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Review 2 Test A Class ..........................................................................

2 Complete the sentences with the correct

Use of English: Grammar comparative form of the words given.
1 Jan drives __________ (careful) than Pete
1 Rewrite these sentences using if. does. He goes much too fast.
1 I didn’t watch the film last night, so I can’t tell 2 Miss Barnes isn’t __________ (good) a teacher
you what happened. as Mr Turner.
______________________________________ 3 Biology is my __________ (favourite) subject.
______________________________________ I really hate it.
2 I bought a lot of things online last week. Now 4 Beth speaks English __________ (good) in this
I’m broke! class. She’s almost fluent.
______________________________________ 5 After my accident it was my ankle that hurt
__________ (more). It was very painful.
6 I don’t play tennis __________ (good) as Geoff
3 Frank didn’t pass his exams because he didn’t does.
______________________________________ /6
4 We got to the cinema too late to see the start of 3 Complete the second sentence so it means the
the movie. same as the first, using the word given. Do not
______________________________________ change the word given. Use between two and five
5 I hope I get the job. It depends how well I do in 1 I regret not eating more healthily when I lived
the interview. abroad.
______________________________________ WISH
______________________________________ _________________________ more healthily
when I lived abroad.
6 I haven’t got a driving licence. That’s why I
didn’t drive home last night. 2 It isn’t necessary to hand in your essays before
_________________________ hand in your
/6 essays before Monday.
3 My arm was very painful, and I couldn’t use
my computer.
My arm _________________________ I
couldn’t use my computer.
4 I’m sorry, but smoking is forbidden in here.
I’m sorry, but _________________________
in here.
5 It was a bad idea for me to eat all that pizza.
_________________________ all that pizza.


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Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

4 Complete the text with one word in each gap. 6 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
You are given the first letters.
Are you looking (1) __________ a relaxing and
healthy way to spend a few days, away from the 1 We have two k__________ in our bodies but
stress and hassle of modern life? (2) __________ we can live with just one.
so, then we have (3) __________ perfect answer 2 Have you got any c__________ for this five
for you. Sunset Health Spa will be opening pound note?
(4) __________ April, right in time for a Spring
3 We use our t__________ to taste things.
break. Here at Sunset you’ll be able to relax in our
pools (5) __________ saunas, and take gentle 4 My sister’s very a__________. She’s really
walks through the beautiful gardens. And, of quite bossy, actually.
course, there will be many different treatments on 5 I’ve got a five hundred pound o__________ at
offer to help you relax and feel wonderful. In fact, the bank. I’m really worried.
there will be (6) __________ much to do at Sunset
Spa, you’ll be spoiled for choice. And, in case /5
you’re (7) __________ run-down or a bit under the
weather, there’s a team of health professionals to
tell you what you need to do to regain that healthy
7 Complete the text with words formed from the
glow. Come to Sunset and you won’t be
words given.
(8) __________ you’d gone abroad for a holiday,
you’ll be enjoying the greatest break of your life. I admire my brother a great deal because he’s full
of (1) __________ (confident) and never worries
/8 about meeting new people, like me. I am so
(2) __________ (secure). In addition to this, he has
lots of friends and does a lot of leisure
(3) __________ (active) that he’s excellent at.
Use of English: Vocabulary He’s a natural (4) __________ (lead) and is the
president of several societies. As well as this, he’s
5 Complete the sentences with the correct verbs. both creative and good at science. Can you believe
it? He won a young (5) __________ (science) of
1 You have to be careful that you don’t
the year competition last year. He’s clever but not
__________ an infection before your operation.
pushy, and that’s great.
2 I’m going to __________ out at the weekend
on some expensive new boots. /5
3 My mum __________ in shape by working out
at the gym every week.
4 James __________ a temperature, so he’s not
going to school today.
5 How often does the doctor __________ your
blood pressure?


