory of evolution because there is no synchronization with its
religious teachings.

b. The Second Argument: There Is No Actual Evidences

Previously, we talk about classical arguments, this time is more modern

arguments, not based on mere belief, but scientifically based. Scholars have believed
that Darwin's theory of evolution is not true. There are too many errors, it is absurd
that Darwin's theory is correct and there is too little evidence to support the theory.

In fact, not a few argue that the name should be changed to evolutionary
hypothesis because there is no experiment that can turn Darwin's hypothesis into a
theory. Therefore, many academics do not believe in Darwin's theory of evolution.

2. Philosophical Perspectives on Theory of Evolution

Samuel Alexander (1859-1938), an Australian philosopher, stated that existence is
hierarchical and there is an evolutionary process following the emergence of higher order
existences. Over time, new qualities emerged. According to him, the emergence of thought
in the history of existence is the emergence of this new quality. The culmination of this
evolution is the emergence of God (Garvey, B. 2007).

Ghose Aurobindo (1872-1950), an Indian philosopher, stated that since living things
go through the evolution from matter to life and thoughts, thoughts can further evolve into
an "overmind" stage. This can be achieved through "internal yoga". Overmind can evolve
again into a supermind and eventually culminate in Brahman or ultimate reality (Garvey, B.

Henri-Louis Bergson (1859-1941), a French philosopher, introduced creative

evolution. According to him, evolution is constant, irreversible and unrepeatable change
and development, and is governed by the vital elan who uses various means to overcome
material barriers. However, there is no end to this evolutionary process because if there
was, the process could be reversed or repeated, thus contradicting the original statement
(Garvey, B. 2007).

It is important for us to understand how the respective domains are: religion,

science, and philosophy. The three of them can critique each other, but philosophy is the
most relevant criticism for dealing with science rather than religion. Philosophy is a science
without rules but has a purpose. Science is a science with rules and with a goal. Religion is
also a science with rules and with a goal. The freedom of philosophy from rules enables it to
escape from the regulatory framework that confines science. Religion cannot do this
because it is itself bound within its own framework of rules.

3. Scientific Explanations on Theory of Evolution

Evolution is an ongoing process, and it is a very, very long process. Before we
understand what happened in the evolutionary process, one of the things that must be
understood is also the evolutionary period itself. Evolution is not something that we can
monitor and observe in a short period of time, or over a period of one or two generations of
a particular species. The process and evidence of evolution must be observed over a wider
period of time, such as tens, hundreds or thousands of years to the point where this
evolutionary process can be dimly visible in its journey. Because if you don't understand the
evolutionary period, it is likely that you could misunderstand how one living thing evolved.

1. Evidence from Paleontology

Paleontology is the study of fossils. Fossils are replicas or historic enhancements of

organisms from the past, which experience mineralization in rocks (Campbell, 2003).

Transitional fossils connect the past and the present. Whales developed from a land-
based ancestor, an evolutionary transition that left many marks, including fossil evidence.
Paleontologists carrying out excavations in Egypt and Pakistan have identified an extinct
whale with hind limbs. Shown here is the fossilized leg bone of a Basilosaurus, one of those
ancient whales. The whale has become a water animal that no longer uses its legs to
support its body and to walk. The leg bones of an older whale fossil named Ambulocetus are
stronger and sturdier. Ambulocetus may be an amphibian animal, which lives on land and in
water (Campbell, 2003).

2. Evidence from Taxonomy

Taxonomy is a branch of biology that deals with the naming and classification of
species based on more formal schemes. The scheme consists of various classification level.
Each level is wider in scope than the level under it.

The relationship between classification and phylogeny. The branching evolutionary

tree shows the taxa levels. Here we see the possibility of geneological affinities among some

of the taxa under the order carnivores, which are offshoots of the class of mammals
(Campbell, 2003)

3. Evidence from Embryology

Organisms that have close kinship will experience the same stages in embryonic
development. For example, all vertebrate embryos will have a stage in which they have gill
pockets and a spinal cavity.

Comparison of vertebrate embryos (fish, salamanders, turtles, chickens, pigs, cows,

rabbits, humans) all vertebrate embryos will experience a stage where they have gill
pockets on the side of their throat and spinal cavity (Strickberger, 2000).

C. Conclusion
Although there are many people deny Darwin's theory of evolution, it does not
mean that it is 100% wrong because Darwin's theory may fail to explain human evolution,
but succeeded in explaining the evolution of animals. Moreover, Darwin's theory is also
what makes scientists have a clearer picture or view of the world of biology so that they are
able to produce useful innovations.

Many people may ask why the theory of evolution is still being taught if many
disagree with it. In fact, the theory is taught not as a tool that makes religious people
become atheists, but as a tool to educate children. It is still taught as a reference not as an
absolute truth that is not controversial but only a temporary theory waiting to be replaced
by a better theory. Because a theory is just a theory, we don't know the truth. Therefore,
we must continue to look for a truth. Many people still use Darwin's theory of evolution
because this theory is the best among other theories. However, in the next era with the
development of technology and human intelligence, there is a possibility that Darwin's
theory will be replaced by another theory of evolution.

 Campbell, N.A., Jane B.R., Lawrence G.M. 2005. Biology 5 th Edition. San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings.
 Garvey, B. 2007. Philosophy of Biology. London: Acumen.
 Strickberger, M. W. 2000. Evolution Third Edition. London: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
 Sutrisno, W. 2015. Teori Evolusi Darwin dalam Perspektif Islam. Disertasi, Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu
Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
 Wikipedia. 2020. Evolution as fact and theory. Accessed October 9, 2020.
 Wikipedia. 2020. Charles Darwin. Accessed October 9,

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