Road Accidents: Causes and Quick Emergency Response Solution

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Nooman Shaikh (B.Tech Marine engineering II year)
The transport system for any country is the backbone of the economy. Be it the transportation
of goods or human resource, both of them value equally to the economy. But it is really
catastrophic to hear that our country India which constitutes of 1% of the world’s vehicle is
responsible of 11% percent of world’s death due to vehicle crashes. According to World
Bank, this is the highest death rate in the world. Talking about the statistics from the last
decade 13 lakhs people have died and another 50 lakhs have been injured on Indian roads.
The accidents costs 3.14% of GDP to the Indian government. Unfortunately, the government
data also indicates that 50% of the deceased patients could have survived if they would have
got medical help earlier.
In such an underwhelming scenario, we need a quick and precise emergency action response
solution which help to save the patients in critical conditions.
The main cause for delayed emergency response towards the accident is conveyance of
information takes much time to reach the concerned authority. Also, the medical status of the
patient could save him if this data is provided to the emergency response staff as soon as

According to the statistics, the accidents in India mostly happen on the straight roads,
national and state highways to be precise. Thus, the proposed technical solution abbreviated
as HEART uses nb-IOT (narrow band-internet of things) to send an accident’s trigger to the
medical, police and fire departments.
The model would place the terminals on the divider. Also, this terminal would be connected
to each other via cables. Whenever an accident takes place, the cable would be hit, and the
sensors would judge the impact, and send the trigger message in stipulated time. This would
shorten the rescue time and we will also be able to collect important data about the highways
accidents hotspots. This model uses nb-IOT which is very cheap and can last for ten years
with one charge. Hence, this can also be implemented in the remote areas.
The diagrams would easily help us understand the working principle.

The benefits by using nb-IOT in this technology help us to even apply the solution on most
remote locations like Himalayan roads in our country. Also, India is one of those countries
which have dense networks of roads which are regulated by toll plazas. Also, with the advent
of digital India and the use of FASTAG made compulsory on highways, we can station toll
plazas as the data collection centres for accidents taking place as well as we can operate
emergency healthcare services through it.
The installed RFIDs with FASTAG can also contribute in locating the exact location of
vehicle once the accident took place. Thus, the proposed solution is cost friendly and can
easily be applied into our system.
The proposed solution is easy to use and very simple to manufacture and install in our
country. This technology has the potential to save as many as 35% of deceased lives due to

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