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Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

8 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the

I’m convinced I’m a shopaholic. I’m not (1) ___ to 9 Read a blog about weight concerns from which
anything else, at least not that I’m aware of, but some sentences have been taken out. Choose the
when it comes to shopping, I literally can’t correct sentences A–F to fill the gaps. There is one
(2) ___. I get an idea in my mind of an outfit that I sentence you do not need.
want to buy and then I set off to the high street to
look for exactly what I’d imagined. Of course, I The messages today’s young people are
can’t find exactly what I want ((3) ___ I’m very receiving about health and weight are very mixed.
lucky, that is) but I find myself buying all sorts of (1) ___ But then we’re also constantly hearing
clothes as I carry on my search. And as for about the possibly fatal results of dieting too
bargains, well, I simply can’t (4) ___ no. Is this much. Such conflicting information can be
normal? I end up going home with bags of confusing. What is certain is that as a society we
shopping, having (5) ___ much, much more than have become overly obsessed in one way or
I’d intended, and most of which I don’t really like another about our weight.
when I look at them again at home. I’m sure Today, you can’t escape the warnings about
normal people would then return to the shops and being overweight. (2) ___ We’ll suffer from heart
get refunds, but not me. I have to keep everything I problems, circulation problems; you name it, a
buy just in (6) ___ it comes in useful. I mean, you heavy person will get it. We learn that the UK has
never know when a pair of bright green shoes with one of the heaviest populations in the world and
(7) ___ socks might be appropriate for a fancy we’re treated to pictures of large men and women
dress party, do you? I wish someone would take going in for surgery to lose weight when their
away my (8) ___ card. I think that’s the only cure endless diets don’t work. There are continual
for what I’ve got. Is anyone else showing the same programmes on TV about how to cook healthily,
symptoms? how to avoid food full of calories and fat and what
1 A habit B tied C addicted D used not to eat for school lunches. Don’t put on weight
is the common mantra that we see everywhere we
2 A stop B reduce C refuse D deny
3 A if B provided C unless D although
There are also warnings about trying to become
4 A tell B say C repeat D demand too slim. One reason for this is the misconception
5 A given B spent C cashed D withdrawn that slim is beautiful. (3) ___ This is portrayed as
6 A case B consequence C fact D probability an enviable way to look. To be fashionable, you
have to be thin. Most clothes designed today are
7 A same B opposite C matching D suited
aimed at the skinny person and just don’t look the
8 A money B account C savings D credit same if you’re over a certain size. Celebrities don’t
help by madly dieting to regain their shape after
/8 having a baby. Many young people feel pressured
into keeping slim. And of course, there are all the
doctors and TV programmes telling us not to get
fat, or else ...! But what about when people lose
too much weight to try to imitate their role
models? What happens when it becomes an
obsession? (4) ___ The dangers are just as great, if
not greater. Not eating can lead to illness which
can lead to hospital and permanent damage to the
body’s organs.

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It seems to me that the pressures on people

today to be healthy and yet look good are intense.
Am I the only one who thinks that advice is getting
11 Write an essay giving arguments for and against
a little out of hand? If teachers, parents and doctors
this statement:
focused more on a common sense approach, I feel
we’d all be better off for it. (5) ___ If a parent It’s better to educate children in as small
suggests that a child should cut down on chocolate classes as possible.
because they’re putting on weight, there’s a danger
that the child will go the other way and diet Write 180–250 words.
obsessively because they don’t want to get ‘fat’.
So, perhaps we should simply stop obsessing. Oh, _____________________________________
and of course, lose the skinniest of the very skinny _____________________________________
models. What do you think? _____________________________________
A This will bring us health problems in _____________________________________
abundance in the future. _____________________________________
B Currently it’s a mine field, particularly for _____________________________________
parents. _____________________________________
C In the way that eating can be an obsession for _____________________________________
the overweight, not eating can become an
obsession for the underweight too. _____________________________________
D On the one hand, we read about the terrible _____________________________________
dangers of obesity and eating too much fast _____________________________________
food. _____________________________________
E Magazines are full of airbrushed models that _____________________________________
look as if they haven’t eaten a good meal for _____________________________________
F However, surveys have shown a different
result. _____________________________________
/5 _____________________________________
10 You are going to hear four people talking
about buying something in another country. Listen
and match the speakers 1–4 with the statements A–
E. There is one extra statement you do not need.
A Someone else bought this for me because I
really wanted it. Speaker ___
B This can help lift my mood. Speaker ___
C I bought this because I wanted something
authentic. Speaker ___
D I bought this for another person. Speaker ___
E I wasn’t on holiday when I bought this item.
Speaker ___


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